
Adjective. Cannot be measured in terms of objective quantitative values according to generally accepted scales, and is instead measured using individual, subjective, scales. Contrast with quantitative.


  1. The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements. Quality is a multi-faceted concept. The dimensions of quality that are considered most important depend on user perspectives, needs and priorities, which vary across groups of users.
  2. Adjective. In common use, of or having superior or high quality, or being perceived as superior, without specific qualification.
  3. A peculiar and essential character, the degree of some characteristic meeting expectations. Quality is defined through four virtues -- clarity, elegance, simplicity, and value.

Quality Assessment (QA)

The process of measuring the quality of something. Quality assessment focuses on defect measurement.

Quality Assurance (QA)

The process of ensuring that the development effort will result in the desired product. Quality assurance focuses on defect prevention. Typical quality assurance tools are check lists, project audits, and documented standards. QA activities typically occur up-front in a project.

Quality Control (QC)

The process of verifying that product deliverables are complete, correct, and meet expected outcomes. Quality control focuses on defect identification. Typical quality control tools include product inspection and testing processes, and peer reviews. QC activities typically occur at the end of a project.

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

  1. A method of defining and implementing customer requirements.
  2. An organized approach to involving customers in requirements specification and product design.


Adjective. Can be measured in physical terms according to generally accepted scales of quantity, amount, or range. Contrast with qualitative.


A class word, abbreviated usually to qty.


  1. Generally, a request.
  2. In data management, a statement written and issued against a database for decision support. It may be an ad hoc query or a reusable standard query that populates an existing report format. Colloquially, any SELECT SQL statement.
  3. Verb. To request data from a database.

Query From Hell (QFH)

A query that takes a long time to return a result set to the user (or never concludes), and uses significant computing resources, causing a negative impact on the performance experienced by other users.

query governor

A facility that terminates a database query when it has exceeded a predefined threshold of elapsed time, used computing resources or estimated cost.

QUEry Language (QUEL)

QUEry Language, as developed in Ingres, similar in semantics with SQL but with a different syntax.

query tool

Software that allows a user to create and direct specific questions to a database. These tools provide the means for pulling the desired information from a database. They are typically SQL-based tools and allow a user to define data in end-user language.

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