
As is consistent with all DAMA International Foundation products, this is a collaborative work of many professional contributors, who volunteered their time, expertise, and knowledge to this document. I was merely the wrangler, wrestling the contents into a workable format, and then managing the incoming flows of contributions and commentary, a human integration engine managing data from start to finish.

The following individuals volunteered to review the dictionary, and have our thanks:

Francine Adams

Sanjay Kapoor

Salih Oztop

John Biderman

Ron Klein

Annette Pence

Bdl Brink

Gina LaRosa

Marcel Saleh

Susan Burk

Sivan Mahadevan

Ashok Sivanandi

Larry Burns

Shahidul Mannan

Eva Smith

John Cheffy

Michael Mattmiller

Sutherland Tom

Powers Dale

Bob McBride

Elize van der Linde

Norman Daoust

Diane McElhiney

Sukhvir Virk

Olena Dikina

Patrick McMullen

James Viveralli

Lee Edwards

Brian Metras

Dan Weller

Michael Fitch

Pat Morley

Joel Wittenmyer

Lowell Fryman

Thomas Mueller

Missy Wittmann

Patricia Gilson

Janet Nickel

Teresa Wylie

Kathy Hadzibajric

Kim Olson

Kavuda Yugandhar Raj

Steve Hoberman

Mehmet Orun


Mike Jennings

Amy Oshita



These individuals not only signed up to review, but added terms and/or quite useful comments.

Robert J. Abate

Art Heine

Gina Perezella

Mike Brackett

Deborah Henderson

Ravishankar Sivasubramaniam

Peter Cooper

Ben Hu

Jane Roberts

Pat Cupoli

Ingrid Hunt

Oliver Smith

Trudy Curtis

Rod MacPherson

Connie Taylor

Christine Denney

Peter Marotta

Rik van der Schalie

Gordon Everett

Dennis Miller


Cynthia Hauer

Doug Needham



I would like to specially mention Gordon Everest, who contributed not only over a hundred terms and definitions before the review process, but also painstakingly reviewed each and every item within the review website. Over 200 comments from the review period were from him alone.

I would like to thank Michael Brackett for his assistance and support in protocols for publishing. His example during the DAMA-DMBOK editing process and as a major contributor of almost three hundred terms and definitions, and over 400 comments, are greatly appreciated.

I also wish to thank Eva Smith for her extraordinary transformation of a spreadsheet into a multi-page review site on Google Docs in short order. Having that website up with all terms, and having the ability to comment on and suggest new terms was crucial to the success of the review process.

Finally, I personally wish to thank Deborah Henderson, DAMA International Foundation President, for her trust and encouragement (and over 100 comments). I am honored to have been assigned this project. I learned quite a great deal, which is always my goal, and I hope I have added some improvement to this profession.

Susan Earley

[email protected]

Chicago, IL

March 2011

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