
  1. In software, a pre-developed application software product available for purchase.
  2. In object-oriented software, a unit of deployment, usually consisting of many related object-oriented classes.

packaged analytic application

Value-added solutions with embedded knowledge of business processes and specific functional metrics based on industry best practices, available for purchase.


  1. The process of splitting data sets into finite blocks (pages) for optimal storage performance.
  2. The process of retrieving and/or swapping parts of data sets (pages) as they are required.


An example of pattern that represents an acquired way of thinking about something that consciously and/or unconsciously shapes thought and action.

parallel coordinates diagram

SEE chart, parallel coordinates.


The ability to perform multiple functions in parallel.

paralysis by analysis

A process of ongoing analysis and modeling to make sure everything is complete and correct. People want to analyze a situation to the nth degree, working the problem forever, before moving ahead. (Brackett 2011)


In data management, a data attribute provided as input to a system or process.

Pareto diagram

SEE chart, Pareto.


A single bit that represents the count of the preceding bits that equal 1 in value. Used to check data transmission - if the parity bit says there were an odd number of 1 values, and the data shows an even number of 1 values, then there is an error in transmission.


To analyze a sequence using pre-determined rules to determine content or value.

partial key

SEE key, partial.


  1. Verb. In general, to split into parts according to some rule or condition.
  2. Verb. To logically and/or physically segregate data in a single table into multiple files each containing groups of similar rows that are more easily maintained or accessed. Relational DBMSs typically provide this functionality. Partitioning of data aids in performance and utility processing.
  3. One segment of a dataset identified by a specific condition.

partitioning condition

An attribute or expression used to differentiate parts of data sets.

partitioning, composite

A method of partitioning a table horizontally using one partitioning method first, and then partitioning the resulting set using another partitioning method. Common types are range-list and range-hash.

partitioning, hash

A method of partitioning a table horizontally where the partitions are identified by a hash value derived from one or more columns in the table.

partitioning, horizontal

A method of partitioning that divides a single logical table into multiple physical tables based on the row values of the primary key column. All columns generally appear in each table, but each table contains a subset of the logical table's rows (either discrete or overlapping subsets). Employed when there is a regular need to access, or to isolate, a readily identifiable subset of the rows to meet security, distribution, and performance optimization needs. Note: It is only horizontal because of the convention used to represent a table, namely, columns across the top, and rows down.

partitioning, list

A method of partitioning a table horizontally where the partitions are identified by presence of a column's value in a list of possible values.

partitioning, range

A method of partitioning a table horizontally where the partitions are identified by the upper and lower bounds of one or more columns in the table.

partitioning, vertical

A method of partitioning that segregates the columns of a single logical table into multiple physical tables. All logical rows may appear in each new table, but each new table contains a subset of the original table's columns. Some columns may be redundant across tables, and will necessarily be so for primary key columns. Vertical partitioning is employed when there is a regular need to access, or to isolate, a readily identifiable subset of the “parent” table's columns. This technique may be effective to meet security, distribution, and usability requirements. Note: It is only vertical because of the convention used to represent a table, namely, attributes across the top, and entity instances down. SEE ALSO table, outrigger.


A string of characters used to help authenticate a user logging into a system.


A series of one or more arcs between nodes in a graph.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

A worldwide information security standard assembled by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council.


Measurable outcomes relative to stated goals.

performance accountability

Assuming responsibility for achieving objectives and disclosing present and future variances against those objectives.

performance alert

Notification via email, portal or wireless device of a key trend or business event that is associated with an objective.

performance charting

SEE chart, performance charting.

performance monitoring and tuning

Activities related to understanding and improving computer hardware and software performance (response time and throughput), including database performance.

performance scorecarding

A strategic management process designed to translate an organization’s mission statement and overall business strategy into specific, quantifiable objectives and to monitor the organization’s performance in terms of achieving those objectives.

performance test

SEE test, performance.


  1. Generally, the interval of single repetition of a varying quantity or a motion, or phenomenon that repeats itself regularly.
  2. Specifically, a quantity of time.


Refers to the frequency of compilation of the data (e.g., a time series could be available at annual frequency but the underlying data are compiled monthly, thus have a monthly periodicity).


A state or status that lasts beyond the process that created it.

persistent data

Data that outlasts the execution of a particular program, stored in the records of the enterprise and available for reuse.

Personal Health Information (PHI)

The Privacy Rule, a Federal law, gives individuals rights over their health information and sets rules and limits on who can look at and receive your health information. The Privacy Rule applies to all forms of individuals' protected health information, whether electronic, written, or oral. The Security Rule, a Federal law that protects health information in electronic form, requires entities covered by HIPAA to ensure that electronic protected health information is secure. (www.hhs.gov)

Personal Identifying Information (PII)

Information that refers to a specific individual. Includes name, address, telephone number, Governmental ID numbers, U.S. Social Security Numbers, etc.

Personal Software Process Body of Knowledge (PSPBOK)

SEE Body of Knowledge, Personal Software Process.

perspectives chart

SEE chart, perspectives.

pervasive computing

A ubiquitous, wireless, always-on, networked world.

Petabyte (Pb)

One thousand Terabytes.

petri net

SEE chart, petri net.

Physical Data Model (PDM)

SEE data model, physical.

physical database design

The act of developing a physical data model.

physical schema

SEE schema, database.

pie chart

SEE chart, pie.


Verb. To rotate the view of data. Used in multi-dimensional analysis with OLAP tools, but can also be performed in spreadsheet applications.

pivot table

A multi-dimensional modeling scheme (specifically found in Microsoft Excel and many Business Intelligence tools).


  1. Verb. In general, to define goals and objectives and to devise approaches and activities to realize or achieve these goals.
  2. Verb. In information services, to define mission and purpose statements, goals, objectives, critical success factors, strategy, architecture, programs, and projects for an enterprise, and then to assess and analyze to guide decisions. Often considered the first phase in the software development lifecycle, although occurring before project initiation.
  3. An organized set of goals, objectives and activities.


A circular process for continuous improvement. Also called the Shewhart cycle after its developer, W. A. Shewhart.

planning activity

In the DAMA-DMBOK Functional Framework, an activity that sets the strategic and tactical course for other data management activities. Planning activities may be performed on a recurring basis. SEE ALSO activity group.


Any base of technologies on which other technologies or processes are built and operated to provide interoperability, simplify implementation, streamline deployment and promote maintenance of solutions. The platform resource consists of hardware and system software.

Platform As A Service (PAAS)

A software package delivered as a service that allows third-party applications to “plug in”. For example, facebook.com, twitter.com.


A data type that serves specifically only to refer to another data point's storage address.

Poisson distribution

A distribution curve where the tail on one side is longer and thinner than the other.

polar area pie chart

SEE chart, polar area.


A statement of a selected course of action and high-level description of desired behavior to achieve a set of goals.


  1. In object oriented design, the implementation of subclasses of a parent class so that identical requests sent to different child classes are handled differently without the caller knowing.
  2. A collection of things (instances) which are considered part of the same set, called a type.


  1. In general, a collection of things (instances) which are considered part of the same set, called a type.
  2. The process of loading and replicating multiple rows of data into a relational database on a one-time or recurring basis. SEE ALSO data loading; data replication.

population cartogram

SEE chart, area cartogram.


A website designed to be the “front door” through which a user accesses links to relevant sites. Typically, a portal site has a catalog of sites, a search engine or both. A portal site may also offer e-mail and other services to entice people to use that site as the main point of entry or portal to the web.

Porter's five forces diagram

SEE chart, Porter's five forces.


A collection of assets, liabilities and/or issues to manage.

portfolio diagram

SEE chart, portfolio.

portfolio management

SEE IT portfolio management.

positional notation

Alternate form: place-value notation

A notation where position affects the value of a character or digit. Binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal are all examples of positional notation.


A repeatedly performed, customary way of doing something.

practices and techniques

One of the DAMA Functional Framework Environmental Elements. Common and popular methods and procedures used to perform the processes and product the deliverables. Practices and Techniques may also include common conventions, best practice recommendations, and alternative approaches without elaboration. (DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 13.)


The level of detail of a data attribute, usually expressed as the number of numeric places to the right of a decimal point. SEE ALSO scale.


  1. Generally, a statement that can be evaluated as true or false. For example, WHERE clauses of SQL SELECT statements define predicate logic for qualifying rows. SEE ALSO arity.
  2. In Object Role Models, a labeled relationship on one or more objects. Depending on the number of objects, a predicate may be unary, binary, ternary, etc.


The estimation of future results or other data set results based on existing data.

predictive analysis

Methods of directed and undirected knowledge discovery, relying on statistical algorithms, neural networks and optimization research to predict and recommend actions based on discovering, verifying and applying patterns in data to predict the behavior of customers, products, services, market dynamics and other critical business activity.

predictive analytics

An area of statistical analysis that deals with extracting information from data and using it to predict future trends and behavior patterns

predictive customer relationship management

The discipline of getting to know your customers (or citizens) by performing complex analysis (including data mining) on customer data.

predictive modeling

The process of estimating the probability of a specified outcome given an input data set.

preservation meta-data

SEE meta-data, preservation.

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

An encryption program.

primary deliverable

One of the DAMA Functional Framework Environmental Elements. The information and physical databases and documents created as interim and final outputs of each function. Some deliverables are essential, some are generally recommended, and others are optional depending on circumstances. (DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 13.)

Primary Key (PK)

SEE Key, Primary.

prime word

A word used in the name of an attribute to identify its domain (logical datatype). SEE ALSO class word.


  1. Adjective. In general, simple, unsophisticated, and/or uncomplicated.
  2. In data modeling, an entity or class that has no supertypes. There is disagreement over whether there are just a few semantic primitives from which all other entities can be considered subtypes, or not.


Formally, a fundamental law, doctrine, premise, or assumption. Informally, a rule or code of conduct.

Principle of Full Normalization (POFN)

  1. Free the database of modification anomalies.
  2. Minimize redesign when extending the database structure.
  3. Make the data model more informative to users.
  4. Avoid bias towards any particular pattern of querying.

(Codd, E.F. “Further Normalization of the Data Base Relational Model”, p. 34)

Principle of Orthogonal Design (POOD)

No two relations in a relational database should be defined in such a way that they can represent the same facts. (Codd & McGoveran, “A New Database Design Principle”, July 1994, Database Programming and Design)


In data security, the need for access control and usage monitoring. (DAMA-DMBOK 1st edition, pg. 296.)


Adjective. Unavailable for observation at all, or only to a limited set of observers. SEE ALSO confidentiality. Opposite of public.

private key encryption

SEE encryption, private key.

probabilistic matching

A type of matching that relies on statistical analysis of a sample data set to project results on the full data set. (DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 310.)

procedural DBA

SEE DataBase Administrator, procedural.


  1. Generally, a series of low-level steps or tasks in a process followed in a defined and repeatable order.
  2. In data management, a set of instructions for human users of computer systems that augment the automated work flow.


Generally, an action (or set of related actions in a value chain) occurring to accomplish something. Functions, activities, procedures, steps and tasks are subtypes of process. The execution or carrying out of a process constitutes behavior. Not the same as a functionally similar grouping of actions; the actions have to have a logical progression or relationship.

process architecture

SEE architecture, process.

process class

SEE class, process.

Process Configuration

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of How/Process Transformations and Component Assemblies/Technicians as Implementers.

process control

The systematic evaluation of the performance of a process, taking corrective action if performance is not acceptable.

Process Definition

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of How/Process Transformations and Business Concepts/Executive Leaders as Owners.

process flow

SEE chart, process flow.

process framework

Specifies methods for business and systems planning, analysis, and design processes. (DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 67.)

Process Identification

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of How/Process Transformations and Scope Contexts/Strategists as Theorists.

Process Instantiation

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of How/Process Transformations and Operations Instance Classes/Workers as Participants.

process management

The analysis, control, and improvement of a business process and its inter-related steps.

process owner

The person responsible for process definition, execution and control.

Process Representation

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of How/Process Transformations and System Logic/Architects as Designers.

Process Specification

  1. The definition or specification of how a process is to be carried out. A computer program is a process specification, to be carried out by the computer (the processor).
  2. Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of How/Process Transformations and Technology Physics/Engineers as Builders.

Process Transformations

Zachman Framework column name, matches How.


Generally, something produced. The output or result of a process. Something tangible, as opposed to a service. Synonymous with an output, result or deliverable.

product architecture

SEE architecture, product.

Product Data Integration (PDI)

Solutions for capturing and maintaining accurate, up-to-date data about an organization's products, and delivering information in an actionable form “just in time” at product development or distribution points. A specialized form of Master Data Management, focusing on product master data.

Product Information Management (PIM)

Processes and tools used to predict and evaluate success of products through marketing and sales efforts.

product master data

SEE master data, product.


  1. An occupational calling (vocation) requiring specialized knowledge
  2. The body of persons engaged in that vocation.

professional certification

A designation earned by a person verifying that the individual has the knowledge, skills or abilities that qualify him/her to perform a job. While licensing is required by law, certification is generally voluntary. Professional certifications are awarded by certification body, usually a professional organization. People become certified through training and/or passing an exam. Individuals often advertise their status by appending the abbreviation for the designation to their name. SEE ALSO profession.

professional development

Training, mentoring and continuing education in a professional field of study to attain, maintain and extend one’s mastery of professional skills. SEE ALSO profession.

professional ethics

Principles of standards of conduct with which all members of that profession are expected to comply. SEE ALSO ethics; morals.


A set of projects that address a common set of goals and objectives; a long-term initiative made up of several parallel or incremental projects.

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Alternate form: pert chart

A model for project or process management to evaluate tasks involved in the project or process in order to find the shortest duration possible.

program management

The planning, supervision and control of a program.


An effort with a defined purposes, start and finish.

project charter/program charter

A statement of objectives, scope, and stakeholders or participants in a project or program.

Project Join Normal Form (PJNF)

SEE Normal Form, fifth.

project management

The planning, supervision and control of a project.

Project Management Institute (PMI)

A non-profit organization of project management professionals. PMI is the sponsor of the PMBOK® Guide and the certifying body for Project Management Professional certification.

project specification

A detailed description of a proposed effort.

Proof-Of-Concept (POC)

A minimal implementation or execution of a process that serves as a sample sufficient to prove the success of the whole implementation or process.

propagated data

Data that is transferred from a data source to one or more target environments according to propagation rules normally based on transaction logic. SEE ALSO data replication.


An attribute or a relationship of an object.


A set of conventions that govern the communications between processes. Protocol specifies the format and content of messages to be exchanged.


  1. An artifact in iterative development. A prototype may be disposable or the base for further incremental development.
  2. Verb. To create a test artifact for the sole purpose of determining whether the design is feasible or will be successful given environmental restraints.


Originally from the French provenir, meaning to come from. It represents the origin or source of something, the history of ownership, the location of an object. The term is used mostly for art work, but is now used in a wide range of fields, including science and computing. (Brackett 2011)


Used in Customer Relationship Management, a segment of a population delineated by certain shared preferences, activities, or attitudes.


Adjective. Available for observation by everyone and anyone. Opposite of private.

public disclosure

The act of making information or data readily accessible and available to all interested individuals and institutions.

public domain

Works that have no copyright restrictions on them, are freely available, and usable without restriction.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Encryption technologies and services designed to protect the security of communications and business transactions on the Internet.


SEE subscribe and publish.


  1. The entity or organization that makes something available for common use.
  2. DCMI element in element set Intellectual Property: an entity that provides accessibility to a resource. SEE ALSO Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.


  1. Verb. Generally, to remove, cleanse, or empty.
  2. Verb. In data management, to permanently delete data. SEE ALSO archive.

push vs. pull

The types of movement of things or data between two systems or entities. The system or entity that produces may push; the system or entity that consumes may pull.

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