Terms and Definitions


Alternate form: “dot net”

Microsoft’s XML-based framework.



Verb. To terminate a processing activity.


Adjective. Less specific in representation, or without a relation to a specific instance. Does not mean 'more generalized.' SEE ALSO generalization.


  1. Generally, a form of representation showing classification (member of), aggregation (part of), or generalization (is-a). (Smith and Smith, TODS, 1977)
  2. In data modeling, the redefinition of data entities, attributes, and relationships by removing details to broaden the applicability of data structures to a wider class of situations, often by implementing supertypes rather than subtypes. (DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 97.)
  3. In data services, the process of layering virtualization between data and its source. It re-defines the data attributes or relationships by hiding details of the location, entities, and/or relationships of the information to broaden the applicability of data structures to a wider class of situations (i.e.: implementing supertypes rather than subtypes, data access objects, data services, etc.).

abstraction, horizontal

The process of partitioning a model into smaller subparts for presentation. Used in data modeling to show related areas in a more readable scale.

abstraction, vertical

The presentation of all or part of a model detail. Used in data modeling to show higher levels of entities and relationships to illustrate the basic subject area contents.


  1. Generally, the ability to obtain or make use of something.
  2. In data management, the operation of reading or writing information.
  3. Verb. To obtain or retrieve.


The ability to readily obtain data when needed.

accumulating snapshot fact

SEE fact table, accumulating snapshot.


Freedom from mistakes or error, conformity to truth or to a standard, exactness, the degree of conformity of a measure to a standard or true value. (Brackett 2011)


  1. Adjective. Complying with a standard, model, or rule.
  2. Adjective. Free from defect or error.

active data warehousing

SEE data warehouse, active.


  1. A contribution to the performance of a function or process. An activity is a lower level process than a function or process, but higher level than a task or step. Inputs, activities, and outputs combine to form a process.
  2. One of the DAMA Functional Framework Environmental Elements. Each function is composed of lower level activities, which may be grouped into sub-activities, and then further decomposed into tasks and steps. (DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 13.)

activity group

In the DAMA-DMBOK Functional Framework, one of four types of activities – either a Planning Activity, Control Activity, Development Activity or Operational Activity. SEE ALSO activity.


  1. In general, not cyclic, or not composed of regular cycles.
  2. A characteristic of a graph where there exists at most one path between any two nodes. SEE ALSO connected.

ad hoc query

Alternate form: ad-hoc query

A query constructed and executed to answer an immediate and unanticipated question or need, in contrast to a planned query. For example, a dynamic SQL SELECT statement against a relational database, constructed by a knowledge worker using an English-like or point-and-click interface of a desktop-resident Business Intelligence tool. The data returned may drive further analysis and reporting.


Adjective. Sufficient for a specific requirement; sufficient or satisfactory; or lawfully and legally sufficient. (Brackett 2011)


A type of word that modifies or adds characteristics to a noun.

administrative meta-data

SEE meta-data, administrative.

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)

The world's first operational packet switching network, developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. It became the precursor to the internet, which evolved into the World Wide Web.

affinity analysis

An analysis technique that relates occurrences of activities by individuals or groups. Market basket analysis is a type of affinity analysis.

affinity diagram

SEE chart, affinity diagram.


The length of time that an entity has existed, or in the case of an organic entity, lived.

aggregate data

Data resulting from processes that combine and summarize atomic data.


  1. Generally, the process of gathering into a whole from parts.
  2. In data management, a process that transforms atomic data into aggregate-level information by using an aggregation function such as count, sum, average, standard deviation, etc.

agile software development

A group of software development methodologies based on iterative and incremental development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams.


The notification of an event, usually exceeding a pre-defined threshold.


A set of rules or steps that will result in a defined end from a defined start.


  1. Generally, an alternative reference to a standard name or term.
  2. In RDBMS, a database object that indirectly references another database object, for example, an abbreviated table reference within an SQL query.
  3. In a distributed environment, an object that refers to another object to avoid having to use the full location qualifier of the other object. This alias is not dropped if the object referred to is dropped.

alpha release

The first version of something released to a formal testing team.

alternate key

SEE key, alternate.

alternate primary key

A primary key that is valid and acceptable, but is not the preferred primary key. (Brackett 2011)


Uncertainty in meaning or reference, depending on the context or usage. An ambiguous reference may have multiple meanings in the absence of context or usage specifications.

American Community Survey (ACS)

In the U.S., a large continuous demographic survey that is sent to residents on a monthly basis, rather than decennially. It contains more demographic questions than the old census long form, and provides more up-to-date information than was previously collected.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

A private not-for-profit organization that coordinates the development and use of voluntary consensus standards in the United States and represents the needs of U.S. stakeholders in worldwide standardization forums. Formerly, the American Standards Association from which we get the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. (www.ansi.org)

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

A common code used in transmitting information over networks, using seven or 8 data bits, a parity bit, and a stop bit. SEE ALSO EBCDIC.


A class word, abbreviated usually to amt.

analog signal

A signal that is represented by an oscillating wave rather than digital pulses.


Separation of the whole into its parts; an examination of a complex, its individual parts, and their relations; the separation of the ingredients of a substance; a statement of the constituents of a mixture. (Brackett 2011) SEE ALSO synthesis.


A person who performs analysis or is skilled in analysis. SEE ALSO business analyst; business systems analyst; data analyst; systems analyst.

analytic application

Software that packages Business Intelligence technology to support a specific knowledge-driven business process.

analytical data

SEE data, analytical.

analytical framework

The system of criteria and standards within which data are analyzed.


Business Intelligence procedures and techniques for exploration and analysis of data to discover and identify meaningful information and trends.

anamorphic map

SEE chart, area cartogram.


The standard form of SQL concurrently defined by ANSI and ISO and first released in 1986. Most recent version of the standard (SQL:2008) dates from 2008.


A small Java program that can be embedded in an HTML page. Applets cannot access certain resources on local computers, such as files and serial devices. Applets are also prohibited from communication with most other computers across a network.


  1. Relevant to the current subject.
  2. Ability to be put to specific use.


In computing, software functions and services implemented together to support one or more related business processes.

application architecture

  1. SEE architecture, application portfolio.
  2. SEE architecture, application component.
  3. SEE architecture, system.

application component architecture

SEE architecture, application component.

application DBA

SEE DataBase Administrator, application.

application development

  1. The process of building and maintaining software applications.
  2. Commonly, the IT organization responsible for application development. Synonymous with Software Development or Software Engineering.

application portfolio architecture

SEE architecture, application portfolio.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A published standard format for communicating with applications.

application server

In a three-tier application architecture, the middle tier of software (and possibly hardware) where business logic is performed.

Application Service Provider (ASP)

A company offering network access to application programs and services for other parties. ASPs typically provide the applications, infrastructure, and technical support for a monthly service charge.

approach of no coupling

A programming technique where each module is independent: has no dependency on, is unrelated to, and does not communicate with, all other modules.


Adjective. Especially suitable or compatible; fitting. (Brackett 2011)


  1. In graph theory, a connection between two nodes in a graph. Also known as an edge.
  2. In trigonometry, a curved line.


  1. Generally, a person trained in the planning, design, and oversight of the construction of something, usually buildings.
  2. In information technology, an experienced and skilled designer responsible for architecture supporting a broad scope of requirements over time beyond the scope of a single project. The term implies a higher level of professional experience and expertise than an analyst, designer, modeler, or developer.

Architects as Designers

Zachman Framework row name, matches System Logic.

architectural framework

A way of thinking about and understanding architecture and the structures or systems requiring architecture.


  1. Generally, the design of any complex object or system, including the implied architecture of abstract things such as music or mathematics, the apparent architecture of natural things such as geological formations or living things, or explicitly planned architecture of human-made things such as buildings, machines, organizations, processes, software and databases.
  2. In data management, the organized arrangement of components to optimize the function, performance, feasibility, cost, and/or aesthetics of an overall structure.
  3. In common use, the art and discipline of designing buildings and structures, from the macro-level of urban planning to the micro-level of creating furniture and machine parts.

architecture, application component

A set of standard programming structures, design patterns, formats and protocols for how software applications should operate and communicate with each other.

architecture, application portfolio

A master blueprint for an organization’s existing and planned portfolio of software applications, how they support the organization’s processes, and how interface with each other and with the organization’s databases.

architecture, business

The portion of an enterprise architecture that describes organizational goals, roles, reporting structures and locations, but excluding the enterprise data architecture, process architecture, technology architecture and application architecture. The business architecture includes those artifacts identified in rows 1 and 2 of the Zachman Framework, but limited to columns 4, 5 and 6.

architecture, Business Intelligence

The overall design and implementation of components of the Business Intelligence environment, including:

  1. the Data Warehouse, data marts and staging area databases,
  2. the flow of data from operational sources and these databases,
  3. the selection and configuration of Database Management Systems and database administration tools used for Business Intelligence,
  4. the selection and configuration of data integration products used to extract, cleanse, transform, and load data,
  5. the design patterns and standards for data integration programs,
  6. the selection and configuration of BI software products that enable access, reporting, and analysis,
  7. the data schemas presented to business professionals for ad hoc query and analysis,
  8. the user interfaces for query, analysis and reporting, and
  9. the administrative controls put in place to safeguard the data.

architecture, business process

The future state business process models of an enterprise, used in conjunction with a business data architecture to perform information value chain analysis. Part of an enterprise architecture.

architecture, client/server

A distributed technology approach where application software processing is divided by function. Servers perform shared functions such as processing business rules, managing communications, managing databases, or providing print services. Clients performs individual user functions -- providing customized interfaces, performing screen to screen navigation, offering help functions, etc. Client and server software may reside on the same hardware platform, but each component is designed to be distributed across a networked environment for efficiency.

architecture, closed

An architecture where only the original manufacturer can make add-ons and peripherals.

architecture, data

  1. In common usage, the physical technology infrastructure supporting data management, including database servers, data replication tools, and middleware.
  2. The method of design and construction of an integrated data resource that is business driven, based on real-world subjects as perceived by the organization, and implemented into appropriate operating environments. It consists of components that provide a consistent foundation across organizational boundaries to provide easily identifiable, readily available, high-quality data to support the current and future business information demand. (Brackett 2011)

architecture, enterprise

  1. Generally, an integrated collection of models and design approaches used to align information, processes, projects, and technology with the goals of the enterprise. These high-level design artifacts typically describe target views of the enterprise. Enterprise architecture may include:
    a) an enterprise data model,
    b) related data integration architecture,
    g) an organizational business architecture, and
    h) the enterprise information value chain analysis that identifies the linkage and alignment across these perspectives, and to enterprise goals.
  2. Other models and other forms of architecture may also be included within the enterprise architecture.
  3. In the Zachman Framework, the enterprise architecture generally includes design artifacts identified in Rows 1 and 2 (conceptual views of data, process, locations, events, roles and goals), the value chain analysis describing the linkages between these perspectives, and high-level decisions about how to implement technology supporting these concepts in an integrated manner.
  4. An initiative to describe comprehensively the architectures in an organization. It describes the terminology, composition, and relationships within each architecture, the relationships between architectures, and the relationships with external organizations. It includes business goals, business processes, hardware, software, data, and information systems. (Brackett 2011)

architecture, information

The analysis and design of the data stored by information systems, concentrating on entities, their attributes, and their relationships.

architecture, information systems

The integrated set of design artifacts defining how data (including the logical data model), applications (including the application portfolio architecture and data integration architecture), and technology (including portfolios of technology products and standards) will integrate to support the business architecture.

architecture, in-memory

An architecture that uses flash memory rather than conventional disk storage.

architecture, meta-data

The design for integration of meta-data across data dictionaries, directories, and repositories.

architecture, multi-tier

Alternate form: n-tier architecture

A form of architecture where the user interface layers, the application processing layers, and the data management layers are all logically separate parts which communicate through services. SEE ALSO architecture, three-tier.

architecture, open

The published specifications for a computer by a vendor, allowing other companies to create add-ons to enhance and customize the machine, and to make peripheral devices that work properly with it. In practice, has been difficult to engage on a corporate basis due to the risk involved in a source that has multiple editors and has little to no assurance of quality when in use. Outsourcing the risk to a second party who then use the open source and accept the liability for the code is then the way to engage with open source code.

architecture, process

  1. The structural design of process systems, such as computers, businesses, or other complex systems.
  2. The first two rows of the “function” column of the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture:

    Row 1: Objectives/Scope (contextual) – Planner View: a list of processes important to the business (may be a hierarchical list outlining a functional decomposition of processes)

    Row 2: Enterprise Model (conceptual) – Owner View: a business process model (process flow diagrams, sometimes called data flow diagrams, showing the flow of data and other business resources between processes as inputs and outputs).

    a) Enterprise process architecture typically includes
    b) a functional decomposition,
    c) process flow diagrams, and
    d) value chain analysis linking processes to data (subject areas or entities), organizations, roles, goals, applications, and/or projects.
  3. Includes functions, activities, workflows, events, cycles, products, and procedures. DAMA-DMBOK 1st edition, pg. 66.

architecture, product

Part of a technology architecture, identifying selected vendor-specific software tools and services. Although not implied in the name, it may also include industry-wide standards and protocols.

architecture, system

Includes applications, software components, interfaces, and projects. DAMA-DMBOK 1st edition, pg. 66.

architecture, technology

The master plan for the IT technical infrastructure depicted in diagrams and specifications of hardware and system software products, locations, configurations, standards and adopted protocols, along with linkages of computing platforms and/or servers to existing and planned applications and databases. Includes diagrams and specifications of the kinds described in Column 3 (“Network”) of the Zachman Framework.

architecture, three-tier

A structure for a database environment consisting of a presentation tier, an application tier, and a data tier. The presentation tier is the one seen and used by the programmers and other users of a DBMS, also called the user schema, or the external schema. Presentation tiers can overlap. The application tier is the combination of all the defined structures in the presentation tier for a given database, also called the logical tier, data access tier, or middle tier. There may be additional data in the application tier that is not in any presentation tier. The data tier is the database administrator's view of the database, also called the internal schema. The data tier is the definition of the physical storage structure of a database.

archival database

SEE database, archival.


  1. A copy of a database or documents preserved in a secondary, lower cost storage location, for infrequent historical reference and/or recovery.
  2. Verb. To move stored data (structured or unstructured) to a secondary, less readily accessed location, at lower storage costs, for historical reference and/or recovery.

area cartogram

SEE chart, area cartogram.

area chart

SEE chart, area.


SEE parameter.

argument slide

SEE chart, argument slide.


In object role modeling, the number of objects t a role in a predicate, or relationship. SEE predicate. SEE ALSO n-ary.


A grouping of similar items of the same storage type in a sequential pattern, and referenced by a sequential index value. SEE ALSO matrix.


An object made or modified by a human.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Software that performs a function previously ascribed only to human beings, such as natural language processing.


  1. Generally, something that has value or produces benefit.
  2. In accounting, something of value on a balance sheet.

asset condition

Asset condition describes how an asset or a service will perform in objective and measurable terms. The measurement is sometimes as simple as assigning a number. An example would be a range of 1 to 5, where one = poor and five = excellent.

asset, intangible

Non-physical assets, such as accounts receivable.

asset, tangible

Physical assets, such as equipment.


Verb. To determine relationships between entities, including characteristics of the relationship: dependent or not (optional, orphan), exclusive (at most one) or not (multiple). SEE ALSO relationship.


  1. SEE relationship.
  2. In statistics, any relationship between measured quantities that shows a statistic dependency.
  3. In object-oriented programming, a relationship between object classes which enables an object instance to perform an action on another's behalf.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

The largest and oldest international scientific and educational computer society.

association rule analysis

SEE relationship rule analysis.

associative entity

SEE data entity, associative.


Adjective. Describes a style of communication in which the initiator does not wait for a reply. Opposite of synchronous.

asynchronous replication

Data replication where the target database is updated as soon as possible after updates occur to the source database, but not as part of a single integrated transaction. Failure to update the target has no impact on the source database. Sometimes referred to as “near real time” replication.

atomic data

  1. Data at the lowest chosen level of detail (granularity). The level of detail chosen depends on the information requirements of the enterprise. For example, address could be one atomic item, or address could be split into further composite items such as house identifier and city. Opposite of aggregate data.
  2. Non-aggregated observations, or measurements of characteristics of individual units, which cannot be further decomposed and retain any useful meaning.

Atomicity-Consistency-Isolation-Durability (ACID)

Standard properties of relational databases.


An inherent characteristic, an accidental quality, an object closely associated with or belonging to a specific person, place, or office; a word ascribing a quality. (Brackett 2011)

attribute class

SEE class, attribute.

attribute generalization

SEE generalization, attribute.

attributed relationship

SEE relationship, attributed.

attributive entity

SEE data entity, dependent.


A formal and official verification of validity, accuracy, and conformance to requirements, regulations, standards, and/or guidelines.

audit trail

Data maintained to trace activity, such as a transaction log, for purposes of recovery or audit.


  1. The process of adding to something to make it more or greater than the original.
  2. In logic, a relationship where if X leads to Y, then XZ will lead to YZ.


  1. In data security, the process of verifying whether a person or software agent requesting a resource has the authority or permission to access that resource.
  2. In data quality, the process of verifying data as complying with what the data represents.

authoritative source

A source of data or information that is recognized by members of a Community of Interest to be valid or trusted because its provenance is considered highly reliable or accurate. During the life cycle process, the authoritative source (or system of use in which it is housed) can evolve according to use. Subject Matter Experts validate that the data is authoritative, and Data Management assures that data from the authoritative source is provided to users, and that it is current.


In data security, the granting of authority allowing a person, group, or software agent to access a resource.

authorization request

In data security, a request to grant authority to a person, group, or software agent to access data for which the data consumer does not presently have access privileges.

authorization rule

SEE rule, authorization.


The act of replacing control of a manual process with computer or electronic controls.


  1. The percentage of time a system or data resource is accessible compared to the time it is expected to be accessible.
  2. The percentage of time a system or database can be used for productive work. DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 134.
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