
  1. Generally, to conceal through confusion.
  2. In data security, the process of permanently scrambling or replacing data with unrelated values in order to conceal the original data permanently. Used to remove sensitive information from data when being transferred to unsecure systems.


  1. In the real world, a person, place, thing, or concept. SEE ALSO entity; instance.
  2. In an object-oriented design, an instance of a class or a population of objects or events.
  3. In an object-oriented program relating to object type, the code in memory that describes the attributes and allowable behavior of a business object, interface object or control object.

object class

  1. Generally, a set of ideas, abstractions, or things in the real world that can be identified with explicit boundaries and meaning, and whose properties and behavior follow the same rules.
  2. Specifically, the definition of a set of objects that conforms to that definition.
  3. In an object-oriented design, a collection of objects (instances) that conform to the same definition of structure and behaviors.

Object Identifier (OID)

A unique value assigned to an object in order to track it simply and efficiently. OIDs are generally system assigned, immutable, and not visible to the user/programmer (unlike keys in a relational or ER database). They are used to establish and maintain the integrity of defined relationships within the database.

Object Management Group (OMG)

A non-profit organization that promotes object-oriented technology and open systems standards.

object model

  1. A collection of objects or classes.
  2. The description of an object's properties.

Object Relational DataBase Management System (ORDBMS)

SEE DataBase Management System, Object Relational.

Object Role Model (ORM)

A data model that is built up from elementary fact sentences; could also be thought of as a “no file” modeling scheme because it is not record-based. The main modeling constructs are objects and relationships. Objects encompass both entities and attributes. An object has attributes by virtue of the role that it plays in relationship with other objects. SEE ALSO table think; NIAM.


A specific, quantified target of achievement against which progress towards attainment can be measured. Achieving an objective contributes to achievement of a more general goal. A good objective is “SMART” (simple, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely).


The practice of not including personal biases or preferences during an evaluation; evaluating on the agreed-to standards and facts alone.

Object-Oriented (OO)

  1. Adjective. Generally, a form of design organized around objects (instances) where objects can be built (re)using other similar objects. For efficiency, the notion of object class was added to define a set of objects only once. SEE ALSO object.
  2. Adjective. In data management, a style of software development (analysis, design, programming and testing) organized around classes of objects in which the code encapsulates the data. Object-oriented approaches promote data hiding, cohesion, class inheritance, and reuse.

Object-Oriented DataBase (OODB)

SEE database, object-oriented.

Object-Oriented DataBase Management System (OODBMS, ODBMS)

SEE DataBase Management System, Object-Oriented.

Object-Oriented Programming System (OOPS)

A development environment for design, building, and testing software using object-oriented languages and techniques.


  1. Generally, an event; the fact that an event happened.
  2. In data management, a physical record, row or document representing an entity instance.

occurrence group

In the data resource, a set of entities in mathematics. (Brackett 2011)

occurrence of record

A specific record selected from a set of redundant records as the authoritative record, into which data from the other records can be consolidated.


A numbering system using a base of 8.

one-to-Many (1:M)

SEE one-to-zero-or-Many; one-to-one-or-Many.

one-to-one (1:1)

The characteristic of a relationship in which a member of population A must be related to only one member of population B, and vice versa. SEE ALSO cardinality; relationship.

one-to-one-or-Many (1:1..M)

The characteristic of a relationship in which a member of population A must be related to one or more members of population B, but not vice versa. SEE ALSO cardinality; relationship.

one-to-zero-or-Many (1:0..M)

The characteristic of a relationship in which a member of population A may be related to one or more members of population B, but not vice versa. SEE ALSO cardinality; relationship.

OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP)

The collection of structures and processing routines to store and manipulate a dimensional data model (whether stored as a cube or a star) to enable multi-dimensional analysis of business trends and development of business projections. The term was originally coined by E.F. Codd. Opposite of OnLine Transaction Processing.

OnLine Analytical Processing client

Alternate form: OLAP client

An end user application that can request slices from OLTP servers and provide two-dimensional or multi-dimensional displays, user modifications, selections, ranking, calculations, etc., for visualization and navigation purposes. OLAP clients may be as simple as a spreadsheet program retrieving a slice for further work by a spreadsheet-literate user or as high-functioned as a financial modeling or sales analysis application.

OnLine Analytical Processing, Desktop (DOLAP)

Alternate form: Desktop OLAP

OnLine Analytical Processing where the data to be analyzed is stored on a desktop computer rather than on a conventional storage system.

OnLine Analytical Processing, Hybrid (HOLAP)

Alternate form: Hybrid OLAP

OnLine Analytical Processing that can provide multi-dimensional analysis simultaneously of data stored in a Multi-Dimensional DBMS and in a Relational DBMS.

OnLine Analytical Processing, Java (JOLAP)

Alternate form: Java OLAP

A Java application programming interface (API) for the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition environment that supports the creation, storage, access, and management of data in an OLAP application. Hyperion, IBM, and Oracle initiated the development of JOLAP intending it to be a counterpart to Java Database Connectivity specifically for OLAP.

OnLine Analytical Processing, Multi-dimensional (MOLAP)

Alternate form: Multi-dimensional OLAP

OnLine Analytical Processing that only uses a Multi-Dimensional Database Management System to drive analysis.

OnLine Analytical Processing, Real Time (RTOLAP)

Alternate form: Real Time OLAP

A version of OnLine Analytical Processing where data is stored in RAM memory rather than on disk, and calculations are performed on-the-fly, rather than stored. RTOLAP has a limitation of size since all data must be stored in RAM, and therefore space is at a premium; calculation results are therefore not stored.

OnLine Analytical Processing, Relational (ROLAP)

Alternate form: Relational OLAP

OnLine Analytical Processing that performs multi-dimensional analysis on data stored in an RDBMS. The multi-dimensional processing may be done within the RDBMS, a mid-tier server or the client. A 'merchant' ROLAP is one from an independent vendor that can work with any standard RDBMS.

OnLine Analytical Processing, Spatial (SOLAP)

Alternate form: Spatial OLAP

OnLine Analytical Processing where the spatial data is included in the data to be analyzed.

OnLine Analytical Processing, Web-based (WOLAP)

Alternate form: Web OLAP

OnLine Analytical Processing where the interaction with the data is through a web browser, and may include the addition of web-based applications when analyzing or displaying the data.

OnLine Transaction Processing (OLTP)

The application systems used to support the daily business operations (transactions) of an enterprise. Opposite of OnLine Analytical Processing.


  1. Generally, the grammar rules for usage of a controlled vocabulary to create meaningful expressions within a domain or subject area.
  2. In data management, a semantic data model defining structure and meaning, typically used to model non-tabular data. SEE ALSO schema.

Ontology Inference Layer (OIL)

In semantic modeling, a standard for defining ontologies.

open architecture

SEE architecture, open.

open data

A philosophy and practice requiring that some data be freely available to everyone, without restrictions from copyright, patents, or other mechanisms of control.

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

A standard to allow programmers to write to an abstract relational database layer and delay binding until run time. Developed by the SQL Access Group consortium, ODBC has been widely adopted with modifications by Microsoft.

Open Educational Resource (OER)

Free learning materials available via the Internet.

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

An international voluntary standards group with over 300 commercial, governmental, nonprofit and research member organizations worldwide, collaborating to develop and implement standards for geospatial data and services, GIS data processing and exchange. Previously known as Open GIS Consortium. OGC specifications include the Web Map Service (WMS), Simple Features SQL (SFS) and Geography Markup Language (GML).

Open Software Foundation (OSF)

An organization that promotes the adoption of standards for UNIX operating systems.

open source

Software code that is freely available - meaning the customer can download it, install it, begin using it, or customize it without paying.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

A form of data acquisition and analysis that focuses on publicly available data.

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

The process of making course materials from learning institutions available on the Internet.

Open-High-Low-Close chart (OHLC)

SEE chart, Open-High-Low-Close.

operational activity

In the DAMA-DMBOK Functional Framework, a service and support activity performed on an on-going basis. SEE ALSO activity group.

Operational Business Intelligence

Alternate form: Operational BI

The application of BI tools to provide BI to the front lines of the business, where analytical capabilities guide operational decisions. Operational BI is used to manage and optimize business operations. (DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 209.)

operational data

SEE data, operational.

Operational Data Store (ODS)

An integrated database of operational data. Its sources include legacy databases and other operational databases. An ODS contains current or near term data. An ODS may contain 30 to 60 days of information, while a Data Warehouse typically contains years of data. Like a Data Warehouse, data in an ODS is extracted from sources, cleansed, consolidated ,and transformed into a standard format. An ODS supports enterprise reporting, Master Data Management and application integration as the enterprise source for shared operational data. An ODS may serve as the primary source for a Data Warehouse, or be used to audit a Data Warehouse.

Operational Data Store, Class I

An ODS where data is moved from sources almost immediately after being written in the source system, without any integration or transformation.

Operational Data Store, Class II

An ODS where data is moved from sources within a few hours after being written in the source system, allowing for some integration and transformation.

Operational Data Store, Class III

An ODS where data is moved from sources overnight following being written in the source system, allowing for integration and transformation.

Operational Data Store, Class IV

An ODS where summary data is moved from a Data Warehouse into the ODS for operational use.

operational database

SEE database, operational.

operational DBA

SEE DataBase Administrator, operational.

operational performance

Measurable outcomes relative to stated enterprise-wide operational goals.

operational system

Application that runs the business on a day-to-day basis using real time data (typically OLTP databases).

Operations Instance Classes

Zachman Framework row name, matches Workers as Participants.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Technology that can scan typed or handwritten characters and convert them to digital text (usually ASCII).

Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)

The process of capturing data from document forms that have been human-generated rather than computer-generated, such as highlights and margin notes.


To configure a system to perform more in accordance with some expected measurement than another configuration.


  1. Adjective. Generally, not required. Opposite of mandatory.
  2. Adjective. Characteristic of an attribute, where a value is not required by an entity constraint (NULLs allowed in SQL).
  3. Adjective. Characteristic of a relationship in which an entity or object instance need not relate to any member of the other entity type population, i.e., can be an orphan.

optional relationship

SEE relationship, optional.


  1. Generally, the sequence of items or events in time or ranked by some quality, such as importance.
  2. In data services, a message sent which trigger the delivery of required data. There are three types of orders: select order, transform order, and propagate order.

ordinal number

A number that signifies sequence within a set, or a rank, solely for comparison or matching. Does not signify quantity, and cannot be meaningfully added or subtracted.


In general, an arrangement of people dedicated to common goals, who control the organization's performance, and have a clear delineation of what is included in the organization.

organization and culture

One of the DAMA Functional Framework Environmental Elements. Includes management; critical success factors; reporting structures; contracting strategies; budgeting and related resource allocation issues; teamwork and group dynamics; authority and empowerment; shared values and beliefs; expectations and attitudes; personal style and preference differences; cultural rites, rituals and symbols; organizational heritage; and change management recommendations. (DAMA-DMBOK Guide, 1st edition, pg. 13.)

organization chart

SEE chart, organization.

Organization Configuration

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of Who/Organization Groups and Component Assemblies/Technicians as Implementers.

Organization Definition

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of Who/Organization Groups and Business Concepts/Executive Leaders as Owners.

Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information (OASIS)

A non-for-profit consortium that advances e-business by promoting open, collaborative development of interoperability specifications.

Organization Groups

Zachman Framework column name, matches Who.

Organization Identification

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of Who/Organization Groups and Scope Contexts/Strategists as Theorists.

Organization Instantiation

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of Who/Organization Groups and Operations Instance Classes/Workers as Participants.

Organization Representation

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of Who/Organization Groups and System Logic/Architects as Designers.

Organization Specification

Zachman Framework cell name, intersection of Who/Organization Groups and Technology Physics/Engineers as Builders.

organizational intelligence

The collected data of the enterprise about itself and its environment, in current context.

organizational knowledge

Information that is of significance to the organization, is combined with experience and understanding, and is retained. It is information in context with respect to understanding what is relevant and significant to a business issue or business topic-what is meaningful to the business. (Brackett 2011)

organizational model

A model showing the organization of a particular system or company.


Adjective. Literally, to be at right angles. Typically refers to characteristics that are as independent of each other as possible. For example, data and processes are considered orthogonal to each other.

outer join

SEE join, outer.


A data instance that is extremely deviated from the mean of the rest of the data set.

outrigger dimension

SEE table, outrigger.

outrigger entity

SEE table, outrigger.

outrigger table

SEE table, outrigger.


The process of arranging services to be done by an external party, to replace the need for an internal party to perform those services.

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