
Words in a dialect intended to keep nonmembers from knowing what is happening.


A cross-platform source object-oriented programming language that allows applications to be distributed over networks and the Internet.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

A standard API for accessing relational data from Java programs.

Java Messaging Service (JMS)

The standard API for sending and receiving messages for Java programs.


SEE OnLine Analytical Processing, Java.

Java Server Page (JSP)

A way to create dynamic Web content. They may also be used to generate and consume XML between n-tier servers or between servers and clients.

Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE)

An acronym for, a standard for developing multi-tier applications, particularly for middleware and application servers.


A series of scripts or programs that run at a predefined schedule without manual intervention for the manipulation, movement, transformation, archiving or backing up a set of data.


In relational databases, an operation in which the data from two sets is combined into a larger result set based on common or matching data values in each set.

join index

An index in which the values appear in two (or more) different files (or tables). It can then be used for the rapid production of the join between the two on that domain without searching either of the joined files, and without pre-storing the join. (Everest 2010)

join, inner

A form of join where only rows with the join conditions matching are returned. Where A.JC = B.JC, only return rows where each row in A matches a row in B, and vice versa.

join, left

A form of table join where rows from the table on the left side of the join conditions are returned, regardless of whether there is a match in the other table. Where A.JC = B.JC, return all rows in A plus rows in B where B's join conditions match A's join conditions.

join, outer

A form of table join where data from both tables is included regardless of whether there is a match to a row in the other table. Where A.JC = B.JC, returns all rows in A plus all rows in B, matching where A's join conditions match B's join conditions.

join, partial

Alternate form: partial outer join

A join in which some entries are included in the join which do not appear in both of the joined files. If all entries in each of the two joined files are included, it is called a full outer join, or simply outer join.

join, right

A form of table join where rows from the table on the right side of the join conditions are returned, regardless of whether there is a match in the other table. Where A.JC = B.JC, return all rows in B plus rows in A where A's join conditions match B's join conditions.

Joint Application Design (JAD)

A group process for defining requirements and designing a computer-based system. JAD sessions are highly focused bringing together business professionals and IT professionals under the leadership of a skilled facilitator. JAD sessions can be used to draft, review, and refine data models. They are generally held over one or more contiguous days. JAD sessions are more valuable as brain storming sessions, getting a sense of the attendees, taking straw polls, etc.

joint Bayes classifier

A modeling technique in which some attributes describe a class in conjunction with other attributes that also describe that class. SEE ALSO predictive modeling.

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)

A standard method of compression of photographic images.


  1. Generally, a written record of observations and experiences.
  2. In data management, a file that contains database activity details for rollback and recovery. SEE ALSO log.

Julian calendar

A solar calendar that established the months and years, with a leap day every four years. Was supplanted by the Gregorian calendar in AD 1582.

Julian date

The date expressed as a simple number, used by astronomers and historians due to the simple math involved. The Julian calendar started on January 1, 4713 BCE at noon. The Julian date for noon on CE 2011 February 20 is JD 2455613.000000.

junction entity

SEE data entity, associative.

junk dimension

SEE dimension, junk.


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