XML for Analysis (XML/A)

A set of XML message interfaces using SOAP to define the data access interaction between a client application and an analytical data provider (OLAP and data mining) over the Internet. The jointly published XML/A specification allows developers, vendors and others to query analytical data providers in a standard way. The goal is to provide an open, standard access application program interface for OLAP providers and consumers

XML Meta-data Interchange (XMI)

A standard for interchanging meta-data.

XML schema

SEE schema, XML.


A shorthand term for XML Path Language, used to address parts of an XML document, with basic facilities for manipulation of strings and numbers.


A query language for retrieving data from an XML document or XML database.


The schema language for XML, expressed in XML, equivalent to Document Type Definition in older SGML-family markup languages.


Year 2000 (Y2K)

Used in reference to application maintenance projects enabling legacy systems to support processing in the new millennium by eliminating ambiguity about century years in dates. This ambiguity was due to hard coded expressions for the year in software and in databases as 2 digits (e.g. 1950 was expressed as 50). At the turn of the millennium, accurate calculations would not be possible without proper full 4 digit references.

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