
accommodating style, 22


benchmarking and, 64

culture of, 34–35

operating calendar and, 62–63

action learning projects, 59–60, 97

active listening, 69–70

adult learning theory, 34–35

after-action reviews, 79–80, 89

agendas, 50–51


after-action reviews, 79–80, 89

evaluating the system, 9

formal methods of, 112–113

LD50 Snapshot in, 6, 121–124

multi-rater feedback in, 87–88, 91, 94

operating calendar and, 62–63

see also feedback

avoiding style, 22

Avolio, Bruce, 36, 79

awards, 72

Bass, Bernard, 1, 36

benchmarking, 64

book/article club, 69–70, 83


in cross-departmental problem solving, 101

in developmental relationships, 94

of rewards, 19–20

switching it up in, 49

Brookfield, Stephen, 67

Buckingham, Marcus, 23–24

calendar, operating, 62–63

case studies, 74–75

Center for Creative Leadership, 116

certificate programs, 83–84


adaptive versus technical, 81–82

asking tough questions, 114–115

learning from hardships and failure, 116–117

providing, 23–24


developmental relationships and, 93–95

on-boarding process and, 99–100

for performance, 32–33, 47

in personal development plans, 87–88

in rotating team leadership, 50–51

Coffman, Curt, 23–24

collaborating style, 22


in cross-departmental problem solving, 101–102

debates in, 71

of frequently asked questions (FAQ), 72–73

90/10 rule in, 69–70

presentation skills development, 52–54

community service, 96

competing/forcing style, 21

competition, case studies and, 74–75

compromising style, 22

conceptual understanding, 11, 67–84

adaptive versus technical challenges in, 81–82

after-action reviews in, 79–80, 89

applying training to workplace, 83–84

book/article clubs in, 69–70

case studies in, 74–75

critical reflection in, 67–68, 89

debates in, 71

organizational FAQs in, 72–73

outside support in, 76–77

solution focus in, 78

confidence, of leaders, 24


in cross-departmental problem solving, 101

in culture of accountability, 34

modeling, 21–22

Conger, Jay, 11

continuous improvement, 9

critical reflection, 67–68, 89

cross-departmental problem solving, 101–102

culture of accountability, 34–35

customer service, 28–29, 120

Days Inn, 120

debates, 71

debriefing sessions, 79–80

degree programs, 83–84

delegation, importance of, 7–8

department retreats, 61

“do” phase, of presentations, 54

e-mail, tone of, 27

emotional intelligence, 79–80, 91–92

energy of team members, 36–37

Essex, L. N., 7

evaluation, see assessment


clarifying team, 15–16

coaching for performance, 32–33

Pygmalion Effect and, 30–31

team as customer and, 28–29

failure, learning from, 116–117

feedback, 109–117

in after-action reviews, 79–80, 89

asking tough questions, 114–115

creating culture of, 109–110

formal assessment, 112–113

ID-GAP model for, 109–110

learning from hardships and failure, 116–117

nature of, 11–12

as phase of presentations, 54

receiving, 5

self-evaluation, 111

standing one-on-ones, 38–39, 48

360-feedback instrument, 87–88, 91, 94

see also assessment

fieldwork, 97–98

frequently asked questions (FAQ), 72–73


coaching for performance, 32–33

in personal development plans, 87–88

Goleman, Daniel, 91

hardship, learning from, 116–117

Heifetz, Ron, 81, 82

Holloway, Elizabeth, 24, 109

hope, of leaders, 24

Huczynski, A. A., 2

ID-GAP model, 109–110

implementation process

action learning projects in, 59–60, 97

team ownership of, 57–58

intentionality, 32–33

ISO-1000, 72

job enrichment, 55–56

Kelloway, K., 27

K-mart, 120

Kusy, Mitchell, 7, 24, 109

LCS method of reflection, 67–68, 89–90

LD50 Snapshot, 6, 121–124

leadership development

characteristics of effective leaders, 24

creating teachers and leaders, 103–104

LD50 Snapshot for assessing, 6, 121–124

model for, 3–10

nature of, 1–2, 2–3

overview of, 11–12

learning theory, 34–35

Lewis, J. W., 2

Linkage Inc., 59, 93

Linsky, Marty, 81, 82

listening, 90/10 rule in, 69–70

Lombardo, M. M., 47–48

Malcolm Baldrige Award, 72

managing the system, 7–9

McCall, M. W., 47–48

meetings, rotating leadership of, 50–51


developmental relationships and, 93–95

standing one-on-ones in, 38–39, 48

Mezirow, Jack, 67

mission of team members, 36–37

modeling effective leadership, 12, 15–43

challenge and support in, 23–24

clarifying team expectations, 15–16

coaching for performance in, 32–33, 47

confrontation in, 21–22

culture of accountability in, 34–35

passion and energy in, 36–37

process of modeling, 17–18

Pygmalion Effect in, 30–31

rewarding achievement, 19–20

sharing information, see sharing information

solidifying learning in, 42–43

standing one-on-ones in, 38–39, 48

team as customer in, 28–29

thought of the day in, 27

vision as reality in, 40–41

monumental assignments, 105–106

Morrison, A. M., 47–48


job enrichment as source of, 55–56

to learn from training opportunities, 2

recognition and reward programs in, 19–20

Moxley, Russ, 116

multi-rater feedback, 87–88, 91, 94

new hires, on-boarding process and, 99–100

90/10 rule, 69–70

Nordstrom, 120

objectives, in implementing decisions, 57–58


in fieldwork, 97–98

of team reactions to leader, 17–18

on-boarding process, 99–100

one-size-fits-all approach, 23, 37

operating calendar, 62–63

optimism, of leaders, 24

organizational FAQ, 72–73

ownership of decisions, 57–58

passion of team members, 36–37

performance reviews, 42

personal development opportunities

in capturing and sharing the learning, 83, 89–90

community service and, 96

in creating teachers and leaders, 103–104

cross-departmental problem-solving and, 101–102

developmental relationships and, 32–33, 38–39, 47, 93–95

emotional intelligence and, 79–80, 91–92

fieldwork and, 97–98

monumental assignments as, 105–106

on-boarding process and, 99–100

personal development plans in, 87–88, 91, 111

public speaking and, 52–54

rotating team leadership and, 50–51

personal growth opportunities, 11, 67–106

presentation skills, 52–54

problem solving

action learning projects in, 59–60, 97

adaptive versus technical challenges and, 81–82

case studies in, 74–75

cross-departmental, 101–102

solutions versus barrier focus in, 78

project management skills, 55–56

public speaking skills, 52–54

Pygmalion Effect, 30–31


asking tough, 114–115

in organizational FAQ, 72–73

recognition programs, 19–20

recovery plans, 117


importance of critical, 67–68, 89

LCS method of, 67–68, 89–90

in learning from hardship and failure, 116–117

in self-evaluation, 111

resiliency, of leaders, 24

retreats, department, 61

reward programs, 19–20

Ritz Carlton, 120

rotating leadership, 50–51

Seinfeld, Jerry, 52

self-awareness, 67–68, 112

self-evaluation, 111

sharing information

adaptive versus technical challenges and, 81–82

in after-action reviews, 79–80, 89

in applying training to workplace, 83–84

in book/article club, 69–70, 83

in capturing and sharing the learning, 83, 89–90

importance of, 25–26

learning from hardship and failure, 116–117

in solidifying team learning, 42–43

“show” phase, of presentations, 53–54

skill building, 11, 47–64

action learning projects in, 59–60, 97

culture of benchmarking in, 64

department retreats in, 61

implementation decisions in, 57–58

job enrichment in, 55–56

operating calendar in, 62–63

presentation skills in, 52–54

rotating team leadership in, 50–51

stretching the team in, 47–48, 49, 89, 105–106

switching it up in, 49

social learning theory, 17

standing one-on-ones, 38–39, 48

stars, Pygmalion Effect and, 30–31

strategic planning process, 6–7

stretch assignments, 47–48, 49, 89, 105–106

supportive environment

importance of, 5

outside sources for leader, 76–77

providing, 23–24

switching it up, 49

teachers, creating, 103–104

technical challenges, 81–82

“tell” phase, of presentations, 53

thought of the day, 27

360-feedback, 87–88, 91, 94

toxic work culture, 24, 109

training and development

applying to workplace, 83–84

budgets for, 119–120

creating teachers and leaders, 103–104

fieldwork as, 97–98

motivation to learn from, 2

presentation skills courses, 52–53

solidifying team learning, 42–43

trust, 4, 25, 29

virtual environments, 27, 119–120

vision, aligning with team member, 40–41

volunteer work, 96

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