
This book is only possible with the effort of so many people. First and foremost, we are extremely grateful to the team at John Wiley & Sons. We would like to thank Thomas Hyrkiel and his team for accepting our proposal; we can never thank you enough for believing in us. Next, our project editor, Jeremy Chia, who has spent countless hours helping us with the publishing process. If it were not for Jeremy, you would not be reading our book right now. We would also like to thank Gladys (Syd) Ganaden, who helped us, two hopeless designers, immensely in the coordination of the design of the book, as well as Tan Chin Hwee, who kick-started our Wiley journey by introducing us to Thomas and his team.

We became evangelists for value investing through books written by Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, Philip Fisher, Robert Hagstrom, Barton Biggs and Bruce Greenwald. Without their books, we would not be who we are as investors today. These are the men who planted the trees for us to sit under, and we hope to be able to spread their wisdom here in Asia.

We are also deeply appreciative that the following individuals were willing to share years of their investment wisdom for this book. Their perspectives broadened our understanding on the Asian investing climate and we hope you will benefit from their advice as much as we did from them: David Kuo, Tan Chong Koay, Wong Kok Hoi, Yeo Seng Chong, Wong Seak Eng, Kevin Tok and Eric Kong.

Over the years, we have formed a close-knit investment community here. There is a saying that hanging out with smarter people makes you smarter. This definitely holds true for us. We have learned so much from being in your company over the past few years. We have immensely benefited from your investment wisdom, and more importantly your friendship, and we hope that will carry on for years to come.

Also, not forgetting Willie Keng, co-founder of and our investment group; we always remember the times when it was just the three of us.

Lastly, after years of experimenting, we also like to thank Mr Market for his mood swings over the years, without which we would not have been able to benefit.

From Stanley:

Firstly, I would like to thank David Kuo for being a mentor to me. Through working for him, I have learnt so much on how to invest better, write better and communicate better.

I am forever grateful to my parents; my dad for teaching me all he knows about business through all his life stories of being an entrepreneur since the age of eight. To my mum, who has been there to ensure I stay on the right track in life.

Lastly, to my wife, Wendy, who has been the pillar of my life for the past decade.

From Mun Hong:

To my wife, Sze Wing, thank you for always believing in me. Any day with you is my favorite day, and I look forward to many more years together. It is written that houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord. I could not ask for a better wife.

To my parents, I am forever grateful to you for bringing me up well. Especially my dad; if I could be as good a father as my dad was to me, that would be one of my greatest achievements.

In my professional career, I would like to thank Samuel for taking a chance on me, for taking me under his wing. Time and time again, he has selflessly imparted his wisdom, and continually opened doors for me.

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