
A, C, D

  • angle between vectors
  • Cauchy sequences
  • closed
    • weakly
    • set
  • closure
  • cluster point
    • weak
  • compact
    • support
  • compactness
  • completeness
  • continuous map
  • contraction
  • control
    • second order
  • convergence
    • strong
    • weak
  • convex
    • functional
    • set
  • dense
  • derivative
    • weak
  • Dirac
  • distance
  • dual problems

F, G, H, I, K

  • first order
  • fixed point
  • Fourier series
  • functional
    • convex
    • linear
  • Gâteaux derivative
  • Gram–Schmidt
  • Green
    • formula
    • functions
  • Hilbert
  • integral trapezoidal rule
  • kernel

L, M, N

  • Lagrange multiplier
  • Lax–Milgram
  • Lebesgue measure
  • linear functional
    • continuous
  • multiobjective optimization

O, P, R, S, T

  • orthogonal
    • family
    • projection
  • orthonormed family
  • primal
  • Riesz
  • Riemann sum
  • smoothed particle approximation
  • Sobolev
  • square summable
  • subsequence
  • trapezoidal rule

V, W

  • variational
    • approximation
    • formulation
    • inequality
  • weak derivative
    • divergence
    • gradient
    • higher order
    • Laplacian
    • second order
  • weakly open
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