


Your Revenue Roadmap: Driving Your Sales Strategy with Sales Compensation

Aligning to the Strategy

The Four Layers of the Revenue Roadmap: Connecting Your Sales Strategy and Compensation


Sales Strategy

Customer Coverage


Setting Your C-Level Goals

The Sales Compensation Diamond: The Facets of Evaluating and Designing a Sales Compensation Program

Determine Target Pay

Calibrate Pay Mix

Create Upside Potential

Establish Performance Thresholds

Develop Measures and Priorities

Define Levels and Timing

Design Mechanics

Align the Team

Set Objectives and Quotas

Institute the Governance Process

Operate the Program

Evaluate the Program

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Sales Strategy

Lapdogs, Dobermans, and Retrievers: Motivating the Breed that You Need

What Breed Do You Need? Aligning Sales Roles to Revenue Flows

The Three Strategies for Revenue Growth

Sales Roles and Their Canine Counterparts

The Big Picture on Sales Roles

The Six Dimensions of Sales Roles

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Sales Roles

The Reverse Robin Hood Principle: Differentiating Top Performers

The Building Blocks of Sales Compensation

Base Salary

Target Incentive

Pay Mix

The Reverse Robin Hood Principle: Upside Potential

Factors Determining Upside


Thresholds Aren’t for Everyone

To Cap or Not to Cap

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Pay Mix and Upside Potential

Performance Metrics: Measure Twice, Pay Once

Performance Measures3 (Cubed)




Performance Measure Pitfalls

Using Measures Without Clear Line-of-Sight

Measuring at the Wrong Level

Measuring What Can’t Be Controlled

Measuring on a Sliding Percentage Scale

Using Conflicting Measures

Selling Incentive Plan Real Estate to Marketing

Misaligning Bookings and Billings and Losing Urgency

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Performance Measures

Big Deals: Aligning and Motivating Strategic Account Sales

Defining Strategic Accounts

Sales Potential

Strategic Value

Understanding How the Customer Makes Decisions

Centralized Process

Preferred Provider Process

Decentralized Process

Promoting a Solution Sale

Motivating Creative Sales Roles

Discern Between Creativity as an End and Creativity as a Means to a Sales Result

Consider Fewer Directive Incentives and More Incentives with Latitude

Understand Motivators for Highly Cognitive Sales Roles

Involve Creative Sellers in Creating Their Own Goals

The Sales Crediting Balance

Measuring Mega Deals

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Strategic Accounts

A Quota Quandary: Setting Equitable and Profitable Sales Goals

Some Challenges with Quotas

The Forensics: Do You Have a Quota Issue or a Sales Effectiveness Issue?

10 Success Factors for Better Quotas

See Beyond a Single Number

Remember the People

Involve the Right Team

Don’t Get Lost in the Legacy

Get a View from the Bottom-Up

Move Beyond History

Balance Market Opportunity with Sales Capacity

Fit the Methodology to the Account Type

Make Your Approach Scalable

Don’t Over-, Over- Allocate

From History to Opportunity

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Quota Setting

Managing Sales Management: Understanding Roles and Rewards

Sales Managers Aren’t Just Big Salespeople: What Does It Take?

They Understand How to Lead

They Strategize the Growth of Their Organization

They Are Creative at Planning and Systematically Solving Customer Problems

They Are Effective at Coaching and Developing Their Teams

They Sell in the Right Places

What Motivates Managers?

Role and Recognition

Career Map



Sales Compensation

Long-Term Incentives

A Few Sales Compensation Ideas for Sales Managers

Establish Pay Mix with a Longer View

Do a Simple Roll-Up

Look at Team Participation

Shift Measures Down the Income Statement

Get Objective

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Motivating Managers

Making Change: Communicating and Implementing the Sales Compensation Plan

Change Management Key Steps

Start Strong

Craft the Change Story

See the Organization’s View

Get the Change Forecast

Leverage the Learning Modes

Follow the Process

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Making Change

The Role of the C-Level: Getting Involved in the Right Way

C-Level Involvement in the Sales Compensation Process

Providing Strategic Direction

Getting Involved in the Process

Reviewing, Approving, and Supporting the Program

Asking Good Questions

5 Questions You Should Ask About Your Executive Involvement

Your Strategic Sales Compensation Report Card: Grading Your Plan and Taking Action

Grade Your Plan

Time for Action



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