
  • A
  • Accessibility, zones of 4–11
  • Addition activities 37, 38, 58, 74, 76, 77, 79, 158
  • Affixes 45–46
  • Afield, exploring 150–196
    • learning tips for 156, 167
    • sit spot practice for 189–196
    • and studies beyond natural areas 151
    • using plants/animals for 150–189
  • Alphabets:
    • collecting 167–169
    • movable 70–74
  • Angles 58, 81, 109, 110
  • Animals 150–189
    • and living in trees 129
    • and math activities 150–167
    • and reading/writing activities 167–177
    • and science activities 177–189
  • Answers, rocks to record 74
  • Arborist activity 130
  • Area 43–44, 88
  • Arrays 81–82, 113–114
  • Art 48–49, 161
  • Atmospheric pressure, tracking 203–204
  • Attitude, increasing positive 3, 30
  • B
  • Base layers 24, 27–28
  • Bean bag toss game 54–56
  • Behavior, and outdoor learning 3
  • Bio blitzes 182
  • Birds 94–96, 182–186, 199–200
  • Block play activity 119
  • Bloom, calendar of 159–161
  • Books. See also Read‐alouds
    • on birds 96
    • classroom tree 132
    • and cloud observations 103
    • on graffiti 49
    • to inspire nature collectors 213
    • on nature journaling 135
    • on personification 146
    • on positive outdoor experiences 30
    • pressed flower fact 157
    • and procedural writing 104
    • and reading outdoors 23
    • on seeds 180
    • simile and metaphor 170
    • on snowflakes 100
    • on snow people 164
    • on sticks 156
    • on street art/graffiti 49
    • on trees 129
    • in unexpected places 120
  • Brooklyn New School 151
  • C
  • Calendars, making 159–161, 200–202
  • Casting 186–189
  • Cemeteries 144–145
  • Chalk 34–51
    • cleanup considerations for 36
    • math activities using 34–44
    • reading/writing activities using 44–51
  • Change a letter game 62–65, 72
  • Characters 93
  • Checklists, visual 26
  • Circumference 111
  • Citizen science projects 95
  • Class meetings 197–204
  • Classroom management 19–21
  • Clay characters 93
  • Cloud stories 102–104
  • Cold conditions 28, 167
  • Collect 100 activity 36, 152–155
  • Collections, making 68–69, 152–155, 210–213
  • Combinations, learning 36
  • Communication, with guardians 19
  • Community involvement 131, 145, 197–199
  • Complex words 46
  • Contractions 90–92
  • Conversions 117
  • Counting, skip 36, 38, 52–54, 76–78, 114–116, 156–159
  • Crazy boards activity 61
  • Creative thinking 168, 172–177
  • Crossword games 72
  • Culture, building classroom 9, 197
  • D
  • Data collection 94, 161
  • Decimals 38, 113
  • Density 100–102
  • Descriptive writing 136, 147, 148–149
  • Details 136
  • Dichotomous keys 177–179
  • Direction 191–192
  • Discussions, nature objects for 199
  • Distances, measuring 116–117
  • Documentation, of outside work 38
  • Doors, activities using 139
  • Dots and shapes activity 57
  • Drawing 135
  • Drinks, warm 167
  • E
  • Earth Arts 199
  • Earth‐based professional artists 210
  • Elimination (math fact toss‐up variation) 56
  • Elkonin boxes 72
  • Engagement, outdoor learning for 1, 2, 10
  • Equivalent fractions, modeling 84–87
  • Estimation 145
  • Even numbers activity 78, 112
  • Expanded form 155–157
  • Experiences, positive outdoor 29–30
  • Experts, in classrooms 125–131
  • Expository writing skills 177
  • F
  • Fact families 74
  • Facts, modeling math 35
  • Fear, reducing 29, 30
  • Firsts, calendar of 200–202
  • Flowers, using 74–76, 150, 152, 156–161
  • Force, activities to learn 98
  • Fractions 38, 58, 82–87, 217
  • Free writes 137–138
  • Friction 98
  • G
  • Games:
    • for math 51–59
    • memory 70
    • for reading/writing 59–68
  • Gear 21, 24–29
  • General activities:
    • leaf flower sorts 74–76
    • letter and number rocks 70–74
    • using natural materials for 69–76
  • Geometry, learning 80–81, 99–100, 106–111, 150, 152, 217
  • Graffiti, word 48–50
  • Graphemes 46–48, 62–65
  • Graphing 94, 164
  • Gratitude, class meetings for 197–199
  • Graveyards 144–145
  • Grouping 113–114, 158
  • H
  • Hands‐on learning 1, 4
  • Handwriting 72
  • Headlines, creating 193–195
  • High‐frequency words 48–50, 59–62, 67, 73
  • History 51, 66
  • Homophones 67–68
  • Hopscotch games 60–62
  • Hot weather, gear for 28
  • Humidity 203–204
  • Hundred chart 152–155
  • I
  • Imagination, using 139
  • Indoors, inviting nature 197–218
    • class meetings for 197–204
    • learning tips for 199, 205, 211
    • yearlong projects for 204–217
    • as zone of accessibility 9–10
  • Inferences 172–174
  • Insects 129, 180–182
  • Inside‐Out organization 30
  • J
  • Journaling:
  • Jump rope activity 54
  • L
  • Language, learning bird 183
  • Lantern School (Earth Arts) 199
  • Lattice multiplication 41–42
  • Leaf flower sorts 74–76
  • Leafixes activity 92
  • Leaf sorts 70
  • Learning styles 1, 2
  • Learning tips:
  • Leaves:
  • Lessons, class schedule for various 22
  • Letters, learning 44–46, 62–65, 70–74, 118–119
  • Libraries:
    • nature 205
    • outdoor gear 25
  • Lines, number 37–40
  • Loads, experimenting with different 98
  • Locations, choosing 8–9, 13–17, 67, 131
  • M
  • Machines, activity about simple 98
  • Management, classroom 19–21
  • Manhattan New School 151
  • Mapmaking 121–123
  • Maps, of sit spots 191–192
  • Marking up words 72–73
  • Masks activity 88–89
  • Matching 70
  • Materials:
  • Math activities:
    • area method of multiplication 43–44
    • bean bag toss 54–56
    • calculating water in snow 100–102
    • calendar of bloom 159–161
    • in cemeteries/graveyards 144
    • collect 100 natural items 152–155
    • creating arrays 81–82
    • designing playgrounds 96–97
    • finding arrays/groups during 113–114
    • flower geometry 150, 152
    • hopscotch 62
    • investigating snowflakes 99–100
    • lattice multiplication 41–42
    • to learn geometry 106–111
    • math fact toss‐up 56–57
    • to measure distances 116–117
    • measuring snow people 164–167
    • modeling fractions 82–87
    • in natural areas 109
    • natural materials for 215
    • number ladders 39–41
    • number lines 37–39
    • number‐themed 111–113
    • physics on the playground 97–99
    • place value sticks 76–80
    • in schoolyards 93–94, 96–102
    • scoot game 57–58
    • skip counting 52–54, 114–116
    • sledding races 161–164
    • snowball target 58–59
    • stick geometry 80–81
    • ten frames 35–37
    • 3D shapes in snow 87–88
    • using chalk 34–44
    • using flowers/leaves 156–159
  • Math fact toss‐up game 56–57
  • Measuring wheels 117
  • Meditation 129, 190
  • Meetings, class 197–204
  • Memory games 70
  • Mental health 1–2, 6
  • Mental math 39, 51
  • Metaphors 170
  • Mid‐layers, insulating 24, 27, 28
  • Montessori‐style activity bins 215
  • Movable letters 70–71
  • Mudpies 83–87
  • Multiplication 41–44, 52–54, 78, 81–82, 156–159
  • Multisensory 1, 4, 34, 90, 218. See also Sensory
  • Museums, classroom nature 211, 213
  • N
  • Narrative writing 202
  • Natural areas. See also Afield, exploring
    • math walks in 109
    • studies beyond 151
    • as zone of accessibility 4, 8–9
  • Natural materials:
    • additional ways to use 78
    • in class meetings/discussions 199
    • collecting 152–155
    • to create storyboards 50–51
    • general activities using 69–76
    • math activities using 35, 76–88
    • reading/writing activities using 88–93
    • in schoolyards 68–93
    • self‐portraits with 208–210
    • for yearlong projects 214–215
  • Nature:
    • books to inspire collectors of 213
    • connections, to nature 1, 9, 189
    • journaling 135, 158, 161, 205–208
    • respecting 211
    • riddles about 139–141
    • in unexpected places 119–121
  • Neighborhoods 105–149
  • Notebooks, outdoor 32
  • Number bonds activity 78
  • Number ladders 39–41
  • Number lines 37–40
  • Number rocks 70–74
  • Numbers, learning 109, 113
  • Number sentences 73
  • Number‐themed math walks 111–113
  • O
  • Objects, nature 199
  • Observation skills 123–129, 185–186, 189–191, 193–195
  • Odd numbers activities 78, 112
  • Order of operations 73
  • Orientation, learning about 191–192
  • Outdoor learning tips
    • alternative number line methods 40
    • chalk cleanup considerations 36
    • classroom nature library 205
    • documenting outdoor work 38
    • leaf sorts, matching, and memory games 70
    • making quality outdoor gear accessible for all 25
    • math walks in natural environments 109
    • more ways to use natural materials 78
    • move independent reading outdoors 23
    • nature journaling 135
    • nature objects in class meetings and discussions 199
    • outdoor notebooks 32
    • portable writing surfaces 107
    • recording work in wet or snowy conditions 94
    • respecting nature when collecting 211
    • stick safety 156
    • using snow to make arrays 82
    • utilizing cemeteries and graveyards 144
    • utilizing community voices and resources 131
    • warm drinks 167
    • winter in the schoolyard 100
  • Outdoor notebooks 32
  • Outdoors, benefits of teaching 1–4
  • Outer layers, weatherproof 24, 27, 28
  • P
  • Packets, seed 171–172
  • Paper, leaves as 76
  • Parental support, for outdoor learning 19
  • Parks 4, 8–9. See also Afield, exploring
  • Parts of speech activity 67
  • Patterns 214–215
  • Pendulums 98
  • Perimeter activity 80–81
  • Personification 146
  • Phenology wheels 215–217
  • Phonemes 46–48, 62–65, 118–119, 168
  • Phonics 44–46, 48–50, 60–65, 118–119, 145
  • Photo display activity 51
  • Physical health, from outdoor learning 1
  • Physics, on the playground 97–99
  • Picture card spelling 72
  • Place value 111, 113, 155–157
  • Place value sticks 76–80
  • Planning and preparation 13–33
    • of gear 21, 23–29
    • learning tips for 23, 25–26, 32
    • of materials 30–33
    • of outdoor locations 13–17
    • and parental support 19
    • for positive outdoor experiences 29–30
    • safety considerations for 17–18
    • sample outdoor class schedule for 22
    • of time/classroom management 19–21
  • Plants 150–189
    • classification of 72, 73, 177–179
    • math activities using 150–167
    • reading/writing activities using 167–177
    • science activities using 177–189
  • Plaster of Paris 187–188
  • Playacting 88–89
  • Playgrounds, using 65–67, 96–99
  • Portable writing surfaces 107
  • Predictions activity 161
  • Prefixes 45–46, 92
  • Procedural writing 103–104
  • Programs, outdoor 4
  • Public speaking skills 208
  • Punctuation 67–68
  • Puzzles, and word ladders 46–48
  • R
  • Races, sledding 161–164
  • Rainy conditions, gear for 28
  • Rate, investigating 99
  • Ratios 100–102
  • Read‐alouds 120, 137, 148–149, 210
  • Reading and writing activities. See also Writing activities
    • building settings 175–177
    • change a letter 62–65
    • clay characters 93
    • collect the alphabet 167–169
    • creating a wild seed catalog 170–172
    • hopscotch 60–62
    • leaf contractions 90–92
    • leafixes 92
    • from a leaf's perspective 174–175
    • leaf syllables 90
    • letter rocks 70–74
    • to map neighborhoods 121–123
    • masks and playacting 88–89
    • and nature in unexpected places 119–121
    • playground words 65–67
    • sentence challenge 67–68
    • similes and metaphors 170
    • storyboards 50–51
    • storytelling with tracks 172–174
    • using chalk 44–51
    • word graffiti 48–50
    • word ladders 46–48
    • words in neighborhood 118–119
    • word squares 44–46
    • word tic‐tac‐toe 59–60
  • Reading comprehension 66, 89, 106. See also Reading and writing activities
  • Reading outdoors 23
  • Reading words 65–67
  • Reflections, year‐end 209
  • Research skills 123–125, 129, 144, 145, 161
  • Resources:
    • on bird languages 183
    • on citizen science projects 95
    • on dichotomous keys 178
    • inventorying neighborhood's 105
    • on leaf shapes 125
    • on nature 135
    • on read‐alouds 137
    • on seed catalogs 171
    • utilizing community 131
    • on word ladders 48
  • Rhymes, skip counting 53
  • Rhythm 54
  • Riddles 67, 139–141
  • Rocks, letter and number 70–74
  • Roll to Twenty game 35, 36
  • Root words 92
  • Rounding 112–113
  • Running totals 113
  • S
  • Safety considerations:
    • and planning/preparation 17–18
    • strangers 139
    • when using sticks 156
  • Sand tables 214
  • Scale 122, 191–192
  • Scavenger hunt, for seeds 179–180
  • Schedules, outdoor classroom 19–22
  • Schoolyards 34–104
    • activities in 93–104
    • learning games in 51–68
    • learning tips for 36, 38, 40, 78, 82, 94, 100
    • using chalk in 34–51
    • using natural materials in 68–93
    • as zone of accessibility 4–7, 13
  • Science activities:
    • attracting birds 94–96
    • bird talk 182–184
    • calculating water in snow 100–102
    • designing playgrounds 96–97
    • identifying tracks 172–174
    • insect inventories 180–182
    • investigating snowflakes 99–100
    • leaf guides 123–125
    • natural materials for 215
    • observing bird behavior 184–186
    • physics on the playground 97–99
    • plant classification 177–179
    • in schoolyards 93–102
    • seeds scavenger hunt 179–180
    • track casting 186–189
  • Scoot game 57–58
  • Scrambled words activity 67
  • Seasons, learning about 200–202
  • Seating options, outdoor 15
  • Seeds, activities using 170–172, 179–180
  • Self‐portraits 208–210
  • Semantics 67–68
  • Senses, learning about 136
  • Sensory 44, 100, 215. See also Writing activities
  • Sensory activity 215
  • Sentence activity 73, 76
  • Sentences 66–68
  • Sequencing 65–67
  • Settings 137–138, 175–177, 195
  • Shapes 57, 80–81, 109, 110, 150
  • Sight words, see High‐frequency words
  • Silence, variation of math‐fact toss up 57
  • Silly sentence activity 73, 76
  • Similes 170
  • Simple machines activity 98
  • Sit spots 189–196
  • Skip counting 36, 38, 52–54, 76–78, 114–116
  • Sledding races 161–164
  • Snow, activities using 58–59, 81, 82, 87–88, 99–100, 164–167
  • Snowy conditions, learning tips for 94
  • Social‐emotional needs 2, 10
  • Sorting activities 66–67, 70, 74–76, 88, 119, 177
  • Soto, Gary 147
  • Sound boxes 72
  • Sounds, activities to learn 61, 72, 119. See also Phonemes
  • Spaces, outdoor classroom 14–15
  • Spatial reasoning skills activity 121–123
  • Species, learning about 95, 169
  • Speed activity 164
  • Spelling 48–50, 59–65, 67–68, 72
  • Spirals 109
  • Stairs, activities using 54, 116, 117
  • Standardized test scores 3
  • Starting point experiment 98
  • Sticks, activities using 76–81, 156
  • Stick safety 156
  • Storyboards 50–51
  • Story elements 51
  • Storytelling 102–104, 137–138, 164, 166, 172–174, 186, 195
  • Street art 48–49
  • Street names activity 119
  • Stress, reducing 2, 190
  • Subitizing activities 57, 72, 79
  • Subtraction activities 36–38, 74, 77, 86
  • Suffixes, activities to learn 92
  • Summaries 51, 217
  • Supply lists:
    • of natural materials 69
    • for outdoor learning 31–33
  • Support, for outdoor learning 16–17
  • Surface area 88
  • Syllables 60–62, 90
  • Symmetry 83, 110, 111
  • T
  • Temperature 203
  • Ten frames math activity 35–37, 82
  • “Ten ways” activity 145–146
  • 3D models 122–123
  • 3D shapes in snow activity 87–88
  • Three‐layer rule 24, 27–28
  • Tic‐tac‐toe word game 59–60
  • Time, learning about 74, 113, 200–202
  • Timelines, historical 66, 145
  • Time management 19–21
  • Tourism agencies activity 141–143
  • Tours, tree 133–134
  • Tracks, using 95, 172–174, 186–189
  • Trees 123–134
    • books about 129
    • inventorying 130–132
    • and leaf guide activity 123–125
    • leaf resources 125
    • locations for using 131
    • as overlooked resource 105–106
    • and tree arborists/experts 130
    • and tree tours activity 133–134
    • utilizing stumps of 6
  • Trundle wheels 117
  • U
  • Urban schools 4–6, 105
  • V
  • Verb forms 46
  • Visual checklists 26
  • Visual impairments, and sit spots 190–191
  • Vocabulary 48–50, 65–67
  • Voices, community 131
  • Volume 87–88, 100–102, 164–167
  • W
  • Wainwright, Alfred 21
  • Walking adventures 106–135
    • for math 106–117
    • for reading and writing 117–123
    • and utilizing trees 123–134
  • Wall displays, about trees 132
  • War, learning about 145
  • Water, activity using 100–102
  • Watercolor art 161
  • Water tables 214
  • Weather:
    • gear for 21, 28–29
    • and outdoor meeting areas 13–14, 94
    • station 97
    • tracking 202–204
  • Wet conditions 28, 94
  • Wild seed catalogs 170–172
  • Wind speed, tracking 203–204
  • Winter, outdoor instruction during 100, 196
  • Words:
    • activities to learn 118–119
    • game using playground 65–67
    • high‐frequency words 48–50, 59–62, 67, 73
    • marking up 72
    • in neighborhoods 118–119
    • reading 65–67
    • scrambling 73
    • to show importance 145
    • sorting 119
    • tic‐tac‐toe games using 59–60
    • writing 4
  • Word graffiti 48–50
  • Word ladders 46–48
  • Word problems 43, 58
  • Word squares 44–46
  • Work, documenting outdoor 38
  • Writing:
    • descriptive 136
    • expository 177
    • free 137–138
    • narrative 202
    • portable surfaces for 107
    • procedural 103–104
  • Writing activities. See also Reading and writing activities
    • cloud stories 102–104
    • descriptive writing 136
    • imagining what is behind doors 139
    • leaf guide 123
    • nature riddles 139–141
    • neighborhood odes 147, 148–149
    • neighborhoods as setting 137–138
    • news, sit spot 193–195
    • personification 146
    • procedural writing 103–104
    • “ten ways” versions 145–146
    • tourism agencies 141–143
    • for utilizing schoolyards 102–104
  • Y
  • Year‐end reflections 209
  • Yearlong projects 205–217
    • class nature journals 205–208
    • natural materials for 214–215
    • nature collections 210–213
    • observing trees 125–129
    • phenology wheels 215–217
    • self‐portraits 208–210
    • sit spots 189–196
  • Z
  • Zones of accessibility 4–11
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