Sending a note to a customer

You may occasionally need to reach out to customers and let them know something about their order. Maybe the order is delayed or maybe you want to ask them if you could swap one product for an equivalent product. When that happens, you'll want it all documented in one place. You don't want to use e-mail to do this because, a year down the line, you won't know why you did what you did. That's why WooCommerce has the built-in ability to contact a customer from the order page; the outgoing message is logged on that page.

Getting ready

You'll need an order in your store. If you don't have an order yet in your store, make a test order using the Bank Transfer gateway.

How to do it…

Communicating with customers can be done directly from the order page, by performing the following steps:

  1. From the WordPress admin, go to WooCommerce | Orders.
  2. Click on any of the orders.
  3. On this page, you'll see the Order Notes panel and, at the bottom of the panel, there will be a field called Add note.
    How to do it…
  4. Enter your note to the customer in the Add note field.


    Customer notes can contain HTML. So, if you want to embolden or italicize something in your message, you could type in the HTML manually.

  5. Click on Add.

As soon as you click on Add, the e-mail will be sent out. This e-mail uses the WooCommerce e-mail template. WooCommerce templates can be customized; refer to the Overriding WooCommerce templates recipe in Chapter 9, WooCommerce Theming, to see how to do this.

How to do it…

There's more...

The Order Notes section also allows you to leave private notes. These are great for when a customer calls or messages you via social media or some other medium and you want to record the conversation. You can do this by changing the select box under Add note to Private note.


Only the outgoing message is recorded in the Order Notes section. If you need to log a customer's response, you should use the Private note setting.

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