Adding banners to remind customers of upgrades

There are a number of rewards and discounts that you could offer to your customers. Maybe you unlock free shipping at $100 or you give the customer a 5% discount at $200. Unless you use a lot of screen real estate to promote these rewards, most customers won't know about them or act on them. One way around this would be to list the different rewards and how close the customer is to reaching them. If you have good rewards, people will buy more products to reach the reward. This can drastically increase your average order value.

Getting ready

Set up free shipping so that it's unlockable at $100. This is covered in Chapter 5, Setting Up Shipping Methods. You will also need to install and activate the Cart Notices plugin, available on

How to do it…

In order to add a banner to remind your customers of upgrades, refer to the following steps:

  1. Go to WooCommerce | Cart Notices.

    From here, we can see all of the cart notices on the site. We can also see a list of short codes we could use to display the cart notices on other pages on the site.

  2. Click on New Notice.
  3. Select the Type of notice you want to create. We want to create a Minimum Amount notice.


    If you want to know how each notice works, you can select the type and some helper text will appear beneath the field, describing how it works.

  4. Enter a name for the notice. This is only for your reference, so put whatever makes sense. Since we're creating a notice about free shipping, I'm going to call mine Free Shipping.
  5. Make sure the Enabled checkbox is checked.


    If you want to pause a promotion or create one in advance, uncheck the Enabled checkbox.

  6. Enter the message you want to display to customers in the Notice Message setting. The default message is perfect for our use case.
  7. If you have a page describing the free shipping reward, you can add a button that links to the page by filling in the Call to Action and Call to Action URL fields.
  8. Enter $100 in the Minimum Order Amount field.
  9. Click on Create Cart Notice to save your settings.

If you add a product to your cart, it will look something like the following on the cart page:

How to do it…

And if you hit the minimum order amount, the message disappears.

There's more...

This plugin is very powerful. You can also recommend that users buy certain items in bundles, or let them know that, if they order on the weekend their packages won't ship until Monday; alternatively, if a certain product is in the cart, you can have them read your review of a related product. You can create as many notices as you like.

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