
Book Description

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapy approach that addresses dysfunctional emotions and negative behaviors through goal setting and various coping techniques such as meditation, visualization, relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and more. Although it's commonly used by therapists to treat everything from phobias and eating disorders to anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), it's often patient-driven and many of the techniques can be learned and managed without the help of a therapist. Idiot's Guides: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is designed to help readers to first learn how to recognize negative thought patterns or obsessive behaviors, and then teaches them how to employ simple yet highly effective techniques to help recognize and confront destructive behaviors on their own.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Introduction
  5. Part 1: The Basics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    1. 1 Understanding CBT
      1. What Is CBT?
      2. Your Turn: What Kind of Thinker Are You?
      3. The Theory Behind CBT
      4. Your Turn: Learning Your ABCs
      5. Understanding Themes
      6. Benefits of CBT
      7. Disadvantages of CBT
      8. Your Turn: Is CBT Right for Me?
    2. 2 Interpreting Your Thoughts and Feelings
      1. Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
      2. Your Turn: New Beliefs
      3. Separating Thoughts from Emotions
      4. Problematic Thinking Patterns
        1. Catastrophizing
        2. Mind Reading
        3. Fortune-Telling
        4. Black-and-White Thinking
        5. Overgeneralizing
        6. Personalization and Blame
        7. Ignoring the Positive
        8. “Should” and “Must”
        9. Emotional Reasoning
        10. Labeling
      5. Your Turn: Notice Your Thoughts
    3. 3 Automatic Thoughts, Assumptions, and Core Beliefs
      1. Your First Reaction
      2. Your Turn: Listening to Self-Talk
      3. Negative Automatic Thoughts
      4. Changing Negative Self-Talk
      5. Your Turn: Questions to Ask Yourself
      6. Making Assumptions
      7. Your Turn: Turning Assumptions Around
      8. Tips for Eliminating Assumptions
      9. Your Turn: Uncovering Your Assumptions
      10. Identify Your Core Beliefs
      11. Your Turn: Rating Core Beliefs
      12. Develop New Core Beliefs
    4. 4 Understanding and Measuring Your Emotions
      1. Naming Your Emotions
      2. Helpful vs. Unhelpful Emotions
        1. Nervousness vs. Anxiety
        2. Irritation and Frustration vs. Anger and Rage
        3. Sadness vs. Depression
        4. Embarrassment vs. Guilt and Shame
        5. Disgust vs. Contempt
        6. Stress vs. Shock and Feeling Overwhelmed
        7. Envy vs. Jealousy
      3. Your Turn: Discover Underlying Attitudes
      4. Mixed Emotions
      5. Managing Feelings about Feelings
      6. Your Turn: Create an Emotion Contract
      7. The Emotional Process
      8. Cognitive Reactions
      9. Physical Reactions
      10. Your Turn: Where Do You Feel the Emotion?
      11. Behavioral Reactions
      12. Learning Emotions
  6. Part 2: CBT Techniques
    1. 5 Setting Goals for Getting Better
      1. Setting Goals
      2. Your Turn: Ladder Rungs
      3. Define Your Motivation
        1. Weighing the Pros and Cons
        2. Positive vs. Negative Motivation
      4. Your Turn: Create a Cost-Benefit Analysis
      5. Your Turn: Create Coping Flash Cards
      6. Maintaining Your Progress
    2. 6 Visualization and Imagery
      1. Using Visualization
      2. Facing Emotional Images
      3. Reacting to Spontaneous Imagery
        1. Solving Problems
        2. Testing Your Image
        3. Changing the Image
        4. Changing the Focus
        5. Completing the Story
        6. Floating Forward
      4. Your Turn: Creating Your Own Imagery
      5. Create Coping Skills
      6. Your Turn: Keynote Behavior Visualizations
    3. 7 Relaxation Techniques and Strategies
      1. The Importance of Breathing
      2. Your Turn: Breathing Techniques
        1. Feel the Difference
        2. Breathe Deeply
        3. Develop Your Breathing Muscles
        4. Balloon Breathing
        5. Sighing
      3. Meditation
        1. What Is Meditation?
        2. Why Meditate?
      4. Your Turn: Simple Meditation
      5. Your Turn: Kirtan Kriya Mediation
      6. Relaxing Your Muscles
      7. Your Turn: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
      8. Other Ways to Relax
        1. Hobbies
        2. Your Turn: Create a Wish List
        3. Social Activities
        4. Physical Activity and Exercise Programs
        5. Your Turn: Activity Journal
        6. Create a Fitness Program
    4. 8 Mindfulness
      1. What Is Mindfulness?
      2. Your Turn: Mindfulness Breathing
      3. A Thought Is Just a Thought
      4. The Role of Mindfulness in CBT
      5. Acceptance Does Not Mean Settling
      6. Controlling Urges
      7. Your Turn: The Raisin Experience
      8. Being Present in the Moment
      9. Tips for Living in the Present Moment
      10. Watch Your Thoughts Sail By
      11. Your Turn: Observing Thoughts
      12. Accepting Upsetting Thoughts and Moods
      13. Incorporating Mindfulness in Everyday Life
      14. Your Turn: Diary of Mindfulness Exercises
    5. 9 Your Inner Narration
      1. Self-Talk
      2. Your Turn: Recording Your Inner Dialogue
      3. Types of Negative Narrations
        1. The Worrier
        2. Self-Critique
        3. The Victim/Blamer
        4. The Perfectionist
      4. Checklist for More Positive Inner Narration
      5. Your Turn: Which Category?
      6. Affirmations
      7. Combating the Idea of Lying to Yourself
        1. Making Affirmations Believable
        2. Seeing the Big Picture
      8. Tips for Creating Affirmations
    6. 10 Testing Your New Beliefs
      1. Reality Testing
      2. Comparing Behaviors
      3. Feedback
        1. Formal Surveys
        2. Informal Surveys
        3. Observation
      4. Your Turn: Testing Your Predictions
  7. Part 3: CBT for Personal Growth
    1. 11 Increasing Your Self-Esteem
      1. What Do We Mean by Self-Esteem?
      2. Self-Acceptance
      3. Obstacles to Self-Acceptance
        1. Equating Acceptance with Giving Up
        2. Measuring Your Worth on External Factors
        3. Overgeneralizing
        4. Maintaining an Outdated Self-Image
        5. Basing Your Self-Worth on One Aspect
      4. Your Turn: Self-Assessment
      5. Steps to Improving Self-Esteem
        1. Monitor and Adjust Your Self-Talk
        2. Review Your Expectations
        3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
        4. Adjust Your Self-Image to Fit the Present Moment
        5. Add Self-Esteem Activities
      6. Your Turn: Create Mini Action Plans
      7. Accepting Bad Behavior
    2. 12 Overcoming Perfectionism
      1. Defining Perfectionism
      2. Your Turn: Are You a Perfectionist?
      3. Perfectionist Thought Patterns
        1. Black-and-White Thinking
        2. Catastrophizing
        3. Personalization and Blame
        4. “Should” and “Must”
        5. Mind Reading
      4. Adding Flexibility to Your Life
        1. Revising Rigid Rules
        2. Perfectionist Behavior Checklist
        3. Introduce Shades of Grey into Your Life
      5. Your Turn: Shades of Grey
      6. Cost-Benefit Analysis
      7. Procrastination and Perfectionism
      8. Your Turn: Taking One Step at a Time
    3. 13 Improving Your Relationships
      1. Who Is to Blame?
        1. Choose Your Reaction
        2. Making Demands
        3. Your Turn: Sharing Preferences
        4. Breaking the Cycle
      2. Communication Skills
        1. Listening
        2. Speaking
        3. Nonverbal communication
    4. 14 Building Assertiveness
      1. Defining Assertiveness
      2. Steps for Assertiveness
        1. Rights and Responsibilities
        2. When You Aren’t Assertive
        3. Choosing the Middle Ground
        4. Helping Others to Be Assertive
      3. Types of Assertiveness
        1. Compliments, Praise, and Information
        2. Self-Disclosure
        3. Empathy
        4. Discrepancy Assertiveness
        5. Conflict Resolution
        6. Rephrasing Your Assertion
        7. Consequences
      4. Acting Assertively
      5. Accepting Criticism
      6. Misconceptions About Assertiveness
    5. 15 Managing Everyday Stress
      1. What Is Stress?
      2. Identify Your Stressors
      3. Problems vs. Problematic Thinking
      4. Your Turn: Problem Solving
      5. Stress Reduction Strategies
      6. Your Turn: Create a Stress Worksheet
      7. Exercise Your Stress Away
  8. Part 4: CBT for Specific Conditions and Situations
    1. 16 Overcoming Depression
      1. Sadness vs. Depression
      2. The Role of CBT in Treating Depression
      3. The “Do Nothing” Syndrome
      4. Avoidance
      5. Ruminations
      6. Your Turn: Reduce Your Ruminations
      7. Take Care of Yourself
        1. Diet
        2. Exercise
        3. Sleep
    2. 17 Dealing with Anxiety Disorders
      1. Types of Anxiety Disorders
      2. The Role of CBT in Treating Anxiety Disorders
      3. Facing Fears
      4. Your Turn: Expose Yourself
      5. Turn Worry into Problem Solving
      6. Accepting Uncertainty
      7. Your Turn: Create a Worry Script
      8. Your Turn: Managing Big Problems
      9. Behavior Assignments
        1. Avoiding Discomfort
        2. Uncertainty
        3. Ambiguity
    3. 18 Controlling Anger
      1. What Is Anger?
      2. Understanding Your Anger
        1. Your Turn: Creating an Anger Log
        2. Causes of Anger
        3. Your Turn: Criticism, Complaint, or Request?
      3. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Anger
      4. Your Turn: How Angry Are You?
      5. Common Hot Buttons
      6. Reframe Your Emotion
      7. Accept Fallibility in Yourself and Others
      8. Your Turn: Judge Yourself First
      9. Increase Your Frustration Tolerance
      10. Your Turn: Raise Your Frustration Tolerance
    4. 19 Overcoming Addictions or Substance Abuse
      1. The Many Sizes and Shapes of Addiction
      2. Accept Your Addiction
      3. Your Turn: Identify Blame Statements
      4. The Personal Costs of Addiction
      5. Your Turn: Cost Analysis
      6. Identifying Your Triggers
      7. Your Turn: New Behavior Plan
      8. Turn Intention into Action
        1. Restructure Your Thoughts
        2. Deal with Cravings
    5. 20 Managing OCD
      1. Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
      2. Your Turn: Identify Your Triggers
      3. Thoughts Are Just Thoughts
      4. Your Turn: Thought Exposure
      5. Overcoming Magical Thinking
      6. Response Prevention
      7. Behavioral Experiments
      8. Exposure Therapy
      9. Tips for Reducing Rituals
      10. Build on Successes
    6. 21 Developing a Positive Body Image
      1. What Is Body Image?
        1. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Body Image
      2. Your Turn: Do You Have a Body Image Problem?
      3. Problematic Thinking Processes
      4. Your Turn: Changing the Image
      5. How Body Image Effects Your Life
      6. Your Turn: The Real Impact
      7. Standing in Your Own Way
      8. See Yourself as a Whole Person
      9. A Word About Eating Disorders
  9. Part 5: Moving Forward
    1. 22 Knocking Down Obstacles to Progress
      1. Uncovering More Problems and Feeling Overwhelmed
      2. Common Reasons CBT Doesn’t Work
        1. You Lack Repetition
        2. You Believe Self-Acceptance Means Not Changing
        3. You Try to Eliminate Emotions
        4. You Assume Learning CBT Is Enough
        5. You Analyze Everything You Think
        6. You Expect an Instant Cure
      3. Getting in Your Own Way
        1. Shame, Guilt, and Pride
        2. The Fear of Being Uncomfortable
        3. The Fear of Failure
      4. Your Turn: Find Your Motivation
      5. Monitor Your Progress
      6. Tips for Making CBT Work for You
    2. 23 Maintaining Gains
      1. Move New Beliefs to Your Inner Being
      2. Digging Down to Your Core Belief
      3. All True or Sometimes True?
      4. Deal with Problems Immediately
        1. Prepare for Triggers
        2. CBT as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle
      5. Your Turn: Plan Self-Therapy Sessions
      6. Your Turn: Create Behavior Markers
      7. Tips for Maintaining Your CBT Gains
    3. 24 Preparing to Backslide
      1. The Difference Between a Lapse and a Relapse
      2. Your Turn: Preparing for a Setback
      3. Warning Signs and Triggers
      4. Your Turn: Create a Relapse Prevention Plan
      5. Tips for Integrating CBT into Daily Life
    4. 25 Working with a Therapist
      1. Should You Seek Professional Help?
      2. Conventional Therapy vs. CBT
        1. Psychodynamic Therapy
        2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
      3. Finding a Therapist
        1. Questions to Ask Before Meeting a Therapist
        2. First Session Discussions
        3. Characteristics of a Good CBT Therapist
      4. Be Prepared to Participate
      5. A Typical Therapy Session
  10. Appendixes
    1. A Glossary
    2. B Resources
    3. C Forms
    4. D References
  11. Index