How to do it...

To complete this recipe, you will need to create a nOps trial account:

  1. Go to the nOps site at and click START FREE NOPS TRIAL.
  2. Enter your email address and click Get Started.
  3. Click Add AWS Account to associate your AWS account with your nOps account.
  4. Use the nOps setup wizard to automate the install process.
Go to the nOps help site if you get stuck during the install process:
  1. You will be redirected to the AWS console. Review the CloudFormation summary, check the box to acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources, and click Create stack.
  2. Monitor the stack's creation until it is complete:

nOps CloudFormation stack
  1. Log in to your nOps account. At first, much of the reporting will be blank. Wait a few hours for nOps to run its checks and populate reporting. Then, you will see a screen similar to the following:

The nOps dashboard
  1. Take some time to explore the dashboard. It features the following widgets:
    • A summary of your account activity
    • Yesterday's spend by the top five services
    • Month to date spend by the top five services
    • Unused resources
    • Underutilized resources
    • Month-to-date top five most expensive resources
    • Cost by user
    • Cost trend
  1. Go to Reports from the main menu and select WAR Report. This report will grade your compliance with the Well-Architected Framework across a diverse set of categories:

The nOps WAR report
  1. Go to the Cost Control menu and select AWS Resources Cost. Select Spend by AWS Products to see how your costs are divided by product:

nOps spend by AWS products

Continue to explore nOps to learn about the wide variety of reports it offers.

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