3D Transform filter, 129

8 bits/channel mode, 147, 158, 312

16 bits/channel mode:

color depth, 158

levels changes, 166

24 bits/color photos, 158

48 bits/color photos, 158

‘A Family History’ project, 410-26

background removal, 416-17

brightness, 415-16

color, 415-16

contrast, 415-16

creating albums, 413

cropping, 414

fine tuning, 423-5

gray conversion, 420-1

importing albums, 413

Photo book, 421-2

printing, 426

restore, 418

source files, 412

straightening, 414

tagging albums, 413

tint conversion, 421

trim, 414

ACR see Adobe Camera Raw

Action Player option, 20

Add labels option, 139

Add Noise filter, 129, 189-90

Adding pages in Photo Books, 286-7

Adding photos in Photo Books, 284-5

Adjust Color Curves option, 172-3

Adjust Color for Skin Tone, 124, 416

Adjust Hue/Saturation option, 169-70, 421

Adjust Lighting option, 164-7

Adjust sharpness option, 180-1

Adjust sliders in Color Curves option, 173

Adjust Smart Fix feature, 113

Adjustment Layers, 233

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR):

color strength, 152-3

Crop tool, 149

new features, 147

noise, 154

opening, 148

output, 154

processing, 148-12

raw conversion settings, 155

raw files queue, 156

Rotate option, 149

save, 154-5

sharpness, 153

Straighten tool, 149

tonal control, 150-2

White Balance settings, 149-50

Adobe Photo Downloader (APD):

advanced organization, 82-4

downloading, 80-2

image rotation, 61

revamp, 21

software, 39

transferring files, 82

Adobe Photoshop Elements see Photoshop Elements

Advanced burning, 223-4

Advanced dodging, 223-4

Advanced Mode workflow, 40-1

Airbrush tool, 261


emailing in, 352-3

share option, 340-1

Albums, 75

‘A Family History’ project, 413

adding images, 87-8

grouping like images, 87

groups, 90-1

import, 41

location, 92

online printing, 293

Organizer file, 85

photo books, 278

Smart, 88-90

Align Photos, 301

Alignment tool, 256, 300

Amount slider in Unsharp Mask filter, 178-9

Analog/digital comparison, 4

Angle setting, 260


Flipbooks, 357-8

web, 355, 356-7

Appearance of Photoshop Elements 7, 19

Archiving files direct to CD/DVD project, 401

Artificial depth of field, 225

Artwork palette, 21

Artwork panels, 289-94

background, 290

content, 289-90

effects, 289, 292

favorites, 292

shapes, 290

text, 291

themes, 290-1, 292

Author data, 41

Auto Color Correction command, 120-1, 168, 416

Auto Color option, 67, 167

Auto Contrast command, 67, 111

Auto fill option, 286

Auto Levels command, 67, 112

Auto options, 66-8

Auto Red Eye Fix option, 68, 362

Auto Sharpen option, 67, 177

Auto Smart Fix option, 66-7, 112, 361

Auto stacking, 77, 101-2

Auto straightening option, 64

Auto White Balance option, 119

Auto workflow, panoramas production, 312

Automated editing, 139

Automatic corrections, 65-70

Automatic downloads:

cameras, 41

card readers, 41

Automatic editing, 104

Automatically Suggest Photo Stacks option, 40, 82, 102


files, 95

frequency, 98

glossary, 98

images, 78

security, 98


‘A Family History’ project, 416-17

artwork panels, 290

eraser tool, 267


image quality/file size, 324, 328

image size/picture quality, 378

Banding in printing, 382

Bas Relief filter, 128

Bayer data, 147

Binding, online printing, 293-4

Bit depth:

cameras, 6-7

scanners, 6

Black shadows, 151

Black and white photos, 269-70

Black and white points, 165-6

Blank file option, 51, 53

Blend mode:

layers, 237-9

Smart Brush tool, 216-17

Bluer Skies brushes, 20

Blur tools, 181-2


‘A Family History’ project, 415-16

images, 109-16

tonal control, 151-2


feature, 415

images, 110

tones, 114-15, 162

Browse option in, 345

Brush Dynamics palette, 259

Brush tool, 269

Burn tools, 116-18

Burning, advanced, 223-4

Calibration of monitors, 108


Automatic downloads, 41

bit depth, 6-7

digital single lens reflex, 5

image input to Elements, 38

importing from, 413

levels in Photomerge, 306

raw files data, 145

Canon scanners, 42

Canvas size option, 199-200

Capture, digital process, 8

Card readers:

Automatic downloads, 41

image input to Elements, 38

importing from, 413

Categories of layers, 233

CCDs see charge-coupled devices


artwork, 3

DVD label project, 396-7

jackets project, 394-5

Chalk & Charcoal filter, 131

Charge-coupled devices (CCDs), 5

Cleaning objects for scanning, 412

Clear Photo option, 286

Clone Overlay option, 419

Clone Stamp tool, 184-5, 186, 418

CMOS sensors, 5

Collages, 276

Collections see albums


‘A Family History’ project, 415-16

control, 167-76

corrections, 119-24, 166

daylight, 119

depth, 158-62, 160

handling, 370

management, 107

Photoshop Elements management, 370-1, 381

print dialog, 360, 370-1

replacement tool, 265

selection tools, 202, 208-9

see also bit depth

Color Cast option, 167

Color strength:

Adobe Camera Raw, 152-3

saturation, 153

vibrance, 152

Color Variations command, 121-2, 171, 416, 421

Color-based selections, 209-22

Colored Pencil filter, 128

Colorize option, 169, 421

ColorVision option, 108

Compare Photos Side by Side option, 58-9

Compression technology:

GIF format, 326

JPEG format, 326

web format, 329

Computer/film comparison, 3-4

Contact sheets for printing, 372-3

Content of artwork panel, 289-90

Contiguous option, 209

Contract/expand control in Refine Edge option, 219


‘A Family History’ project, 415-16

images, 109-16

tonal control, 152

Convert to Black and White feature, 420

Cookie Cutter tool, 26, 259, 272-3

Copyright data, 41

Craquelure filter, 128

Create option, 17, 32-3, 37

Create task module, 289, 387-8

Crop to Original Size option, 65

Crop to Remove Background option, 65

Crop tools:

‘A Family History’ project, 414

Adobe Camera raw 149

Canvas size 200

images 62-3

slideshows, 361

uses, 26-7

Custom Shape Picker palette, 271-2

Date view, 30, 56

Daylight and color, 119

Defringe option, 222


layers, 242

Photo Books pages, 288

Depth of field, 224, 225

Difference blending mode, 237

Digital process:

capture, 144-7

images, 8

manipulation, 8, 10

output, 8, 10

Photoshop Elements, 9, 10

Digital SHO filter, 135

Digital single lens reflex (DSLR) cameras, 5

Digital/analog comparison, 4

Divide Scanned Photos feature, 44-5, 414

DNG format properties, 74

Documents creation, 53-6

Dodge tool, 116-18

Dodging, advanced, 223-4

Downloading of files, 80-2

Downsizing of images, 4

Drawing selections:

modification, 209-22

tools, 202, 203-4, 207, 258, 270-4

Driver dialog for scanners, 41-2

DSLR see digital single lens reflex

Dust & Scratches filter, 182-3, 184


jackets project, 394-5

labels project, 396-7

Edge bleeding in printing, 382

Edges in Photomerge, 309


automated, 139

enhancement options, 140

images, 104-5

multi-selection, 140

tasks, 31

welcome screen, 37

workspaces, 17

Editor workspace:

Adobe Camera Raw, 148

printing, 368

text, 245

Effects palette:

artwork panel, 289

filters, 127

graphics, 273-4

shapes, 273-4

text, 253-4

Elliptical Marquee tool, 203


attachment of images, 353-4, 351-2, 352-3

Embed option in, 349

Emboss filter, 134

Enhance menu, 23


online, 342-4

tools, 25

Eraser tools, 266-8

EXIF see metadata


CD/DVD option, 335, 339

FTP option, 335, 338

Exposure for Photomerge, 308

Face Tagging option, 86

Fade setting, 260

Favorites in artwork panel, 289

Feather slider in Refine Edge option, 219, 222

Feathered edge for images, 224


downloading, 80-2

location, 91-3

management, 79-102

map reference, 94

multi disk back-up, 96

multi-session back-up, 96

naming, 139

online back-up, 96-8

protection, 94-102

source, 139

synchronization, 96-8

type, 139

Fill layers, 234

Film/computer comparison, 3-4

Filmstrip slideshow, 350

Filters, 124-36

Browser, 127

Chalk & Charcoal, 131

Dust & Scratches, 182-3, 184

effects, 126-9, 226

Emboss, 134

gallery, 125-6, 128

Grain, 191-2

Graphic Pen, 133

Liquify, 132

menu, 23, 124-5

Motion Blur, 130

noise, 187-8

summary, 136

Texturizer, 193-5

third party, 135

Unsharp Mask, 178-9

Find by Details option, 89, 93

Flash format, 326


animation, 357-8

project, 404-5

Focal length in Photomerge, 306-7


family, 255-6

style, 255-6

text size, 256

Formats description, 73-5

Frame From Video option, 56

Frame layers, 235-6

Framed prints, 3

Frames for Photo Books, 282-3

Free Transform command, 23, 284, 425

Frequency of back-up, 98

From Scanner option, 41-3

Full editor:

cropping, 62

importing photos, 49

rotation, 61

toolbox, 23

viewing pictures, 57

workflow, 17, 19

Gallery, web, 331-3

Gaussian Blur Filter, depth of field, 225

Get Photos and Video option,

albums, 413

auto stacking 101

importing pictures 38,

Organizer 16, 41-2, 46-9

GIF format:

animation, 357

compression technology, 325, 326, 327

image quality, 330

properties, 74

web, 324

Global enhancement of color depth, 160

Glossary of back-up terms, 98

Glowing Edges filter, 128

Gradient Map filter, 129

Grain filter, 191-2

Graphic Pen filter, 133


artwork panels, 290

Effects palette, 273-4

Gray conversion, ‘A Family History’ project, 420-1

Gray point eyedropper, 166

Grayscale option, 420

Greeting card project, 392-3

Grid slideshow, 350

‘Group Custom Name’ tag, 40, 83-4

Grow Canvas to Fit option, 65

Guided editor:

filters, 136-8

image changes, 105

image rotation, 62

Photomerge Faces, 299

viewing images, 57

workflow, 17, 19, 20, 28

Hand coloring of black and white photos, 269-70

Hand tool, 136

Hard Mix Blending mode, 237

Hardness setting, 260

Healing Brush tool, 186-7, 419


Photoshop Elements, 141-2

on the spot, 142

High-bits misconceptions, 160-2


command, 115-16, 118

tonal control, 152

Hints for Photoshop Elements, 141


images, 164

pixels, 163

Home workspace in, 345

Hue Jitter setting, 260

Hue/Saturation command, 167, 169-70, 227

Image data in raw files, 145

Image from Clipboard option, 53-4

Image quality/file size balance, 324, 328

Image size/picture quality balance, 378


albums, 75

auto stacks, 77

back-up, 78

brightness, 109-16

changes, 103-42

color management, 107-9

contrast, 109-16

cropping, 62-3

digital process, 8

downsizing, 4

email attachments, 353-4

feathered edge, 224

high-bit, 160-2

histograms, 164

import, 38-41, 49-53

layers, 232

manipulation, 3

menu, 23

online enhancement, 342-4

organization, 75-7

overlap, 306

photo books, 278

Photomerge, 305-9

pixels for capture, 43

printing, 70-2

quality in web formats, 330

raw files, 145

retouching, 182-8

rotation, 61, 65

saving, 72-3

searching, 84-5

sharpening, 177-81

size, 139, 196-9

stacks, 77

tagging, 85

text, 243-56

texture, 189-95

viewing, 57-60

web, 321-2


albums, 41, 84

By searching, 48-9

cameras/card readers, 38-41

editor options, 49-53

files/folders, 46-7

photos, 101

scanners, 41-3

settings, 38

Impressionist Brush tool, 264

Improvements in Photoshop Elements 7, 10

Individual prints, 377

Inkjet printers, 70, 364

Interactive layout of Photomerge, 314


brightness control, 19

Photoshop Elements 7, 18-34


pictures, 324

services, 321

Internet Service Providers (ISPs), 334

Introduction to Photoshop Elements 7, 11-34

Invert command, 175

ISPs see Internet Service Providers

‘Jaggies’, text, 248

Jargon buster, 428-35

JPEG files:

compression technology, 325, 326, 327

content, 144

image quality, 330

JPEG 2000 format, 324, 325

noise, 188

properties, 74

raw files, 147

saving images, 73, 144

web, 324, 325

Justification of text, 256

Keyboard shortcuts, 436-8

Keyword tags, 75, 85-6, 90-1, 413

Kodak EasyShare Gallery website, 426

Lasso tools, 203-5, 207

Layers, 230-42

blend modes, 237-9

categories, 232-5

deleting, 242

fill, 234-5

frame, 235-6

images, 232

linking, 241

menu, 23

merging, 242

moving, 241

organization, 241-2

origins, 230

palette, 231

shortcuts, 242

styles, 239-40, 292

styles for text, 249-52

text, 233

transparency, 236-7

Leading of text, 256

Lens Flare filter, 129


feature, 415

tones, 167

Lighting Effects filter, 129

Link option in, 349

Linking layers, 241

Liquify filter, 132

Local contrast for tonal control, 152

Local enhancement of color depth, 160


albums, 92

files, 91-3

tagged images, 92

Macromedia software, 326

Magic Eraser tool, 267, 416

Magic Extractor feature, 221-2, 268, 417

Magic Selection Brush see Quick Selection tool

Magic Wand tool, 209, 262

Magnetic Lasso tool, 205, 207

Manipulation in digital process, 8

Manual editing, 105

Manual tonal control, 162-7

Manual workflow for panorama production, 312-13

Map reference files, 94

‘Marching ants’, 202

Marquee tools, 203

Menus, 22-3

Merging of layers, 242

Metadata, 41, 81, 93, 145

Monitors see screens

More Options palette, 260-1

Motion blur filter, 130

Move tool, 26, 241, 247

Moving layers, 241

Moving pages in Photo Books, 287-8

Multi disk back-up of files, 96

Multi-selection editing, 140

Multi-session back-up of files, 96

Multiple prints, 372

Multiple raw files, changes, 157

My Gallery workspace, 345-6

My photos workspace in, 345

Naming files, 81, 139

Navigator option, 60, 313

New documents creation, 53-6

New tools and features, 12-13, 19-21

No Color management printing, 370


Adobe Camera Raw, 154

filter, 187-8

Ocean Ripple filter, 128


back-up of files, 96-8

enhancement of images, 342-4

Gallery/Online Album comparison, 331

images prints, 347-8

Online Album, 331, 332

creation, 335-8

private albums, 346-7

project, 402-3

public albums, 346-7

sharing options, 339

webspace, 335

Online printing:

albums, 293-4

binding, 293-4

prints, 384-5

Opacity and Smart Brush tool, 216

Open As option, 49

Open Recently Edited File option, 52

Opening Adobe Camera Raw, 148

Options bar, 27

Order Prints pane, 385-6


images, 75-7

layers, 241-2

Organize option, 37

Organizer file:

albums, 85

cropping, 63

import form files/folders, 83

import from cameras/card readers, 38-41

import from files/folders, 46-7

import from scanners, 41-3

import from Watch folders, 47-8

import using By Searching, 48-9

photos, 101

printing, 71

Organizer workspace:

Albums, 413

file management, 16, 30-1

photo projects, 387

printing, 367

searching, 84-5

viewing pictures, 56-7

Organizing features, 84-6


Adobe Camera Raw, 154

digital process, 8

Overlap of images, 306

Page design for photo books, 279

Page Setup dialog, 366-7, 369

Paint tools:

airbrush, 261

Color Replacement, 265-6

colors, 264

Eraser tools, 266-8

Impressionist Brush, 264

Paint Brush, 259

Paint Bucket, 262-3

pencil, 262

summary, 264

type, 258

Painting/drawing tools, 24-5

Palettes, 27-8

Panels, 27-8


auto workflow, 312

manual workflow, 312-13

Photomerge, 298-9, 304-5

problems, 317-18

production, 310-13

shooting, 317-18

stitching modes, 56, 310-12

tripods, 307

Paper type and print quality, 367-8

Paragraph text, 244, 246

Pencil tool, 262, 300, 302, 304

Photo bin see Project bin

Photo Books:

‘A Family History’ project, 421-2

adding pages, 286-7

adding photos, 284-5

creation, 278-81

deleting pages, 288

editing existing designs, 282-4

home printing, 294

images, 278

moving pages, 287-8

multiple photos, 276-7

pages design, 279

Photo Layout option, 279

printing, 292-3

project, 390-1, 411

Random Photo layout option, 279

removing photos, 286

replacing photos, 285

saving, 281

title page, 279-80

viewing pages, 288

Photo Browser:

Adobe Camera Raw, 148

image rotation, 61

Organizer workspace, 30-1

Photomerge Panorama, 314

version sets, 68

viewing pictures, 56

Photo Collage project, 390-1, 411

Photo Creation documents, 424

Photo Creations see create option; share option

Photo Filter option, 176

Photo Layer project, 34

Photo Layout option, 276, 279

Photo Mail, 354

Photo projects, 387-408

Archiving files direct to CD/DVD, 401

CD jackets, 394-5

CD/DVD label, 396-7

DVD jackets, 394-5

Flipbook, 404-5

greetings card, 392-3

Online Album, 402-3

Photo book, 390-1, 411

photo collage, 390-1

sending images as Photo Mail, 407

sharing online, 408

sharing photos as email attachments, 406

slide shows for computer/TV, 398-9

slide shows in PDF format, 399

VCD/DVD with menu project, 400-1

workflow, 388

Photomerge, 295-318

camera level, 306

edges, 309

exposure, 308

Faces, 55

focal length, 306-7

Group Shot, 54

images, 305-9

interactive layout, 314

option, 53-4

Panoramas, 55-6

panoramas production, 310-13

pivot around lens, 307

Scene Cleaner, 19, 55

White Balance settings, 308-9

Photomerge Faces, 296, 297-8, 301-2

Photomerge Group Shot, 296-7, 299-300

Photomerge Panorama, 298-9, 304-5

option, 313

Photo Browser, 314

problems, 317-18

spinning stitches, 316-17

vertical stitches, 315

Photomerge Scene Cleaner, 296, 302-4


auto stacking, 101

auto stacks, 77

imported, 101

Organizer, 101

stacks, 40, 77, 100-1

see also images

Photoshop Elements:

16 bits/channel mode, 160, 162

color management, 370

Community, 37, 321, 322-3

digital process, 9

help, 141-2

hints, 141

photo stack, 100

Photoshop comparison, 14-15, 439

printing, 365-7

versioning, 99

Photoshop Express, 322

download to desktop, 348

emailing, 351-2, 352-3

embed option, 349

extra features, 348

gallery templates, 333

link option, 349

management, 12

membership, 334

Mobile, 21

my gallery, 346

online back-up, 78, 96

online integration, 20

online sharing, 335, 339

Photoshop Elements, 342

printing, 371

slideshows, 349-51

web images, 322

work areas, 345

workspaces, 344-6, 2, 12, 447


internet, 324

labels printing, 376

packages printing, 374-5

Photo Books, 282-3

see also images

Pivot around lens option, 307


brightness, 109

dimensions, 5, 7

font size, 256

histogram, 163

image capture, 43

Magic Extractor, 219, 222

paint tools, 258

Photomerge Group Shot, 300

Refine Edge option, 219

text leading, 256

Place command, 52

Plastic Wrap filter, 128

PNG format, 74, 324, 326, 327, 330

Polygonal Lasso tool, 205, 207

Posterize feature, 174-5

Presentation folders, 3

Print dialog:

color management, 370-1, 371

printing, 365-7, 368-9

Print Selected Photos feature, 70-1


color management, 360, 370-1, 381

inkjet, 70

profile, 370

resolution, 380

testing tones, 379-80


‘A Family History’ project, 426

banding, 382

color management, 370-1, 381

contact sheets, 372-3

edge bleeding, 382

images, 70-2

individual prints, 377

No Color management, 370

Organizer workspace, 367

paper, 367-8

Photo books, 292-3

Photoshop Elements, 365-7, 371

picture labels, 376

picture packages, 374-5

quality, 367-8

‘rendering intent’, 371

surface puddling, 382

web, 385-3


framed, 3

multiple, 372

online, 347-8, 384-5

Private albums, 346-7

Problems in Photomerge Panorama, 317-18

Project Bin:

‘A Family History’ project, 424

photo books, 278, 285, 288

Photomerge Group Shot, 300

Photo Creations, 32-4

Scene Cleaner, 302


‘A Family History’, 410-26

photo, 387-408

workflow, 34

Protection, files, 94-102

PSD format, 73, 74, 231

PSE format, 74, 286-8, 424

Public albums, 346-7

Publishing on web, 340-1

Pucker tool, 132

Quick editor:

cropping, 62

description, 29-30

enhancement tools, 113-14

importing photos, 49

preview area, 136

rotation, 61

viewing pictures, 57

workflow, 17, 19

Quick Fix editing space, 20

Quick Fix Editor see Quick Editor

Quick Fix enhancement, 139

Quick Selection tool, 202, 211-12, 220, 417

Radius slider in Unsharp Mask filter, 178-9

Random Photo layout, 279

Raw files:

advantages, 147

changes, 156-7

content, 145-7

conversion settings, 155

digital capture, 144

editing, 146-7

formats, 158, 162

image, 145

opening, 51

queue, 156

Rectangular Marquee tool, 203, 207

Red eye fix, 40, 68, 362

Red Eye Removal tool, 20, 123

Reduce Noise Filter, 187-8

Refine Edge feature, 219-20

Remove Color Cast command, 120-1, 416

Remove Color option, 420

Removing photos, Photo Books, 286

‘Rendering intent’ in printing, 371

Restoring ‘A Family History’ project, 418

Retouching, 182-8, 418-19

Revert option, 69

Ring slideshow, 350

Rotation of images, 61, 65, 149, 361

Roundness setting, 260


changes, 226-7

color strength, 153

Save As option, 73

Save for Web feature, 327


Adobe Camera Raw, 154-5

images, 72-3


bit depth, 6

Canon, 42

categories, 6

digital images, 5

Divide Scanned Photos feature, 44-5

driver dialog, 41-2

import from, 41-3


cleaning objects, 412

summary, 45

Scatter setting, 260

Scene Cleaner, 12, 19, 55


calibration, 108

Photoshop Elements, 106-9


criteria for Smart Album, 88, 90

images 84-5

Security of back-ups, 98

Select menu, 23


basics, 202

tools, 24-5

Selection Brush tool, 204, 206, 207, 211

Semi-automatic editing, 104

Sending images as Photo Mail project, 407

Sepia in slideshows, 362

Set Vanishing Point tool, 313


command, 115-16, 118

tonal control, 151, 152

Shadows/Highlights feature, 138, 415

Shape Layers, 233

Shape tool, 258, 262, 270


artwork panels, 290

Effects palette, 273-4

Share option, 17, 32, 37

Album, 340-1

task pane, 387-8

web, 335


online project, 408

photos as email attachments project, 406


Adobe Camera Raw, 153

images, 177-81

tools, 181-2

Shooting Panoramas, 317-18


keyboard, 436-8

layers, 242

Show All option, 228, 347

Simple type, 246

Size of images, 139, 196-9

Sketch filters, 133

Skin tone, 124


computer/TV project, 398-9

creation, 358-9

editing, 361-2

editor, 359-61

PDF format project, 399, 349-51

Smart Album:

albums, 88-90

keyword tags, 90-1

library images, 76-7

Smart Brush tool:

blend mode, 216-17

multiple additions, 218

new version, 12, 19, 213-18

selective changes, 228-9

settings, 217

strength of effect, 215-16

Smart erasing, 268

Smooth option in Refine Edge feature, 219

Spacing setting, 260

Spatter filter, 128

Spinning stitches in Photomerge Panorama, 316-17

Sponge tool, 174

Spot Healing Brush tool, 185-6, 418, 419

Stacks, photos, 40, 77, 100-1

Stained Glass filter, 128

Stitching modes, Panoramas, 56, 310-12

Straighten tool, 64, 149

Straightening, ‘A Family History’ project, 414


Adjust Color Curves option, 172

layers, 239-40

Settings dialog, 240

type layers, 249-53

Stylus, Wacom, 268

Surface Blur filter, 20

Surface puddling (pooling), printing, 382

Synchronization, files, 96-8

Tablets, Wacom, 268


‘Group Custom Name’, 40-1, 83-4

image location, 92

image organization, 85

keywords, 75, 85-6


alignment, 256

changes, 247

Editor workspace, 245

Effects palette, 253-4

fonts, 255-6

images, 243-56

‘jaggies’, 248

justification, 256

layer styles, 249-52

layers, 233

leading, 256

options bar, 247

paragraph, 244, 246

simple type, 246

tools, 26

type masks, 247-8

Units & rulers option, 254

warping type, 249-50

Text Search option, 21

Texture of images, 189-95

Texturizer filter, 193-5

Themes in artwork panels, 290-1, 292

Third party filters, 135

Threshold filter, 129

TIFF files:

color depth, 158

content, 144

properties, 74

raw files, 147

saving images, 73

Tint conversion in ‘A Family History’ project, 421

Title page of photo books, 279-80

Tonal control:

Adobe Camera Raw, 150-2

brightness, 151-2

contrast, 152

highlights, 152

local contrast, 152

manual, 162-7

shadow detail, 152

shadows (black), 151

white areas, 150-1


Brightness/Contrast command, 114-15

levels, 167

printers, 360, 379-80

Tool types, 24-8

Toothbrush brush, 20

Transparency, layers, 236-7

Trim in ‘A Family History’ project, 414

Tripods for panoramas, 307


Mask tools for text, 247-8

simple, 246

style for layers, 249-53

tool selection, 246

warping, 249-50

Undo History palette, 69

Undo option, 69

Units & rulers option for text, 254

Unsharp Mask filter, 178-9

Variations option, 167, 171

VCD/DVD with menu project, 400-1

Version sets, 68


edits, 99

Photoshop Elements, 99

Vertical stitches for Photomerge Panorama, 315

Vibrance and color strength, 152

View Photos in Full Screen feature, 57-61

View tools, 26


images, 57-60

Photo Books pages, 288

Virtual reality (VR) heads, 307


stylus, 268

tablets, 268

Warp tool, 132

Warping type, 249-50

Watch folders, 47-8


animations, 355, 356-7

compression formats table, 329

gallery, 331-3

image quality comparison, 330

image quality/file size balance, 324, 328

images, 321-2

pages, 3

printing, 383, 385-6

publishing, 340-1

Share options, 335


Kodak EasyShare Gallery, 426, 2, 12, 447

Welcome Screen, 321

Welcome screen:

Photoshop Elements 7, 16, 36-7

website, 321

White areas in tonal control, 150-1

White Balance settings, 149-50, 308-9


Full editor, 17, 19

Guided editor, 17, 19, 20, 28

Photoshop Elements 7, 13-17

Workspaces in, 344-6

World Wide Web, 320

WYSIWYG fonts, 244-5

X-RITE software, 108

Zoom tool, 59-60, 136

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