

active listening

body language, 1617

paraphrasing, 16


An Alarming Digital Sketch Challenge, 63

Bald Biker Sketch Challenge, 62

Bald Biker Spark Frame, 61

Brand Persona, 123

Brand Voice Karaoke, 123

Context of Use, 87

documenting, 25

Elevator Pitch, 127

Find the Fake, 18

Lasso the Leaders, 15

Make a (Brand) Promise, 120

Measure Up, 32

Name that Brand, 117

Object of Your Affection, 32

Pinky Swear, 120

The Principles’ Office, 85

Prioritizing Features, 98

Rock On, 14

Sketch for a Cook, 102

Sleepin’ with the Fishes, Sea? 93

The Spark Frame, 50

Splatter Your Marketing Matrix, 133

Striking a Spark, 45, 47, 51

testing, 106

Tweet Re-Mix, 123

An Alarming Digital Sketch Challenge, 63

artifacts, collecting in field, 24


challenging, 42

significance, 910

writing down, 24

audience, knowing, 128

audience dictionary

consumer, 128

customer, 128

user, 128


Bald Biker, 60

Bald Biker Sketch Challenge, 62

Bald Biker Spark Frame, 61

Bark vs. Purr game

goal, 41

group data date, 41

pitch, 41

presentation, 41

requirements, 41

steps, 41

Beginner Ben persona, 21

biking for bald people, 60

body language

arms, 17

body orientation, 17

facial expression, 17

feet, 17

resource, 26

Boss-Level Brainstorming, 73

Brainstorm Fuel, 77

Brainstorm Warm-Up, 71


boss-level, 73

essentials, 69

brand bibles, 125

Brand Building

brand promise, 135

case study, 134

challenge statement, 135

Spark, 136

Universal Truth, 136

Brand Building Blocks, 119, 121

Brand Meets World, 126

Brand Persona, picturing, 123

Brand Promise

activity, 119120

SPARK, 121

Universal Truth, 121

Brand Tone, 122

Brand Voice, 122

Brand Voice Karaoke, 124

brands as solutions, 116

Brand-y Land game

goal, 118

requirements, 118

scoring, 118


Campbell, Joseph, 138

Case Studies

Bald Biker, 60

Comparison: Livin’ on the Edge, 130, 134, 4344

The Yolk’s on You case study, 37

Challenge Cards

activity, 2223

improvement, 2223

user type, 2223

Challenge statement, 22

comparative solutions, exploring, 89

Comparison: Livin’ on the Edge, 130, 134


vs. features, 94

significance, 55

sketching, 59

sketching concepts, 56


Sleepin’ with the Fishes, Sea? 90

TooCooks solution, 100

working with, 6667

consumer, connotation, 128

context of use

activity, 87

bus driver, 86

passenger, 86

context questions, 86

context solutions, 46

contrast & compare, 89

customer, connotation, 128


Dalí, Salvador, 73

delight & performance features, 95

design principles

explained, 84

resources, 112

Sleeping, 90

TooCooks solution, 100

desirability, determining, 89

digital prototypes, sketching, 102

DIY (Do It Yourself), 109

drawing. See sketching concepts


Elevator Pitch

audience dictionary, 128

goal, 127

requirements, 127

empathy resource, 26

“Exquisite Corpse” game

dissecting corpse, 73

goal, 73

requirements, 73

sketching corpse, 73

theme, 73


facilitator tips, 69

Fashion a Plan game

data collection worksheet, 40

goal, 39

qualitative data, 39

quantitative data, 39

requirements, 39

set up, 39

weekly plans, 39

fat research questions, 1314

feasibility, determining, 88


vs. concepts, 94

considering, 97

prioritizing, 98

splattering, 96

TooCooks solution, 100

Field Character Study

analyzing results, 11

checking guesses, 11

goal, 11

making guesses, 11

repeating, 11

requirements, 11

setting up, 11

time, 11

variations, 11

watch & record, 11

Find the Fake activity, 19

Florio, Dan, 4344

Ford, Henry, 35

frustrations, documenting, 25


The Game of Phones

connecting, 72

goal, 72

scramble on airwaves, 72

sending message, 72


Bark vs. Purr, 41

Brand-y Land, 118

“Exquisite Corpse,” 73

Fashion a Plan, 3940

Field Character Study, 11

The Game of Phones, 72

Improv Testing: Prototype Theater, 108

Interior Design Your Life, 6768

Maître Do, Maître Don’t, 12

Once, Twice, Three Times a Story, 132

Photo Safari, 6

Pick a Peck of People Patterns, 75

Reframe in the Membrane, 65

Saying No Like a Pro, 83

Shoe Tie, Shoe, 71

Talk Sketchy to Me, 57

“Gamestorming,” 78

goals, documenting, 25

Gorski, Frank, 37


haiku, 66

Hyundai case study, 130


IDEATE Mixtape, 78

impact, understanding, 38

Improv Testing: Prototype Theater, 108

improvements, quantitative vs. qualitative, 31

infographics, 4849, 52

interactive prototypes, 99

Interior Design Your Life

constraints, 67

goal, 67

requirements, 67


active listening, 16

fat questions, 1314

personas, 21

planning, 24

questions, 12

skinny questions, 1314

Sponge challenge, 22

user models, 20

investors, pitching to, 138



frustrations, 92

goals, 92

journeys, 20


Kmart case study, 130


language, visual, 58

Lasso the Leaders activity, 15


frustrations, 101

goals, 101

Livin’ on the Edge case study, 130, 134


Maître Do, Maître Don’t

being interviewed, 12

checking out menu, 12

comparing orders, 12

goal, 12

ordering, 12

quizzing partner, 12

requirements, 12

time, 12

The Make magazine, 109

Maker Movement, 109


art of, 129

entertainment, 129

making, 126

masterminding, 134

novelty, 129

personalization, 129

marketing matrix, splattering, 133

Measure Up activity, 32

Megan (with Angie)

frustrations, 101

goals, 101

Mental Models

resource, 26

significance, 20

Meredith (with Paul and Jenn)

frustrations, 92

goals, 92


Name that Brand activity, 117

The Next Top Model, 20

no, saying, 8283

No Shame to Reframe, 64

Noisebridge, 109


Object of Your Affection activity, 32

Once, Twice, Three Times a Story, 132


paper prototype, testing, 104. See also prototypes

paraphrasing, 16

patterns, detecting, 74

people solutions, 46

performance & delight features, 95

personality, relevance to brands, 116


activities, 21

demographics, 21

frustrations, 21

goals, 21

Lawson, 101

Megan, 101

significance, 2021

TooCooks solution, 101

Photo Safari

Photoshop, 6

picture day, 6

printer & posterboard, 6

requirements, 6

social networks, 6

sorting, 6

time, 6

physical prototypes, 109

Pick a Peck of People Patterns

Big Picture, 75

challenge, 75

designing solutions, 75

goal, 75

requirements, 75

sorting results, 75

Sticky Notes, 75

pitching to investors, 138

plan, making, 24

Power of a Savvy No, 82

presentation advice, 137

The Principles’ Office, 85

prioritization pressure, 97

problems, defining, 3536

process solutions, 46

product solutions, 46

profile document

About this Person, 25

activities, 25

age, 25

frustrations, 25

goals, 25

location, 25

other facts, 25

personal info, 25

promise, challenge statement, 119

Prototype Theater

goal, 108

requirements, 108

prototypes. See also paper prototype

interactive, 99

physical, 109

sketching, 102

Pumping Station, 109


qualitative improvements, 31

quantitative improvements, 31

questions, fat vs. skinny, 1314


Reframe in the Membrane

generating list, 65

goal, 65

refitting challenge, 65

requirements, 65

reviewing results, 65

sketching concepts, 65

research questions, fat vs. skinny, 1314


body language, 26

design principles, 112

digital sketching, 78

DIY (Do It Yourself), 109

empathy, 26

IDEATE Mixtape, 78

The Make magazine, 109

Maker Movement, 109

Mental Models, 26

Noisebridge, 109

printable sketch templates, 78

Pumping Station, 109

sharing solutions, 138

sketch screens, 105

storytelling, 138

usability testing, 112

Rock On activity, 14, 4344


Savvy No, finding, 82

Saying No Like a Pro

goal, 83

requirements, 83

screens. See test screens


activities, 81

after test, 107

challenge, 110

concepts vs. features, 94

context of use, 8687

context questions, 86

contrast & compare, 89

debriefing, 112

design principles, 84

desirability, 89

feasibility, 88

features, 97

improv testing, 108

interactive prototypes, 99

Joaquín, 92

Maker Movement, 109

Meredith (with Paul and Jenn), 92

overview, 7980

performance & delight features, 95

personas, 92

physical prototypes, 109

Power of a Savvy No, 82

The Principles’ Office, 85

prioritization pressure, 97

prioritizing features, 98

prototype for concept, 110

Prototype Theater, 108

questions, 81

refinements, 5

resources, 112

Saying No Like a Pro, 83

Sketch for a Cook, 102

sketching digital prototypes, 102

Sleepin’ with the Fishes, Sea? 90–91, 93

Spark Summary, 111

splattering features, 96

templates for test screens, 105

test questions, 106

testing activity, 106, 111

testing paper prototypes, 104

TooCooks, 100

viability, 88


sharing solutions, 138

Shoe Tie, Shoe

goal, 71

requirements, 71

Sketch for a Cook, 102

sketch screens, templates for, 105

sketch templates, 78

sketching, apps for, 78

sketching concepts, 59

skinny research questions, 1314

Sleepin’ with the Fishes, Sea?

constraints, 90

design principles, 90

map, 91


fake, 18

genuine, 18

at rest, 18


brands as, 116

comparative, 89

context type, 46

exploring, 46

people type, 46

process type, 46

product type, 46

sharing, 138

sparking, 70


activities, 29

Bark vs. Purr, 41

debriefing, 52

defining problems, 3536

infographics, 4849, 52

overview, 2728

qualitative data, 38

quantitative data, 38

questions, 29

resources, 52

solutions, 46

The Spark Frame, 50

Striking a Spark, 45

Striking a Spark activity, 47, 51

understanding impact, 38

using insights, 4

WORD Herd, 3334

Spark challenge, 48

Spark Frame

activity, 50

challenge, 30

improvements, 31

Object of Your Affection, 32

solution ideas, 30

spark, 30

Spark Summary

Brainstorm Fuel, 77

Testing Activity, 111

Sparking a Solution

amping up good, 42

challenging assumptions, 42

unexpected resources, 42


activities, 55

An Alarming Digital Sketch Challenge, 63

Bald Biker Sketch Challenge, 62

Bald Biker Spark Frame, 61

Boss-Level Brainstorming, 73

Brainstorm Fuel, 77

Brainstorm Warm-Up, 71

brainstorming essentials, 69

challenge, 76

concepts, 55

constraints, 66

debriefing, 78

detecting patterns, 74

facilitator tips, 69

The Game of Phones, 72

haiku, 66

Interior Design Your Life, 6768

No Shame to Reframe, 64

overview, 5354

Pick a Peck of People Patterns, 75

questions, 55

Reframe in the Membrane, 65

resources, 78

sketching concepts, 56, 59

Spark Summary, 77

sparking solutions, 70

Talk Sketchy to Me, 57

visual language, 58

visualization, 5

Splatter Your Marketing Matrix, 133

splattering features, 96


active listening, 16

activities, 9

artifacts, 24

assumptions, 910

body language, 17, 26

challenge, 22

debriefing, 26

empathy resource, 26

Field Character Study, 11

Find the Fake activity, 19

Lasso the Leaders, 15

Maitre Do, Maitre Don’t, 12

making plans, 24

mental models, 26

overview, 78

personas, 21

profile document, 25

questions, 9

research questions, 1314

resources, 26

skinny vs. fat questions, 1314

smiles, 18

techniques, 4

user models, 20


activities, 115

art of marketing, 129

attention, 115

brand bibles, 125

Brand Building, 135

Brand Building Blocks, 119

Brand Persona, 123

Brand Promise, 119

Brand Voice Karaoke, 124

brands as solutions, 116

Brand-y Land, 118

budget, 115

Build Your Brand, 134

challenge statement for promise, 119

challenges, 115

debriefing, 138

Elevator Pitch, 127

expression, 5

Make a (Brand) Promise, 120

make your marketing, 126

Mastermind Your Marketing, 134

Name that Brand, 117

Once, Twice, Three Times a Story, 132

overview, 113114

personality, 116

pitching to investors, 138

presentation advice, 137

questions, 115

resources, 138

Splatter Your Marketing Matrix, 133

stacking brand building blocks, 121

Storytell! 134

time, 115

Truth & the Universe, 121

voice & tone, 122

storytelling platforms

broadcast, 131

live events, 131

mobile, 131

print, 131

social, 131

web, 131

Striking a Spark activity, 51

amp up the good, 47

challenge, 45

challenging assumptions, 47

solution ideas, 45

Spark! insights, 45

unexpected resources, 47


Talk Sketchy to Me game

goal, 57

guesser, 57

replay value, 57

requirements, 57

roles, 57

statement, 57

test, after, 107

test screens, templates for, 105

testing activities, 106, 108

TooCooks solution

constraints, 100

design principles, 100

features, 100

personas, 101

Truth & the Universe, 121


Universal Truth, 121, 136

usability testing resource, 112

user, connotation, 128

user journeys, 20

user models

mental, 20

personas, 2021

user journeys, 20


viability, determining, 88

visual language, 58

voice & tone, relevance to brands, 122


WORD Herd game

goals, 33

Plot out the Cloud, 33

requirements, 33

tattoo design, 33


XD (experience design), 1



The Yolk’s on You case study, 37

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