

10 tips

charging battery, 7

choosing color space and picture style, 1819

choosing metering mode, 20

managing memory cards, 1617

setting autofocus mode and focus point, 1114

setting exposure mode, 1011

setting image recording quality, 1415

setting information display, 21

setting ISO, 8

setting white balance, 910

50mm lenses, using, 4445


(A+) Scene Intelligent Auto mode

explained, 10

using, 5456

access lamp, locating, 5

action. See also motion; movement

following, 135

freezing, 114

Adobe RGB 1998, explained, 18

AE lock button, locating, 5

AE lock feature

using, 67

using with portraits, 92

AF area selection modes

61-point automatic selection, 13

AF point expansion, 13

locating, 6

setting, 13

Single-point AF, 12

Single-point Spot AF, 12

Zone AF, 13

AF function

customizing, 126127

One-shot AF Release priority, 127

AF (Autofocus) modes. See also focus modes

AI Focus, 12, 123

AI Servo, 12

One Shot, 12

setting, 1113

single-point, 94

AF mode selection, locating, 6

AF performance, customizing, 125126

AF point mode, versus Autofocus modes, 123

AF point selection button, locating, 5

AF points

9 Points, 128

15 Points, 128

61 Points, 128

Only cross-type AF points, 128

orientation-linked, 96

selecting, 128

AF sensors, using for focus detection, 92, 94. See also sensors

AF-start button, locating, 5

AI Focus AF mode, using, 124

AI Servo AF

1st image priority, 127

2nd image priority, 127

drive modes, 129

High-speed continuous drive mode, 129

Low-speed continuous drive mode, 129

selecting in, 123124

shooting in, 123124

Single shooting drive mode, 129

aperture. See also f-stop

controlling in Manual (M) mode, 64

maximum, 63

Aperture Priority (Av) mode

controlling depth of field with, 84

depth of field, 63

explained, 11

isolating subjects, 121122

portraits, 6162

setting up, 64

shooting in, 64

using, 6164, 86


2nd curtain sync, 177

Aperture Priority (Av) mode, 78

audio levels for movies, 220

black-and-white photography, 107

brightness, 196

camera setup, 22

clash of colors, 196

cleaning sensors, 47

compositions, 107

contrast, 196

copyright information, 243

depth of field, 78, 107

exposure, 47

exposure bracketing, 243

exposure compensation, 78

exposure extremes, 107

feeling movement, 135

firmware update, 243

focus for movies, 220

focus modes, 135

focus under low light, 176

focusing on subject, 22

focusing viewer’s attention, 196

following action, 135

HDR (high dynamic range) photography, 243

hyperfocal distance, 155

ISO, 176

LCD monitor, 22

lead into frame, 196

lenses, 47

level horizon, 155

light quality, 107

lines and patterns, 196

long exposures, 176

low lighting, 176

Manual (M) mode, 22, 78, 135

metering methods, 79

motion photos, 134

movie recording sizes, 220

multiple exposures, 243

noise, 176

picture styles, 22, 155

picture styles for movies, 220

placing horizons, 155

Program (P) mode, 77

shooting with variety for movies, 220

Shutter Priority (Tv) mode, 77

steady hands, 176

white balance, 22, 47, 155, 220

wide versus telephoto lenses, 135


monitoring, 212213

recording, 211215

audio levels, adjusting, 213214

audio quality, improving, 211215

autofocus detection, points for, 12

autofocus functions, separating from shutter button, 97

Autofocus (AF) modes. See also focus modes

AI Focus, 12, 123

AI Servo, 12

One Shot, 12

setting, 1113

single-point, 94

Av (Aperture Priority) mode

controlling depth of field with, 84

depth of field, 63

explained, 11

isolating subjects, 121122

portraits, 6162

setting up, 64

shooting in, 64

using, 6164, 86

AWB (Auto White Balance), 9. See also white balance

function of, 3738

landscape photography, 144145

using, 40


B (Bulb) mode, explained, 11

back lighting, portraits, 92

back of camera

access lamp, 5

AE lock button, 5

AF point selection button, 5

AF-start button, 5

card slot cover, 5

Comparative playback button, 5

Creative Photo button, 5

Direct Print button, 5

Erase button, 5

Info button, 5

LCD monitor, 5

Live View shooting, 5

Magnify/Reduce button, 5

Menu button, 5

Movie shooting switch, 5

multi-controller, 5

multi-function lock switch, 5

Playback button, 5

Quick Control button, 5

Quick Control Dial, 5, 69

Rating button, 5

setting button, 5

Two-Image display button, 5

viewfinder eyepiece, 5

back of video camera

Comparative playback button, 200

Creative Photo button, 200

Direct print button, 200

Erase button, 200

Info button, 200

Live View shooting, 200

Magnify/Reduce button, 200

Menu button, 200

Movie shooting switch, 200

Playback button, 200

Rating button, 200

Two-image display, 200

viewfinder eyepiece, 200


compositions, 194

lighting, 88

portraits, 84, 8889

ball heads, using, 142


capacity for exposures, 7

charging, 7

checking status of, 7

keeping backup of, 7

black-and-white portraits

monochrome picture style, 104105

picture style settings, 105

shooting, 103105 website, 131

bracketing exposures, 234235

bright scenes, shooting, 63

brightness, 184

buffer, explained, 130

Bulb (B) mode, explained, 11


camera back

access lamp, 5

AE lock button, 5

AF point selection button, 5

AF-start button, 5

card slot cover, 5

Comparative playback button, 5

Creative Photo button, 5

Direct Print button, 5

Erase button, 5

Info button, 5

LCD monitor, 5

Live View shooting, 5

Magnify/Reduce button, 5

Menu button, 5

Movie shooting switch, 5

multi-controller, 5

multi-function lock switch, 5

Playback button, 5

Quick Control button, 5

Quick Control Dial, 5, 69

Rating button, 5

Setting button, 5

Two-Image display button, 5

viewfinder eyepiece, 5

camera front

depth-of-field preview button, 4

lens mount, 4

lens release button, 4

microphone, 4

self-timer lamp, 4

shutter button, 4

camera lenses. See lenses

camera orientation, considering for portraits, 103, 106

camera sensors. See AF sensors; sensors

camera settings, considering, 7577

camera shake

reducing possibility of, 185

remedying, 8, 26

camera top

AF area selection mode, 6

AF mode selection, 6

dioptric adjustment knob, 6

Drive mode selection button, 6

flash exposure compensation button, 6

flash-sync contacts, 6

hot shoe, 6

ISO speed setting, 6

LCD panel, 6

LCD panel illumination button, 6

lens mount, 6

main dial, 6

metering mode selection, 6

mode dial, 6

multi-function button, 6

power switch, 6

shutter button, 6

strap mount, 6

white balance selection button, 6

camera’s software, determining version of, 231

card slot cover, locating, 5

center-weighted average meter, using, 73

clouds, impact on landscapes, 148

color, accuracy of, 38, 82

color saturation, 187188

color space

choosing, 1819

gamut, 18

setting, 18

sRGB, 18

Comparative playback button, locating, 5

compositional elements

backgrounds, 194

brightness, 184

color saturation, 187188

contrast, 186

depth of field, 192193

leading lines, 195

repeating patterns, 189190

sharpness, 185

visual draws, 191


building, 98103

elements of contrast, 26

landscape photography, 151154

perspective, 102

rule of thirds, 100

static subjects, 26

contrast, introducing, 186, 190

copyright information

embedding, 228

setting up, 228229

Creative Photo button, locating, 5

custom user modes, using, 67

custom white balance, creating, 39

cyclist photo, 132


depth of field

adjusting, 92, 9495

in compositions, 192193

controlling, 63, 75, 84

increasing, 193

narrowing, 194

preview button, 4, 150

providing with wide-angle lens, 193

sensors for focus detection, 13

setting aperture for, 65

diffused light, using, 82

dioptric adjustment knob, locating, 6

Direct Print button, locating, 5

distance compression, explained, 44

Drive mode selection button, locating, 6

drive-mode options

High-speed continuous, 129

Low-speed continuous, 129

setting up, 130

shooting in, 130

Single shooting, 129


editing video, 219

electronic level

enabling, 146

setting in LCD monitor, 146

setting in viewfinder display, 146147

Erase button, locating, 5

E-TTL (evaluative through the lens), 171, 175

evaluative meter, using, 72, 75

exposure compensation

and Highlight Alert, 71

setting up, 71

using, 6971

exposure indicator, using, 67

exposure lock

setting up, 69

using, 6769

exposure modes

Aperture Priority (Av), 11, 86

Bulb (B), 11

landscape photography, 144

Manual (M), 11, 75

motion photos, 119122

Program (P), 11

Scene Intelligent Auto (A+), 10

setting, 1011

Shutter Priority (Tv), 11

exposure triangle

aperture, 35

ISO, 35

shutter speed, 35

exposures. See also overexposure; reciprocal exposures

aperture, 3334

bracketing, 234235

calculating, 3536

decreasing, 69

increasing, 69

ISO, 30

locking, 92

multiple, 238241

shutter speed, 3132

stop, 33

sunny 16 rule, 36

eyes, focusing on, 9296


fast glass, using, 164165


checking version, 230

updating, 230232

flash. See also low lighting

E-TTL (evaluative through the lens), 171, 175

Exposure Compensation, 171173

using in low light, 167168

flash exposure compensation button, locating, 6

flash meter, default setting for, 171

flash output

changing, 172

increasing, 173

refining, 173174

flash photography

Aperture Priority (Av) mode, 170

controlling shutter speed, 169170

Program (P) mode, 170

Shutter Priority (Tv) mode, 170

studio strobes, 168

sync speeds, 168, 171

flash sync modes

1st curtain, 174

2nd curtain, 174175

rear-curtain, 175

flash-sync contacts, locating, 6

focal length

choosing, 26

considering, 43

expense of, 131

wide-angle lenses, 86

focus, selective, 192

focus activation, customizing, 98

focus detection, using AF sensors for, 92, 94

focus lock, using with portraits, 9697

focus modes. See also Autofocus modes (AF)

AI Focus AF, 124

AI Servo AF, 123124

choosing for motion photos, 123125

Manual focus, 124125

prefocusing, 125

focus point, setting, 1113

focusing modes

one-shot, 94

single point, 96

focusing rig, using, 217218

front of camera

depth-of-field preview button, 4

lens mount, 4

lens release button, 4

microphone, 4

self-timer lamp, 4

shutter button, 4

f-stop. See also aperture

and aperture, 63

changing, 33

choice of, 33

considering, 77

defined, 33

explained, 63

function of, 33

reciprocal exposures, 35

tip, 33


gamut, defined, 18


HDR (high dynamic range) photography, 235238

Art effects, 237

high-contrast scenes, 236

Natural effect, 237

rendering effects, 237

setting up, 237238

headphone terminal, locating, 212

HFD (hyperfocal distance), considering, 148

Highlight Alert

enabling, 21

and exposure compensation, 71

horizon, considering in landscapes, 151152, 155

hot shoe, locating, 6


IDC System Zero rig, using, 218

image recording quality

RAW versus JPEG, 14

setting, 15

image stabilization (IS)

lenses, 142

using, 166


previewing, 145

rating, 229230

Info button, locating, 5

information display, setting, 21

internal memory, explained, 130

IS (image stabilization)

lenses, 142

using, 166


appearance of H, 164

Auto (A) setting, 163

automatic feature, 8

bright days, 30

considering for portraits, 88, 90

determining, 36

expansion feature, 164

function of, 30

higher settings, 8

increasing, 8

landscape photography, 144

low numbers, 8

raising in low light, 162164

setting, 6, 8, 3031

setting for overcast days, 26

sunny days, 30

ISO 100 reciprocal exposures, 35



degrees of compression, 15

Picture Style to Landscape setting, 145

versus RAW, 14, 40


landscape images, shooting, 75

landscape photography

auto and manual focus, 150

AWB (Auto White Balance), 144145

clouds, 148

composition, 151154

depth-of-field preview, 150

detecting focus, 149

electronic level, 146147

exposure modes, 144

focusing, 142, 148149

golden hour, 147

HFD (hyperfocal distance), 148

horizon line, 151152

ISO, 144

JPEGs, 145

light quality, 147

looking down, 153

picture styles, 145

previewing images, 145

rule of thirds, 151154

sand dunes, 154155

sharpness, 142

tripods, 142143

white balance, 144145

landscape picture style, setting up, 145

LCD monitor, locating, 5

LCD panel

illumination button, 6

locating, 6

leading lines, considering in compositions, 195

lens mount, locating, 4, 6

lens release button, locating, 4


50mm, 4445

choosing, 43

choosing for motion photos, 130131

expense of focal lengths, 131

focal length, 43

function of, 43

IS (image stabilization), 142

maximum aperture, 131

normal, 4445

pipe analogy, 33

prime, 164

removing, 41

renting, 131

telephoto, 4445

wide-angle, 4344, 118

zoom, 46, 64

LensProToGo website, 131

lighting. See also low lighting

and background, 88

portraits, 88


energy-efficient bulbs, 39

evaluating for white balance, 40

sources, 40

Live View shooting, locating, 5

locking focus, 9697

low lighting. See also flash; lighting

AF points, 166

fast glass, 164165

focusing in, 166167

IS (image stabilization), 166

locking focus, 167

manual focus, 167

noise, 163

raising ISO, 162164

self-timer, 167

shooting in, 217

low-light scenes

portraits, 91

shooting, 60

LP-E6 battery pack, placing in charger, 7


Magnify/Reduce button, locating, 5, 210

main dial, locating, 6

Manual (M) mode

explained, 11

exposure compensation, 69

setting up, 66

shooting in, 66

using, 6467, 75

memory cards

Auto switch card mode, 17

choosing for video, 204

Compact Flash (CF), 204

managing, 1617

Rec separately mode, 17

Rec to multiple mode, 17

Secure Digital (SD), 204

Standard mode, 17

UDMA, 204

using, 17

Menu button, locating, 5. See also My Menu

metering modes

Center-weighted, 20, 73

choosing, 20

Evaluative, 20, 72, 75

Partial, 20, 73

selecting, 6

setting, 20, 75

Spot, 20, 73

using, 7275

Metro car photo, 133

Meyerowitz, Joel, 100101


locating, 4

terminal, 211

mirror lockup feature, setting, 233

Mode Dial

custom user modes, 67

locating, 6

monochrome picture style, setting, 104105

motion. See also action; movement

as abstraction, 134

creating sense of, 131134

rendering, 65

stopping with Shutter Priority (Tv) mode, 119120

motion blur technique, using, 133

motion photos

AF function, 126128

AF performance, 125126

Aperture Priority (Av) mode, 121122

drive-mode options, 128130

exposure modes, 119122

focus modes, 123125

isolating subjects, 121122

lenses, 130131

motion blur, 133

panning, 131132

Shutter Priority (Tv) mode, 119120

using to stop motion, 119120

movement. See also action; motion

direction of subject, 114115

distance from subject, 117118

photographing, 114118

speed of subject, 116

Movie shooting switch, locating, 5

movies. See also video camera

playing back, 206207

recording, 206

MRAW option, explained, 15

multi-controller, locating, 5

multi-function button, locating, 6

multi-function lock switch, locating, 5

multiple exposures, 238241

My Menu, using, 242. See also Menu button


neutral-density filter, using, 219

night, shooting at, 38

noise, noticing, 163

normal lenses, using, 4445

NTSC and PAL video formats, 204


one-shot focusing mode, setting up for, 94

open shade, shooting in, 88

optical viewfinder, using, 218

orientation-linked AF point, setting up, 96

overexposure, reducing, 71. See also exposures


P (Program) mode

explained, 11

exposure compensation, 69

fast shutter speeds, 57

versus Scene Intelligent Auto (A+) mode, 56

setting up, 58

shooting in, 58

using, 5658

PAL and NTSC video formats, 204

panning technique

shutter speed, 132

using, 131132

partial metering, using, 73

Passion play actress, 9495

patterns, repeating, 189190

picture styles

Auto, 19

described, 19

Faithful, 19

Landscape, 19

landscape photography, 145

Monochrome, 19

Neutral, 19

Portrait, 19

setting, 19

Standard, 19

User-Defined, 19

Playback button, locating, 5, 210

playing back movies, 206207

portrait tips. See also tips

backgrounds, 105

camera orientation, 106

candid moments, 106

eye level, 106

focal lengths, 106

light quality, 105

shutter speed, 106

smiles, 106

portraits. See also subjects

AE lock feature, 92

Aperture Priority (Av) mode, 6162, 86

back lighting, 92

backgrounds, 8889

black-and-white, 103106

breaking rules, 103

building compositions, 98103

camera orientation, 103

environmental, 86

focus lock, 9698

focus on eyes, 9296

ISO, 88, 90

lighting, 88

low-light scenes, 91

metering, 9192

perspective, 102

shooting, 86

white balance, 88, 90

power switch, locating, 6

preparation, importance of, 30

previewing images, 145

prime lenses, using, 164

Program (P) mode

explained, 11

exposure compensation, 69

fast shutter speeds, 57

versus Scene Intelligent Auto (A+) mode, 56

setting up, 58

shooting in, 58

using, 5658


Quick Control button, locating, 5

Quick Control Dial

locating, 5

using, 69


Rating button, locating, 5

rating images, 229230

raw files, and white balance, 40

raw image options

MRAW, 15

RAW, 15

SRAW, 15

RAW versus JPEG, 14, 40

reciprocal exposures, ISO 100, 35. See also exposures

recording movies, 206

reflection, emphasizing, 3435

renting lenses, 131

resolution for video

640 × 480, 203

1280 × 720, 202

1920 × 1080, 202

RGB 1998, explained, 18

Rode shotgun microphone, using, 211

rule of thirds

adding grid overlay, 100101

applying, 100101

landscape photography, 151154

runner photograph, 115


sand dunes photo, 154155

Scene Intelligent Auto (A+) mode

explained, 10

using, 5456


lamp, 4

using in low lighting, 167

sensors. See also AF sensors

Auto Cleaning feature, 4142

Clean Manually feature, 4142

Clean Now feature, 41

cleaning, 4142

relationship to depth of field, 13

setting button, locating, 5

shade, shooting in, 88

sharpness, affecting, 185, 233


at night, 38

RAW versus JPEG, 14

shutter button, locating, 4, 6

Shutter Priority (Tv) mode

explained, 11

fast shutter speeds, 5859

semiautomatic, 60

setting up, 61

shooting in, 61

stopping motion, 119120

using, 5861

shutter speeds

considering, 26

controlling, 32, 60, 64

full-stop increments, 31

function of, 10, 31

intermediate, 32

measurement of, 31

range of, 31

reciprocal exposures, 35

reference, 36

setting in Program (P) mode, 57

slow versus fast, 60

Silent Control mode, enabling, 214215

single-point autofocus (AF), using, 94

slow-motion videos, creating, 203

spot metering, using, 73

SRAW option, explained, 15

sRGB color space, explained, 18

still image, capturing while recording video, 206

stop, defined, 33

strap mount, locating, 6

street cleaner photo, 68

studio strobes, non-TTL, 168

subjects, emphasizing, 82, 192. See also portraits

sunny 16 rule, explained, 36


telephoto lenses

distance compression, 44

using, 4445

test shots, taking, 77

tips. See also portrait tips

apertures, 33

charging battery, 7

choosing color space, 1819

choosing metering mode, 20

choosing picture style, 1819

managing memory cards, 1617

setting autofocus mode, 1114

setting exposure mode, 1011

setting focus point, 1114

setting image recording quality, 1415

setting information display, 21

setting ISO, 8

setting white balance, 910

top of camera

AF area selection mode, 6

AF mode selection, 6

dioptric adjustment knob, 6

Drive mode selection button, 6

flash exposure compensation button, 6

flash-sync contacts, 6

hot shoe, 6

ISO speed setting, 6

LCD panel, 6

LCD panel illumination button, 6

lens mount, 6

main dial, 6

metering mode selection, 6

mode dial, 6

multi-function button, 6

power switch, 6

shutter button, 6

strap mount, 6

white balance selection button, 6


benefits, 142

stability, 142

using in landscape photography, 142143

Tv (Shutter Priority) mode

explained, 11

fast shutter speeds, 5859

semiautomatic, 60

setting up, 61

shooting in, 61

stopping motion, 119120

using, 5861

Two-Image display button, locating, 5


user modes, custom, 67


version of camera’s software, determining, 231


accessorizing, 217219

autofocus, 210

avoiding overshooting, 216

composing, 209

editing, 219

editing video, 219

exposure, 207

external recording devices, 212

focusing modes, 210

focusing rig, 217218

grid display, 209

Magnify/Reduce button, 210

manual focus, 210211

moving camera, 216

neutral-density filter, 219

optical viewfinder, 218

picture style, 208209

planning shots, 215

Playback button, 210

recording, 206, 215217

shooting modes, 207

shooting short clips, 215216

shutter speed, 207

watching light, 217

white balance, 208

video camera. See also movies

AF point, 201

All-I compression, 203

aperture, 201

audio sound levels, 201

battery check, 201

compression methods, 203

Edit, 205

Exit, 205

exposure compensation amount, 201

exposure simulation, 201

First frame, 205

focusing mode, 201

IPB compression, 203

ISO speed, 201

Last frame, 205

LCD monitor, 201

memory cards, 201, 204205

movie recording size, 201

Next frame, 205

NTSC and PAL, 204

Picture Style, 201

Play, 205

playback, 205207

Previous frame, 205

Quick Control Dial, 205

recording movie indicator, 201

shooting, 205207

shots remaining, 201

shutter speed, 201

slow motion, 203, 205

white balance, 201

video camera back

Comparative playback button, 200

Creative Photo button, 200

Direct print button, 200

Erase button, 200

Info button, 200

Live View shooting, 200

Magnify/Reduce button, 200

Menu button, 200

Movie shooting switch, 200

Playback button, 200

Rating button, 200

Two-image display, 200

viewfinder eyepiece, 200

video focusing

Face-detection live mode, 210

Live mode, 210

Quick mode, 210

video quality

4:3 aspect ratio, 203

640 × 480, 203

1280 × 720, 202

1920 × 1080, 202

resolution, 202

video recording, setting grid display for, 209, 215217

viewfinder eyepiece, locating, 5

visual draws

brightness, 184

color saturation, 187188

contrast, 186, 190

including in compositions, 191

repeating patterns, 189190

sharpness, 185


websites, 131

LensProToGo, 131

wedding photo, 169

white balance. See also AWB (Auto White Balance)

Auto mode, 9

Cloudy mode, 9

considering for portraits, 88, 90

custom mode, 10

Daylight mode, 9

evaluating light, 40

flash use mode, 10

Kelvin mode, 10

landscape photography, 144145

modes, 910

presets, 38

and raw files, 40

setting, 910, 40

Shade mode, 9

Sunset mode, 9

Tungsten light mode, 9

Twilight mode, 9

white fluorescent light mode, 9

white balance selection button, locating, 6

wide focal length, using, 26

wide-angle lenses

distance from subject, 86

focal length, 86

shutter speed, 118

using, 4344

using for depth of field, 193


Zacuto Z-Finder, using, 218

zoom lenses

fast, 164

and maximum apertures, 64

using, 46

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