Chapter 2

Starting the Journey

It is almost a cliché that the longest journey begins with the first step. As with most clichés, there is some truth to this one. This book is designed to make that journey very practical, relevant, intimate, and real for you and your organization. When you complete this book, you should have a road map for your transition toward Conscious Capitalism.

Understand that there are no quick-fix solutions; we will not offer you some magic sauce that will transform the business. Rather, we’ll help you develop a practical set of actions that will help you, your team, and your organization shift your mindset and change how you operate so that you can create an increasingly conscious company.

Remember, this is a long-term, comprehensive, and ongoing journey.

The Why of Your Business

The journey usually begins with a conscious leader (hopefully you, our reader) asking a series of questions about the business and what the leader hopes for it. Take a few minutes to respond to the following questions as an individual:

  • Why is this journey important to you personally as a leader?




  • How do you define success?




  • How do you define greatness?




Next, work with your leadership team to develop your responses to the following questions as an organization:

  • Why is this journey important to your organization?




  • How do we define success for your organization?




  • How do we define greatness for your organization?




  • Is our business positioned to thrive in the future while making the world a better place?




Fundamentally, these are questions about why your business exists. This is the first tenet of Conscious Capitalism—higher purpose. Why does your company exist, and what is the impact you’re trying to have on the world?

As you begin, remember that there is no right place or best place to start. Each company and each leader faces individually unique sets of business and organizational challenges. We will help you create a specific map for your journey as you go through this book.

Before embarking on this effort, we would like to present the transformation journeys of two conscious leaders. We start with Ramon Mendiola, a CEO who has taken a traditional business and transformed it into Costa Rica’s most admired and highly conscious company. Next, we feature Steve Hall, CEO of Driversselect, a retailer of high-quality used cars, describing his experience since he embarked on this journey in 2011.

What You Can Expect from This Journey

Becoming a conscious company has many rewards, starting with the realization that you are on the right side of society, that you are a force for good, and that you are part of the solution instead of adding to the pile of problems some mythical “future” generation will have to deal with. Figure 2-2 lists some of the likely outcomes you will experience as you move along on this journey.

Figure 2-2: Tenets and benefits of Conscious Capitalism


Assessing Where You Are on the Journey

In our experience working with companies, we often find that although most people are inspired by the concepts of Conscious Capitalism, they struggle to focus on the three or four things that will make the biggest difference in their organizations. We will bring structure to this process for you so that you have a clear strategic and tactical agenda for your business over the next three to five years. You will uncover the actions you can take both to produce the biggest impact on your business’s performance and to accelerate your transformation to Conscious Capitalism.

Nowadays, when we take a trip, we have GPS to help us find the shortest possible route from where we are to our destination. Similarly, to become a conscious company, we need a clear understanding of where we are today. To assess where you are, you can complete the questionnaire for a conscious business in the following assessment.

Once you and your leadership team have individually completed this assessment, you should get together to discuss and compare the results, to understand the gaps, and to learn from each other. In this way, you and the team can identify actions that need to be taken. You should refer back to this assessment after reviewing each of the tenets of Conscious Capitalism.

Take a look at your composite score for each tenet. If one score is exceptionally lower than the others, you should strongly consider starting with that tenet, instead of following the sequence of the tenets presented in the book. If all the scores are comparable, you can stay with the sequence as presented.

Now let’s move on to the following four parts of this book and examine each of the tenets.

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