
accountability, 109, 119, 190

of B corps, 366367

for learning, 198

action plans, 317318, 342

activism, shareholder, xixiv adaptability, 375

advocacy, 108

Agrawal, Miki, 43

AIM2Flourish initiative, 138

Akbar the Great, 254

Alexander the Great, 254


of capital sources, 117

constructive dissonance and, 291

gap analysis on, 83

of investors, 117

purpose and, 42, 69

of stakeholders, 154

of top teams, 323, 324326, 337339

visualizing the future and, 329332

altruism, 280283

Altschool, 365

Amazon, xiixiii, 120

American Council on Education, 66

American Customer Satisfaction Index, 9

analytical intelligence, 257

Anderson, Ray, 132, 133

anthem videos, 74

appreciation, 278280

appreciative inquiry, 134135

Arcadia (Stoppard), 349

Are You Ready to Succeed? (Rao), 283284

aspiration, 329332

aspirational culture, 209211

aspiration to action workshops, 337339

The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the Future (Gerzema & D’Antonio), 243244

Australian Ethical, 357

Australian Psychological Society Congress, 288

authenticity, 181, 187188

Azavea, 367

BanColombia, 120

Barrett, Richard, 223, 373382

Barrett Values Centre, 223, 373382

Barry-Wehmiller, 40, 113, 190, 230

courageous patience at, 352

leadership development at, 293298

benefit corporation (B Corp) movement, ixx, 355366

Certified, 362366

community of practice in, 356, 362366

difference in B corps and benefit corporations, 356

list of certified, 365366

shareholder activism and, xiv

stakeholder governance and, 355, 357361

stakeholder management and, 356, 361362

stakeholder orientation and, 118121

Benioff, Mark, x

Ben & Jerry’s, 363

Bezos, Jeff, xiixiii

Bhat, Nilima, 253, 269272

Big Innovation Centre, 354

B Impact Assessment, 120, 361362, 363

Björk, Lars, 228

Blackrock, 119

BMW, 50, 57

brainstorming, 168169

brands, purpose-driven, 50

Branson, Richard, x

Brighter Strategy, 209

Brooks, Nathan, 288

B Team, x, 120

Built to Last (Porras & Collins), 251

business entrepreneurs, ix

business models, 12

campaigns of influence and engagement, 343346


benefits of, 2

failures of traditional, 34

free-market, history of, 12

investors in, 116118

profit maximization as sole purpose of, 34

self-interest in, 23

See also Conscious Capitalism

career tracking, 299300

caring, 181, 188191

at Barry-Wehmiller, 206208

leadership and, 248, 253257

car insurance, Brazil, 142143

Carnegie, Andrew, 124

Case Western Reserve University, 134, 138

Certified B Corporations, 362366

champions of change, 340342

change champions, 340342

change stories, 337, 343

Chapman, Bob, 113, 190, 206208

Cheetham, Rob, 367

cohesion, 375, 378

collaboration, 177

Collins, Jim, 251


to communities, 130

employee, 8

at FIFCO, 25

to implementation, 318321

to learning, 197199

stages of organizational, 324325

to suppliers, 125

to transformation, 353354


about win-win thinking, 171

in campaigns of influence and engagement, 343346

with investors, 117

mindfulness in, 277278

of purpose, 7374

transparency and, 192193

of values, 222


in eco-centric approach, 103105

interdependence of stakeholders and, 101102

of practice, 356, 362366

as stakeholders, 128132

compensation systems

conscious culture and, 229230

at FIFCO, 2325

competence, zone of, 265

Conscious Capitalism

assessing current state of, 2932

barriers to, 332334

beginning with, 1532

caveats with, 12

context behind, 14

credo of, 67

definition of, xv

explanation of, 47

at FIFCO, 1826

how to implement, 1114

imperatives for, 349351

implementation of, 301347

introducing to the top team, 326

performance results from, 711

pillars of, 56, 306

shareholder activism and, xiiixiv

support for, xix

values in, 6

the “why” of your business and, 1518

Conscious Capitalism Inc., 120

Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business (Mackey & Sisodia), ix, xvxvi, 326

Conscious Company magazine, 29

consciousness, levels of, 374377

constructive dissonance, 289292

The Container Store, 124125

contemplative practices, 285286

Coolidge, Calvin, 13

Cooperrider, David, 135, 351

Corporate Social Responsibility Reports, 136

The Corporation (documentary), 132, 133

corporations, purpose of, xiv. See also benefit corporation (B Corp) movement

courageous patience, 352

Covey, Steven, 103


other-centeredness and, 281

in win-win versus trade-offs, 103

credibility, 313

cultural disharmony/entropy, 377381

Cultural Transformation Tools, Barrett Values Centre, 223, 373382

cultural values assessments, 373374

culture, conscious, xv, 6, 175233

assessment of, 31, 179180

authenticity and, 181, 187188

at Barry-Wehmiller, 206208

caring and, 181, 188191

case for, 182183

committees for creating, 212215

as competitive advantage, 177

empowerment in, 181, 200202

enculturating purpose in, 7190

hiring and, 226228

integrity in, 181, 195197

leadership in, 221223

learning in, 181, 197199

levels of, 374377

maintaining and evolving, 219

measuring and building, 373382

onboarding and, 228229

performance and, 10

playbook for, xvii, 205223

practices in, 225233

rollout plans for, 218

TACTILE qualities of, 181202

tracking, 231233

transparency in, 181, 192195

trust in, 183186

updates on the state of, 232

validation and engagement of, 215218

values mapping and, 377378

visualizing, 209211

volunteer premium and, 177180

Culture Amp, 232

Culture IQ, 232

customers, x

benefits of Conscious Capitalism for, 89

interdependence of stakeholders and, 101102

as stakeholders, 108112

“The Dangers of Denial” (Strine), 358

Danone, 4, 119, 120

DanoneWave, 119, 360

D’Antonio, Michael, 243244

Davis, Lorna, 119, 360

decision making

empowerment for, 200202

values-based, 219

Declaration of Independence, 12

“Declaration of Interdependence” (Whole Foods), 55, 81, 104

Delaware General Corporation Law, 358

Dell, xi

Dell, Michael, xi

development programs, purpose-driven, 77, 198

at Barry-Wehmiller, 293298

for leadership, 265266, 288289

difference, 5152

difference makers, 313

Disclosure Questionnaire, 364

dissonance, constructive, 289292

diversity, 188

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 9

Drive (Pink), 182

Driversselect, 2628, 184

Drucker, Peter, 242

DuPont, xi, 222

early wins, 313

Eckschmidt, Thomas, xiv, 32, 326

ecosystem-centric mindset, 102, 103105, 174

Edelson, Eric, 363

Edison, Thomas, 48

Edmans, Alex, 9

efficiency, 8

Ellevate Network, 365

emotional benefits, 5759

emotional intelligence, 248, 257260

Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 258


awareness of, 258259

empathy and, 257, 259260

mental chatter and, 276

empathy, 257, 259260, 282


benefits of Conscious Capitalism for, 8

caring for, 181, 188191

in eco-centric approach, 103105

empowerment of, 200202

enculturating purpose and, 7280

family engagement and, 138

at FIFCO, 2324

hiring, 226228

interdependence of stakeholders and, 101102

onboarding, 228229

purpose and, 40

purpose-driven talent management and, 7677

satisfaction of, 9

as source versus resource, 1213

as stakeholders, x, 112116

trust and, 183186

welfare of, 2324

empowerment, 113

at Barry-Wehmiller, 206

caring and, 190

in conscious culture, 181, 200202

for organizational change, 339342

enculturation of purpose, 7190

definition of, 71

everywhere, 8489

framework for, 7172

gap analysis in, 8184

getting employees onboard in, 7280

phases of, 7172

energetic inductors, 272

energy, leadership and, 248, 250251

The Energy Project, 250

engagement, 8

assessment of employee, 114116

campaigns, 340, 343346

conscious culture and, 177, 182183

of culture committees, 214215

of employee families, 138

employees as stakeholders and, 112

in enculturating purpose, 72

at FIFCO, 24, 25

stakeholder, 150156

enthusiasm, leadership and, 248, 250251


business versus social, ix

communities and, 129130

in Conscious Capitalism, 4

in traditional capitalism, 24


benefits of Conscious Capitalism for, 8

in eco-centric approach, 103105

FIFCO and, 21, 26

financial performance and, 10

performance and responsibility for, 9

performance indicators, 2425

as stakeholder, x, 132139

equity capital, cost of, 9

Etsy, 356, 359

Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People as Family (Chapman & Sisodia), 206208

evolving purpose, 4142, 69

excellence, zone of, 265266

exercises, xxxxi

purpose-discovery, 4761

Ugli Oranges, 164166, 369372

failures, deconstructing to discern your purpose, 4950

Fairmount Santrol Foundation, 136

Fairmount Santrol Mining, 134139

fans, purpose and, 5657

fear, 254, 255256, 269


on aspirational culture, 216

in campaigns of influence and engagement, 344346

compensation and, 229230

on leadership, 222

on purpose, 6768

from stakeholders, 173

feminine versus masculine qualities in leadership, 241, 243246, 253, 269272

FIFCO, 1826, 230

financial crisis of 2008, 40

financial results, 711. See also performance

Fink, Larry, 119

Fireclay Tile, 363

Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose (Sisodia, Wolfe, & Sheth), 78, 109

First United Bank, 146, 148

Fisher, Roger, 167

five-why exercise, 329

flexibility, 248, 252253

Flourish Prizes, 138


on customer needs, 108

in purpose, 64, 65

Ford, Henry, 268

Ford Motor Company, 268

Forrester, Jay, 103

Fowler, Chuck, 134139

Fowler Center for Business, 138

Frankl, Viktor, 35, 248

Freeman, Ed, x, 94, 95, 100, 182

Friedman, Milton, 94

from-to models, 332334, 342

Fry, Ron, 135

Full Spectrum Consciousness, 375, 377

functional benefits, 5759

Future Search, 172

Future Think, 200

G8 Social Impact Investment Taskforce, 367

Gallup Engagement surveys, 232

Gallup Institute, 182183

galvanizing purpose, 43, 69

gap analysis, 7172, 8184, 233

Gardner, David, 117

Gardner, Tom, 116, 117

Garfinkel, Jayme, 142

GE Aviation, 48

genius, zone of, 265266

George, Bill, 190

Gerzema, John, 243244

Getting to Yes (Fisher & Ury), 167

Getting to Yes with Yourself (Ury), 167168

Gilbert, Jay Coen, 118121, 355366

Give and Take (Grant), 280

givers, 280

Global Reporting Initiative indicators, 136

GM, 123124


enculturating purpose and, 8687

purpose and, 66

going to the balcony, 168

Goleman, Daniel, 258

Google, 34, 40


financial performance and, 10

stakeholder, 355, 357361, 363

Grant, Adam, 280

gratitude, 278280

greatness, defining, 16, 17, 26

Great Places to Work, 231

Greyston Bakery, 365

groupthink, 289292

growth, 9

at FIFCO, 19, 2122

GSD&M, 50, 52

Hall, Steve, 2628

HEALING purpose criteria, 4143, 69

helpers’ high, 247

Hendricks, Gay, 265266

Henry, Timothy, xiv

heroic purpose, 41, 69

hierarchy of needs, 248, 374

impact, purpose and, 5155

impact investment, 118

implementation, 301347

action items for, 307310

action plans and initiative teams for, 317318

aligning the top team for, 323, 324326

change champions in, 340342

commitment to, 318321

enrolling and empowering the organization for, 339342

influence and engagement campaigns in, 343346

organizational mobilization for, 323347

phased approach to, 314316

prioritization matrix for, 311312

priority setting and, 305321

top teams in, 327338

visualizing the future organization and, 329332

Inclusive Capitalism, x

income. See also compensation systems per capita, 2

in-company programs, 32

incompetence, zone of, 265

Industrial Revolution, 12, 3

influence and engagement campaigns, 343346

initiatives, purpose-driven, 7980. See also implementation

initiative teams, 317318


benefits of Conscious Capitalism for, 8

conscious culture and, 177

constructive dissonance and, 291

purpose and, 39

stakeholder orientation and, 10

sustainability and, 138

Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, An (Smith), 12

insight meditation, 285286


in enculturating purpose, 72

purpose and, 42, 69

integrity, 195197

profitability and, 910

Interstate Batteries, 61

introverts, 250

investors, as stakeholders, x, 116118

JAB, xi

Jacobs, Bert, 59

Jana Partners, xixii, xiii

Jaworski, Joseph, 353354

John Deere, 50

Johnson’s Sausage, 197

Journey to Conscious Capitalism councils, 345

Jung, Carl, 244

KeHE, 363

Kelleher, Herb, 13, 52

Kelly, Gary, 220

Kickstarter, 360

King, Martin Luther Jr., 43, 249, 349

Kofman, Fred, 237

Kotter, John, 323

Latin America Brewers Association, 2021

Lauer, Chris, 221

Laureate Education, 356, 363

Leaders Eat Last (Sinek), 242

leadership, 25

assessment of, 3031, 239240, 266

checklists for, xvii, 295297

compensation for, 2425

conscious, xv, 5, 235300

in conscious culture, 221223

constructive dissonance and, 289292

development plans for, 265266, 288289, 293298, 299300

emotional intelligence in, 248, 257260

energy and enthusiasm in, 248, 250251

flexibility in, 248, 252253

importance of, 237, 242

learning and development, 299

learning and growing in, 267272

letters from, in enculturating purpose, 74

long-term orientation in, 248, 251252

love and care in, 248, 253257

masculine and feminine qualities in, 241, 243246, 253, 269272

mentoring and career tracking, 299300

motivation and, 12, 241242

organization approach to conscious, 287300

other-centered, 280283

personal mastery and, 274285

selection and promotion for, 299

selfless, 247266

self-mastery and, 272274

spiritual intelligence in, 262264

from a stakeholder orientation, 173

strength in, 248, 249

styles, 244245

systems thinking in, 261262

team-based, 352

in transformation, 346347

trust and, 183186

the “why” of your business and, 16

win-win thinking and, 169170, 171172

learning, 181, 197199. See also training

continuous, 268

leadership, 267272, 299

life expectancy, 2

Life is Good, 59, 230

Lincoln, Abraham, 6


beyond just the words, 168

levels of, 260

mindfulness and, 277278

to your heart, 6061

literacy, 2

Lombardi, Vince, 163164

long-term orientation, 251252

love, leadership and, 248, 253257

loving purpose, 42, 69

loyalty, 24, 108

Mackey, John, ix, xvxvi, 120

on constructive dissonance, 289291

on trade-offs versus win-win, 103, 150

Maister, David, 305

making it personal, 334337

Makovsky, Ken, 221

management, 120. See also implementation

stakeholder, 356, 361362, 367

transparency in, 192

of values, 382

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 35

Marcario, Rose, 367

Marshall, Ian, 262

masculine versus feminine qualities in leadership, 241, 243246, 253, 269272

Maslow, Abraham, 248, 374

matchers, 280

meaning, 13, 35. See also purpose

media relations, 8

meditation, 285286

Medtronics, 190

Mendiola, Ramon, 1826

mental chatter, 272276

mentoring, 299300

metrics, 373382

on culture, 231233

financial, 117118

for purpose, 88

stakeholder orientation and, 173

Michalak, Rob, 363

Microsoft, xi

military organization, 3, 242

Millennium Pharmaceuticals, 42

mindfulness, 277278

mindsets. See also win-win thinking and outcomes

eco-centric, 102, 103105

from-to, 332334

stakeholder, 105106

stakeholder versus shareholder, 101102

win-lose versus win-win, 163164


definition of, 63

at Driversselect, 2627

statements of, 64

momentum, 313

monkey mind, 272274

motivation, 12

at FIFCO, 25

leadership and, 237, 297298

for learning and growth, 268

purpose and, 5255

Motley Fool, 116, 117

Muir, John, 101

multitasking, 277

Natura, 356357, 363, 366

natural purpose, 4243, 69

Nestlé, 359

Neuberger Berman Group, xixii, xiii

New Belgium Brewing, 365

nomenclature, purpose-inspired, 75

Nordstrom, 183184

Nordstrom, Blake, 183184

onboarding strategies, 7677, 228229

for change champions, 341342

for the top team, 325, 327337

open-book management, 192

openness, 124

other-centeredness, 280283

Pachamama Alliance, 13

Panera Bread, xi

passion, 8

conscious culture and, 177

leadership and, 250

purpose and, 46, 5255

Patagonia, 34, 255256, 263, 268, 367

patience, 352

Peakon, 232


at Barry-Wehmiller, 207

of B corps, 366

B Impact Assessment on, 120

caring versus, 189190

from Conscious Capitalism, 711

Conscious Capitalism and, 711

conscious culture and, 182183, 229230

key indicators of, at FIFCO, 19, 2425

win-win thinking and, 170

performance evaluation

gap analysis on, 83

learning linked with, 199

purpose-driven, 78

personal mastery, 274285

perspective, 164, 282285

philanthropy, 129

Pink, Daniel, 182

playbooks for conscious culture, xvii, 205223

at Barry-Wehmiller, 206208

conscious culture committees and, 212215

elements of, 217

engaging the organization in culture change and, 212221

leadership team roles in, 221223

maintaining and evolving, 219

organizational validation and engagement, 215218

rollout plans in, 218

values in, 208211

Plum Organics, 366

Polman, Paul, x

Porras, Jerry, 251

Porto Seguro, 142143


positive psychology, 273

positive-sum games, 100

presence, 253, 264, 269272

contemplative practices and, 285286

definition of, 270

practices for, 270272

principles, guiding, 4748. See also purpose; values

priorities and prioritization, xvii, 305321

action items, 307310

in initiatives, 7980

matrix for, 311313

phased approach to, 314316

processes, 9

Procter & Gamble, xi, 34, 359

productivity, 177


from Conscious Capitalism, 711

Conscious Capitalism on, xv

customers as stakeholders and, 109

in eco-centric approach, 103105

at FIFCO, 19

maximization of as sole purpose, 34

maximizing value versus, 141

shareholder activism and short-term, xixiv, 102, 116, 117

stakeholder orientation and, 94

sustainability and, 134139

prosthesis company, 144146

psychopaths, 288

purpose, xv, 3389

aiming high for, 6669

anthem videos, 74

articulating, 6369

assessing current state of, 30, 3738

awareness of, 45

communicating, 73

definition of, 39, 63

difference and, 5152

discovering your, 4561

enculturating, 7190

examples of companies driven by, 3941

feedback on, 6768

at FIFCO, 2224

focus in, 65

fulfilling everywhere, 8489

functional, emotional, and ultimate benefits of, 5759

gap analysis, 7172, 8184

generic, 64

higher, 5

listening to your heart and, 6061

nomenclature inspired by, 75

profit maximization as, 12

qualities of a compelling, 4143

revisiting your past and, 4749

statements, testing, 6769

taglines versus, 65

talking to fans about, 5657

the “why” of your business and, 1518

The Purposeful Company (Big Innovation Centre), 354

Purpose Institute, 90

purpose statements, xvi, 6369

Qigong, 253

Qlik, 228

QR codes, xxixxii

random acts of kindness, 281282

Rao, Srikumar, 274, 283284

recognition and celebration programs, 78

recruitment and hiring, 226228

onboarding and, 228229

purpose-driven, 7677

Redwoods Group, 365

reframing, 164, 282285

relevance, 218

of change stories, 343

of top teams, 337339

Reserva, 230

resources, prioritizing actions and, 311313

retreats, xxi, 337339

reverent skeptics, 324

rewards, 182, 222

conscious culture and, 229230

extrinsic versus intrinsic, 182

gap analysis on, 83

purpose and, 5155

win-win thinking and, 170

rewards, purpose and, 78. See also compensation systems

risk, systematic, 10

Robb, Walter, 128

rollout plans, 218

Roosevelt, Franklin, 251

Rushing, Haley, 35, 90

Scharmer, Otto, 260

School of Babel, 209

Schwartz, Tony, 250

Schweitzer, Albert, 247

self-actualization, 248

self-awareness, 257, 258259

self-care, 250

self-interest, 23

conscious leadership versus, 5

SELFLESS leadership, 247266

assessment of, 266

self-mastery, 272274, 274285

self-talk, 274276

self-transcendence, 248

Seligman, Martin, 273

sensitive sonar, 271272

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 103

Shaich, Ron, xi

Shakti Leadership: Embracing Feminine and Masculine Power in Business (Bhat & Sisodia), 269272


activism of, xixiv, 102, 118119, 359

interdependence of stakeholders and, 101102

stakeholder mindset versus, 101102

Sheahan, Casey, 255256, 263, 268

Sheth, Jab, 7, 109

Siedman, Dov, 200

Silver Chef, 357, 366

Sinek, Simon, 5, 242

Sisodia, Raj, ix, xiv, 7, 109, 206208, 269272, 326

sleep, 250

Smith, Adam, 13, 23

Snakk Media, 357

social capital, 10

social entrepreneurs, ix

social responsibility, 9

at Fairmount Santrol, 136

at FIFCO, 1826

financial performance and, 10

performance indicators, 2425

profit maximization as, 94

“The Social Responsibility of a Business Is to Increase Its Profits” (Friedman), 94


as stakeholder, x

See also communities

Socrates, 258

Solberg Manufacturing, 365

Southwest Airlines, 34, 13, 4041, 50, 226228

culture at, 220221

difference of, 52

enculturation of purpose at, 85

hiring at, 226

purpose-inspired nomenclature in, 75

Spence, Roy, 38, 50

Spiritual Capital (Zohar & Marshall), 262

spiritual intelligence, 262264, 269

SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence (Wigglesworth), 263264, 269

stability, purpose and, 39

stakeholder governance, 355, 357361, 363

stakeholder integration, xv, 30

stakeholder management, 356, 361362, 367

stakeholder mindset, 105106

stakeholder orientation, 5, 91174

assessment of, 9697, 110112, 122123, 127128, 131132

communities in, 128132

customers in, 108112

developing, 107139

eco-centric approach in, 103105

embedding, 157174

employees in, 112116

environment in, 132139

governance and, 355, 357361

innovation and, 10

investors in, 116118

key principles in, 102

leading from, 173

management and, 120

mapping stakeholder needs in, 141156

organizational understanding of, 158163

overview of, 93

personal relevance of, 161163

profit motive and, 94

shareholder versus stakeholder mindsets and, 101102

stakeholder model in, 99106

suppliers in, 123128

training in, 158163

Ugli Orange exercise on, 164166, 369372

win-win understanding and, 157158

stakeholders, x

caring for, 181, 188191

communities as, 128132

employees as, 112116

engagement with, 150156

environment as, 132139

at FIFCO, 20

identifying, 146150

inner-circle versus outer-circle, 99100

interdependency of, 2627, 101102, 107, 124

investors as, 116118

mapping, xvi, 20, 141156

model on, 99106

organizational understanding of, 158163

orientation training, 152, 158163

overlooking some, 2728

primary, 100101, 146147

purpose in aligning, 42

relationships with, 99101

secondary, 146

suppliers as, 123128

underserved, 149150

understanding needs of, xvi, 150151

win-win relationships with, xvii

stakeholder theory, x

Standards Advisory Council, 362

startups, 32

Start with Why (Sinek), 5

stewardship, 117

Stoppard, Tom, 349

strategic experiments, 154155

Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach (Freeman), 95

strategy, 12

at FIFCO, 22

suppliers and, 125

“Strategy and the Fat Smoker” (Maister), 305

strength, leadership and, 248, 249

strengths, purpose and, 46, 5255

stress, 6

Strickler, Yancey, 360

Strine, Leo E., Jr., 358


deconstructing to discern your purpose, 4950

defining, 16, 17, 2526, 283285

enculturating purpose and, 8789


in eco-centric approach, 103105

interdependence of stakeholders and, 101102

as stakeholders, x, 123128

support, xix

surveys, 231232

sustainability, 910, 134139

barriers to, 2627

of change, 346

Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership and Source: The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation (Jaworski), 353354

synergies, 103

systems thinking, 103105, 261262

TACTILE qualities, 181202

taglines, purpose versus, 65

Tai Chi, 253, 285

takers, 280

taking a stand, 334337

talent management, purpose-driven, 7677

Tata, Ratan, x

TEDx talks, 326

The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith), 23

Tindell, Kip, 124125


stakeholder models and, 100

win-win relationships versus, 103, 150


for culture, 228229

purpose-driven, 77

stakeholder orientation, 158163

in win-win thinking, 170

transparency, 117, 119, 173

in B corps, 366

in conscious culture, 181, 192195

constructive dissonance and, 290291

with suppliers, 125

sustainability and, 136

Triodos Bank, 366

triple bottom line, x

at FIFCO, 1921

trust, 9

among stakeholders, 119

B corps and, 364365

in conscious culture, 181, 183186

culture and, 377378

earning customers’, 109

Twist, Lynne, 13

Ugli Oranges exercise, 164166, 369372

Unilever, 359

unique selling propositions, 5152

US Air Force, 50


cocreation of with customers, 108112

creation of for investors, 117

creation of versus dividing, 103

creation of with stakeholders, 153154

eco-centric approach and creation of, 103105

employees as stakeholders and, 112113

maximizing, 141

shareholder, maximizing, xixiv

sustainability and, 136138

ultimate, purpose and, 5759


authenticity and, 187

compensation systems and, 229230

cultural transformation based on, 208211

culture committees and, 215

at Driversselect, 2627

leadership and, 222

maintaining and evolving, 219

managing, 382

mapping, 377381

onboarding and, 228229

purpose and, 39

selfless leadership and, 247248

at Southwest, 220221

stakeholder orientation and, 102

universal human, 6

vertical development, 353

vision, 190

definition of, 63

visualization, 209211, 329332

volunteerism, 135136

volunteer premium, 177180

Walmart, 66

Washington, George, 251

Water Footprint Network, 21

WhiteWave, 119

Whole Foods Market

Amazon and, xiixiii, 120

community and, 129

cultural practices at, 225

decision making at, 219

Future Search at, 172

hiring at, 226

learning in, 197

onboarding at, 229

purpose declaration of, 55, 81, 104

shareholder activism at, xixiii, 359

stakeholder orientation metrics, 173

transparency in, 192

Ugli Orange exercise, 164166

Wigglesworth, Cindy, 263264, 269

win-win thinking and outcomes, xvii, 105, 164

creation of value versus dividing value, 103

developing organizational capability in, 169170

eco-centric approach and, 103105

embedding, 163164

stakeholder models and, 99101

stakeholder orientation and, 157174

with suppliers, 124125

trade-offs versus, 103

Ugli Orange exercise on, 164166, 369372

when it seems impossible, 166169

win-win-win (Win6) strategies, x, 102

Wolfe, David B., 7, 109

World Health Organization, 21

Wry, Bill, 167169

Yunus, Muhammad, x, 247248

Zappos, 4, 187, 213, 218, 227, 230

zero-sum games, 100

Zohar, Danah, 262

zone of genius, 265266

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