
Part Five


In this final part of the journey, we’ll address two themes. The first theme is pulling together the work you have into an action plan—a practical, focused set of initiatives with timelines and project plans. Our goal is to help you and your organization transform the intentions and plans explored in parts 1 through 4 into a clear plan of action that starts today and extends out three years.

The second theme is to address the basics of change management and transformation. This journey is fundamentally about how you change the way people on your team and in your organization think. Lasting behavior changes come from thinking about the business differently. We’ll discuss what it takes to make these changes, and we’ll give you some guidelines for how to organize and execute your campaign of change. Having a clear, phased approach to transformation helps accelerate the time to impact of the work, and developing this approach with your team builds their commitment to the execution process.

Figure P5-1 presents an overview of this final part of the book. In chapter 18, we will help you focus on the highest-impact initiatives that will make your organization a more conscious business. We will show you how to select your top ten initiatives, prioritize them into three phases over the next six months to three years, and develop the immediate next steps to get moving quickly on the execution. In chapter 19, we will help you transform the DNA of your business to deepen and broaden your organization’s journey to Conscious Capitalism.

Figure P5-1: Overview of part 5


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