Chapter 14. Conclusion

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

Albert Einstein

The practice of data science can best be described as a combination of analytical engineering and exploration. The business presents a problem we would like to solve. Rarely is the business problem directly one of our basic data mining tasks. We decompose the problem into subtasks that we think we can solve, usually starting with existing tools. For some of these tasks we may not know how well we can solve them, so we have to mine the data and conduct evaluation to see. If that does not succeed, we may need to try something completely different. In the process we may discover knowledge that will help us to solve the problem we had set out to solve, or we may discover something unexpected that leads us to other important successes.

Neither the analytical engineering nor the exploration should be omitted when considering the application of data science methods to solve a business problem. Omitting the engineering aspect usually makes it much less likely that the results of mining data will actually solve the business problem. Omitting the understanding of process as one of exploration and discovery often keeps an organization from putting the right management, incentives, and investments in place for the project to succeed.

The Fundamental Concepts of Data Science

Both the analytical engineering and the exploration and discovery are made more systematic and thereby more likely to succeed by the understanding and embracing of the fundamental concepts of data science. In this book we have introduced a collection of the most important fundamental concepts. Some of these concepts we made into headliners for the chapters, and others were introduced more naturally through the discussions (and not necessarily labeled as fundamental concepts). These concepts span the process from envisioning how data science can improve business decisions, to applying data science techniques, to deploying the results to improve decision-making. The concepts also undergird a large array of business analytics.

We can group our fundamental concepts roughly into three types:

  1. General concepts about how data science fits in the organization and the competitive landscape, including ways to attract, structure, and nurture data science teams, ways for thinking about how data science leads to competitive advantage, ways that competitive advantage can be sustained, and tactical principles for doing well with data science projects.
  2. General ways of thinking data-analytically, which help us to gather appropriate data and consider appropriate methods. The concepts include the data mining process, the collection of different high-level data science tasks, as well as principles such as the following.

    • The data science team should keep in mind the problem to be solved and the use scenario throughout the data mining process
    • Data should be considered an asset, and therefore we should think carefully about what investments we should make to get the best leverage from our asset
    • The expected value framework can help us to structure business problems so we can see the component data mining problems as well as the connective tissue of costs, benefits, and constraints imposed by the business environment
    • Generalization and overfitting: if we look too hard at the data, we will find patterns; we want patterns that generalize to data we have not yet seen
    • Applying data science to a well-structured problem versus exploratory data mining require different levels of effort in different stages of the data mining process
  3. General concepts for actually extracting knowledge from data, which undergird the vast array of data science techniques. These include concepts such as the following.

    • Identifying informative attributes—those that correlate with or give us information about an unknown quantity of interest
    • Fitting a numeric function model to data by choosing an objective and finding a set of parameters based on that objective
    • Controlling complexity is necessary to find a good trade-off between generalization and overfitting
    • Calculating similarity between objects described by data

Once we think about data science in terms of its fundamental concepts, we see the same concepts underlying many different data science strategies, tasks, algorithms, and processes. As we have illustrated throughout the book, these principles not only allow us to understand the theory and practice of data science much more deeply, they also allow us to understand the methods and techniques of data science very broadly, because these methods and techniques are quite often simply particular instantiations of one or more of the fundamental principles.

At a high level we saw how structuring business problems using the expected value framework allows us to decompose problems into data science tasks that we understand better how to solve, and this applies across many different sorts of business problems.

For extracting knowledge from data, we saw that our fundamental concept of determining the similarity of two objects described by data is used directly, for example to find customers similar to our best customers. It is used for classification and for regression, via nearest-neighbor methods. It is the basis for clustering, the unsupervised grouping of data objects. It is the basis for finding documents most related to a search query. And it is the basis for more than one common method for making recommendations, for example by casting both customers and movies into the same “taste space,” and then finding movies most similar to a particular customer.

When it comes to measurement, we see the notion of lift—determining how much more likely a pattern is than would be expected by chance—appearing broadly across data science, when evaluating very different sorts of patterns. One evaluates algorithms for targeting advertisements by computing the lift one gets for the targeted population. One calculates lift for judging the weight of evidence for or against a conclusion. One calculates lift to help judge whether a repeated co-occurrence is interesting, as opposed to simply being a natural consequence of popularity.

Understanding the fundamental concepts also facilitates communication between business stakeholders and data scientists, not only because of the shared vocabulary, but because both sides actually understand better. Instead of missing important aspects of a discussion completely, we can dig in and ask questions that will reveal critical aspects that otherwise would not have been uncovered.

For example, let’s say your venture firm is considering investing in a data science-based company producing a personalized online news service. You ask how exactly they are personalizing the news. They say they use support vector machines. Let’s even pretend that we had not talked about support vector machines in this book. You should feel confident enough in your knowledge of data science now that you should not simply say “Oh, OK.” You should be able to confidently ask: “What’s that exactly?” If they really do know what they are talking about, they should give you some explanation based upon our fundamental principles (as we did in Chapter 4). You also are now prepared to ask, “What exactly are the training data you intend to use?” Not only might that impress data scientists on their team, but it actually is an important question to be asked to see whether they are doing something credible, or just using “data science” as a smokescreen to hide behind. You can go on to think about whether you really believe building any predictive model from these data—regardless of what sort of model it is—would be likely to solve the business problem they’re attacking. You should be ready to ask whether you really think they will have reliable training labels for such a task. And so on.

Applying Our Fundamental Concepts to a New Problem: Mining Mobile Device Data

As we’ve emphasized repeatedly, once we think about data science as a collection of concepts, principles, and general methods, we will have much more success both understanding data science activities broadly, and also applying data science to new business problems. Let’s consider a fresh example.

Recently (as of this writing), there has been a marked shift in consumer online activity from traditional computers to a wide variety of mobile devices. Companies, many still working to understand how to reach consumers on their desktop computers, now are scrambling to understand how to reach consumers on their mobile devices: smart phones, tablets, and even increasingly mobile laptop computers, as WiFi access becomes ubiquitous. We won’t talk about most of the complexity of that problem, but from our perspective, the data-analytic thinker might notice that mobile devices provide a new sort of data from which little leverage has yet been obtained. In particular, mobile devices are associated with data on their location.

For example, in the mobile advertising ecosystem, depending on my privacy settings, my mobile device may broadcast my exact GPS location to those entities who would like to target me with advertisements, daily deals, and other offers. Figure 14-1 shows a scatterplot of a small sample of locations that a potential advertiser might see, sampled from the mobile advertising ecosystem. Even if I do not broadcast my GPS location, my device broadcasts the IP address of the network it currently is using, which often conveys location information.

A scatterplot of a sample of GPS locations captured from mobile devices.
Figure 14-1. A scatterplot of a sample of GPS locations captured from mobile devices.


As an interesting side point, this is just a scatterplot of the latitude and longitudes broadcast by mobile devices; there is no map! It gives a striking picture of population density across the world. And it makes us wonder what’s going on with mobile devices in Antarctica.

How might we use such data? Let’s apply our fundamental concepts. If we want to get beyond exploratory data analysis (as we’ve started with the visualization in Figure 14-1), we need to think in terms of some concrete business problem. A particular firm might have certain problems to solve, and be focused on one or two. An entrepreneur or investor might scan across different possible problems she sees that businesses or consumers currently have. Let’s pick one related to these data.

Advertisers face the problem that in this new world, we see a variety of different devices and a particular consumer’s behavior may be fragmented across several. In the desktop world, once the advertisers identify a good prospect, perhaps via a cookie in a particular consumer’s browser or a device ID, they can then begin to take action accordingly; for example, by presenting targeted ads. In the mobile ecosystem, this consumer’s activity is fragmented across devices. Even if a good prospect is found on one device, how can she be targeted on her other devices?

One possibility is to use the location data to winnow the space of possible other devices that could belong to this prospect. Figure 14-1 suggests that a huge portion of the space of possible alternatives would be eliminated if we could profile the location visitation behavior of a mobile device. Presumably, my location behavior on my smart phone will be fairly similar to my location behavior on my laptop, especially if I am considering the WiFi locations that I use.[80] So I may want to draw on what I know about assessing the similarity of data items (Chapter 6).

When working through our data-understanding phase, we need to decide how exactly we will represent devices and their locations. Once we are able to step back from the details of algorithms and applications, and think instead about the fundamentals, we might notice that the ideas discussed in the example of problem formulation for text mining (Chapter 10) would apply very well here—even though this example has nothing to do with text. When mining data on documents, we often ignore much of the structure of the text, such as its sequence. For many problems we can simply treat each document as a collection of words from a potentially large vocabulary. The same thinking will apply here. Obviously there is considerable structure to the locations one visits, such as the sequence in which they are visited, but for data mining a simplest-first strategy is often best. Let’s just consider each device to be a “bag of locations,” in analogy to the bag-of-words representation discussed in Chapter 10.

If we are looking to try to find other instances of the same user, we might also profitably apply the ideas of TFIDF for text to our locations. WiFi locations that are very popular (like the Starbucks on the corner of Washington Square Park) are unlikely to be so informative in a similarity calculation focused on finding the same user on different devices. Such a location would get a low IDF score (think of the “D” as being for “Device” rather than “Document”). At the other end of the spectrum, for many people their apartment WiFi networks would have few different devices, and thereby be quite discriminative. TFIDF on location would magnify the importance of these locations in a similarity calculation. In between these two in discriminability might be an office WiFi network, which might get a middle-of-the-road IDF score.

Now, if our device profile is a TFIDF representation based on our bag of locations, as with using similarity over the TFIDF formulation for our search query for the jazz musician example in Chapter 10, we might look for the devices most similar to the one that we had identified as a good prospect. Let’s say that my laptop was the device identified as a good prospect. My laptop is observed on my apartment WiFi network and on my work WiFi network. The only other devices that are observed there are my phone, my tablet, and possibly the mobile devices of my wife and a few friends and colleagues (but note that these will get low TF scores at one or the other location, as compared to my devices). Thus, it is likely that my phone and tablet will be strongly similar—possibly most similar—to the one identified as a prospect. If the advertiser had identified my laptop as a good prospect for a particular ad, then this formulation would also identify my phone and tablet as good prospects for the same ad.

This example isn’t meant to be a definitive solution to the problem of finding corresponding users on different mobile devices;[81] it shows how having a conceptual toolkit can be helpful in thinking about a brand-new problem. Once these ideas are conceptualized, data scientists would dig in to figure out what really works and how to flesh out and extend the ideas, applying many of the concepts we have discussed (such as how to evaluate alternative implementation options).

Changing the Way We Think about Solutions to Business Problems

The example also provides a concrete illustration of yet another important fundamental concept (we haven’t exhausted them even after this many pages of a detailed book). It is quite common that in the business understanding/data understanding subcycle of the data mining process, our notion of what is the problem changes to fit what we actually can do with the data. Often the change is subtle, but it is very important to (try to) notice when it happens. Why? Because all stakeholders are not involved with the data science problem formulation. If we forget that we have changed the problem, especially if the change is subtle, we may run into resistance down the line. And it may be resistance due purely to misunderstanding! What’s worse, it may be perceived as due to stubbornness, which might lead to hard feelings that threaten the success of the project.

Let’s look back at the mobile targeting example. The astute reader might have said: Wait a minute. We started by saying that we were going to find the same users on different devices. What we’ve done is to find very similar users in terms of their location information. I may be willing to agree that the set of these similar users is very likely to contain the same user—more likely than any alternative I can think of—but that’s not the same as finding the same user on different devices. This reader would be correct. In working through our problem formulation the problem changed slightly. We now have made the identification of the same user probabilistic: there may be a very high probability that the subset of devices with very similar location profiles will contain other instances of the same user, but it is not guaranteed. This needs to be clear in our minds, and clarified to stakeholders.

It turns out that for targeting advertisements or offers, this change probably will be acceptable to all stakeholders. Recalling our cost/benefit framework for evaluating data mining solutions (Chapter 7), it’s pretty clear that for many offers targeting some false positives will be of relatively low cost as compared to the benefit of hitting more true positives. What’s more, for many offers targeters may actually be happy to “miss,” if each miss constitutes hitting other people with similar interests. And my wife and close friends and colleagues are pretty good hits for many of my tastes and interests![82]

What Data Can’t Do: Humans in the Loop, Revisited

This book has focused on how, why, and when we can get business value from data science by enhancing data-driven decision-making. It is important also to consider the limits of data science and data-driven decision-making.

There are things computers are good at and things people are good at, but often these aren’t the same things. For example, humans are much better at identifying—from everything out in the world—small sets of relevant aspects of the world from which to gather data in support of a particular task. Computers are much better at sifting through a massive collection of data, including a huge number of (possibly) relevant variables, and quantifying the variables’ relevance to predicting a target.


New York Times Op-Ed columnist David Brooks has written an excellent essay entitled “What Data Can’t Do” (Brooks, 2013). You should read this if you are considering the magical application of data science to solve your problems.

Data science involves the judicious integration of human knowledge and computer-based techniques to achieve what neither of them could achieve alone. (And beware of any tool vendor who suggests otherwise!) The data mining process introduced in Chapter 2 helps direct the combination of humans and computers. The structure imposed by the process emphasizes the interaction of humans early, to ensure that the application of data science methods are focused on the right tasks. Examining the data mining process also reveals that task selection and specification is not the only place where human interaction is critical. As discussed in Chapter 2, one of the places where human creativity, knowledge, and common sense adds value is in selecting the right data to mine—which is far too often overlooked in discussions of data mining, especially considering its importance.

Human interaction is also critical in the evaluation stage of the process. The combination of the right data and data science techniques excels at finding models that optimize some objective criterion. Only humans can tell what is the best objective criterion to optimize for a particular problem. This involves substantial subjective human judgment, because often the true criterion to be optimized cannot be measured, so the humans have to pick the best proxy or proxies possible—and keep these decisions in mind as sources of risk when the models are deployed. And then we need careful, and sometimes creative, attention to whether the resultant models or patterns actually do help to solve the problem.

We also need to keep in mind that the data to which we will apply data science techniques are the product of some process that involved human decisions. We should not fall prey to thinking that the data represent objective truth.[83] Data incorporate the beliefs, purposes, biases, and pragmatics of those who designed the data collection systems. The meaning of data is colored by our own beliefs.

Consider the following simple example. Many years ago, your authors worked together as data scientists at one of the largest telephone companies. There was a terrible problem with fraud in the wireless business, and we applied data science methods to massive data on cell phone usage, social calling patterns, locations visited, etc. (Fawcett & Provost, 1996, 1997). A seemingly well-performing component of a model for detecting fraud indicated that “calling from cellsite number zero provides substantially increased risk of fraud.” This was verified through careful holdout evaluation. Fortunately (in this instance), we followed good data science practice and in the evaluation phase worked to ensure domain-knowledge validation of the model. We had trouble understanding this particular model component. There were many cellsites that indicated elevated probability of fraud,[84] but cellsite zero stood out. Furthermore, the other cellsites made sense because when you looked up their locations, there at least was a good story—for example, the cellsite was in a high-crime area. Looking up cellsite zero resulted in nothing at all. It wasn’t in the cellsite lists. We went to the top data guru to divine the answer. Indeed, there was no cellsite zero. But the data clearly have many fraudulent calls from cellsite zero!

To make a quite long story short, our understanding of the data was wrong. Briefly, when fraud was resolved on a customer’s account, often a substantial amount of time passed between their bill being printed, sent out, received by the customer, opened, read, and acted upon. During this time, fraudulent activity continued. Now that fraud had been detected, these calls should not appear on the customer’s next bill, so they were removed from the billing system. They were not discarded however, but (fortunately for the data mining efforts) were kept in a different database. Unfortunately, whoever designed that database decided that it was not important to keep certain fields. One of these was the cellsite. Thus, when the data science effort asked for data on all the fraudulent calls, in order to build training and test sets, these calls were included. As they did not have a cellsite, another design decision (conscious or not) led the fields to be filled with zeros. Thus, many of the fraudulent calls seemed to be from cellsite zero!

This is a “leak,” as introduced in Chapter 2. You might think that should have been easy to spot. It wasn’t, for several reasons. Consider how many phone calls are made by tens of millions of customers over many months, and for each call there was a very large number of possible descriptive attributes. There was no possibility to manually examine the data. Further, the calls were grouped by customer, so there wasn’t a bulk of cellsite-zero calls; they were interspersed with each customer’s other calls. Finally, and possibly most importantly, as part of the data preparation the data were scrubbed to improve the quality of the target variable. Some calls credited as fraud to an account were not actually fraudulent. Many of these, in turn, could be identified by seeing that the customer called them in a prior, nonfraud period. The result was that calls from cellsite zero had an elevated probability of fraud, but were not a perfect predictor of fraud (which would have been a red flag).

The point of this mini-case study is to illustrate that “what the data is” is an interpretation that we place. This interpretation often changes through the process of data mining, and we need to embrace this malleability. Our fraud detection example showed a change in the interpretation of a data item. We often also change our understanding of how the data were sampled as we uncover biases in the data collection process. For example, if we want to model consumer behavior in order to design or deliver a marketing campaign, it is essential to understand exactly what was the consumer base from which the data were sampled. This again sounds obvious in theory, but in practice it may involve in-depth analysis of the systems and businesses from which the data came.

Finally we need to be discerning in the sorts of problems for which data science, even with the integration of humans, is likely to add value. We must ask: are there really sufficient data pertaining to the decision at hand? Very high-level strategic decisions may be placed in a unique context. Data analyses, as well as theoretical simulations, may provide insight, but often for the highest-level decisions the decision makers must rely on their experience, knowledge, and intuition. This applies certainly to strategic decisions such as whether to acquire a particular company: data analysis can support the decision, but ultimately each situation is unique and the judgment of an experienced strategist will be necessary.

This idea of unique situations should be carried through. At an extreme we might think of Steve Jobs’ famous statement: “It’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them… That doesn’t mean we don’t listen to customers, but it’s hard for them to tell you what they want when they’ve never seen anything remotely like it.” As we look to the future we may hope that with the increasing ability to do careful, automated experimentation we may move from asking people what they would like or would find useful to observing what they like or find useful. To do this well, we need to follow our fundamental principle: consider data as an asset, in which we may need to invest. Our Capital One case from Chapter 1 is an example of creating many products and investing in data and data science to determine both which ones people would want, and for each product which people would be appropriate (i.e., profitable) customers.

Privacy, Ethics, and Mining Data About Individuals

Mining data, especially data about individuals, raises important ethical issues that should not be ignored. There recently has been considerable discussion in the press and within government agencies about privacy and data (especially online data), but the issues are much broader. Most consumer-facing large companies collect or purchase detailed data on all of us. These data are used directly to make decisions regarding many of the business applications we have discussed through the book: should we be granted credit? If so, what should be our credit line? Should we be targeted with an offer? What content would we like to be shown on the website? What products should be recommended to us? Are we likely to defect to a competitor? Is there fraud on our account?

The tension between privacy and improving business decisions is intense because there seems to be a direct relationship between increased use of personal data and increased effectiveness of the associated business decisions. For example, a study by researchers at the University of Toronto and MIT showed that after particularly stringent privacy protection was enacted in Europe, online advertising became significantly less effective. In particular, “the difference in stated purchase intent between those who were exposed to ads and those who were not dropped by approximately 65%. There was no such change for countries outside Europe” (Goldfarb & Tucker, 2011).[85] This is not a phenomenon restricted to online advertising: adding fine-grained social network data (e.g., who communicates with whom) to more traditional data on individuals substantially increases the effectiveness of fraud detection (Fawcett & Provost, 1997) and targeted marketing (Hill et al., 2006). Generally, the more fine-grained data you collect on individuals, the better you can predict things about them that are important for business decision-making. This seeming direct relationship between reduced privacy and increased business performance elicits strong feelings from both the privacy and the business perspectives (sometimes within the same person).

It is far beyond the scope of this book to resolve this problem, and the issues are extremely complicated (for example, what sort of “anonymization” would be sufficient?) and diverse. Possibly the biggest impediment to the reasoned consideration of privacy-friendly data science designs is the difficulty with even defining what privacy is. Daniel Solove is a world authority on privacy. His article “A Taxonomy of Privacy” (2006) starts:

Privacy is a concept in disarray. Nobody can articulate what it means. As one commentator has observed, privacy suffers from “an embarrassment of meanings.”

Solove’s article goes on to spend over 80 pages giving a taxonomy of privacy. Helen Nissenbaum is another world authority on privacy, who has concentrated recently specifically on the relationship of privacy and massive databases (and the mining thereof). Her book on this topic, Privacy in Context, is over 300 pages (and well worth reading). We bring this up to emphasize that privacy concerns are not some easy-to-understand or easy-to-deal-with issues that can be quickly dispatched, or even written about well as a section or chapter of a data science book. If you are either a data scientist or a business stakeholder in data science projects, you should care about privacy concerns, and you will need to invest serious time in thinking carefully about them.

Is There More to Data Science?

Although this book is fairly thick, we have tried hard to pick the most relevant fundamental concepts to help the data scientist and the business stakeholder to understand data science and to communicate well. Of course, we have not covered all the fundamental concepts of data science, and any given data scientist may dispute whether we have included exactly the right ones. But all should agree that these are some of the most important concepts and that they underlie a vast amount of the science.

There are all manner of advanced topics and closely related topics that build upon the fundamentals presented here. We will not try to list them—if you’re interested, peruse the programs of recent top-notch data mining research conferences, such as the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, or the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. Both of these conferences have top-notch Industry Tracks as well, focusing on applications of data science to business and government problems.

Let us give just one more concrete example of the sort of topic one might find when exploring further. Recall our first principle of data science: data (and data science capability) should be regarded as assets, and should be candidates for investment. Through the book we have discussed in increasing complexity the notion of investing in data. If we apply our general framework of considering the costs and benefits in data science projects explicitly, it leads us to new thinking about investing in data.

Final Example: From Crowd-Sourcing to Cloud-Sourcing

The connectivity between businesses and “consumers” brought about by the Internet has changed the economics of labor. Web-based systems like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and oDesk (among others) facilitate a type of crowd-sourcing that might be called “cloud labor”—harnessing via the Internet a vast pool of independent contractors. One sort of cloud labor that is particularly relevant to data science is “micro-outsourcing”: the outsourcing of large numbers of very small, well-defined tasks. Micro-outsourcing is particularly relevant to data science, because it changes the economics, as well as the practicalities, of investing in data.[86]

As one example, recall the requirements for applying supervised modeling (see Chapter 2). We need to have specified a target variable precisely, and we need to actually have values for the target variable (“labels”) for a set of training data. Sometimes we can specify the target variable precisely, but we find we do not have any labeled data. In certain cases, we can use micro-outsourcing systems such as Mechanical Turk to label data.

For example, advertisers would like to keep their advertisements off of objectionable web pages, like those that contain hate speech. However, with billions of pages to put their ads on, how can they know which ones are objectionable? It would be far too costly to have employees look at them all. We might immediately recognize this as a possible candidate for text classification (Chapter 10): we can get the text of the page, represent it as feature vectors as we have discussed, and build a hate-speech classifier. Unfortunately, we have no representative sample of hate speech pages to use as training data. However, if this problem is important enough[87] then we should consider investing in labeled training data to see whether we can build a model to identify pages containing hate speech.

Cloud labor changes the economics of investing in data in our example of getting labeled training data. We can engage very inexpensive labor via the Internet to invest in data in various ways. For example, we can have workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk label pages as objectionable or not, providing us with target labels, much more cheaply than hiring even student workers.

The rate of completion, when done by a trained intern, was 250 websites per hour, at a cost of $15/hr. When posted on Amazon Mechanical Turk, the labeling rate went up to 2,500 websites per hour and the overall cost remained the same. (Ipeirotis et al., 2010)

The problem is that you get what you pay for, and low cost sometimes means low quality. There has been a surge of research over the past half decade on the problems of maintaining quality while taking advantage of cloud labor. Note that page labeling is just one example of enhancing data science with cloud labor. Even in this case study there are other options, such as using cloud labor to search for positive examples of hate speech, instead of labeling pages that we give them (Attenberg & Provost, 2010), or cloud laborers can be challenged in a game-like system to find cases where the current model makes mistakes—to “beat the machine” (Attenberg et al., 2011).

Final Words

Your authors have been working on applying data science to real business problems for more than two decades. You would think that it would all become second nature. It is striking how useful it still can be even for us to have this set of explicit fundamental concepts in hand. So many times when you reach a seeming impasse in thinking, pulling out the the fundamental concepts makes the way clear. “Well, let’s go back to our business and data understanding…what exactly is the problem we are trying to solve” can resolve many problems, whether we then decide to work through the implications of the expected value framework, or to think more carefully about how the data are gathered, or about whether the costs and benefits are specified well, or about further investing in data, or to consider whether the target variable has been defined appropriately for the problem to be solved, etc. Knowing what are the different sorts of data science tasks helps to keep the data scientist from treating all business problems as nails for the particular hammers that he knows well. Thinking carefully about what is important to the business problem, when considering evaluation and “baselines” for comparison, brings interactions with stakeholders to life. (Compare that with the chilling effect of reporting some statistic like mean-squared error when it is meaningless to the problem at hand.) This facilitation of data-analytic thinking applies not just to the data scientists, but to everyone involved.

If you are a business stakeholder rather than a data scientist, don’t let so-called data scientists bamboozle you with jargon: the concepts of this book plus knowledge of your own business and data systems should allow you to understand 80% or more of the data science at a reasonable enough level to be productive for your business. After having read this book, if you don’t understand what a data scientist is talking about, be wary. There are of course many, many more complex concepts in data science, but a good data scientist should be able to describe the fundamentals of the problem and its solution at the level and in the terms of this book.

If you are a data scientist, take this as our challenge: think deeply about exactly why your work is relevant to helping the business and be able to present it as such.

[80] Which incidentally can be anonymized if I am concerned about invasions of privacy. More on that later.

[81] It is however the essence of a real-world solution to the problem implemented by one of the most advanced mobile advertising companies.

[82] In an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Crandall et al. (2010) show that geographic co-occurrences between individuals are very strongly predictive of the individuals being friends: “The knowledge that two people were proximate at just a few distinct locations at roughly the same times can indicate a high conditional probability that they are directly linked in the underlying social network.” This means that even “misses” due to location similarity may still contain some of the advantage of social network targeting—which has been shown to be extremely effective for marketing (Hill et al., 2006).

[83] The philosophically minded should read W. V. O. Quine’s (1951) classic essay, “Two Dogmas of Empiricism,” in which he presents a biting criticism of the common notion that there is a dichotomy between the empirical and the analytical.

[84] Technically, the models were most useful if there was a significant change in behavior to more calling from these cellsites. If you are interested, the papers describe this in detail.

[85] See Mayer and Narayanan’s web site for a criticism of this and other research claims about the value of behaviorally targeted online advertising.

[86] The interested reader can go to Google Scholar and query on “data mining mechanical turk” or more broadly on “human computation” to find papers on the topic, and to follow the forward citation links (“Cited by”) to find even more.

[87] In fact, the problem of ads appearing on objectionable pages was reported to be a $2 billion problem (Winterberry Group, 2010).

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