
Activity diagrams, 4650
control flow icons, 46, 47
database design and, 50
decisions, 46, 47
defined, 34, 46
example, 49
flows, 46, 47
forks, 4748
joins, 47, 48
nodes, 46, 47
notation description, 4648
for workflow, 4850
See also UML diagrams
Aggregate functions, 22224
Aggregation, 25
composition vs., 41
defined, 25
ER model, 101
illustrated, 25
UML constructs, 41
UML model, 102
AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler, 18889
advantages, 211
DBMS selection, 199
ER modeling, 194
modeling support, 209
one-to-many relationships, 195
schema generation, 198
See also CASE tools
Armstrong axioms, 12224
Association rules, 179
Associations, 3739
binary, 3839
many-to-many, 39
many-to-many-to-many, 100
one-to-many, 39
one-to-many-to-many, 99
one-to-one, 39
one-to-one-to-many, 98
one-to-one-to-one, 97
reflexive, 37
ternary, 39
See also Relationships
Attributes, 1516
assignment, 19
attachment, 57
classifying, 57
data types, 214
defined, 15
descriptor, 15
extraneous, elimination, 125
identifier, 15, 16
multivalued, 15, 57
of relationships, 17, 19
ternary relationships, 28
UML notation, 35, 36
Automatic summary tables (AST), 166
Binary associations, 3839
Binary recursive relationships, 9092
ER model, 90
many-to-many, 90, 91, 92
one-to-many, 90, 91
one-to-one, 9091
UML model, 91
See also Relationships
Binary relationships, 8589
many-to-many, 85, 87, 89, 104
one-to-many, 85, 87, 89
one-to-one, 85, 86, 88
See also Relationships
Binomial multifractal distribution tree, 172
Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF), 107, 11516, 118
defined, 115
strength, 115
tables, 132, 133, 144
See also Normal forms
Business intelligence, 14786
data mining, 17885
data warehousing, 14866
defined, 147
OLAP, 16678
summary, 185
Business system life cycle, 188
Candidate keys, 109, 110
Candidate tables
from ER diagram transformation, 12122
normalization of, 11822
primary FDs, 119
secondary FDs, 119
See also Tables
Cardenas’ formula, 170, 171
CASE tools, 1, 187211
AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler, 18889, 194, 195, 199, 211
application life cycle tooling
integration, 2024
basics, 19296
collaborative support, 200201
database generation, 19699
database support, 199200
data warehouse modeling, 2079
defined, 187
design compliance checking, 2045
development cycle, 190
DeZign for Databases, 190
distribution development, 2012
ER/Studio, 190
introduction, 18891
key capabilities, 19192
low-end, 192
PowerDesigner, 188, 200, 203, 206, 210, 211
QDesigner, 190
Rational Data Architect, 188, 189, 193, 195, 198, 210
reporting, 2067
script generation, 196
summary, 211
transformation table types, 19293
value, 19091
Visible Analyst, 190
XML and, 20910
Chen notation, 9, 10
Class diagrams, 3446
constructs illustration, 36
for database design, 3743
defined, 3334
example, 4346
notation, 3537
packages, 4346
See also UML diagrams
associations, 37
defined, 34
entities vs., 3435
notation, 35
organization, 43
Clustering, 7481
concepts, 7576
defined, 74
grouping operations, 7678
illustrated, 76
results, 81
techniques, 7881
See also Entity-relationship (ER) model
capabilities, 200201
concurrency control, 200
support, 200201
Columns, 2
Comparison operators, 214
Compliance checkers, 2045
Composition, 3637
aggregation vs., 41
defined, 37
Computer-aided software engineering tools. See CASE tools
Conceptual data modeling, 34, 810, 5566
alternative notations, 2022
analysis results, 142
diagram for UML, 142
emphasis, 9
notations, 2122
substeps, 5556
transformation to SQL, 6, 83106
See also Data modeling
Concurrency control, 200
foreign, 217
not null, 216
primary, 217
unique, 21617
independence, 2
items, 2
semi-structured, 20910
summarizing, 16566
XML, 20910
Database design
class diagrams for, 3743
compliance checking, 2045
knowledge of, 11
logical, 36, 5354, 13945
physical, 1, 68
Database life cycle, 38
illustrated, 4
implementation, 8
logical design, 36
physical design, 68
requirements analysis, 3
step-by-step results, 5, 7
Database management system (DBMS)
DDL, 8
defined, 2
relational, 2
CASE tools support, 199200
defined, 2
generating from designs, 19699
Data definition language (DDL), 8, 190, 196, 213, 21518
constraints, 21617
referential trigger actions, 21718
Data manipulation language (DML), 8, 214, 21829
aggregate functions, 22224
basic commands, 22021
intersection command, 22122
referential integrity, 22728
select command, 219
union command, 22122
update commands, 22627
usage, 218
views, 22829
Data mining, 17885
algorithms, 147, 178
forecasting, 17981
text mining, 18185
Data modeling
conceptual, 34, 810, 5566
example, 6166
example illustration, 6263, 65
knowledge of, 11
Data warehouses, 14866
architecture, 148
architecture illustration, 150
bus, 164
CASE tool modeling, 2079
core requirements, 14951
defined, 148
dimensional data modeling, 15254
dimensional design process, 156
dimensional modeling example, 15665
fact tables, 154, 155
integration capabilities, 14950
life cycle, 15152
life cycle illustration, 153
logical design, 15266
OLTP database comparison, 149
overview, 14852
purpose, 155
snowflake schema, 156, 157
star schema, 15456
subject areas, 149
DB2 Cube Views, 207
Decisions, 46, 47
Decision support systems (DSSs), 148
Denormalization, 8
Descriptors, 15
Design patterns, 204
DeZign for Databases, 190
Dimensional data modeling, 15254
example, 15665
process, 156
See also Data modeling
degenerate, 154
determining, 159
Dimension tables, 154, 160
Double exponential smoothing, 179, 181
Drill-down, 155
Entities, 1314
classes vs., 3435
classifying, 5657
clustering, 7481
contents, 5657
defined, 13
dominant, 78
existence, 1920
intersection, 20
in ternary relationships, 2526
transformation, 104
weak, 16, 103
Entity clusters
defined, 75
forming, 80
higher-level, 80
root, 75
See also Clustering
Entity instances, 13
Entity keys, 54
Entity-relationship diagram (ERD) notation, 194
Entity-relationship (ER) model, 9, 1331
advanced constructs, 2330
aggregation, 25
AllFusion Data Modeler, 194
application to relational database
design, 6466
with Chen notation, 9, 10
conceptual data model diagram, 141
constructs, 1322
definition levels, 9
entities, 1314
entity clustering, 7481
generalization and aggregation, 101
global schema, 6466
illustrated, 14
many-to-many binary relationship, 87
one-to-many binary relationship, 87
one-to-one binary relationship, 86
Rational Data Architect, 193
relationships, 1415, 1620, 2529
simple form example, 910
subtypes, 2324
summary, 30
supertypes, 2324
of views based on requirements, 6163
ER/Studio, 190
Exclusion constraint, 29
Exclusive OR, 29
Executive information systems (EIS), 148
defined, 19
mandatory, 20
optional, 20, 64
Exponential smoothing, 17980
defined, 179
double, 179, 181
triple, 180, 182
See also Forecasting
Extensible Markup Language. See XML
Fact tables
defined, 154
granularity, 155
See also Data warehouses
Fifth (5NF) normal form, 127, 13337
defined, 133
membership algorithm satisfaction, 134
See also Normal forms
Files, 2
First normal form (1NF), 109
Flows, 46, 47
defined, 46
guard condition, 46
illustrated, 47
Forecasting, 17981
defined, 179
double exponential smoothing, 179, 181
exponential smoothing, 17980
least squares line approach, 179
reliability, 180
triple exponential smoothing, 180, 182
See also Data mining
Foreign key constraints, 217
Forks, 46, 47
defined, 4748
example, 4849
illustrated, 47
Fourth (4NF) normal form, 127, 12933
goal, 129
tables, 131
tables, decomposing, 13233
See also Normal forms
Functional dependence, 111
Functional dependencies (FDs)
defined, 6
in n-ary relationships, 29
primary, 118, 119
secondary, 118, 119
Generalization, 23
completeness constraint, 24
defined, 37
disjointness constraint, 24
ER model, 101
hierarchies, 24, 5758
UML constructs, 40
UML model, 102
Global schema, 3
Grouping operations, 7678
application, 7778
defined, 76
illustrated, 77
types, 77
Guard condition, 4647
HRU, 17375
Hypercube lattice structure, 173
IDEFIX notation, 21
defined, 15
internal, 16
Inclusive OR, 29
Industry Warehouse Studio (IWS), 207, 208
Information Engineering Workbench (IEW), 20
Informix Data Server (IDS), 211
Intersection command, 22122
Intersection entities, 20
Join dependencies (JDs), 133, 136
Joins, 46, 47
defined, 48
example, 4950
illustrated, 47
SQL, 22426
candidate, 109, 110
entity, 54
equivalent, merge, 126
primary, 42, 109
superkeys, 109, 12324
Logical design, 36, 5354
CASE tools for, 187211
conceptual data model diagram, 141, 142
conversion, 19798
data warehouses, 15266
example, 13945
problems, 140
requirements specification, 13940
Logical model, 6
Logical operators, 214
Mandatory existence, 20
Many-to-many relationships, 14
binary, 85, 87, 89
binary recursive, 90, 91, 92
defined, 18
transformation, 104
See also Relationships
Many-to-many-to-many ternary associations, 100
Many-to-many-to-many ternary relationships, 96, 137
Materialized views, 167
metadata, 177
selection of, 17376
Measures, 159
Multidimensional databases (MDDs), 151
illustrated, 38
many-to-many, 39
one-to-many, 39
one-to-one, 39
Multivalued attributes, 15, 57
Multivalued dependencies (MVDs), 12729
defined, 12728
inference rules, 129
nontrivial, elimination, 129
N-ary relationships, 2829, 92101
ER model, 9396
UML, 42, 97100
variations, 92
Nodes, 46, 47
Nonredundant cover
partitioning of, 12526
search for, 125
Normal forms
BCNF, 107, 11516, 118
defined, 108
fifth (5NF), 127, 13337
first (1NF), 109
fourth (4NF), 127, 12933
second (2NF), 11113
third (3NF), 11315, 118
Normalization, 6, 10738
accomplishment, 1089
candidate tables derived from ER
diagrams, 11822
defined, 108
denormalization, 8
fundamentals, 10716
Normalized tables
design, 11618
minimum set, 127
Not null constraints, 216
constraint-related, 78
defined, 34
dominant, 78
One-to-many relationships, 14
binary, 85, 87, 89
binary recursive, 90, 91
defined, 18
See also Relationships
One-to-many-to-many ternary associations, 99
One-to-many-to-many ternary relationships, 95
One-to-one relationships, 14
binary, 85, 86, 88
binary recursive, 9091
defined, 18
See also Relationships
One-to-one-to-many ternary associations, 98
One-to-one-to-many ternary relationships, 94
One-to-one-to-one ternary associations, 97
One-to-one-to-one ternary relationships, 93
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), 147, 16678
applications, 8
defined, 166
materialized view selection, 17376
optimization, 169, 170
overview, 16970
query optimization, 17778
view maintenance, 17677
views, 166, 17072, 178
defined, 35
notation, 35, 36
Optional existence, 20, 64
Packages, 4346
contents, expanding, 45
defined, 43
relationships, 44
Physical design, 68
Physical model, 6
Polynomial Greedy Algorithm (PGA), 17475
PowerBuilder, 203
PowerDesigner, 188, 211
merge process, 200
plug-in to Sybase PowerBuilder, 203
reporting features, 206
XML adoption, 210
Preintegration analysis, 6768
Primary FDs, 118, 119
candidate table, 119
from ER diagram, 120
See also Functional dependencies (FDs)
Primary keys, 109
constraints, 217
UML constructs, 42
QDesigner, 190
Query optimization, 17778
Rational Data Architect, 188, 189, 211
automatic computing linkages, 198
ER modeling, 193
property editing, 195
XML adoption, 210
See also CASE tools
Rational MultiSite software, 201, 202
Redundant relationships, 5860
analyzing, 58
illustrated, 59
See also Relationships
Referential integrity, 30, 22728
Reflexive associations, 37
Relational databases (RDBs), 150, 151
Relationships, 1415
attributes, 17, 19
binary, 8589
binary recursive, 9092
cardinality, 18
connectivity, 17, 1819
defined, 14
defining, 5861
degree, 1617
entity existence in, 1920
many-to-many, 14, 18, 39
many-to-many-to-many, 96, 137
multiple, 103
names, 15
n-ary, 2829, 92100
one-to-many, 14, 18, 39
one-to-many-to-many, 95
one-to-one, 14, 18, 39
one-to-one-to-many, 94
one-to-one-to-one, 93
packages, 44
redundant, 5860
roles, 15
ternary, 16, 2528, 6061, 92100
Reporting, 2067
elements, 2067
PowerDesigner, 206
See also CASE tools
Requirements analysis, 3, 5455
defined, 54
objectives, 55
results, 140
Requirements specification, 13940
Reverse engineering, 6
Roles, 15
Rows, 2
commonality, 72
comparison, 68
conceptual integration, 67
conformation, 6869
diversity, 66
merging, 69
restructuring, 69
structural conflicts, 68, 71
Secondary FDs, 118, 119
candidate table, 119
determining, 120
from requirements specification, 121
See also Functional dependencies (FDs)
Second normal form (2NF), 11113
functional dependence, 111
tables, 112, 113
See also Normal forms
Select command, 219
Semi-structured data, 20910
Set operators, 214
Snowflake schema, 156, 157
Software Development Platform, 204
Specialization, 24
SQL, 21329
advanced value expressions, 21415
aggregate functions, 22224
basics, 21329
comparison operators, 214
conceptual data model
transformation to, 6, 83106
constructs, 8385
data types, 214
DDL, 21518
defined, 213
DML, 21829
joins, 22426
logical operators, 214
names, 214
null values, 8485
object definitions, 215
referential integrity, 22728
set functions, 214
set operators, 214
subqueries, 22426
update commands, 22677
SQL tables, 83, 84
with embedded foreign key, 84
from relationships, 84
with same information content, 84
Star schema, 15456
defined, 154
dimensions, 162
for estimating process, 160
example, 154
for job costing daily snapshot, 166
for job costing process, 165
for productivity tracking process, 163
queries, 15455
for scheduling process, 162
See also Data warehouses
Stereotypes, 43
Subqueries, 22426
Subtypes, 2324
defined, 23
entities, 24
illustrated, 23
defined, 109
rules, 12324
Supertypes, 2324
defined, 23
illustrated, 23
Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF), 132, 133, 144
candidate, 11822
decomposition of, 145
fourth (4NF) normal form, 131, 13233
merge of, 126
normalized, 6, 11618
reduction of, 145
second normal form (2NF), 112, 113
third (3NF) normal form, 114, 12227
Ternary associations, 39
Ternary relationships, 16, 2528, 92100
attributes, 28
connectivity, 61
defining, 60
entities in, 2526
ER model, 9396
foreign key constraints and, 92
forms, 28
illustrated, 2627, 60
many-to-many-to-many, 96, 100
with multiple interpretations, 130
one-to-many-to-many, 95, 99
one-to-one-to-many, 94, 98
one-to-one-to-one, 93, 97
requirement, 25
transformation, 105
UML, 97100
varieties, 92
See also Relationships
Text mining, 18185
verbatim description, 184
verbatim description information, 184
word mapping, 18485
See also Data mining
Third (3NF) normal form, 11315, 118
defined, 114
synthesis algorithm, 12425
tables, 114
tables, minimum set, 12227
See also Normal forms
Transformation, 6, 83106
entity, 104
ER-to-SQL example, 105
many-to-many binary relationship, 104
rules, 8385
steps, 1035
summary, 106
ternary relationship, 105
Triple exponential smoothing, 180, 182
UML diagrams
activity, 34, 4650
class, 3346
conceptual data model, 142
ER models vs., 33
generalization and aggregation, 102
many-to-many binary relationship, 89
one-to-many binary relationship, 89
one-to-one binary relationship, 88
organization, 51
size, 50
textual descriptions, 5051
type, 33
Unified Modeling Language (UML), 9, 3351
aggregation constructs, 41
defined, 33
generalization constructs, 40
n-ary relationship, 42
primary key constructs, 42
relationship types, 38
stereotypes, 43
summary, 51
usage rules, 5051
See also UML diagrams
Union command, 22122
Unique constraints, 21617
Update anomaly, 112
Update commands, 22627
View integration, 56, 6674
defined, 66
example, 6974
illustrated, 70, 71, 7273
merged schema, 7273
preintegration analysis, 6768
process, 74
schema comparison, 68
schema conformation, 6869
schema merge/restructure, 69
techniques, 69
type conflict, 71
Views, 166
coordinates of, 178
creating, 229
dynamic selection, 176
ER modeling based on
requirements, 6163
exponential explosion, 16769
size estimation, 17072
SQL, 22829
state estimation, 17072
uses, 228
Visible Analyst, 190
Weak entities, 16, 103
XML, 207, 20910
defined, 209
documents, 210
schema, 209
standards, 209
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