Chapter 5. Exploring Java Deep Learning Libraries – DL4J, ND4J, and More

In the previous chapters, you learned the core theories of deep learning algorithms and implemented them from scratch. While we can now say that implementations of deep learning are not so difficult, we can't deny the fact that it still takes some time to implement models. To mitigate this situation, you'll learn how to write code with the Java library of deep learning in this chapter so that we can focus more on the critical part of data analysis rather than the trivial part.

The topics you'll learn about in this chapter are:

  • An introduction to the deep learning library of Java
  • Example code and how to write your own code with the library
  • Some additional ways to optimize the model to get a higher precision rate

Implementing from scratch versus a library/framework

We implemented the machine learning algorithms of neural networks in Chapter 2, Algorithms for Machine Learning – Preparing for Deep Learning, and many deep learning algorithms from scratch in Chapter 3, Deep Belief Nets and Stacked Denoising Autoencoders and Chapter 4, Dropout and Convolutional Neural Networks. Of course, we can apply our own code to practical applications with some customizations, but we have to be careful when we want to utilize them because we can't deny the possibility that they might cause several problems in the future. What could they be? Here are the possible situations:

  • The code we wrote has some missing parameters for better optimization because we implemented just the essence of the algorithms for simplicity and so you better understand the concepts. While you can still train and optimize the model with them, you could get higher precision rates by adding another parameter of your own implementation.
  • As mentioned in the previous chapter, there are still many useful deep learning algorithms not explained in this book. While you now have the core components of the deep learning algorithms, you might need to implement additional classes or methods to get the desired results in your fields and applications.
  • The assumed time consumption will be very critical to the application, especially when you think of analyzing huge amounts of data. It is true that Java has a better performance in terms of speed compared to other popular languages such as Python and R, but you may still need to consider the time cost. One plausible approach to solve the problem is using GPU instead of CPU, but this requires complex implementations to adjust the code for GPU computing.

These are the main causal issues, and you might also need to take into consideration that we don't handle exceptions in the code.

This does not mean that implementing from scratch would have fatal errors. The code we wrote can be used substantially as an application for certain scaled data; however, you need to take into consideration that you require further coding for the fundamental parts you have implemented if you use large-scale data mining, where, generally, deep learning is required. This means you need to bear in mind that implementation from scratch has more flexibility as you can change the code if required, but at the same time it has a negative side in that the algorithm's tuning and maintenance also has to be done independently.

So, how can we solve the problems just mentioned? This is where a library (or framework) comes in. Thanks to active research into deep learning globally, there are many libraries developed and published using various programming languages all over the world. Of course, each library has its respective features but the features that every library commonly has can be summarized as follows:

  • A model's training can be done just by defining a layer structure of deep learning. You can focus on parameter setting and tuning, and you don't need to think about the algorithms.
  • Most of the libraries are open to the public as open source projects and are actively updated daily. Therefore, if there are bugs, there's a high possibility that these bugs will be fixed quickly (and, of course, committing to a project by fixing it yourself should be welcomed).
  • It's easy to switch between running the program on CPU or on GPU. As a library supplements the cumbersome coding element of GPU computing, you can just focus on the implementation without considering CPU or GPU, if a machine supports GPU.

Long story short, you can leave out all the parts that could be brutal when you implement to a library from scratch. Thanks to this, you can take more time on the essential data mining section, hence if you want to utilize practical applications, there's a high possibility that you can perform data analysis more efficiently using a library.

However, depending too much on a library isn't good. Using a library is convenient, but on the flip side, it has some demerits, as listed here:

  • Since you can build various deep learning models easily, you can implement without having a concrete understanding of what theory the model is supported by. This might not be a problem if we only consider implementations related to a specific model, but there will be a risk you can't deal with when you want to combine other methods or consider other methods when applying the model.
  • You can't use algorithms not supported by a library, hence there might be a case where you can't choose a model you would like to use. This can be solved by a version upgrade, but on the other hand, there's a possibility that some part of a past implementation might be deprecated due to a change of specification by the upgrade. Moreover, we can't deny the possibility that the development of a library is suddenly terminated or utilization turns out to be chargeable due to a sudden change in its license. In these cases, there's a risk that the code you have developed up to this point cannot be used.
  • The precision rate you can get from experimentation depends on how a library is implemented. For example, if we conduct an experiment with the same neural network model in two different libraries, the results we obtain can be hugely changed. This is because neural network algorithms include a stochastic operation, and the calculation accuracy of a machine is limited, that is, calculated values during the process could have fluctuations based on the method of implementation.

Because you well understand the fundamental concepts and theories of deep learning algorithms thanks to the previous chapters, we don't need to worry about the first point. However, we need to be careful about the remaining two points. From the next section on, implementation using a library is introduced and we'll be more conscious of the merits and demerits we just discussed.

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