Generalization and evaluation

Once the model is built, how do we know it will perform on new data? Is this model any good? To answer these questions, we'll first look into the model generalization and then, see how to get an estimate of the model performance on new data.

Underfitting and overfitting

Predictor training can lead to models that are too complex or too simple. The model with low complexity (the leftmost models) can be as simple as predicting the most frequent or mean class value, while the model with high complexity (the rightmost models) can represent the training instances. Too rigid modes, which are shown on the left-hand side, cannot capture complex patterns; while too flexible models, shown on the right-hand side, fit to the noise in the training data. The main challenge is to select the appropriate learning algorithm and its parameters, so that the learned model will perform well on the new data (for example, the middle column):

Underfitting and overfitting

The following figure shows how the error in the training set decreases with the model complexity. Simple rigid models underfit the data and have large errors. As model complexity increases, it describes the underlying structure of the training data better, and consequentially, the error decreases. If the model is too complex, it overfits the training data and its prediction error increases again:

Underfitting and overfitting

Depending on the task complexity and data availability, we want to tune our classifiers towards less or more complex structures. Most learning algorithms allow such tuning, as follows:

  • Regression: This is the order of the polynomial
  • Naive Bayes: This is the number of the attributes
  • Decision trees: This is the number of nodes in the tree, pruning confidence
  • k-nearest neighbors: This is the number of neighbors, distance-based neighbor weights
  • SVM: This is the kernel type, cost parameter
  • Neural network: This is the number of neurons and hidden layers

With tuning, we want to minimize the generalization error, that is, how well the classifier performs on future data. Unfortunately, we can never compute the true generalization error; however, we can estimate it. Nevertheless, if the model performs well on the training data, but performance is much worse on the test data, the model most likely overfits.

Train and test sets

To estimate the generalization error, we split our data into two parts: training data and testing data. A general rule of thumb is to split them in the training:testing ratio, that is, 70:30. We first train the predictor on the training data, then predict the values for the test data, and finally, compute the error—the difference between the predicted and the true values. This gives us an estimate of the true generalization error.

The estimation is based on the following two assumptions: first, we assume that the test set is an unbiased sample from our dataset; and second, we assume that the actual new data will reassemble the distribution as our training and testing examples. The first assumption can be mitigated by cross-validation and stratification. Also, if it is scarce one can't afford to leave out a considerable amount of data for separate test set as learning algorithms do not perform well if they don't receive enough data. In such cases, cross-validation is used instead.


Cross-validation splits the dataset into k sets of approximately the same size, for example, to five sets as shown in the following figure. First, we use the 2-5 sets for learning and set 1 for training. We then repeat the procedure five times, leaving out one set at a time for testing, and average the error over the five repetitions.


This way, we used all the data for learning and testing as well, while we avoided using the same data to train and test a model.

Leave-one-out validation

An extreme example of cross-validation is the leave-one-out validation. In this case, the number of folds is equal to the number of instances; we learn on all but one instance, and then test the model on the omitted instance. We repeat this for all instances, so that each instance is used exactly once for the validation. This approach is recommended when we have a limited set of learning examples, for example, less than 50.


Stratification is a procedure to select a subset of instances in such a way that each fold roughly contains the same proportion of class values. When a class is continuous, the folds are selected so that the mean response value is approximately equal in all the folds. Stratification can be applied along with cross-validation or separate training and test sets.

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