
AC power 166

accessories 9, 79; camouflage covers 191; flash stands 172; lenses 4142

Adobe 18

AE Lock 9495

AF Point Expansion 8687

AI servo tracking sensitivity 9597

amplification 53

analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 55

animals 185203; blinds 191198; captive 185187; distance from 146147, 160, 172, 177, 188191; feeding and feeders 34, 95, 155156, 193, 198200, 201; habituated wildlife 187188; harassment of 3, 147, 161; small 186187; spending time with 160161; stalking 188191; tagged 145

Antarctica 2, 34, 35, 40, 8788, 117, 151, 160

aperture: Auto ISO 65; automatic exposure modes 6265, 71; exposure compensation 66; flash exposure 176, 182; f-stops 4648, 49, 50, 52, 53, 106108; lenses 28; low light shooting 137; manual exposure 71, 72, 73; metering 73; polarizing filters 79; reducing background chaos 152153; re-placing the histogram 58; zoom lenses 33

Aperture-priority 2, 6263, 73, 167; balanced flash 176; depth of field changes 71; exposure compensation 58, 65, 174; low light shooting 124

Auto ISO 1, 2, 65, 71, 73, 74, 124125

Auto WB 131, 133134, 186

autofocus 8291; back-button focusing 9095; continuous 8790, 9192, 9394, 96, 119; contrast 80; focus limiter 8283; focusing points 8387, 8890, 92, 93, 9697, 118119, 187; foreground obstacles 80; lens speed 29, 79; light intensity 124; prime lenses 31; setting 82; single 87, 90, 92, 93; snow 80; studying your options 97; teleconverters 378, 39, 8081; tracking sensitivity 9597; zoom lenses 33

automatic exposure modes 6165, 66, 6870, 182

available light 46, 53, 71, 72; autofocus 79; background reflectance 69; color of light 129, 131; contrast 136; exposure compensation 6566, 167; flash 163, 164165, 166, 168, 172177, 182183; intensity 124; overcast light 136, 186; shutter speeds 116, 119, 169; white balance 134

back-button focusing 1, 2, 74, 80, 84, 89, 9095, 119

backgrounds 6869, 147; balanced flash 165; controlling the background 152; flash 169, 176; perspective 158160; reducing background chaos 152156; shooting from a blind 191

backlight 122, 127, 136

bag blinds 191192

bags 9

balanced flash 165, 176

ball heads 111112, 117, 187, 198

batteries 166, 180

beaches 188

beaks 77, 80

bean bags 2930, 31, 82, 117, 124, 198

bears 4, 201

birds 45, 146147, 202203; beaches 188; beaks 77, 80; extension tubes 23; feeders 155156, 193, 198199; flight photography 118; ISO settings 54; shooting from a blind 192, 193, 195, 196197, 203; water drips 201; see also ducks; hummingbirds; nests

blinds 32, 34, 156, 191198; bag blinds 191192; cars 198; exposure compensation 67; manufactured 192193; permanent 193195; scaffolding 193, 203; water 195198

“blinkies” 18, 60, 71, 74

blur 51, 52

boats, photographing from 29, 8788, 117

brackets 9, 113

branches 198199

brightness: contrast 134135; exposure compensation 65; metering modes 61; overexposure 60; see also exposure; histograms; light

brightness histograms 1718, 59, 60

buffers 1112, 14, 18, 105

built-in flash 166, 176, 179

Bull River Guest Ranch 200

bull’s-eye syndrome 157

burst depth 1113, 14, 16, 20, 39

burst rate 911, 14, 16, 20, 30, 39

cable release 9293, 113, 114

cameras 723; autofocus 82, 97; back-button focusing 9091; built-in flash 166, 176; burst depth 1113, 14, 16, 20, 39; burst rate 911, 14, 16, 20, 30, 39; control dials 73; cropping of images 1617; dedicated flash 170, 177; electrical noise in images 1416; exposure compensation 167; extension tubes 2223; file formats 1820; firing 113116; flash exposure 167168; highlight alerts 18, 60; LCD monitors 17; L-plates 113; megapixels 1314, 15; memory card considerations 202; metering modes 61; rotation of 150; selection of 918; tilt/shift lenses 8; white balance 131; see also flash; lenses

camouflage: blinds 191, 192, 195; clothing 190191; equipment covers 191

Canon 78, 9; Auto ISO 74; autofocus 80, 82; back-button focusing 90, 91; burst rate 10; crop factors 16; dedicated flash 166, 177; dial direction 73; file formats 19; file size 1213; flash 170; focusing options 94, 97; focusing points 84, 85, 86; histograms 60, 73; image stabilization 29, 3031, 116; ISO settings 53; lenses 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 37, 41; megapixels 14; metering modes 61, 67; PC extension cords 178, 179; Shutter-priority mode 64; white balance 13031; wireless flash 179, 180

captive animals 185187

car blinds 198

carrying straps 12

centered subjects 157

channels for wireless flash 180

Charnley, Alan 195, 197

chest waders 196, 197

chromatic aberration 106107

cleaning lenses 4243, 103

clipping 5758

clothing 190191

Cloudy WB 129, 131, 132, 133, 137

colonial birds 203

color: chromatic aberration 106107; color temperature 134; direction of light 125; flash 175; histograms 1718, 59, 60; Kenya 139; of

light 129134; photosites 55; polarizing filters 41; white backgrounds 152

composition 74, 143161; center of interest 145147; changes in 6971; controlling the background 152; cropping the image 16; direction the animal is looking 150, 156158; full-frame images 147148; horizontal and vertical 148150, 157; perspective 158160; portraits 148; quality images 99; reducing background chaos 152156; size of the subject 145147; viewpoint 150152, 155; wildlife painters 144145; working with the subject 160161

constant maximum aperture 33

continuous autofocus 8790, 9192, 9394, 96, 119

contrast 80, 108, 134136, 138; balanced flash 165; diffused light 128129, 191; direction of light 125,

127; distracting backgrounds 152; fill-flash 164, 172; flare 42; single flash 177

control dials 73

costs: full-frame sensors 16; lenses 25, 26, 2729, 33, 37; memory cards 20, 21

covers 191

crop factor 2, 16, 39, 147, 198

cropping of images 1617, 19, 39, 99, 157 Custom WB 134, 186

dawn 15, 45, 53, 100, 102, 127, 136, 138; see also sunrise

daylight 131; see also overcast light; sun dead-center compositions 157

dedicated flash 166167, 170, 177

dens 201202

depth of field: automatic exposure modes 62, 71; filling the image with more subject 154; groups of animals 116; ISO 105; lens speed 79; manual focus 80; portraits 148; reducing background chaos 152153; small subject size 147; tilt/shift lenses 8

dial direction 73

diffraction 106

diffused light 128129, 135, 136, 139, 191; see also overcast light

dim or low light 89, 15, 104105, 116, 124125, 137, 176

dioptric adjustment knob 78, 80

dirt 43, 102103

distance from animals 146147, 160, 172, 177, 188191

distracting backgrounds 152

ducks 144, 145, 188, 196; composition 156157; focusing 96, 97; harlequin 3; mandarin 54, 55; photogenic subjects 100; Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park 186, 187

duct tape 31, 82

dusk 15, 53, 102, 136; see also sunset

editing 3, 18, 19

electrical noise 1416

environment, animals in their 147, 148

equipment covers 191

expose to the right (ETTR) 19, 45, 60, 68, 80; changes in composition 6970, 71; contrast 135; manual exposure 71, 73; quality images 99; Shutter-priority mode 74

exposure 4574, 143; Auto ISO 65; automatic 6165, 66, 6870, 182; changes in composition 6971; compensation 5859, 6568, 7071, 7374, 135, 167168, 173176; flash 108, 165, 167169, 173, 174175, 176, 182183; guidelines 45; highlight alerts 18; how not to judge 46; ISO settings 5355; law of reciprocity 5253; lens speed 79; manual 52, 58, 61, 62, 66, 69, 7174, 167, 173, 176; metering modes 61; metering preferences 7374; quality images 99; reflectance 6869; sensors 55; shutter speed selection 5152; stops 4651, 52, 53; see also brightness; f-stops; histograms; light; overexposure; underexposure

extension tubes 2223, 32, 79

feeding and feeders 34, 155156, 193, 198200, 201; sugar water feeders 17, 85, 95, 109, 172, 199200

files 1820, 105106; file management 3; size 1213, 14, 1819, 39

fill-flash 1, 164, 172173, 177, 186

filters 7879; polarizing 41, 42, 78, 79; protection 2, 4142, 78, 102; zoom lenses 33

flare 42

flash 2, 89, 108, 129, 132, 133, 163183; balanced 165, 176; basics 166; built-in 166, 176, 179; contrast 136; dedicated 166167, 170, 177; developing your flash skills 182183; exposure 1679, 173, 176, 182183; extending the flash range 169172; fill-flash 1, 164, 172173, 177, 186; freeze flash 166, 175176; low light shooting 124; main flash 1, 164165, 174175; multiple flash 1, 172, 176179; power ratio considerations 180182; projected 202, 203; sync speed 173174, 175176, 180, 181, 182183; teleconverters 3839; third-party flash makers 167

flash stands 172

flight photography 118

floating blinds 195198

flow 156, 157

fluorescent light 132133

focal length: crop factor 16, 39; flash 170; f-stops hand-held shooting 116; lenses 29, 3132, 33, 36, 37; reducing background chaos 152; teleconverters 3738

focus priority 87, 90, 93

focusing 7797; adjusting viewfinder clarity 78, 80; AI servo tracking sensitivity 9597; back-button 1, 2, 74, 80, 84, 89, 9095, 119; filters 7879; focus modes 8791; goal of 77; hand-held shooting 118119; locking focus 9495; manual 29, 38, 7982, 94; minimum focus distance 2223; precision 1; selective focus 153; tilt/shift lenses 4041; zoom lenses 3133; see also autofocus

Forbes, Bill 195

foreground: balanced flash 165, 176; obstacles 80

formats 1820, 105106

freeze flash 166, 175176

frontlight 127, 136

f-stops 4648, 49, 50, 52, 58; Aperture-priority mode 62, 63, 167; depth of field 147, 152153; fast shutter speeds 119; flash exposure 182; flash range 169; focusing 77; manual exposure 167, 173; optimum 106108; reciprocity chart 53; Shutter-priority mode 65, 74; two-flash setup 177

full-frame images 147148

full-frame sensors 16, 17, 39

Galapagos Islands 2, 34, 65, 114, 116, 201; iguanas 40, 92; photographing from boats 117; tortoises 15, 16

ghost images 175

gimbal heads 111112, 196

Giotto Rocket Blower 43, 103

giraffes 149, 150, 155, 157

Gitzo 109110

glare 41, 79

golden light 134, 136, 137138, 139, 155, 186

groups of animals 116, 157

Guide Number (GN) 163, 169

habits, developing superb 119

habituated wildlife 187188

Hahnel 180

Hama 178

hand-held shooting 29, 30, 116, 117, 118119

harassment 3, 147, 161

highlight alerts 18, 60, 167, 168

highlights 121, 122; backlight 127; contrast 135; exposure 45, 46, 58, 60, 70, 73, 168; fill-flash 164; main flash 174; sidelight 127

high-speed sync 173174

histograms 1718, 5559, 70; clipping 5758; expose to the right 60; exposure compensation 5859, 66, 6768, 73, 74, 173; exposure guidelines 45; flash exposure 167, 168, 174175, 176, 182; luminous 1718, 59, 60; manual exposure 71, 7273; re-placing 58; RGB 1, 2, 17, 18, 59, 60, 74

horizontal compositions 148150, 157

hummingbirds 3; back-button focusing 9495; ball heads 111; composition 16; flash 129, 164167, 169, 172, 174175, 177, 180182; migration 201; quality images 101; sugar water feeders 17, 85, 109, 172, 199200

image stabilization (IS) 8, 2931, 116117; lenses 25, 2627; low light shooting 124, 137

infrared release 93, 113

intermediate lenses 3637

Inverse Square Law 168169, 177

ISO 2, 5355, 202; Auto 65, 71, 73, 74, 124125; exposure compensation 66, 67; fast shutter speeds 119; filters 41; flash 169, 176, 182, 183; law of reciprocity 5253; light intensity 124; low light shooting 137; manual exposure 72, 167; metering 73; noise levels 1416; polarizing filters 79; quality images 103105; re-placing the histogram 58; Shutter-priority mode 6465; slow shutter speeds 116; stops 47, 4951, 52; tripod use 108; two-flash setup 177; white balance 132; zoological parks 186, 187; zoom lenses 33

JPEGs 5, 1820, 105106; burst depth 1213; exposure guidelines 45, 66; flash exposure 176; histograms 55, 60; white balance 131, 133

Kenko 23

Kenya 34, 137140

Kirk Enterprises 111, 112, 117, 172, 187, 198

landscape orientation 97

landscape photography 127, 134

law of reciprocity 5253, 167

L-brackets/L-plates 9, 113

LCD monitors 17, 46, 55

lenses 2543; accessories 4142; camera shake 113; Canon and Nikon 7, 8; cleaning 4243, 102; crop factor 39; extension tubes 2223; factors that affect image quality 102; focus limiter 8283; f-stops 106108; hoods 42, 78, 102; image stabilization 2931, 116117; intermediate 3637; long 37; prime 3133, 37; protection filters 78, 102; reducing background chaos 152; shooting from a blind 192; shooting guidelines 116; Shutter-priority mode 64; speed 29, 79, 8081, 102; teleconverters 3739; tilt/shift 8, 4041, 82, 94; wide-angle 3436, 39, 160; zoom 3133, 35, 3637, 79; see also telephoto lenses

Lexar 21

light 89, 74, 121140; accessories 79; Aperture-priority mode 62, 73; Auto ISO 65; color of 129134; contrast 134136; direction of 125129; exposure compensation 6568; fast shutter speeds 119; favorable 145; flare 42; intensity 124125; inverse square law 168169; ISO guidelines 105; manual exposure 71; polarizing filters 41, 79; shooting from a blind 191; Shutter-priority mode 64, 65, 71; stalking animals 188189; stops 4651; zoological parks 186; see also available light; brightness; exposure; flash

live-view operations 2

low light 89, 15, 104105, 116, 124125, 137, 176

low viewpoints 151152, 190

luminous histograms 1718, 59, 60

macro images 94, 134

main flash 1, 164165, 174175

Manfrotto 110

manual exposure 52, 58, 61, 62, 66, 69, 7174, 167, 173, 176

manual focusing 29, 38, 7982, 94

manual metering 1, 2, 58, 64, 71, 74, 107, 173

marked animals 145

megapixels 1314, 15

memory cards 2, 11, 13, 14, 18, 2022

metering 58, 61, 7374; changes in composition 6971; exposure compensation 65, 66, 67, 68; flash 163, 167, 168, 176, 179; manual 1, 2, 58, 64, 71, 74, 107, 173; scales 71, 72, 167

Metz 167

minimum focus distance (MFD) 2223

Minolta 37, 167

“mirror-slap” problem 114115

molar bags 117

mounting plates 9

movement: AF Point Expansion 8687; back-button focusing 9394; continuous autofocus 8790; gimbal heads 111; ISO settings 54, 105; shutter speed selection 5152

multiple flash 1, 172, 176179

national parks 187188

Nature’s Best feeders 200

nests 45, 161, 185, 201, 202203; aggressive birds 196, 197; focusing 86; use of flash 163, 172, 177

Nikon 78, 9; autofocus 82; back-button focusing 90, 91; burst rate 1011; crop factor 39; crop factors 16; dedicated flash 166167, 177; dial direction 73; file formats 19; flash units 181; focusing points 85; histograms 59, 60, 73; image stabilization 29, 116; ISO settings 53; lenses 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 37, 41; metering modes 61; white balance 131; wireless flash 179

19-Point AF 84

noise 1416, 39, 46; Auto ISO 65; ISO considerations 5355, 103104, 105; low light shooting 124

obstacles 80

Olympus 7, 9, 37, 167

optical stabilization see image stabilization orientation 97

over the shoulder compositions 157

overcast light 105, 128129, 136137, 139, 175; balanced flash 176; contrast 135136; hummingbirds 95; shooting from a blind 191, 193; zoological parks 186

overexposure: automatic exposure 74; background reflectance 69; changes in composition 70; detail lost by 46, 60; flash compensation 176; highlight alerts 18, 60; histograms 56, 58; manual exposure 71, 72; reflectance 68

painters 144145

Panasonic 115

panning 31, 52, 88, 89, 118, 119, 187

PC extension cords 178179

PC terminals 177, 178, 179

Pentax 7, 9, 37, 167

Perky Pet feeders 200

perspective 158160

photogenic subjects 100, 102

Photoshop 5, 19, 131, 134, 145

photosites 13, 15, 55

pit blinds 195

pixels 1314, 15, 39, 55; histograms 5758, 59; overexposure 60

Pocket Wizard 180

polarizing filters 41, 42, 78, 79

ponds 195, 201

portrait orientation 97

portraits 148

power points 157158

power ratios 180182

predictive autofocus 88

prime lenses 3132, 37

prints, size of 14, 39

Program exposure mode 58, 6162, 167

prosumer lenses 25

protection filters 2, 4142, 78, 102

quality images 99119; composition 99; definition of 99; exposure 99; factors that affect image quality 102103; file choices 105106; firing the camera 113116; f-stops 1068; guidelines 101102; habits 119; hand-held shooting situations 118119; image stabilization 116117; ISO considerations 103105; optimum f-stops 106108; photogenic subjects 100, 102; photographing from vehicles and boats 117; sharpness 100; tripods 108113

quick release plates 112

radio-controlled flash triggers 180

radio release 93, 113

rain 125

RAW converters 18, 19

RAW files 5, 18, 1920, 105106; burst depth 1213; color adjustment 186; contrast 136; exposure guidelines 45, 66; flash exposure 176; histograms 55, 60; white balance 131, 133, 134

Really Right Stuff 111, 112

reciprocity, law of 5253, 167

red-eye 171, 174, 176

reflectivity 66, 6869

reflectors 136

remote release 9293, 113115

RGB histograms 1, 2, 17, 18, 59, 60, 74

Roy G. Biv 129

rule of thirds 157158

Sandisk 21

Santee Lakes 187, 188

saturation 42

scaffolding 193, 203

seeds 198, 199, 201

selective focus 153

self-timers 9293

sensors: contrast 134135; crop factor 39; exposure 55; keeping clean 102103; noise 14, 15, 16; tilt/shift lenses 40; X-sync speed 173

shade 127, 128, 129, 131132, 136, 137

shadows 57, 121, 135; direction of light 127; fill-flash 164, 172173; Kenya 138, 139; main flash 176

Shah, Anup and Manaj 161

sharpness 74, 143, 187; Aperture-priority mode 62, 63; Auto ISO 65; image stabilization 116; post-capture sharpening 23; quality images 100; Shutter-priority mode 74; slow shutter speeds 116; tripods 118; see also focusing shooting angle 102, 154155, 192

shooting priority 90, 93

shooting speed see burst rate

shooting technique 100, 102; see also quality images

shutter speed 5152, 54; Auto ISO 65; automatic exposure modes 6165, 71; available light 182, 183; camera shake 113; exposure compensation 66, 67; fast 26, 28, 119; flash 175, 182; image stabilization 29; ISO considerations 103; law of reciprocity 5253; lens speed 79; low light shooting 124, 137; manual exposure 71, 72, 73, 167, 173, 176; metering 73; “mirror-slap” problem 114115; polarizing filters 79; quality images 102; replacing the histogram 58; slow 116; stops 47, 4849; sync speed limitations 173174, 182183; tilt/shift lenses 4041; tripping the shutter 116; zoom lenses 33

Shutter-priority 1, 2, 6364, 74, 167; changes in composition 71; depth of field changes 71; exposure compensation 58, 67, 174; low light shooting 124125

Sidekick 112, 187

sidelight 126, 127

Sigma 7, 9, 31, 37, 167

signal-to-noise ratio 14, 39

silhouettes 127128

single autofocus 87, 90, 92, 93

Single Point AF 85

size of the subject 145147

sky 127, 129, 155

skylines 152

slaves 177178, 180

smudges 43

snowfall 80, 107, 125

software 18, 19, 127, 134, 145, 198; see also Photoshop

Sonoran Valley 195

Sony 7, 9, 29, 37, 115, 167

South Texas 195

Spot AF 80, 86

stabilization see image stabilization

stalking 188191

stops 4651, 53, 65; see also f-stops

suet 198

sugar water feeders 17, 85, 109, 172, 199200

sun 126127, 136, 137138, 139; balanced flash 176; ISO guidelines 105; shooting from a blind 191; zoological parks 186; see also dawn; dusk

Sunpak 167, 177

sunrise 105, 129, 134, 136; see also dawn sunset 105, 129, 134, 136; see also dusk Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park 186187

sync speed 173174, 175176, 180, 181, 182183

tagged animals 145

Tamron 31

teleconverters 29, 3739, 40, 79, 8081, 147, 198

telephoto lenses 29, 3741, 118; Canon and Nikon 8; intermediate 3637; low viewpoints 152; optimum f-stops 107; shooting from a car 198; use of perspective 159160; see also zoom lenses

third-party flash makers 167

thirds, rule of 157158

three-way flash connectors 178, 179

thumb focusing see back-button focusing tilt-pan heads 111

tilt/shift lenses 8, 4041, 82, 94

time spent with animals 160161

top light 126127

tracking sensitivity 9597

tripods 9, 29, 108113, 118; camera shake 113114; heads 111112, 196; low light shooting 124; L-plates 113; models 109110; photographing from boats 117; quick release plates 112; remote release 92; viewpoint 151; what to look for in 109

tungsten 132

ultrasonic motors (USMs) 27

underexposure 46, 52; Auto ISO 65; background reflectance 69; histograms 56; low light shooting 124, 137; manual exposure 72; Shutter-priority mode 6465; use of flash 165, 169, 170, 171, 174175, 182

variable aperture 33

vehicles, photographing from 2930, 117, 198

vertical compositions 148150, 157

vibration-reduction (VR) 8, 29; see also image stabilization

viewfinders 78, 79, 80, 83, 150

viewpoint 150152, 155, 158, 190

Vivitar 167

Walt Anderson 172

water, attracting wildlife with 201

water blinds 195198

welfare of animals 161

West, Larry 121, 140

white balance 130131

wide-angle lenses 3436, 39, 160

wildlife painters 144145

Wimberley 111112, 187

wind 113114

window mounts 117, 198

windows, shooting through 193195

wireless flash 179, 180

wiring flashes together 178179

X-sync speed 173, 175176, 180, 182183

Yellowstone National Park 37, 80, 187188

Zone AF 8586, 87

zoological parks 186

zoom flash 169170

zoom lenses 3133, 35, 3637, 79; see also telephoto lenses

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