
  2. a
  3. AC power system, control actions
    1. generator redispatch
    2. load shedding and demand side management
    3. phase shifting transformer
    4. reactive power management
    5. special protection schemes
    6. switching actions
  4. angle stability
    1. rotor angle stability
    2. steady-state angle stability
  5. ant colony optimisation (ACO)
    1. combinatorial optimisation problems
    2. data structure, solution archive
    3. optimal control action
    4. unconstrained optimisation
  6. artificial intelligence (AI)
  7. artificial neural network (ANN)
    1. feed-forward and recurrent networks
    2. voltage stability margin
  8. ATPDraw Model
  9. Augmented Lagrange formulation
  11. b
  12. behavioral recognition
  13. boundary end effect
    1. EMD algorithm
    2. Gibbs phenomenon
    3. Hilbert transform
    4. mirror extension method
    5. mode mixing and pseudo-IMF component
    6. parameter identification
  14. bounds constraints
  15. bulk power systems
  17. c
  18. centralized model predictive control
  19. Clarke model
  20. coherent electrical areas
  21. controlled islanding scheme (CIS)
  22. Control variables
    1. definition
    2. voltage controller
  23. convergence test
  24. corrective actions
  25. corrective control
  26. customer average interruption duration index (CAIDI)
  28. d
  29. damping controller models
    1. IEEE Type DC1 model
    2. PSS
    3. TCSC
  30. damping oscillations
    1. angular speed
    2. centralized MPC
    3. decentralized MPC
    4. generator
    5. hierarchical MPC
    6. mathematical formulation
    7. TCSC
  31. data scaling
  32. Day Ahead Congestion Forecast (DACF)
  33. decentralized model predictive control
  34. defuzzification
  35. demand side management
  36. discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
  37. dispersed generation unit (DGU)
    1. active power outputs
    2. dispatchable unit
    3. Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG)
    4. local voltage control
    5. mode
    6. mode
    7. mode
    8. non-dispatchable unit
    9. problem formulation
    10. reactive power limitation
    11. reactive power output
    12. voltage correction, minimum control effort
      1. external voltage drop
      2. future tap movements
      3. low power demands and high power production
      4. LTC actions
      5. reactive power output
      6. simulation results
  38. distributed energy resources (DER)
    1. reactive power injection
    2. reactive power productions
  39. distributed generators (DGs)
    1. active power generation
    2. active power injection
    3. reactive power
  40. distribution networks (DNs)
    1. long-term voltage stability (see long-term voltage stability)
    2. voltage control and congestion management
    3. voltage correction, minimum control effort
      1. emergency limits
      2. normal operation limits
    4. voltage regulation
  41. dual variables
  42. Dutch extra-high voltage (EHV) transmission network
  43. dynamic control strategy
  44. dynamic security assessment (DSA)
  45. dynamic security region (DSR)
    1. definition
    2. electrical power system
    3. security assessment
    4. transient stability assessment (TSA)
  46. dynamic vulnerability assessment (DVA)
    1. post-contingency DVA
    2. wide area monitoring systems (WAMS)
      1. characteristic ellipsoid (CELL) method
      2. data mining-based framework
      3. Monte Carlo methods
      4. phase-space visualization
      5. PMU data
      6. random-forest (RF) learning
      7. short time Fourier transform (STFT)
      8. support vector regressor (SVR)
      9. verge of collapse state
  48. e
  49. Ecuadorian National Interconnected System (SNI)
  50. Ecuadorian system
    1. Ecuadorian ISO, CENACE
    2. oscillatory stability
    3. SNI, PMU location in
    4. special protection schemes
    5. steady-state angle stability
    6. steady-state voltage stability
  51. electrical power grids
  52. electromagnetic transients programs (EMTP)
  53. Emergency Single Machine Equivalent (E-SIME)
  54. emerging technologies
  55. empirical orthogonal functions (EOF)
    1. data compression and pattern extraction
    2. data scaling
    3. energy patterns
    4. explained variability (EV)
    5. fault classification
    6. fault events
    7. fault patterns
    8. formulation
    9. forward faults
    10. PCA
    11. protection scheme
    12. reverse faults
    13. sampling frequency
    14. signal conditioning
    15. superimposed component
    16. training data
    17. training data matrix
    18. transmission line protection
      1. fault classification
      2. fault direction
      3. fault location
      4. fault simulation
      5. online algorithm
      6. power system
      7. and simulations
  56. ENTSO-E system operation guideline
  57. expected energy not supplied (EENS)
  59. f
  60. fault direction
  61. fault location
  62. fault simulation
  63. fitness function
  64. forward faults
  65. frequency control
  66. fuzzy controller
  68. g
  69. generation tripping schemes (GTS)
  70. generator exciter power system (GEP) approach
  71. genetic algorithm (GA)
  72. groups of coherent generators (GCG)
  74. h
  75. hierarchical model predictive control
  76. high-performance computing (HPC) techniques
  77. high voltage multi-terminal DC (HV-MTDC) grids
    1. conventional control schemes
      1. communication resources
      2. constant voltage and power control
      3. dead and un-dead band strategies
      4. droop control strategy
      5. droop voltage strategy
      6. N–R method
      7. power compensation
      8. power flow pattern
      9. voltage and power deviation
      10. voltage margin
    2. fuzzy logic and control
    3. optimization-based secondary control strategy
      1. constraints
      2. fitness function
    4. power and droop voltage control strategies
      1. defuzzification and output
      2. fuzzy logic
      3. input/output variables
      4. knowledge base and inference engine
      5. primary and secondary power-voltage control
    5. reference set points
    6. set point change
    7. wind power plant, sudden disconnection of
  78. Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT)
    1. bimodal test oscillation signal
    2. boundary end effect (see boundary end effect)
    3. Butterworth filter processing
    4. damping coefficient
    5. data pre-treatment processing
      1. DC removal processing
      2. digital band-pass filter algorithm
    6. EMD
    7. EMD results
    8. Hilbert spectrum and Hilbert marginal spectrum
    9. IMF components and residue signal
    10. mode mixing
    11. mutation signals
    12. nonlinear/nonstationary signals
    13. oscillation signal
    14. parameter identification
      1. damping coefficient
      2. frequency oscillation signal
      3. IMF component
    15. parameter identification results
    16. power system oscillation signals
    17. pre-treatment EMD results
    18. pseudo-IMF components
    19. ratio computation
    20. time domain spectrum
  80. i
  81. injection shift factor (ISF)
  82. inter-machine oscillations
  83. inverse Jacobian matrix
  85. j
  86. Jacobian matrix
  87. JMarti model
  89. k
  90. Kernel-based Classification
  92. l
  93. Lagrangian decomposition
  94. Library for Support Vector Machines (LIBSVM)
  95. line impedances and admittances
  96. load shedding
  97. load shedding and generation tripping schemes
  98. load tap changer (LTC)
  99. local correlation network pattern (LCNP)
  100. long-term voltage stability
    1. countermeasures
    2. loadability curves
    3. load restoration mechanisms
    4. OverExcitation Limiters (OELs)
    5. VVC
      1. active power modulation
      2. algorithm
      3. countermeasure
      4. disturbance and voltage restoration
      5. emergency detection
      6. minimum load reduction
      7. reactive power injection
      8. restoration procedure
      9. test system
      10. TN assumption
  101. loss minimization
    1. control actions
    2. controller performance
  102. loss of energy expectation (LOEE)
  103. loss of load expectation (LOLE)
  104. loss of load probability (LOLP)
  106. m
  107. MATLAB programming
  108. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
  109. mean-variance mapping optimization (MVMOS)
  110. membership function (MF)
  111. Mitigation Matrix
  112. model predictive control (MPC)
    1. application
    2. centralized MPC
      1. control delay consideration
      2. state estimation errors
    3. centralized voltage control scheme
    4. closed-loop stability
    5. control strategy
    6. control variable changes
    7. and damping controller models
      1. IEEE Type DC1 model
      2. PSS
      3. TCSC
    8. damping oscillations
      1. angular speed
      2. centralized MPC
      3. decentralized MPC
      4. generator
      5. hierarchical MPC
      6. mathematical formulation
      7. TCSC
    9. definition
    10. distributed MPC
    11. DN voltages
    12. factors
    13. features
    14. formulation
    15. hierarchical MPC
    16. implementation
    17. MPC-based multi-step controller
    18. MPC based voltage/reactive controller
      1. control algorithm
      2. DG response
      3. functions
      4. loss minimization performance
      5. operational principle
      6. operation condition, changes of
      7. parameter setup and algorithm selection
      8. slow control functionality
      9. test system and measurement deployment
      10. voltage correction performance
      11. voltage violation
    19. optimal power flow
    20. prediction capability
    21. principle of
    22. problem formulation
    23. robust hierarchical MPC
    24. system linearizations
    25. TCSC
    26. test system and simulation setting
    27. voltage regulation
  113. Monte Carlo simulation
    1. Dutch extra-high voltage (EHV) transmission network
    2. TVFS vulnerability performance indicators
  114. multi-agent power system
    1. augmented Lagrange formulation
    2. implementation algorithm
    3. loss minimization
    4. parameters setup
    5. proposed control scheme's performance
    6. vs. single-agent based system
  115. mutation signals
  117. n
  118. N–1 criterion
  119. network splitting mechanism
    1. dynamic frequency behavior
    2. flowchart of
    3. graph modeling, update, and reduction
    4. graph partitioning procedure
    5. load shedding/generation tripping schemes
    6. off-line computations
    7. tie-lines determination
  120. Newton–Raphson (N–R) method
  121. nonlinear and nonstationary signals
  122. nonlinear equality constraints
  124. o
  125. off-line computations
  126. one machine infinite bus equivalent (OMIB)
  127. online voltage control
  128. operating state, power system
    1. alert states
    2. blackout state
    3. emergency operation
    4. interconnected area
    5. N–1 criterion
    6. normal operation
    7. preventive controls
    8. system deterioration
  129. optimal grid management
    1. bounds constraints
    2. fitness function
    3. nonlinear equality constraints
  130. optimal power flow (OPF)
    1. abstract mathematical formulation
    2. active power re-dispatch
    3. 5-bus system
      1. critical post-contingency constraints
      2. formulation models
      3. and initial state
      4. line data
      5. objective and decision variables
      6. pre-contingency and post-contingency states
    4. computational intelligence
    5. contingency constraints
    6. conventional OPF
      1. classical methods vs. convex relaxations
      2. risk, uncertainty, smarter sustainable grid
      3. solution methodology
    7. core optimizer and security analysis (SA)
    8. generation dispatch pattern
    9. inequality constraints
    10. interior-point method
      1. basic primal dual algorithm
      2. optimality conditions
    11. “no contingencies” mode
    12. OPF under uncertainty (OPF-UU)
      1. motivation and potential approaches
      2. robust optimization framework
    13. optimal decision variables
    14. power system static security
    15. preventive modes
    16. reference values, of reactive power
    17. risk-based OPF
      1. 5-bus system
      2. motivation and principle
      3. problem formulation
    18. security-constrained economic dispatch (SCED)
    19. security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF)
    20. unoptimized mode
  131. optimal reactive power dispatch
  132. oscillatory index (OSI)
    1. dominant modes
    2. electrical area
    3. electrical signals
    4. fast-phenomena assessment
    5. modal identification technique
    6. mode meters
    7. oscillatory modes
    8. poorly-damped local modes
    9. prony analysis
    10. ringdown methods
    11. threshold damping
  133. oscillatory instability
  134. oscillatory stability
    1. alert and alarm amplitude limitation
    2. inter-area mode amplitude
    3. inter-area mode oscillations
    4. low frequency control modes
    5. modal identification algorithm
    6. oscillation amplitudes
    7. power system stabilizer tuning
      1. Ecuador–Colombia interconnected power system
      2. GEP approach
      3. 0.45 Hz inter-area mode
      4. Paute plant's AB generators
      5. Pomasqui substation
      6. WAProtector modal identification algorithm
    8. system's damping performance
    9. WAProtector
  135. overload index (OVI)
    1. branch outages
    2. dc-DFs
    3. injection shift factor (ISF)
    4. MC-based simulation
    5. power transfer limit
    6. SDF-based overload estimation
  136. OVI. see overload index (OVI)
  138. p
  139. perturbed Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT)
  140. phase shifting transformer
  141. phasor calculation
  142. phasor estimation techniques
  143. phasor measurement units (PMUs)
    1. SNI, location in
    2. WAMPAC system
  144. point of collapse (POC)
  145. post contingency dynamic vulnerability regions (DVRs)
    1. data-time windows
    2. DSR hyper-plane boundary
    3. electrical power system
    4. IEEE New England 39-bus, 60 Hz and 345 kV test system
    5. independent system operator (ISO)
    6. methodological framework
    7. Monte Carlo-type (MC) simulation
    8. N-1 Contingency Monte Carlo Simulation
    9. pattern recognition method
      1. computer algorithms
      2. (n× p) data matrix
      3. dynamic electrical signals
      4. EOF
      5. EOFs
      6. Fourier analysis
      7. orthogonal matrix
    10. power system random variables
    11. probability distribution functions (PDFs)
    12. vulnerable and non-vulnerable regions
  146. post-contingency system
  147. power system controlled islanding
    1. frequency control
    2. Groups of Coherent Generators (GCG)
    3. network splitting mechanism
      1. dynamic frequency behavior
      2. flowchart of
      3. graph modeling, update, and reduction
      4. graph partitioning procedure
      5. load shedding/generation tripping schemes
      6. off-line computations
      7. tie-lines determination
    4. overload assessment and control
    5. power imbalance constraint
      1. analytical expressions and nomograms
      2. inter-machine oscillations
      3. limitation
      4. power-frequency control system, equivalent models of
      5. reduced frequency response model
    6. power network splitting
    7. test system
      1. power system collapse
      2. proposed ACIS
      3. proposed methodology
    8. vulnerability assessment
    9. WAMS
  148. power system model
    1. Na areas
    2. regional assets
    3. system constraints
  149. power system oscillation signals
  150. power system reliability management
    1. adequacy and security, interaction between
    2. coping capacity
    3. definition
    4. electrical power requirements
    5. interruption costs
      1. sum of reliability
    6. local energy
    7. power system adequacy
    8. power system security
    9. reliability assessment
      1. and adequacy assessment
      2. analytical contingency enumeration
      3. post-contingency system
      4. pseudo-dynamic evaluation techniques
      5. and seurity assessment
      6. simulation techniques (Monte Carlo simulation)
    10. reliability control mechanism
      1. credible and non-credible contingencies
      2. N–1 criterion
      3. operating state
      4. reliability actions
      5. system state space representation
    11. reliability costs
    12. reliability criteria
    13. reliability criterion
    14. system's vulnerability
    15. uncertainty space, timeframes
    16. vulnerability
  151. power system signals, mining of
  152. power system toolbox (PST)
  153. power transfer limit
  154. preventive actions
  155. primal variables
  156. principal components analysis (PCA)
  157. probabilistic approaches
  158. probabilistic reliability analysis
    1. alert state
    2. Dutch extra-high voltage (EHV) transmission network
      1. configurations
      2. expected redispatch costs
      3. failure frequency
      4. input parameters
      5. Monte Carlo simulation
      6. probability of load curtailment
      7. probability of overload
      8. repair time
    3. expected redispatch costs
    4. of generation redispatch
    5. input information
      1. component repair times and failure frequencies
      2. development scenario
      3. generator parameters
      4. load scenario
      5. network topology and component parameters
      6. wind scenario
    6. overlapping and interaction
    7. of overload
    8. pre-calculations
    9. reliability indicators
    10. remedial actions
    11. security-of-supply related indicators
      1. customer average interruption duration index
      2. expected energy not supplied
      3. loss of energy expectation
      4. loss of load expectation
      5. loss of load probability
      6. probability of load curtailment
      7. system average interruption duration index
      8. system average interruption frequency index
    12. state enumeration
    13. time horizons
  159. probability of load curtailment (PLC)
  160. prony analysis
  161. pseudo-dynamic evaluation techniques
  163. q
  164. Quadratic Programming (QP) problem
  166. r
  167. RAMSES software
  168. reactive power management
  169. real-time area coherency identification
    1. associated PMU coherent areas
    2. coherent electrical areas
    3. recursive clustering approach
  170. real-time digital simulators
  171. recursive clustering approach
  172. reduced frequency response model
  173. reliability criterion
  174. renewable energy sources (RES)
  175. reverse faults
  176. ringdown methods
  177. robust optimal power flow (R-OPF)
    1. formulation of
    2. numerical results
    3. problem solving methodology
    4. worst case scenarios
  178. Roy Billinton Test System (RBTS)
  179. rule-based fuzzy systems
  181. s
  182. sampling frequency
  183. security-constrained economic dispatch (SCED)
  184. security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF)
    1. DC SCOPE
      1. generator redispatch and load shedding
      2. PST implemenation
      3. transmission line switching
    2. formulation
    3. linear implementation
      1. generator redispatch
      2. load shedding and demand side management
      3. phase shifting transformer
      4. switching
  185. self-healing functions, EMS with
  186. sensitivities
    1. analytical approach
    2. definition
    3. first layer, calculation of
    4. load flow analysis
    5. numerical approach
    6. parameter values
    7. second layer, calculation of
  187. sensitivity analysis
  188. short-term frequency stability
  189. short-term voltage stability
  190. short time Fourier transform (STFT)
  191. signal conditioning
  192. simulation techniques (Monte Carlo simulation)
  193. single-agent power system
  194. single pole tripping (SPT) schemes
  195. singular value decomposition (SVD)
  196. Smart Grid developments
  197. special protection schemes (SPS)
    1. implemented strategies
    2. mitigation matrix
    3. operation analysis
    4. real time dynamic vulnerability assessment (DVA)
    5. Smart Grid applications
  198. static security assessment (SSA)
  199. steady-state angle stability
    1. alert and alarm limits, hydrological scenarios
    2. Chebyshev's inequality
    3. dynamic contour plots, of angle difference
    4. mechanical and electromagnetic torques
    5. methodology
    6. N-1 contingencies
    7. π” equivalent model
    8. phase angle difference maximum limit
    9. power–angle curve
    10. power transfer
    11. static simulations
    12. WAProtector
  200. steady-state voltage stability
    1. alert and alarm threshold value
    2. DPL script
    3. N-1 contingencies
    4. power–voltage (P-V) curves
    5. P-V curve and voltage profile stability band
    6. real time monitoring application
    7. Thevenin equivalent method
    8. Totoras–Santa Rosa 230 kV transmission line
    9. transmission corridor monitoring, PMU
  201. superimposed component
  202. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition/Energy Management System (SCADA/EMS)
  203. support vector classifier (SVC)
    1. and decision tree classifier (DTC)
    2. discriminant analysis (DA)
    3. feature extraction stage
    4. feature selection stage
    5. kernel function
    6. LIBSVM
    7. and pattern recognition network
    8. probabilistic neural networks
    9. real-time implementation
    10. training data based model
    11. vulnerable/non-vulnerable status
  204. support vectors (SV)
  205. synchronized phasor measurement technology
    1. definition
    2. discrete Fourier transform and phasor calculation
    3. phasor measurement units
    4. phasor representation of sinusoids
    5. WAMPAC communication time delay
    6. wide area monitoring systems (WAMS)
  206. system average interruption duration index (SAIDI)
  207. system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI)
  208. system operator (SO)
  209. system state space representation
    1. flexible demand
    2. generation and load variations
    3. generation outage
    4. input and control variables and parameters
    5. limited uncertainty and increased uncertainty
    6. line outage
    7. N–1 criterion
    8. operating points
    9. phase shifting transformers and HVDC
    10. renewable generation sources
    11. security limits
    12. security threshold
    13. topology changes
    14. traditional power system
  211. t
  212. test power system
  213. Thevenin equivalent method
  214. tie-lines determination
  215. time domain spectrum
  216. transient stability
  217. transient, voltage, and frequency stability (TVFS)
    1. 39-bus-test system logic schemes
    2. DIgSILENT PowerFactory software
    3. frequency deviation index (FDI)
    4. MATPOWER package
    5. Monte Carlo simulation
    6. optimal power flow (OPF)
    7. penalty
    8. real-time area coherency iterative algorithm
    9. real-time transient stability index (TSI)
    10. transient unstable case
    11. voltage deviation index (VDI)
    12. voltage vulnerable case
    13. vulnerability status
    14. vulnerability status prediction method
  218. transmission and distribution (T&D) test-system
  219. transmission-distribution systems, control of
  220. transmission networks (TNs)
  221. transmission system operators (TSOs)
  222. turbine generators
  224. u
  225. ultra-high voltage (UHV)
  226. Under-frequency load shedding schemes (UFLS)
  228. v
  229. Vapnik–Chervonenskis dimension
  230. voltage control
    1. control variables
    2. models
    3. reference values and voltage limitation
    4. system operators
  231. voltage source converter (VSC) technology
  232. voltage stability
    1. assessment
    2. definition
    3. measurement-based methods
    4. model-based methods
    5. steady-state voltage stability
  233. voltage stability constrained optimal power flow (VSCOPF)
    1. optimal control action
    2. preventive measure
      1. problem statement
      2. simulation results
  234. voltage stability margin (VSM)
    1. corrective measure
      1. problem statement
      2. simulation results
  235. volt-var control (VVC)
    1. active power modulation
    2. algorithm
    3. countermeasure
    4. disturbance and voltage restoration
    5. emergency detection
    6. minimum load reduction
    7. reactive power injection
    8. restoration procedure
    9. simulation results and case studies
      1. emergency support, from distribution
      2. stable scenarios
      3. unstable scenarios
    10. test system
    11. TN assumption
  236. vulnerability assessment
    1. conventional methods
    2. definition
    3. off-line assessment
    4. on-line assessment
    5. oscillatory index (OSI)
      1. dominant modes
      2. electrical area
      3. electrical signals
      4. fast-phenomena assessment
      5. modal identification technique
      6. mode meters
      7. oscillatory modes
      8. poorly-damped local modes
      9. prony analysis
      10. ringdown methods
      11. threshold damping
    6. overload index (OVI)
      1. branch outages
      2. dc-DFs
      3. injection shift factor (ISF)
      4. MC-based simulation
      5. power transfer limit
      6. SDF-based overload estimation
    7. PMU measures
    8. power system actions and operations
    9. power system vulnerability condition
    10. real time assessment
    11. TVFS vulnerability performance indicators
      1. 39-bus-test system logic schemes
      2. DIgSILENT PowerFactory software
      3. frequency deviation index (FDI)
      4. MATPOWER package
      5. Monte Carlo simulation
      6. optimal power flow (OPF)
      7. real-time area coherency iterative algorithm
      8. real-time transient stability index (TSI)
      9. transient unstable case
      10. voltage deviation index (VDI)
      11. voltage vulnerable case
      12. vulnerability status
  237. vulnerability symptoms
    1. oscillatory stability
    2. post-contingency overloads
    3. rotor angle stability
    4. short-term frequency stability
    5. short-term voltage stability
    6. transient stability
  238. vulnerable area
  239. vulnerable system
  241. w
  242. Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) 3-Machine 9-Bus test system
  243. wide area monitoring, control, and protection (WAMPAC) system
  244. wide area monitoring systems (WAMS)
    1. Campus WAMS
    2. dominant oscillation mode
    3. DVA
      1. characteristic ellipsoid (CELL) method
      2. data mining-based framework
      3. Monte Carlo methods
      4. phase-space visualization
      5. PMU data
  245. random-forest (RF) learning
  1. short time Fourier transform (STFT)
  2. support vector regressor (SVR)
  3. verge of collapse state
  1. EMD results
  2. extracted oscillation mode
  3. Hilbert marginal spectrum (HMS) analysis technique
  4. phasor measurement unit
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