Chapter 35. Networking Configuration (Topic 2.205)

Under the broad term "Networking Configuration," the LPI Level 2 tests group some advanced topics that administrators should have under their belts, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), configuring multiple IP addresses, and dial-up and ISDN access. You should already know TCP/IP fundamentals and basic network interface configuration issues discussed in Level 1. Chapter 19 of this book is especially relevant, and as always, real experience with networking is valuable preparation for the tests. LPI organizes the topic of networking into two objectives:

Objective 1, Basic Networking Configuration

The candidate should be able to configure network devices to connect to a local network and a wide area network. This objective includes being able to communicate between various subnets within a single network, configure dialup access using mgetty, configure dial-up access using a modem or ISDN, configure authentication protocols such as PAP and CHAP, and configure TCP/IP logging. Weight: 5.

Objective 2, Advanced Network Configuration and Troubleshooting

The candidate should be able to configure a network device to implement various network authentication schemes. This Objective includes configuring a multihomed network device, configuring a virtual private network (VPN), and resolving networking and communication problems. Weight: 3.

Notice that Objective 1 is weighted quite heavily. This is to be expected. Computers wouldn't be much good these days if they weren't network aware, and the same goes for Linux administrators. So we recommend you spend a considerable amount of time understanding the commands and protocols discussed in this chapter before trying to bring systems onto a production network. Your boss, your end users, and your career will thank you.

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