
  1. c. Section 8 holds administrative commands such as fsck and mkfs.

  2. a. The !! command history expansion executes the previous command. Entering the Ctrl-P keystroke uses the Emacs key-binding bash to move up one line in the history; pressing Enter executes that command.

  3. The man command displays manpages.

  4. b and c. find and locate do not search the contents of files. /etc/passwd is not a script.

  5. a. The variable must be set and exported. The semicolon separates the two commands.

  6. /etc/group.

  7. c. The g indicates that we're operating on the group privilege, and the +s indicates that we should add the "set id" bit, which means that the SGID property will be applied.

  8. e. The script has an error and will not produce the expected output. In a for statement, the loop variable does not have the dollar sign. Changing line 2 to for v1 in a1 a2 will correct the error and produce the output in answer B.

  9. c. tar should be used with the extraction option x and a tape device, such as SCSI tape /dev/st0.

  10. a. cp should be aliased to the interactive mode with the -i option in .bashrc. .bash_profile normally doesn't include aliases.

  11. d. The shadow password system has been implemented, placing all passwords in /etc/shadow as denoted by the x following the username.

  12. PATH.

  13. d. The Linux System Administrators' Guide is a free publication of the Linux Documentation Project (LDP) and is available online at

  14. b. /etc/syslog.conf is the configuration file for the syslog daemon syslogd.

  15. e. With the top bit of the last byte set in the subnet mask (.128), there are 7 bits left. 27 is 128, less the network address and broadcast address, leaving 126 addresses for hosts.

  16. c. FTP clients use mget with wildcards.

  17. d. Routes to the interface and the network are required to exchange information on the local LAN. To act as an Internet workstation (i.e., using Netscape), a default gateway is also necessary.

  18. c. As defined in /etc/services, port 25 is the SMTP port, often monitored by sendmail.

  19. b. IP is the underlying datagram protocol.

  20. b. The ifconfig command is used to configure and display interface information. ipconfig is a Windows utility.

  21. d. PPP interfaces are not persistent. Instead, they are initialized when needed.

  22. c. The DHCP client is called pump, after the lady's shoe of the same name. That's an extension from a boot because DHCP is a descendant from bootp.

  23. b. The spool directory directive looks like this:

  24. c. The hosts.deny and hosts.allow files contain configuration information for TCP wrappers. The files won't be used, however, unless tcpd is included in inetd.conf.

  25. c. Answer a attempts to mount the /proc filesystem. Answers b, d, and e have incorrect syntax.

  26. c. Both Telnet and FTP are connection-oriented and use TCP for reliable connections.

  27. a, b, and d.

  28. b. Read/write access is available to everyone, including root.

  29. d. NFS-mounted directories seamlessly blend into the local filesystem, requiring no special syntax for access.

  30. c. While both ICMP and UDP are connectionless, they are different protocols.

  31. c. CHAP is one of the PPP authentication techniques that embeds its information inside the PPP stream. It is an alternative to clear text passwords.

  32. The DNS daemon is named. It is included in a package called BIND.

  33. d. The intent of the chat script is to prepare the modem with appropriate settings to establish a PPP connection.

  34. b. A print server translates formats, such as PostScript to PCL.

  35. d. The presence of the localhost address indicates that named is running. Since the system is a workstation, it's safe to assume that it is not serving DNS to a wider community.

  36. a. BIND v8 has a newer, more modular format, but the information is about the same.

  37. /etc/

  38. /etc/hosts.

  39. e. options lines in /etc/modules.conf or /etc/conf.modules configure kernel modules.

  40. e. lpc is the line printer control program.

  41. c. Answer a is wrong because it installs modules before compiling them. Answers b and e are wrong because they build the kernel after configuring. Answer d is backward.

  42. c. tracert is a Windows utility with the same function as traceroute.

  43. b.

  44. a. Just as with any interface, routes must be added before communications can occur.

  45. b. Apache uses httpd.conf, srm.conf, and access.conf. Some implementations may roll all of these files into a single httpd.conf.

  46. b. The smbprint filter is provided by the Samba package for printing to Windows printers.

  47. c.

  48. c. t is the option to list the contents of an archive.

  49. The file is /etc/profile.

  50. b. The .forward file is placed in the home directory containing a single line with the target email address.

  51. d. Zero exit values usually indicate success.

  52. b. Instead of using set, the command should have been:

    # export myvar='World'

    This gives the myvar variable to the new shell.

  53. d.

  54. a. For security purposes, fingerd is usually disabled using a comment in /etc/inetd.conf.

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