Chapter 21. User Interface

Ruby has libraries for attaching programs to the three main types of user interface. The web interface, Ruby’s most popular, is covered in depth in Chapters 15, 16, and (to a lesser extent) 14. This chapter covers the other two interfaces: the terminal or console interface, and the graphical ( GUI) interface. We also cover some unorthodox interfaces (Recipe 21.11).

The terminal interface is is a text-based interface usually invoked from a command line. It’s used by programs like irb and the Ruby interpreter itself. The terminal interface is usually seen on Unix systems, but all modern operating systems support it.

In the classic Unix-style “command-line program,” the user interface consists of the options used to invoke the program (Recipe 21.3); and the program’s standard input, output, and error streams (Recipe 21.1; also see Recipe 6.16). The Ruby interpreter is a good example of this kind of program. You can invoke the ruby program with arguments like -d and --version, but once the interpreter starts, your options are limited to typing in a Ruby program and executing it.

The advantage of this simple interface is that you can use Unix shell tools like redirection and pipes to connect these programs to each other. Instead of manually typing a Ruby program into the interpreter’s standard input, you can send it a file with the Unix command ruby < file.rb. If you’ve got another program that generates Ruby code and prints it to standard output, you can pipe the generated code into the interpreter with generator | ruby.

The disadvantage is that these programs are not very user-friendly. Libraries like Curses (Recipe 21.5), Readline, and HighLine can add color and sophistication to your terminal programs. The irb interactive interpreter uses Readline to offer interactive line editing instead of the simpler interface offered by the Unix shell (Recipe 21.10).

The graphical user interface is the most common interface in the world. Even a web interface is usually interpreted within a GUI on the client end. However, there’s not much that’s Ruby-specific about GUI programming. All the common GUI libraries (like Tk, GTK, and QT) are written in C, and Ruby’s bindings to them look a lot like the bindings for other dynamic languages such as Perl and Python.

All the GUI libraries work pretty much the same way. You create objects corresponding to GUI elements, or “widgets,” attach chunks of code to them as callbacks (so that something will happen when, for instance, the user clicks a button), and then “pack” them into a frame for display. Because it’s easiest to do the GUI layout work in a tool like Glade, and write only the callbacks in regular Ruby, this chapter contains only a few sample recipes on GUI programming.



HighLine, written by James Edward Gray II and Gregory Brown, is available as the highline gem. The Curses and Readline libraries come preinstalled with Ruby (even on Windows, if you use the one-click installer). If you’re using Windows and don’t have Curses, you can get the library and the Ruby bindings from

Ncurses is an improved version of Curses (allowing things like colored text), and most modern Unix systems have it installed. You can get Ncurses bindings for Ruby from It’s also available as the Debian package libncurses-ruby.

The Tk binding for Ruby comes preinstalled with Ruby, assuming you’ve installed Tk itself. Ruby bindings for the most common GUI toolkits have been written:

wxRuby is interesting because it’s cross-platform and uses native widgets on each platform. You can write a Ruby program with wxRuby that runs on Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X, and looks like a native application on all three platforms.

On Mac OS X, all the tools you need to build a Ruby GUI application come with the operating system, including a GUI builder. If you’re using GTK, your life will be easier if you download the Glade GUI builder (

21.2. Getting Input One Line at a Time


You’re writing an interactive console program, and you want to get line-based input from the user. You present the user with a prompt, and he types some data before hitting enter.


Instead of reading standard input all at once, read it a line at a time with gets or readline.

This method populates a data structure with values obtained from user input:

	def confirmation_hearings
	  questions = [['What is your name?', :name],
	               ['How old are you?', :age],
	               ['Why would you like to be Secretary of the Treasury?', :why]]
	  answers = questions.inject({}) do |answers, qv|
	    question, value = qv
	    print question + ' '
	    answers[value] = gets.chomp
	  puts "Okay, you're confirmed!"
	  return answers

	# What is your name?                                   # <= Leonard Richardson
	# How old are you?                                     # <= 27
	# Why would you like to be Secretary of the Treasury?  # <= Mainly for the money
	# Okay, you're confirmed!
	# => {:age=>"26", :why=>"Mainly for the money", :name=>"Leonard Richardson"}


Most console programs take their input from command-line switches or from a file passed in on standard input. This makes it easy to programatically combine console programs: you can pipe cat into grep into last without any of the programs having to know that they’re connected to each other. But sometimes it’s more user-friendly to ask for input interactively: in text-based games, or data entry programs with workflow.

The only difference between this technique and traditional console applications is that you’re writing to standard output before you’re completely done reading from standard input. You can pass an input file into a program like this, and it’ll still work. In this example, a Ruby program containing the questionnaire code seen in the Solution is fed by an input file:

	$ ./confirmation_hearings.rb < answers
	# => What is your name? How old are you? Why would you like to be
	#    Secretary of the Treasury? Okay, you're confirmed!

The program works, but the result looks different—even though the standard output is actually the same. When a human is running the program, the newline created when they hit enter is echoed to the screen, making the second question appear on a separate line from the first. Those newlines don’t get echoed when they’re read from a file.

The HighLine library requires that you install a gem ( highline), but it makes sophisticated line-oriented input much easier. You can make a single method call to print a prompt, retrieve the input, and validate it. This code works the same way as the code above, but it’s shorter, and it makes sure you enter a reasonable age for the question “How old are you?”

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'highline/import'

	def confirmation_hearings
	  answers = {}
	  answers[:name] = ask('What is your name? ')
	  answers[:age] = ask('How old are you? ', Integer) { |q| = 0..120 }
	  answers[:why] = ask('Why would you like to be Secretary of the Treasury? ')
	  puts "Okay, you're confirmed!"
	  return answers

	# What is your name?                                  # <= Leonard Richardson
	# How old are you?                                    # <= twenty-seven
	# You must enter a valid Integer.
	# ?                                                   # <= 200
	# Your answer isn't within the expected range (included in 0..120)
	# ?                                                   # <= 27
	# …

See Also

  • Recipe 21.2, “Getting Input One Character at a Time”

  • Recipe 21.9, “Reading a Password”

  • The examples/basic_usage.rb script in the HighLine library has many more examples of data validation with HighLine

  • If you want your program to treat its command-line arguments as filenames and read from the files one line at a time, see Recipe 21.3, “Parsing Command-Line Arguments,” for a shortcut

21.3. Getting Input One Character at a Time


You’re writing an interactive application or a terminal-based game. You want to read a user’s input from standard input a single character at a time.


Most Ruby installations on Unix come with the the Curses extension installed. If Curses has the features you want to write the rest of your program, the simplest solution is to use it.

This simple Curses program echoes every key you type to the top-left corner of the screen. It stops when you hit the escape key (e).[1]

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# curses_single_char_input.rb
	require 'curses'
	include Curses

	# Setup: create a curses screen that doesn't echo its input.

	# Cleanup: restore the terminal settings when the program is exited or
	# killed.
	trap(0) { echo }

	while (c = getch) != ?e do
	  addstr("You typed #{c.chr.inspect}")

If you don’t want Curses to take over your program, you can use the HighLine library instead (available as the highline gem). It does its best to define a get_ character method that will work on your system. The get_ character method itself is private, but you can access it from within a call to ask:

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'highline/import'

	while (c = ask('') { |q| q.character = true; q.echo = false }) != "e" do
	  print "You typed #{c.inspect}"

Be careful; ask echoes a newline after every character it receives.[2] That’s why I use a print statement in that example instead of puts.

Of course, you can avoid this annoyance by hacking the HighLine class to make get_character public:

	class HighLine
	  public :get_character
	input =
	while (c = input.get_ 
character) != ?e do
	  puts "You typed #{c.chr.inspect}"


This is a huge and complicated problem that (fortunately) is completely hidden by Curses and HighLine. Here’s the problem: Unix systems know how to talk to a lot of historic and modern terminals. Each one has a different feature set and a different command language. HighLine (through the Termios library it uses on Unix) and Curses hide this complexity.

Windows doesn’t have to deal with a lot of terminal types, but Windows programs don’t usually read from standard input either (much less one character at a time). To do single- character input on Windows, HighLine makes raw Windows API calls. Here’s some code based on HighLine’s, which you can use on Windows if you don’t want to require HighLine:

	require 'Win32API'

	def getch
	  @getch ||='crtdll', '_getch', [], 'L')

	while (c = getch) != ?e
	  puts "You typed #{c.chr.inspect}"

HighLine also has two definitions f get_character for Unix; you can copy one of these if you don’t want to require HighLine. The most reliable implementation is fairly complicated, and requires the termios gem. But if you need to require the termios gem, you might as well require the highline gem as well, and use HighLine’s implementation as is. So if you want to do single-character input on Unix without requiring any gems, you’ll need to rely on the Unix command stty:

	def getch
	  state = `stty -g`
	    `stty raw -echo cbreak`
	    `stty #{state}`

	while (c = getch) != ?e
	  puts "You typed #{c.chr.inspect}"

All of the HighLine code is in the main highline.rb file; search for “get_character”.

See Also

21.4. Parsing Command-Line Arguments


You want to make your Ruby script take command-line arguments, the way most Unix utilities and scripts do.


If you want to treat your command-line arguments as a simple list of strings, you can just iterate over the ARGV array.

Here’s a Ruby version of the Unix command cat; it takes a list of files on the command line, opens each one, and prints its contents to standard output:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# cat.rb

	ARGV.each { |filename| IO.readlines(filename).each { |line| puts line } }

If you want to treat your command-line arguments as a list of files, and you plan to open each of those files and iterate over them line by line, you can use ARGF instead of eARGV. The following cat implementation is equivalent to the first one.[3]

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# cat_argf.rb

	ARGF.each { |line| puts line }

If you want to treat certain command-line arguments as switches, or as anything other than a homogenous list of strings, use the OptionParser class in the optparse library. Don’t write the argument parsing code yourself; there are too many edge cases to think about.


The OptionParser class can parse any command-line arguments you’re likely to need, and it includes a lot of Unix know-how that would take a long time to write yourself. All you have to do is define the set of arguments your script accepts, and write code that reacts to the presence of each argument on the command line. Here, I’ll use OptionParser to write cat2.rb, a second Ruby version of cat that supports a few of the real cat's command-line arguments.

The first phase is turning any command-line arguments into a data structure that I can easily consult during the actual program. The CatArguments class defined below is a hash that uses OptionParser to populate itself from a list of command-line arguments.

For each argument accepted by cat2.rb, I’ve added a code block to be run as a callback. When OptionParser sees a particular argument in ARGV, it runs the corresponding code block, which sets an appropriate value in the hash:

	# cat2.rb
	require 'optparse'

	class CatArguments < Hash
	  def initialize(args)
	    self[:show_ends] = ''

	    opts = do |opts|
	      opts.banner = "Usage: #$0 [options]"
	      opts.on('-E', '--show-ends [STRING]',
	              'display [STRING] at end of each line') do |string|
	        self[:show_ends] = string || '$'

	      opts.on('-n', '--number', 'number all output lines') do
	        self[:number_lines] = true

	      opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'display this help and exit') do
	        puts opts


	arguments =

At this point in the code, our CatArguments object contains information about which command-line arguments were passed in. If the user passed in a command-line switch -E or --show-ends, then arguments[:show_ends] contains a string to be shown at the end of each line.

What’s more, the command-line arguments handled by OptionParser have been stripped from ARGV. The only things left in ARGV can be assumed to be the names of files the user wants to concatenate. This means we can now use the ARGF shortcut to iterate over those files line by line. All we need is a little extra code to actually implement the command-line arguments:

	counter = 0
	eol =
	ARGF.each do |line|
	  print '%6.d ' % (counter += 1) if arguments[:number_lines]
	  print line

Here’s a shell session showing off the robustness that optparse brings to even a simple script. The help message is automatically generated, multiple combined flags are handled correctly, nonexistent flags are rejected, and you can disable flag processing altogether with the -- argument. In general, it works like you expect a Unix command-line tool to work.

	$ ./cat2.rb --help
	Usage: ./cat2.rb [options]
	    -E, --show-ends [STRING]       display STRING at end of each line
	    -n, --number                   number all output lines
	    -h, --help                     display this help and exit

	$ ./cat2.rb file1 file2
	This is file one.
	Another line in file one.
	This is file two.
	I'm a lot more interesting than file one, I'll tell you that!

	$ ./cat2.rb file1 -E$ -n file2
	     1 This is file one.$
	     2 Another line in file one.$
	     3 This is file two.$
	     4 I'm a lot more interesting than file one, I'll tell you that!$

	$ ./cat2.rb --nosuchargument
	/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:1445:in `complete': invalid option: --nosuchargument

	$ ./cat2.rb --show-ends=" STOP" -- --argument-looking-file
	The name of this file STOP
	looks just like an argument STOP
	for some odd reason. STOP

With a little more work, you can make OptionParser validate argument data for you—parse strings as numbers, restrict option values to values from a list. The documentation for the OptionParser class has a much more complex example that shows off these advanced features.

See Also

  • ri OptionParser

21.5. Testing Whether a Program Is Running Interactively


You want to see whether there’s another person on the other end of your program, or whether the program has been hooked up to a file or the output of another program.


STDIN.tty? returns true if there’s a terminal hooked up to your program’s original standard input. Since only humans use terminals, this will suffice. This code works on Unix and Windows:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# interactive_or_not.rb
	if STDIN.tty?
	  puts "Let me be the first to welcome my human overlords."
	  puts "How goes the revolution, brother software?"

Running this program in different ways gives different results:

	$ ./interactive_or_not.rb
	Let me be the first to welcome my human overlords.

	$ echo "Some data" | interactive_or_not.rb
	How goes the revolution, brother software?

	$ ./interactive_or_not.rb < input_file
	How goes the revolution, brother software?


An interactive application can be more user friendly than one that runs solely off its command-line arguments and input streams. By checking STDIN.tty? you can make your program have an interactive and a noninteractive mode. The noninteractive mode can be chained together with other programs or used in shell scripts.

21.6. Setting Up and Tearing Down a Curses Program


To write a program that uses Curses or Ncurses, you have to write a lot of setup and cleanup code. You’d like to factor that out.


Here’s a wrapper method that sets up the Curses library and passes the main screen object into a code block:

	require 'curses'

	module Curses
	  def self.program
	    main_screen = init_screen
	    main_screen.keypad = true
	    yield main_screen

Here’s a simple Ruby program that uses the wrapper method to fill up the screen with random placements of a given string:

	Curses.program do |scr|
	  str = ARGV[0] || 'Test'
	  max_x = scr.maxx-str.size+1
	  max_y = scr.maxy
	  100.times do
	    scr.setpos(rand(max_y), rand(max_x))


The initialization, which is hidden in Curses.program, does the following things:

  • Stops keystrokes from being echoed to the screen (noecho)

  • Hides the cursor (curs_set(0))

  • Turns off buffered input so keys can be processed as they’re typed (cbreak)

  • Makes the keyboard’s arrow keys generate recognizable key events (keypad=true)

The code is a little different if you’re using the third-party ncurses binding instead of the curses library that comes with Ruby. The main difference is that with ncurses, you must write some of the cleanup code that the curses library handles automatically. A wrapper method is also a good place to set up the ncurses color code if you plan to use colored text (see Recipe 21.8 for more on this).

Here’s an Ncurses.program method that’s equivalent to Curses.program, except that it performs its cleanup manually by registering an at_exit block to run just before the interpreter exits. This wrapper also turns on color and initializes a few default color pairs. If your terminal has no color support, the color code will run but it won’t do anything.

	require 'ncurses'

	module Ncurses

	  def self.program
	    stdscr = Ncurses.initscr

	    # Run ncurses 
cleanup code when the program exits.
	    at_exit do


	    COLORS[1…COLORS.size].each_with_index do |color, i|
	      init_pair(i+1, color, COLOR_BLACK)

	    yield stdscr

Here’s the ncurses equivalent of the curses program given earlier:

	Ncurses.program do |scr|
	  str = ARGV[0] || 'Test'
	  max_y, max_x = [], []
	  scr.getmaxyx(max_y, max_x)
	  max_y = max_y[0]
	  max_x = max_x[0] - str.size + 1
	  100.times do
	    scr.mvaddstr(rand(max_y), rand(max_x), str)

See Also

  • See this chapter’s introduction for information on installing Ncurses

  • “Writing Programs with NCURSES” is a good general overview of the Ncurses library; it’s written for C programmers, but it’s useful for Rubyists because Ruby’s interfaces to Curses and Ncurses are little more than wrappers (

21.7. Clearing the Screen


You’re writing a console application, and you want it to clear the screen.


Capture the output of the Unix clear command as a string and print it whenever you want to clear the screen:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# clear_console.rb
	clear_code = %x{clear}

	puts 'Press enter to clear the screen.'
	print clear_code
	puts "It's cleared!"


The clear command prints an escape code sequence to standard output, which the Unix terminal interprets as a clear-screen command. The exact string depends on your terminal, but it’s probably an ANSI escape sequence, like this:

	%x{clear}                       # => "e[He[2J"

Your Ruby script can print this escape code sequence to standard output, just as the clear command can, and clear the screen.

On Windows, the command is cls, and you can’t just print its standard output to clear the screen. Every time you want to clear the screen, you need to call out to cls with Kernel#system:

	# clear_console_windows.rb

	puts 'Press enter to clear the screen.'
	puts "It's cleared!"

If you’ve made your Windows terminal support ANSI (see Recipe 21.8), then you can print the same ANSI escape sequence used on Unix.

The Curses library makes this a lot more straightforward. A Curses application can clear any of its windows with Curses::Window#clear. Curses::clear will clear the main window:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# curses_clear.rb
	require 'curses'

	Curses::addstr("Type all you want. 'C' clears the  
screen, Escape quits.

	  c = nil
	    c = Curses.getch
	  end until c == ?C or c == ?e
	end until c == ?e

But, as always, Curses takes over your whole application, so you might want to just use the escape sequence trick.

21.8. Determining Terminal Size


Within a terminal-based application, you want to find the size of the terminal: how many rows and columns are available for you to draw on.


This is easy if you’re using the Curses library. This example uses the Curses.program wrapper described in Recipe 21.5:

	Curses.program do |scr|
	  max_y, max_x = scr.maxy, scr.maxx

	  scr.setpos(0, 0)
	  scr.addstr("Your terminal size is #{max_x}x#{max_y}. Press any key to exit.")

It’s a little less easy with Ncurses: you have to pass in two arrays to the underlying C libraries, and extract the numbers from the arrays. Again, this example uses the Ncurses wrapper from Recipe 21.5:

	Ncurses.program do |scr|
	  max_y, max_x = [], []
	  scr.getmaxyx(max_y, max_x)
	  max_y, max_x = max_y[0], max_x[0]

	  str = "Your 
terminal size is #{max_x}x#{max_y}. Press any key to exit."
	  scr.mvaddstr(0, 0, str)

If you’re not using a Curses-style library, it’s not easy at all.


If you plan to simulate graphical elements on a textual terminal, subdivide it into virtual windows, or print justified output, you’ll need to know the terminal’s dimensions. For decades, the standard terminal size has been 25 rows by 80 columns, but modern GUIs and high screen resolutions let users create text terminals of almost any size. It’s okay to enforce a minimum terminal size, but it’s a bad idea to assume that the terminal is any specific size.

The terminal size is a very useful piece of information to have, but it’s not an easy one to get. The Curses library was written to solve this kind of problem, but if you’re willing to go into the operating system API, or if you’re on Windows where Curses is not a standard feature, you can find the terminal size without letting a Curses-style library take over your whole application.

On Unix systems (including Mac OS X), you can make an ioctl system call to get the terminal size. Since you’re calling out to the underlying operating system, you’ll need to use strange constants and C-like structures to carry the response:

	TIOCGWINSZ = 0x5413                  # For an Intel processor
	# TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468            # For a PowerPC processor

	def terminal_size
	 rows, cols = 25, 80
	  buf = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ].pack("SSSS")
	  if STDOUT.ioctl(TIOCGWINSZ, buf) >= 0 then
	    rows, cols, row_pixels, col_pixels = buf.unpack("SSSS")[0..1]
	  return rows, cols

	terminal_size                        # => [21, 80]

Here, the methods pack and unpack convert between a four-element array and a string that is modified in-place by the ioctl call. After the call, the first two elements of the array contain the number of rows and columns for the terminal. Note that the first argument to ioctl is architecture-dependent.

The Windows version works the same way, although you must jump through more hoops and the system call returns a much bigger data structure:

	def terminal_size
	  m_GetStdHandle ='kernel32', 'GetStdHandle', ['L'], 'L')
	  m_GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = ('kernel32',
	                                               ['L', 'P'], 'L' )
	  format = 'SSSSSssssSS'
	  buf = ([0] * format.size).pack(format)
	  stdout_handle =, buf)
	  (bufx, bufy, curx, cury, wattr,
	   left, top, right, bottom, maxx, maxy) = buf.unpack(format)
	  return bottom - top + 1, right - left + 1
terminal_size                         # => [25, 80]

If all else fails, on Unix systems you can call out to the stty command:

	def terminal_size
	  %x{stty size}.split.collect { |x| x.to_i }

	terminal_size 	                      # => [21, 80]

See Also

21.9. Changing Text Color


You want to display multicolored text on the console.


The simplest solution is to use HighLine. It lets you enclose color commands in an ERb template that gets interpreted within HighLine and printed to standard output. Try this colorful bit of code to test the capabilities of your terminal:

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'highline/import'

	say(%{Here's some <%= color('dark red text', RED) %>.})
	say(%{Here's some <%= color('bright red text on a blue background',
	                                RED+BOLD+ON_BLUE) %>.})
	say(%{Here's some <%= 
color('blinking bright cyan  
text', CYAN+BOLD+BLINK) %>.})
	say(%{Here's some <%= GREEN+UNDERLINE %>underlined dark green text<%=CLEAR%>.})

Some of these features (particularly the blinking and underlining) aren’t supported on all terminals.


The HighLine#color method encloses a display string in special command strings, which start with an escape character and a left square bracket:'Hello', HighLine::GREEN)
	# => "e[32mHelloe[0m"

These are ANSI escape sequences. Instead of displaying the string “e[32m”, an ANSI-compatible terminal treats it as a command: in this case, a command to start printing characters in green-on-black. The string “e[0m” tells the terminal to go back to white-on-black.

Most modern Unix terminals support ANSI escape sequences, including the Mac OS X terminal. You should be able to get green text in your irb session just by calling puts "e[32mHelloe[0m" (try it!), but HighLine makes it easy to get color without having to remember the ANSI sequences.

Windows terminals don’t support ANSI by default, but you can get it to work by loading ANSI.SYS (see below for a relevant Microsoft support article).

An alternative to HighLine is the Ncurses library.[4] It supports color terminals that use a means other than ANSI, but these days, most color terminals get their color support through ANSI. Since Ncurses is much more complex than HighLine, and not available as a gem, you should only use Ncurses for color if you’re already using it for its other features.

Here’s a rough equivalent of the HighLine program given above. This program uses the Ncurses::program wrapper described in Recipe 21.5. The wrapper sets up Ncurses and initializes some default color pairs:

	Ncurses.program do |s|
	  # Define the red-on-blue color pair used in the second string.
	  # All the default color pairs use a black background.
	  Ncurses.init_pair(8, Ncurses::COLOR_RED, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE)

	  s.mvaddstr(0,0, "Here's some dark red text.")

	  Ncurses::attrset(Ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(8) | Ncurses::A_BOLD)
	  s.mvaddstr(1,0, "Here's some bright red text on a blue background.")
COLOR_PAIR(6) | Ncurses::A_BOLD |
	  s.mvaddstr(2,0, "Here's some blinking bright cyan  

	  Ncurses::attrset(Ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(2) | Ncurses::A_UNDERLINE)
	  s.mvaddstr(3,0, "Here's some underlined dark green text.")


An Ncurses program can draw from a palette of color pairs—combinations of foreground and background colors. Ncurses::program sets up a default palette of the seven basic ncurses colors (red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white), each on a black background. You can change this around if you like, or define additional color pairs (like the red-on-blue defined in the example). The following Ncurses program prints out a color chart of all foreground-background pairs. It makes the text of the chart bold, so that the text doesn’t become invisible when the background is the same color.

	Ncurses.program do |s|
	  pair = 0
	  Ncurses::COLORS.each_with_index do |background, i|
	    Ncurses::COLORS.each_with_index do |foreground, j|
	      Ncurses::init_pair(pair, foreground, background) unless pair == 0
	      Ncurses::attrset(Ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(pair) | Ncurses::A_BOLD)
	      s.mvaddstr(i, j*4, "#{foreground},#{background}")
	      pair += 1

You can modify a color pair by combining it with an Ncurses constant. The most useful constants are Ncurses::A_BOLD, Ncurses::A_BLINK, and Ncurses::A_UNDERLINE. This works the same way (and, on an ANSI system, uses the same ANSI codes) as HighLine’s BOLD, BLINK, and UNDERLINE constants. The only difference is that you modify an Ncurses color with the OR operator (|), and you modify a HighLine color with the addition operator.

See Also

  • Recipe 1.3, “Substituting Variables into an Existing String,” has more on ERb

  • has technical details on ANSI color codes

  • The examples/ansi_colors.rb file in the HighLine gem

  • You can get a set of Ncurses bindings for Ruby at; it’s also available as the Debian package libncurses-ruby

  • If you want something more lightweight than the highline gem, try the termansicolor gem instead: it defines methods for generating the escape sequences for ANSI colors, and nothing else

  • “How to Enable ANSI.SYS in a Command Window” (

21.10. Reading a Password


You want to prompt the user for a password, or otherwise capture input without echoing it to the screen for all to see.


The ruby-password library makes this easy, but it’s not available as a Ruby gem. The HighLine library is available as a gem, and it can do this almost as well. You just have to turn off the terminal echo feature:

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'highline/import'

	def get_password(prompt='Password: ')
	  ask(prompt) { |q| q.echo = false}

	get_password("What's your password? ")
	# What's your password?
	# => "buddy"


In 2000, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Electronic Signatures Bill, which makes electronic signatures as binding as handwritten signatures. He signed the law by hand and then signed it electronically. As he typed the password to his electronic signature, it was was echoed to the screen. Everyone in the world saw that his password was the name of his pet dog, Buddy. Don’t let this happen to you: turn off echoing when gathering passwords.

Turning off echoing altogether is the safest way to gather a password, but it might make your users think your program has stopped responding to input. It’s more userfriendly to echo a mask character, like an asterisk, for every character the user types. You can do this in HighLine by setting echo to the mask character instead of false:

	def get_password(prompt='Password: ', mask='*')
	  ask(prompt) { |q| q.echo = mask }

	# Password: *****
	# => "buddy"

	get_password('Password: ', false)
	# Password:
	# => "buddy"

See Also

21.11. Allowing Input Editing with Readline


You want to let your users edit their lines of input as they write them, the way irb does.


Use the readline library. Instead of reading directly from standard input, pass a prompt string into Readline.readline. The user will be able to edit their input using the same shortcut keys you can use in the irb Ruby interpreter (assuming their terminal supports those keys).

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# readline.rb
	require 'readline'
	vegetable = Readline.readline("What's your favorite vegetable?> ")
	puts "#{vegetable.capitalize}? Are you crazy?"

Note that you don’t have to chomp the result of Readline.readline:

	$ ruby readline.rb
	What's your favorite vegetable?> okra
	Okra? Are you crazy?

On Windows, this isn’t necessary because the cmd shell provides any console program with many of readline’s features. The example given above will work on both Windows and Unix, but if you’re writing a Windows-specific program, you don’t need readline:

	# readline_windows.rb
	print "What's your favorite vegetable?> "
	puts gets.chomp.capitalize + "? Are you crazy?"


In a Unix program that accepts data from standard input, the user can use their backspace key to correct typing mistakes, one character at a time. Backspace is a control character: it’s a real character, just like “1” and “m” (its Ruby string representation is "10“), but it’s not usually interpreted as data. Instead, it’s treated as a command: it erases one character from the input buffer.

With the backspace key, you can correct errors one character at a time. But what if you want to insert text into the middle of a line, or delete the whole thing and start over? That’s where readline comes in. It’s a Ruby interface to the Readline library used by many Unix programs, and it recognizes many control characters besides the backspace.

In a readline program, you can use the left and right arrow keys to move back and forth in the input string before submitting it. If you’re familiar with the Readline shortcut keys from Emacs or other Unix programs, you can perform more sophisticated text editing operations, including cut and paste.

The readline library also supports command history: that’s the feature of irb that lets you revisit commands you’ve already typed. To add this feature to your program, pass true as the second argument to Readline.readline. When the user enters a line, her input will be added to the command history. The next time your code calls Readline.readline, the user can hit the up arrow key to recall previous lines of input.

Here’s a simple Ruby interpreter that has all the line- editing capabilities of irb, including command history:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# mini_irb.rb
	require 'readline'
	line = 0
	loop do
	  eval Readline.readline('%.3d> ' % line, true)
	  line += 1

See Also

  • Recipe 1.5, “Representing Unprintable Characters”

  • If your irb session doesn’t support readline commands, make sure you have the latest version of Ruby installed, and try invoking it as irb --readline; this is an especially common problem on Mac OS X

21.12. Making Your Keyboard Lights Blink


You want to control the three standard keyboard LEDs (num lock, caps lock, and scroll lock) from a Ruby script.


Use the Blinkenlights library, available as the blinkenlights gem. It works on Windows or Linux (but not on Mac OS X), and it lets you toggle the lights individually or in patterns:

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'blinkenlights'

	# Turn individual 
lights on or off. do |lights|
	  lights.left = true
	  lights.middle = true
	  lights.right = true

	  lights.scr = false
	  lights.cap = false
	  lights.num = false

	# Display a light show. do |lights|
	  10.times { lights.random }


The keyboard lights are an often-overlooked user interface. They were originally designed to reflect information about the state of the keyboard itself, but they can be manipulated from the computer to display more interesting things. Each light can continually display one bit of information (such as whether you have new email), or can flash over time to indicate a rate (such as your computer’s use of incoming or outgoing bandwidth).

BlinkenLights works by writing special command codes to the Unix keyboard device (/dev/tty8 is the default, but /dev/console should also work). Usually, you can only write to these devices when running as root.

On Windows, BlinkenLights works by sending key events that make Windows think you actually hit the corresponding key. This means that if you tell BlinkenLights on Windows to turn on your caps lock light, caps lock itself is also enabled. The state of the light can’t be disconnected from the state of the keyboard.

When you pass a code block into, BlinkenLights runs the block and then restores the original state of the lights. This avoids confusing those users who use their lights to keep track of the state of their keyboards. If you want your setting of the lights to persist until they’re changed again, then use the return value of instead of passing in a code block.

This code will turn on the first two lights to represent the number six in binary. Until they’re changed again, whether through the keyboard or through code, they’ll stay on. Even the end of your program won’t restore the original state of the lights.

	# Display the binary number 6 (that is, 110):

Here’s a program that converts an alphanumeric message to Morse code and displays it on the keyboard lights:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# blink_morse.rb
	require 'rubygems'
	require 'blinkenlights'

	class String

	  # Morse code representations for 0-9 and A-Z.
	  MORSE_TABLE = %w{01111 00111 00011 00001 00000 10000 11000 11100 11110 11111
	                   01 1000 1010 100 0 0010 110 0000 00 0111 101 0100 11
	                   10 111 0110 1101 010 000 1 001 0001 011 1001 1011 1100}

	  def to_morse(dit_time = 0.3)
	    a = "A"[0]
	    zero = "0"[0]
	    words = upcase.gsub(/[^A-Z0-9s]/, "").split do |lights|
	      words.each do |word|
	        word.each_byte do |letter|
	          code = MORSE_TABLE[letter - (letter < a ? zero : a-10)]
	          code.each_byte do |signal|
	            lights.flash(dit_time * (signal == zero ? 1 : 3))
	            sleep(dit_time)          # Space between parts of a letter.
	          sleep(dit_time * 3)        # Space between letters.
	        sleep(dit_time * 5)          # Space between words.

	ARGV.shift.to_s.to_morse if $0 == __FILE_ _

See Also

21.13. Creating a GUI Application with Tk

Credit: Kevin Marshall


You need to create a program that has a graphical user interface (GUI).


Use the Tk library. It’s language-independent, cross-platform, and best of all, it comes standard with most Ruby distributions.

With Tk you create GUI elements, or “widgets”, and then bind code blocks to them. When something happens (like the user clicking a widget), Tk runs the appropriate code block.

Ruby provides a class for each type of Tk widget. This simple Tk program creates a “root” widget (the application window), and a “label” widget within the window. The program then waits for events (although it can’t respond to any).

	require 'tk'
	root = { title "Tiny Tk Application" }
	label = { text "You are a trout!" }

When run, it looks like Figure 21-1.

You are a trout
Figure 21-1. You are a trout


The simple application above shows most of the basic features of GUI programming in Tk and other modern GUI toolkits. We’ll use the techniques to build a more complex application.

Tk GUI development and layout take a parent/child approach. Most widgets are children of other widgets: depending on the widget, this nesting can go arbitrarily deep. The exception to this rule is the TkRoot widget: it’s always the top-level widget, and it’s represented as the application window.

Child widgets are “packed” inside their parents so they can be displayed. A system called the geometry manager controls where on the screen the widgets actually show up. The default geometry manager is the “placer” manager, which lets you place widgets in relation to each other.

Tk applications are event-driven, so the final step is to start a main event loop which tells our program to listen for events to be fired on our widgets.

To further illustrate, let’s make a simple stopwatch program to demostrate a realworld use of Tk.

To start, we’ll create four simple methods that will be bound to our widgets. These are the nonGUI core of the program:

	# stopwatch.rb
	require 'tk'

	class Stopwatch

	  def start
	    @accumulated = 0 unless @accumulated
	    @elapsed = 0
	    @start =

	    @mybutton.configure('text' => 'Stop')
	    @mybutton.command { stop }

	  def stop
	    @mybutton.configure('text' => 'Start')
	    @mybutton.command { start }
	    @accumulated += @elapsed

	  def reset
	    @accumulated, @elapsed = 0, 0
	    @mylabel.configure('text' => '00:00:00.0')

	  def tick
	    @elapsed = - @start
	    time = @accumulated + @elapsed
	    h = sprintf('%02i', (time.to_i / 3600))
	    m = sprintf('%02i', ((time.to_i % 3600) / 60))
	    s = sprintf('%02i', (time.to_i % 60))
	    mt = sprintf('%1i', ((time - time.to_i)*10).to_i)
	    newtime = "#{h}:#{m}:#{s}:#{mt}"
	    @mylabel.configure('text' => newtime)

Next, we set up our GUI. This consists of six simple widgets. As before, the TkRoot is our application window, and contains all our other widgets:

	  def initialize
	    root = { title 'Tk Stopwatch' }

The TkMenuBar corresponds to the menu bar at the top of the screen in most modern GUI programs. It’s an easy way to group a set of program features and make them available across our application. The menu layout of a TkMenuBar is defined by a nested array containing the menu items, and the code blocks to run when a menu item is selected:

	    menu_spec = [
	                  ['Start', lambda { start } ],
	                  ['Stop', lambda { stop } ],
	                  ['Exit', lambda { exit } ]
	                  ['Reset'], ['Reset Stopwatch', lambda { reset } ]

	    @menubar =, menu_spec, 'tearoff' => false)
	    @menubar.pack('fill'=>'x', 'side'=>'top')

The TkFont is used only as a configuration option for our TkLabel, which in turn is only used to display the value of our stopwatch:

	    @myfont ='size' => 16, 'weight' => 'bold')

	    @mylabel =
	    @mylabel.configure('text' => '00:00:00.0', 'font' => @myfont)
	    @mylabel.pack('padx' => 10, 'pady' => 10)

Apart from the menu bar, the TKButton is the only part of the GUI that the user can directly manipulate. The code block passed into its command method is run when the user clicks the button. Recall how the start and stop methods call this method to modify the behavior of the button. This makes the button act like the toggle on a physical stopwatch:

	    @mybutton =
	    @mybutton.configure('text' => 'Start')
	    @mybutton.command { start }
	    @mybutton.pack('side'=>'left', 'fill' => 'both')

The TkAfter event is an especially interesting widget because it has no direct visual representation in our program. Instead, it runs in the background firing our tick method every millisecond:

	    @timer =, -1, proc { tick })

Finally, we’ll start up the main Tk event loop. This call loads the GUI and starts listening for events:


Figure 21-2 shows the final product.

The stopwatch in action
Figure 21-2. The stopwatch in action

This recipe only scratches the surface of the Tk library, not to mention GUI design in general. The Tk library includes dozens of widgets with lots of options and features. Entire books have been writen about how to use the library. You should refer to the Ruby Tk documentation or other Tk references for complete details.

See Also

  • If your Ruby distribution doesn’t include Tk, you can obtain the binary or source from; you may then need to rebuild Ruby from the source distribution once you have the Tk extension; on Debian GNU/Linux, you can just install the libtk-ruby package

  • Ruby’s Tk documentation is not very complete; fortunately, its Tk binding is similar to Perl’s, so you can get a lot of information from the Perl/Tk documentation; one location for this is

  • Tcl and Tk by Brent B. Welch and Ken Jones with Jeffrey Hobbs (Prentice Hall)

  • Perl/Tk Pocket Reference by Stephen Lidie (O’Reilly)

  • The next few recipes (21.13 and 21.15) reproduce the simple GUI application and the stopwatch with the Ruby bindings to various other GUI libraries

21.14. Creating a GUI Application with wxRuby


You want to write a portable GUI application that looks better than a Tk application.


Use the wxRuby library, available as a third-party download. It uses native GUI widgets on Windows, Unix, and Mac OS X. It’s got many more features than the Tk library, and even greater complexity.

Here’s a very simple wxRuby application (Figure 21-3):

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# wxtrout.rb

	require 'wxruby'
	class TroutApp < Wx::App
	  def on_init
	    frame =, -1, 'Tiny wxRuby Application')
	    panel =, -1, 'You are a trout!',
	                     ,1), Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE,
You are a wxRuby trout
Figure 21-3. You are a wxRuby trout


The simple wxRuby application has the same basic structure as its Tk cousin (see Recipe 21.12). A top-level widget is created (here called a Frame) and a label (StaticText) widget is added to it. The application then goes into an event loop, listening for and retrieving events like mouse clicks.

A wxRuby version of the Tk stopwatch program is also similar, although much longer. wxRuby code tends to be more verbose and less idiomatic than Ruby Tk code.

The core methods are nearly unchanged, because they have little to do with the GUI:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# wx_stopwatch.rb
	require 'wxruby'

	class StopwatchApp < Wx::App

	  def start
	    @start =
	    @frame.evt_button(@button.get_id) { stop }
	    @timer.start(100) # The timer should tick every 100 milliseconds.

	  def stop
	    @frame.evt_button(@button.get_id) { start }
	    @accumulated += @elapsed

	  def reset
	    @accumulated, @elapsed = 0, 0

	  def tick
	    @elapsed = - @start
	    time = @accumulated + @elapsed
	    h = sprintf('%02i', (time.to_i / 3600))
	    m = sprintf('%02i', ((time.to_i % 3600) / 60))
	    s = sprintf('%02i', (time.to_i % 60))
	    mt = sprintf('%1i', ((time - time.to_i)*10).to_i)
	    newtime = "#{h}:#{m}:#{s}:#{mt}"

The menu bar takes a lot more code in wxRuby than in Tk. Every widget in a wxRuby program has a unique ID, which must be passed in when you register an event handler. I’ve defined a hardcoded ID for each menu item, so that after I create the “menu item” widget, I can pass its unique ID into the event-handler registration method, evt_menu. You can really sense the underlying C code here:

	  # Constants for the IDs of the menu items.
	  START_MENU = 10
	  STOP_MENU = 11
	  EXIT_MENU = 12
	  RESET_MENU = 13

	  # Constant for the ID of the timer widget, used below.
	  TIMER_ID = 14

	  def on_init
	    @accumulated, @elapsed = 0, 0
	    @frame =, -1, ' 
wxRuby Stopwatch')

	    menu_bar =

	    program_menu =
	    menu_bar.append(program_menu, '&Program')
	    program_menu.append(START_MENU, '&Start', 'Start the stopwatch')
	    @frame.evt_menu(START_MENU) { start }
	    program_menu.append(STOP_MENU, 'S&top', 'Stop the stopwatch')
	    @frame.evt_menu(STOP_MENU) { stop }
	    menu_exit = program_menu.append(EXIT_MENU, "E&xit	Alt-X",
	                                    'Exit the program')
	    @frame.evt_menu(EXIT_MENU) { exit }

	    reset_menu =
	    menu_bar.append(reset_menu, '&Reset')
	    reset_menu.append(RESET_MENU, '&Reset', 'Reset the stopwatch')
	    @frame.evt_menu(RESET_MENU) { reset }

wxRuby uses Sizer objects to pack widgets into their display areas. The BoxSizer object used below arranges widgets within the frame vertically, so that the label will be above the stopwatch button.

	    sizer =

	    @label =, -1, '00:00:00.0')
	    font =
	    sizer.add(@label, 1, Wx::ALIGN_CENTER)

The button and the timer work more or less like their Tk equivalents. The call to @frame.set_sizer tells the root widget to use our vertical BoxSizer when deciding how to arrange widgets on the screen (Figure 21-4).

	    @button =, -1, 'Start')
	    @frame.evt_button(@button.get_id) { start }
	    sizer.add(@button, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTER, 2)

	    @timer =, TIMER_ID)
	    @frame.evt_timer(TIMER_ID) { tick }
The wxRuby stopwatch looks more like a native application than the Tk one
Figure 21-4. The wxRuby stopwatch looks more like a native application than the Tk one

See Also

21.15. Creating a GUI Application with Ruby/GTK


You want to write a GUI application that uses the GTK widget library, perhaps so you can integrate it with the Gnome desktop environment.


Use the Ruby bindings to Gnome’s GTK widget library, available as a third-party download. Here’s a simple Ruby/GTK application (Figure 21-5).

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	require 'gtk2'

	window = 'Tiny Ruby/GTK Application'
	label = 'You are a trout!'
	window.add label
	window.signal_connect('destroy') { Gtk.main_quit }
You are a GTK trout
Figure 21-5. You are a GTK trout


Gnome is one of the two most popular Unix desktop suites. The Ruby-Gnome2 project provides and documents Ruby bindings to Gnome’s vast array of C libraries. You can write Ruby applications that fully integrate with the Gnome desktop, but in this recipe I’m going to focus on the basics of the Gnome GUI library GTK.

Although the details are different, the sample program above is basically the same as it would be with Tk (Recipe 21.12) or the wxRuby library (Recipe 21.13). You create two widgets (a window and a label), attach the label to the window, and tell the GUI library to display the window. As with Tk and wxRuby, the application goes into a display loop, capturing user events like mouse clicks.

The sample program won’t actually respond to any user events, though, so let’s create a Ruby/GTK version of the stopwatch program seen in previous GUI recipes.

The core methods, the ones that actually implement the stopwatch, are basically the same as the corresponding methods in the Tk and wxRuby recipes. Since GTK doesn’t have a timer widget, I’ve implemented a simple timer as a separate thread. The other point of interest is the HTML-like markup that GTK uses to customize the font size and weight of the stopwatch text.

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# gtk_stopwatch.rb
	require 'gtk2'

	class Stopwatch

	  LABEL_MARKUP = '<span font_desc="16" weight="bold">%s</span>'

	  def start
	    @accumulated ||= 0
	    @elapsed = 0
	    @start =

	    @mybutton.label = 'Stop'
	    set_button_handler('clicked') { stop }
	    @timer_stopped = false
	    @timer = do
	      until @timer_stopped do
	        tick unless @timer_stopped

	  def stop
	    @mybutton.label = 'Start'
	    set_button_handler('clicked') { start }
	    @timer_stopped = true
	    @accumulated += @elapsed

	  def reset
	    @accumulated, @elapsed = 0, 0
	    @mylabel.set_markup(LABEL_MARKUP % '00:00:00.0')

	  def tick
	    @elapsed = - @start
	    time = @accumulated + @elapsed
	    h = sprintf('%02i', (time.to_i / 3600))
	    m = sprintf('%02i', ((time.to_i % 3600) / 60))
	    s = sprintf('%02i', (time.to_i % 60))
	    mt = sprintf('%1i', ((time - time.to_i)*10).to_i)
	    @mylabel.set_markup(LABEL_MARKUP % "#{h}:#{m}:#{s}:#{mt}")

Now begins the GUI setup. Ruby uses VBox and HBox objects to pack widgets into the display area. The stopwatch application will give its main window a single VBox containing three widgets arranged from top to bottom: a menu bar, a label (displaying the stopwatch time), and a button (to start and stop the stopwatch):

	  def initialize 
	    root ='GTK Stopwatch')

	    accel_group =
	    root.set_border_width 0

	    box =, 0)

The program’s menu bar consists of many nested MenuBar, Menu, and MenuItem objects. Rather than create these objects ourselves, we define the parameters of our menu bar in a nested array, and pass it into an ItemFactory object:

	    menu_factory =,
	                                        '<main>', nil)
	    menu_spec = [
	                  ['/Program/_Start', '<Item>', nil, nil, lambda { start } ],
	                  ['/Program/S_top', '<Item>', nil, nil, lambda { stop } ],
	                  ['/Program/_Exit', '<Item>', nil, nil,
	                   lambda { Gtk.main_quit } ],
	                  ['/Reset/_Reset Stopwatch', '<Item>', nil, nil,
	                   lambda { reset } ]
	    menu_root = menu_factory.get_widget('<main>')

The label and the button are pretty simple: just define them and pack them into the VBox:

	    @mylabel =
	    @mylabel.set_markup(LABEL_MARKUP % '00:00:00.0')

	    @mybutton ='Start')
	    set_button_handler('clicked') { start }

	    root.signal_connect('destroy') { Gtk.main_quit }


I’ve been calling a nonexistent method Stopwatch#set_button_handler whenever I want to modify the code that runs when the user clicks the button. I close out the Stopwatch class by defining that method (Figure 21-6):

	  def set_button_handler(event, &block)
	    @mybutton.signal_handler_disconnect(@mybutton_handler) if @mybutton_handler
	    @mybutton_handler = @mybutton.signal_connect(event, &block)

In the Tk recipe, I simply called a button’s command method whenever I needed to change the code block that runs when the user clicks the button. So why this set_ button_handler code? Why not just call signal_connect whenever I need to change what the button does here? I can’t do that because GTK lets you associate multiple code blocks with a single event. This doesn’t usually come up, but it’s a problem here because I’m changing the function of a button.

The GTK stopwatch
Figure 21-6. The GTK stopwatch

If the button is set up to call start when you click it, and you call signal_ connect('clicked',proc { stop }), then clicking on the button will call start and then call stop. You’ve added a second code block to the “clicked” event, when what you want is to replace the old “clicked” code with the new code. To avoid this problem, set_button_handler removes any old handler from the button before installing the new handler. The set_button_handler method tracks the internal ID of the newly installed handler, so that it can be removed if the user clicks the button yet again.

See Also

21.16. Creating a Mac OS X Application with RubyCocoa

Credit: Alun ap Rhisiart


You want to create a native Mac OS X program with a graphical user interface.


Use the Mac OS X Cocoa library along with RubyCocoa and the Interface Builder application. RubyCocoa creates real OS X applications and provides a GUI interface for building GUIs, as opposed to other libraries, which make you define the GUI with Ruby code. RubyCocoa is a free download, and the Cocoa development tools are on the Mac OS X installation DVD.

Interface Builder is very powerful: you can create simple applications without writing any code. In fact, it takes longer to explain what to do than to do it. Here’s how to create a simple application with Interface Builder:

  1. Start the Xcode application and create a new project from the File menu. Choose “Cocoa-Ruby Application” from the “New Project” list, hit the Next button, give your project a name and location on disk, and click Finish.

    XCode will create a project that looks like Figure 21-7.

    A new Cocoa-Ruby project
    Figure 21-7. A new Cocoa-Ruby project

    The Cocoa-Ruby project template comes with two files: main.m (an Objective-C file) and rb_main.rb (a RubyCocoa file). For a simple application, this is all the code you need.

  2. Open the NIB Files group and doubleclick MainMenu.nib to open Interface Builder. You get a new application window, into which you can drag and drop GUI widgets, and a menubar labeled MainMenu.nib (English)–MainMenu.

    You’ll also see a palette window with a selection of GUI objects; a nib document window named MainMenu.nib (English), containing classes, instances, images and sounds; and an inspector. If the inspector is not open, select Show Inspector from the Tools menu.

The screenshot in Figure 21-8 shows what we’re going to do to our new application window (seen in the upper left).

Our destination Interface Builder screenshot
Figure 21-8. Our destination Interface Builder screenshot
  1. Select the new application window and set the application’s title. Type “Tiny RubyCocoa Application” in the inspector’s Window Title field (you need to select the “Attributes” tab to see this field).

  2. Add a text label to the application window. Select the Text palette in the palette window. The visible controls are all text fields, with only slight differences between them. We’ll use the control called System Font Text: drag this control into your application window.

  3. Double-click the new text field in the application window and type “You are a trout!”

  4. For completeness, go through the menus in the menubar and change “New Application” to “Tiny RubyCocoaApp” wherever it occurs. Save your nib.

  5. Go back to Xcode. Click the Build and Go button. Your application should now run; it will look like Figure 21-9.

You are a Mac OS X trout
Figure 21-9. You are a Mac OS X trout

A compiled, doubleclickable version of the application will be found in your project build folder—usually within the project subfolder.


This simple application doesn’t show much about RubyCocoa, but it gives a glimpse of the power of the Cocoa framework. The NSApplication class gives you a lot of functionality for free: spellchecking, printing, application hiding, and so on. Ruby-Cocoa creates an instance of NSApplication, which deals with the run loop, handling events from the operating system, and more. You could have created this GUI application entirely in code (it would have looked something like the Tk example), but in practice, programmers always use Interface Builder.

For a more realistic example, we’ll need to write some code that interacts with the interface. Like Rails and many other modern frameworks, Cocoa uses a Model-View-Controller pattern.

  • The view layer consists of the windows and widgets: NSView and its subclasses, such as NSTextField. These are built using Interface Builder.

  • The model layer is coded by the programmer, based on NSObject or a more specialised subclass.

  • The Controller layer can be dealt with in Interface Builder using subclasses of NSController (these are in the Controllers palette), or in code.

Let’s create a RubyCocoa version of the Stopwatch program seen in previous GUI recipes like Recipe 21.12. First, we need to create a new Cocoa-Ruby Application project in Xcode, and once more open the MainMenu.nib file in Interface Builder. Because RubyCocoa makes it easy, we’ll display the time on the stopwatch two ways: as a digital readout and as an analog clock face (Figure 21-10).

The RubyCocoa stopwatch in analog mode
Figure 21-10. The RubyCocoa stopwatch in analog mode
  1. Create a new Cocoa-Ruby application. Select the new application window and change its title in the inspector to Timer.

  2. Create the clock. From the Text palette we used before, drag a NSDatePicker (a label that displays a date and time) into the application window. In the inspector, change the style to “Graphical”, date selection to “None”, and time selection to “Hour, Minute, and Second”. The NSDatePicker now shows up as a clock.

  3. Create the digital readout. Drag an NSTextField (“System Font Text”, as in the previous example) onto the window below the clock. Now drag a date formatter (marked with a small calendar in the palette) onto the NSTextField. The Inspector changes to show a list of possible formats; select %H:%M:%S.

  4. Create the stopwatch button. Switch to the button palette and drag a normal, rounded, NSButton to the application window. In the Inspector, change the title to “Start” and make sure its type is “Push Button”.

  5. Build the menu bar. Change to the menus palette and drag Submenu objects onto the “MainMenu” menubar. Double-click them to change their titles (to “Program” and “Reset”), and drag Item objects onto the menu objects to add items to the menu. As in the stopwatch examples for other GUI libraries, our “Program” menu will contain menu items for “Start” and “Stop”. The “Reset” menu will have a single menu item: “Reset Stopwatch”. Unlike in the other examples, the application menus will contain no menu item for “Exit”. This is because Mac OS X already provides a way to exit any program from the apple menu.

  6. Now we have all our interface elements in place. We need a model object to actually do the work. Click on Classes in the MainMenu.nib window, to bring up the class browser (Figure 21-11).

The class browser
Figure 21-11. The class browser

Select NSObject and then “Subclass NSObject” from the Classes menu. Change the name of the new class to Timer. This class will implement the stopwatch code.

We need to tell Interface Builder about the interface to this class. Start by specifying three methods. In the inspector, with the new class still selected in the class browser, make sure that the Attributes-Actions tab is selected and hit the Add button three times. Name the methods reset:, start:, and stop:. These are the methods that will be called from the button and menus.

The model class we are creating also needs to know about some interface elements; for instance, it needs to know about the time controls so it can change the displayed time. The model class accesses Interface Builder widgets through instance variables called outlets. Switch to the “Attributes-Outlets” tab and click Add three times. Name the outlets clock, timeField, and button.

  1. With the model object declared and all the interface elements in place, we can connect everything together. Recall that Interface Builder deals with instances of objects; we have a Timer class that implements the stopwatch functionality, but as of yet we have no instance of the class. Keeping the Timer class selected in the class browser, choose “Instantiate Timer” from the Classes menu. The window switches to the Instances tab, with a new icon representing the Timer instance.

    To make a connection between two objects, we drag from the object that needs to know, to the object it needs to know about. First, let’s deal with the actions.

    When we click the Start button, we want the start method on our Timer class to be called. The button needs to know about the start: method. Control drag from the Start button to the Timer instance icon. The Inspector changes to show the methods of Timer, and automatically selects the start: method for you (it matches the button label). Click the Connect button to make the connection.

    Make the same connection from the menu item “Program/Start” to the Timer, and then from “Program/Stop” to the stop: method. Connect “Reset/Reset Stopwatch” to the reset: method.

  2. The controls now know which Ruby methods they trigger. We need to tell our Timer class which interface elements are accessible from its outlets (instance variables). Now the connections are made from the Timer class to the interface controls it needs to know about. Control-drag the Timer instance to the clock control: the inspector changes to show the outlets tab for Timer. Select clock and click the Connect button.

    Connect the textField and button outlets to the digital time control and the start button. Save the nib file as Timer.rb.

Back in Xcode, we are finally ready to write the Ruby code that actually implements the stopwatch. Choose “New File…” from the File menu, and then select “Ruby-Cocoa NSObject subclass” from the list. The core model object code is very similar to the Tk recipe, with some small differences:

	require 'osx/cocoa'
	include OSX

	ZeroDate = NSDate.dateWithString('2000-01-01 00:00:00 +0000')

	class Timer < NSObject
	    ib_outlets :clock, :timeField, :button

	    def initialize
	        @timer = NSTimer.
	        1.0, self, :tick, nil, true)

First, we call the ib_outlets decorator to specify instance variables that are matched up with the objects specified in Interface Builder.

In the other GUI examples, we displayed a plaintext label and formatted the time as a string for display. Here, the label has its own date formatter, so we can tell it to display an NSDate object and have it figure out the formatting on its own.

NSTimer is a Cocoa class we can use to tap into the Mac OS X user-event loop and call a method at a certain interval. We can get submillisecond time intervals from NSTimer, but there’s not much point because NSDate won’t display fractions of a second. So we set it up to call the tick method once a second.[5]

Now we define the start method, triggered when the end user pushes the “Start” button:

	    def start(sender)
	        @running = true
	        @start =
	        @accumulated = 0 unless @accumulated
	        @elapsed = 0.0

One thing to note here: NSTimer hooks into the operating system’s event loop, which means it can’t be switched off. We define a @running variable so we know to ignore the timer when we are not running the stopwatch.

The rest of the code is similar to the other GUI examples:

	    def stop(sender)
	        @running = false
	        @accumulated += @elapsed

	    def reset(sender)
	        @accumulated, @elapsed = 0.0, 0.0

	    def tick()
	     if @running
	            @elapsed =
	            d = ZeroDate.addTimeInterval(@elapsed + @accumulated)

This recipe is pretty long-winded compared to the other GUI recipes, but that’s because it takes more words to explain how to use a GUI application than to explain how a block of Ruby code works. Once you’re familiar with Interface Builder, you can create complex Cocoa applications very quickly.

The combination of Ruby and Cocoa can make you very productive. Cocoa is a very big class library, and the GUI part, called AppKit, is only a part of it. There are classes for speech recognition, Bluetooth, disc recording, HTML rendering (Web-Kit), database (Core Data), graphics, audio, and much more. The disadvantage is that a RubyCocoa program is tied to Mac OS X, unlike Tk or wxRuby, which will work on Windows and Linux as well.

With Apple’s recent change to Intel processors, you’ll want to create “universal binaries” for your application, so that your users can run it natively whether they have a PowerPC or an Intel Mac. The Ruby code doesn’t need to change, because Ruby is an interpreted language; but a RubyCocoa application also contains Objective-C code, which must be compiled separately for each architecture.

To make a universal binary, select the top-most group in the “Groups & Files” list in Xcode (the one with the name of your project). Get Info on this (Command-I), go to the “Build” tab, select “Architectures”, and click the Edit button. Select both the PowerPC and Intel checkboxes, and your packaged application will include compiled code for both architectures.

See Also

  • While Ruby, Xcode, and Interface Builder come as standard with all Macintoshes, RubyCocoa does not (yet!); there is a standard installer, available from, which includes both the framework classes and the Xcode project templates

  • RubyCocoa comes with some documentation and a number of examples; however, once you know how to translate Objective-C messages to RubyCocoa messages, you can reference the huge amount of Cocoa documentation available via Xcode’s Help menu, and a large number of examples: there are also many useful and free add-on libraries and Interface Builder palettes, for instance from The Omni Group

  • Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X by Aaron Hillegass (Addison-Wesley)

  • Cocoa Programming by Scott Anguish, Erik M. Buck, and Donald A. Yacktman (Sams)

21.17. Using AppleScript to Get User Input


On Mac OS X, AppleScript makes it easy to add simple graphical interface elements to programs. You want to use AppleScript from a Ruby program.


Use the AppleScript library, written by John Butler and available as the applescript gem. It lets you talk to AppleScript from Ruby.

Here’s a script that uses the AppleScript class to get input through AppleScript. It also shows off the AppleScript.say method, which uses Mac OS X’s text-to-speech capabilities:

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'applescript'

	name = AppleScript.gets("What's your name?")

	AppleScript.puts("Thank you!")

	choice = AppleScript.choose("So which of these is your name?",
	                            ["Leonard", "Mike", "Lucas", name])

	if name == choice
	  AppleScript.say "You are right!"
	  picture = AppleScript.choose_file("Find a picture of yourself")

	  if File.exists?(picture)
	    AppleScript.say "Thanks, I will now post it on Flickr for you."
	    # Exercise for the reader: upload the file to Flickr
	  AppleScript.say "But you just said your name was #{name}!"


The AppleScript library is just a simple wrapper around the osascript command-line interface to AppleScript. If you already know AppleScript, you can execute raw AppleScript code with AppleScript.execute:

	script = 'tell application "Finder" to display dialog "Hello World!" ' +
	         'buttons {"OK"}'

[1] This code will also work in irb, but it’ll look strange because Curses will be fighting with irb for control of the screen.

[2] This actually happens at the end of HighLine.get_response, which is called by ask.

[3] It’s actually a little better, because ARGF will iterate over standard input if there are no files given in ARGV.

[4] Standard Curses doesn’t support color because it was written in the 1980s, when monochrome ruled the world.

[5] If, as in the other GUI recipes, we’d decided to format the time ourselves and display it as a string, we could set a shorter interval and make the fractions of a second whiz by.

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