

accent light, 92, 93

action shots, 25, 41, 152154, 226

alphabet letters, 204, 206

ambient light, 107, 160, 164168, 177

antique markets/malls, 209

aperture, 105, 107, 160, 163165. See also f-stops

ATJ prop cart, 202, 204, 209, 215

atmosphere, 220

authenticity, 10, 1113, 236241

available light. See ambient light


babies. See also newborns

clothing changes, 193

keeping attention of, 237

lighting, 89

naked, 33, 89, 192

posing, 226

in studio, 183

working with, 2931, 212

background stands, 138140


black, 149152

considerations, 134

gray, 149

lighting, 93, 143145, 147

white seamless, 136157

base exposure, 163, 164165, 176

Beauty Dishes

examples, 132133

overview, 100102

using, 106, 110, 147

bird’s-eye view, 222, 223

black and white photos, 91, 210

blankets, 27, 34, 210

boom arm, 114

boxing gloves, 202204, 205

boys, 39, 41, 207, 233

building blocks, 210

Bumbo, 29, 30

“Butterfly” lighting, 123126, 152153


camera angles, 220226

camera shots. See also photos

action shots, 25, 41, 152154, 226

groups. See group shots

portraits. See portraits

test shots, 163, 164


client cameras on set, 219

recommendations, 7980

renting, 79

sync speed, 79

candy, 17, 34, 208, 242

capes, superhero, 204

catchlights, 123

child photography

authenticity and, 10, 1113, 236241

common mistakes, 5051

considerations, 4

developing your style. See style

props, 198215


babies. See babies

boys, 39, 41, 207, 233

clothing, 27, 33, 188198, 246

communicating with, 17

developmental stages, 2748

difficult, 2024, 244246

gathering information on, 1617

girls, 38, 39, 42, 43, 191

interaction with parents, 48

middle child, 4546

as muses, 6365

newborns, 2728, 173175

oldest child, 4345

personality traits, 1826

“the poser,” 24, 25

posing. See posing

preschoolers, 3435, 180182, 226

sassy, 20

school-age, 3538, 180182

shyness, 17, 18, 243

siblings, 4348, 232233

slow to warm up, 1819

styling, 188198, 250251

toddlers, 3233, 226, 229, 237

tweens, 3840, 233, 254255

“the wild card,” 2526, 27, 244247

youngest child, 4648

clients. See parents

clothing, 188198. See also costumes

babies/toddlers, 33, 188, 189, 193

color in, 194, 195198, 255, 258

cost of, 193

details, 193

do’s and don’ts, 192193

dress-up, 210

exaggerated elements in, 191

getting kid’s buy-in, 190

groups of children, 193197

hats, 207

layers, 192

multiple changes, 193

newborns, 27

selecting, 188191, 198

shoes, 193

sports uniforms, 192

standouts, 197

worn by photographer, 246


in clothing, 195198, 255, 258

mid-key lighting and, 89

cords, PC, 80, 81

costumes, 202209, 214215

C-stands, 138140

cutters, 104

cyc walls (cycloramas), 140143


Day in the Life series, 180182

developmental stages, 2748

diffusers, 9498

directing photo shoots, 216247

camera angles, 220226

capturing expressions, 235241

challenging kids, 244246

common problems, 243244

considerations, 216, 218

creating atmosphere, 220

director profiles, 221

Lucy studio shoot, 252

managing energy on set, 242

posing kids, 226235

preparing for, 219220

prompted reality, 236241

rules, 218219

Samantha studio shoot, 258

showing relationhips, 230233

unexpected elements, 246247

discipline, 244246

dolls, 210

dress-up clothes, 210

Dropbox, 62


editing photos

importance of, 268

for style, 59

tips for, 56

emotion, evoking, 6, 8, 55, 213

equipment. See gear

estate sales, 209

Evernote, 62


base, 163, 164165, 176

photographing on location, 161165

white seamless backgrounds, 145146

exposure checklist, 161165

exposure pentagon, 105107

exposure triangle, 105

eyebrows, 247

eyes, 123, 244, 247


family dynamics, 4349, 232

family photos, 6, 176179, 273274

feathering light, 118123

feet, 229, 247

fill light, 92, 93, 99

flags, 104


benefits of, 78

considerations, 7273, 94, 95, 111, 166

lighting on location, 160166

manual mode, 78, 80, 163, 177

mixing with ambient light, 160, 161, 167

off-camera, 7273, 78, 160

on-camera, 72, 73

PC cords, 80, 81

PocketWizards, 80, 81

power of, 105, 107

proximity of, 105, 107

sync speed and, 79

flash meter, 109

flash power, 161

food, 29, 33, 208, 211, 242. See also candy; snacks

f-stops, 105, 107, 108. See also aperture

furniture props, 198202


gaffer tape, 114

garage sales, 209

Gator-foam, 101

gear. See also lighting gear

camera bodies, 7980

lenses, 79, 176

lighting. See lighting gear

on location, 172

PC cords, 80, 81

girls, 38, 39, 42, 43, 191

gobos, 101, 104

grids, honeycomb, 102104, 106, 127129

grids/grid spots, 127129, 132

grip equipment, 114115, 126

group shots

lighting, 119122

styling, 194197


hair, 193

hair light, 92, 93

haircuts, 193

hands, 228, 247

hats, 207

high camera angle, 222, 223

highlights, clipped, 109

home décor stores, 209

honeycomb grids, 102104, 106, 127129


inspiration, 62

ISO setting, 105, 107, 161


key light, 8692, 93

kicker light, 92, 93


LCD screen, 109

Legos, 210

lens flare, 130, 147

lenses, 79, 176

letters, alphabet, 204, 206

light. See also lighting

ambient, 107, 160, 164168, 177

amount of, 134

background, 93, 143145, 147

concentrating, 100104

considerations, 72

distance from subject, 108114, 134, 161

feathering, 118123

fill, 92, 93, 99

hair, 92, 93

hot vs. cold, 77

keys of, 8692, 93

kicker (accent), 92, 93

measuring, 105108

natural, 72, 94, 105, 181

quality vs. quantity, 105

sunlight, 94, 181

light banks, 96

light modifiers, 94105, 120

light sources, 7480, 108111

light stands, 106, 114

lighting. See also light; studio lighting

for action, 152154

blink of light, 167

catchlights, 123

common mistakes, 134135

key of, 8692, 93

on location. See location lighting

Lucy photo shoot, 251252

modifying light source, 94105, 120

Samantha photo shoot, 255257

from side, 154

soft vs. hard, 111113

spotlights, 132135, 259261

studio. See studio lighting

subtractive, 104

lighting gear, 7081. See also gear

Beauty Dishes. See Beauty Dishes

C-stands, 138140

diffusers, 9498

example of, 106

flash. See flash

gobos, 101, 104

grip equipment, 114115

honeycomb grids, 102104, 106, 127129

light stands, 106, 114

lights, 7478

monolights, 75, 95, 106

Octabanks. See Octabanks

PocketWizards, 80, 81

reflectors, 98100

speedlights, 74, 77

strobes, 74, 7677, 106, 111

V-flats, 98100, 101, 104, 106

location lighting, 158183

checklists, 160, 161165

equipment, 172

exposure, 161165

families on location, 173176

flash techniques, 160166

lighting styles, 165172

overview, 158

studio vs. on location, 167, 172

Lucy photo shoot, 249253

luggage, 207


manual mode, 78, 80, 163, 177

midtones, 89, 194

MOMA (Museum of Modern Art), 271272

monolights, 75, 95, 106

mouths, 244, 247

Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), 271272

music, 220, 240241, 242


natural light, 72, 94, 105, 181

ND (neutral density) filters, 111, 176

neutral camera angle, 222, 223

neutral density (ND) filters, 111, 176

newborns. See also babies

at home, 173175

working with, 2728

notebooks, 62



overview, 97

seamless, 106

Up and Over setup, 123126

working with, 94, 95, 97, 106, 110

one-light silhouettes, 129131


pacifiers, 210

Panda Eye Effect, 123124

paper, white seamless, 138139


assistance from, 33

bringing own camera to set, 219

consulting with, 1617

interaction with children, 48

as props, 212

PC cords, 80, 81

pets, 212

Photek Softlighter, 98

photo shoots

directing. See directing photo shoots

laying groundwork for, 1617

music during, 220, 240241, 242


clarifying intention, 89

common mistakes/solutions, 266275

delivering/installation, 273

editing/printing work, 268269

imitation, 55

professionalism, 266, 267268, 275

providing direction/opinions, 267, 269271

photography, 62, 63. See also child photography

photos. See also camera shots

black and white, 91, 210

Day in the Life series, 180182

delivering/installing, 273

editing. See editing photos

groups. See group shots

portraits. See portraits

postproduction, 78, 80, 155157, 163

printing, 268269

test shots, 163, 164

Pinterest, 62

PocketWizards, 80, 81


authenticity and, 10, 1113, 236241

capturing “the real kid,” 1113

evoking emotion, 6, 8

groups. See group shots

overview, 611

same pose, different year, 234

vs. snapshots, 67, 11

white seamless, 136157

window-light, 111113

posing, 226235

basic poses, 227229

camera awareness, 230

cheesy smile, 243

overview, 226

relationships, 230233

same pose, different year, 234

postproduction, 78, 80, 155157, 163

preschoolers, 3435, 180182, 226

printing photos, 268269

professionalism, 266, 267268, 275

prompted reality, 236241

props, 198215

blankets, 27, 34, 210

food as, 210212

over-the-top, 214215

parents as, 212

pets as, 212

as symbols, 213

toys, 34, 210

where to find, 209


reality, prompted, 236241

reflections, 123

reflectors, 98100

relationships, 6365

Rembrandt lighting pattern, 127129

respect, 17

rubber gun, 207


Samantha photo shoot, 254261

sandbags, 114

school-age children, 3538, 180182

shadow transfer, 94

shoes, 193

shots. See camera shots

shoulders, 247

shutter speed

considerations, 107

described, 105, 160

photographing on location, 163, 164165

sync speed, 79

shyness, 17, 18, 243

siblings, 4348, 232233

silhouettes, 129131, 256257

skies, surreal, 168172

smartphones, 62

smiling, 243

snacks, 29, 33, 34. See also food

snapshots, 67, 11. See also portraits

softboxes, 96, 106, 108

Softlighter, 98

speedlights, 74, 77

sports uniforms, 192

spotlights, 132135, 259261

strip banks, 98

strobe lights, 74, 7677, 106, 111

strobe pack system, 7677, 106

studio lighting, 82114. See also light; lighting

action, 80

basic, 104105

checklist, 107

common mistakes, 134135

considerations, 94

feathering light, 118123

grids/grid spots, 127129, 132

key of light, 8692, 93

light as a window, 111113

limiting variables, 107108

main lighting scheme, 9394

measuring light, 105108

mood, 8692

moving light, 108114

one light, five ways, 116135

one-light silhouette technique, 129131

in relation to subject, 108111

Rembrandt lighting pattern, 127129

spotlights, 132135, 259261

subtractive lighting, 104

“Up and Over” lighting, 123126, 152153

studio shoots

Lucy, 249253

Samantha, 254261

stuffed animals, 210

style, 5267

developing critical eye, 5456

editng for, 59

experimentation, 6667

figuring out what you’re drawn to, 5763

find your muses, 6365

learn by doing, 66

working on, 5456


groups, 194197

kids, 188198, 250251

tweens, 254255

subtractive lighting, 104

sun flare, 181

sunglasses, 204, 207

sunlight, 94, 181

superhero capes, 204

Surreal Skies look, 168172

symbols, props as, 213

sync speed, 79, 107


test shots, 163, 164

through the lens (TTL) metering, 80

toddlers, 3233, 226, 229, 237

toes, 229, 247

toy trains/trucks, 210

toys, 34, 210

trunks, 207

TTL (through the lens) metering, 80

tweens, 3840, 233, 254255


umbrellas, 95, 147, 167

“Up and Over” lighting, 123126, 152153


V-flats, 98100, 101, 104, 106


websites, 79, 101, 181, 199, 209

white seamless background, 136157

window-light portraits, 111113

worm’s eye view, 222, 223


Z-boards (Zebra boards), 101

Zebra boards (Z-boards), 101

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