Chapter 31. FantasySalesTeam

The market for CRM gamification continues to grow and expand, and Microsoft acquired FantasySalesTeam in August 2015 to further this trend.

The idea is bringing gaming elements into CRM will prompt user interest and create greater user engagement and productivity by tapping into a sense of competition and motivation. Gamification has been shown to result in positive reinforcement and higher system usage. Many kinds of games can be introduced into Dynamics CRM, and they all motivate differently.

The most common type of gamification is individual motivation based on results, typically tied to peer evaluation. An example of this is pitting salespeople against each other in a competition for the most leads brought in or converted or for the amounts calculated for work sold for a period of time. This type of gamification is actually native to the system (via Goals), and with some minor configurations, this information can be shared with the teams for viewing.

FantasySalesTeam takes the concept of gamification to the next level, involving the entire company as either players or fans. FantasySalesTeam helps organizations motivate their employees by creating contests driven by CRM data and involving all the employees.

While FantasySalesTeam was intended to be used and configured by sales managers to motivate sales teams, involving the entire team has an competitive effect in organizations. In addition, it broadly increases CRM usage and adoption.

This chapter explains in the usage and configuration of FantasySalesTeam.


There is no additional cost for FantasySalesTeam beyond your CRM Online Professional license. The solution has a web client component that can be accessed by any browser as well as a mobile app that can be installed on Android or IPhone devices.


You can find FantasySalesTeam by navigating to your Office 365 Admin Portal, selecting your CRM instance, and selecting Solutions > Preferred > FantasySalesTeam.


FantasySalesTeam is a new solution available for CRM Online subscribers that must be manually installed. To do this, as an Office 365 admin, navigate to the Office 365 Admin Portal by going to (see Figure 31.1). Then follow these steps:


FIGURE 31.1 Office 365 Admin Portal.


FantasySalesTeam runs on a separate web interface that can be integrated with other CRM systems, like, and provides an application programming interface (API) and web services to integrate with any custom solution.

1. Click CRM under the Admin group in the left navigation pane to open the CRM Online Administration Center (see Figure 31.2).


FIGURE 31.2 CRM Online Administration Center.

2. Select the organization for which you want to install FantasySalesTeam and then click the icon to the right of Solutions to access the Solution Explorer.

3. Select FantasySalesTeam and click Install (as shown in Figure 31.3).


FIGURE 31.3 CRM Online Solution Explorer.

4. When the Terms of Service dialog appears, click Install. The installation takes several minutes to complete.


At press time, the solution version number was 1.3.3.

5. To verify that the solution is installed, go to CRM and navigate to Settings > Solutions (see Figure 31.4).


FIGURE 31.4 FantasySalesTeam solution installed in CRM.

6. Open the FantasySalesTeam solution and complete the registration form (see Figure 31.5).


FIGURE 31.5 FantasySalesTeam registration form.

As part of the registration, request a registration code by clicking the Request a Code link to go to (see Figure 31.6). Complete this code-request form, and within 24 hours, you will receive an email.


FIGURE 31.6 FantasySalesTeam code-request form.

7. When you receive the email with the code, go back to the CRM web interface, navigate to the FantasySalesTeam solution, and enter the registration code (refer to Figure 31.5). Then click Next.

8. Enter the service account identifier and the security token, as shown in Figure 31.7, and click Setup.


FIGURE 31.7 Company Registration Successful page.

When the setup is complete, you receive a welcome email with the instructions necessary to set up your first game (see Figure 31.8).


FIGURE 31.8 Welcome email.

9. Click the link in the email that says Click Here.

10. Set up a new password (see Figure 31.9) and click Submit. You are logged in to the FantasySalesTeam portal.


FIGURE 31.9 Changing the password.

10. Optionally upload a photo or select an avatar.

11. Optionally watch any of the 12 videos in the Playbook, which show you how to set up games. If you want to access this page again in the future, you can find it under the Help menu by selecting the Commissioner Help option.

12. A new menu navigation item is added to CRM, as shown in Figure 31.10.


FIGURE 31.10 FantasySalesTeam menu options.


You can find more information and installation instructions on the FantasySalesTeam website, at


When you have the FantasySalesTeam solution installed, you are ready to configure it. Configuration is required to properly set up who is involved and what the goals are.

Account Types

The first thing you need to do is configure users. Users can have any of the following account types:

Image Player

Image Fan

Image Game Admin

Image Commissioner


In order to be able to set up a CRM user as a player, that user must have a Professional or Enterprise license for Dynamics CRM.


In order to be able to set up a CRM user as a fan, that user must have at least a Basic license for Dynamics CRM.

Game Admin

In order to be able to setup a CRM user as a game admin, that user must have at least a Basic license for Dynamics CRM. A game admin user can be the administrator of a single game but does not have administrator rights for the entire system. You can assign game admins by going to the Games menu and selecting Game Admins. Then you can use the Assign or Remove Game Admins from Games tab to assign game admins to games, as shown in Figure 31.11.


FIGURE 31.11 Assigning game admins.

A game admin can log in as any player or fan assigned to the game he or she administers. The game admin can also add or remove players or fans to the game but cannot modify the game settings.


Commissioner is the highest account type, and it has all the privileges needed to manage all the settings in FantasySalesTeam.

Commissioners can also impersonate the other account types, logging in as players or fans, for example, without needing to know their passwords.


Every time you add new users to Dynamics CRM, you are alerted to import those new users in the Commissioners Portal (see Figure 31.12).


FIGURE 31.12 New CRM users available for import.

You can click Import in this dialog to see the Import Dynamics Users interface (see Figure 31.13). You can also open this interface by clicking Commissioner > Dynamics CRM Users. When importing the users, you can select the account type as explained earlier.


FIGURE 31.13 Importing Dynamics CRM users.

Select the users you want to import, select the account type, and then click the Import Selected Users button. A confirmation window alerts you that this process might take from seconds to minutes. Click the Import Reviewed button. When the process finishes, you get an email telling you this task has been completed.

Game Setup

You need to set up at least one game to start. To setup a game in FantasySalesTeam, go to Games > Game Setup, as shown in Figure 31.14.


FIGURE 31.14 Game Setup menu option.

The Game wizard helps you create a new game. First you enter basic information about the game. For Game Model, you can select any of the following:

Image Fantasy Teams

Image Fixed Teams

Image No Teams

Image FST TV

Each model presents different options, but all games share some properties, such as the name of the game and the start and end dates. By default, the start date is set to the next Monday, and the end date is set to the last Sunday of the month, 2 months later. This way, the game can have complete week periods. If you select any day other than Monday for the start day, you will have less than 7 days for the first week period of the game.

Depending on the model you select, you might need to set other attributes. The following sections discuss the four models

Fantasy Teams

Fantasy Teams is the recommended model because it offers most of the features and benefit of FantasySalesTeam.

The Fantasy Teams model allows you to use sport themes, which can be any of the following:

Image American Football

Image Baseball

Image Football (Soccer)

Image Basketball

Image Car Racing

You need to specify the frequency, which can be any of the following:

Image Weekly

Image Monthly

Image One-Time

You need to select whether you want to enable fans for the game and whether you want to use actuals or targets, as shown in Figure 31.15.


FIGURE 31.15 Fantasy Team model.


The Metrics model allows you to measure the way the players can earn points. These can be, for example, X number of phone calls made, or X number of leads created, or X number of deals closed.

The Metrics model allows you to have you to use 20 different metrics. For each metric you must enter a name and the type, which can be any of the following:

Image Number Of

Image Revenue or Amount

Image Percentage or Quota (Default or Linear)

Image Percentage

Then you set the number of points for which you want the metric set—either every X number of records or a specific number of records reached. (In addition, you can set the roles that each metric will be applied to.)

Player Positions

Depending on the sport theme selected, you will see different positions in the first tab. Figure 31.16 shows the positions available for the Football (Soccer) theme.


FIGURE 31.16 Player positions.

Drag and drop the users in the players list on the right to the positions list on the left.


You can enter the prizes and awards for up to 10 places per award category. For example, you might offer prizes like a week of time off or an Microsoft Xbox One console.

These award categories are available:

Image Fantasy Team Awards

Image Game MVP Awards

Image Position Awards

Image Metric Awards

The Metric Awards category shows the number of metrics you created earlier, so you can set different prizes per metric created.

Fixed Teams

The Fixed Teams model is good for setting up a game where people play in teams. Fixed Teams can have a maximum of 100 teams (see Figure 31.17).


FIGURE 31.17 Fixed Teams model.


You can configure players after they are assigned to a team. You can change the team names and assign players to teams by dragging and dropping the players available in the players list on the right to the teams on the left.

No Teams

The No Teams model means each player is alone against the others.


You can select which players will participate in the game.


For the No Teams model, there are two types of awards: Game MVP award and Metrics award.


The FST TV model displays daily, weekly, and monthly sales metrics on TVs around your office (see Figure 31.18). (The other game models can also be displayed on TVs.) With this type of game, there are no winners, so you don’t have to specify the awards.


FIGURE 31.18 FST TV model.

Final Configurations

After you set up a game in the Commissioners Portal, you need to activate the team before it will show up in Dynamics CRM.

The last step in configuring a game is binding the metrics you created with Dynamics CRM metrics. Because you enter free text for the metric name in FantasySalesTeam, you need to tell CRM what this mean. Go to Dynamics CRM, navigate to FantasySalesTeam, and then click the Sales metric. You will see all the active metrics, along with the status so you know which ones are already set up and which ones needs to be set up (indicated by Not Setup in the status field).

Open the metric you want to configure and select the type of entity you want to measure for that metric. Figure 31.19 shows the setup for a phone call metric.


FIGURE 31.19 Phone call metric set up in Dynamics CRM.


Players are the most important users of the FantasySalesTeam system, as the games don’t make any sense without players. Figure 31.20 shows the Players Portal.


FIGURE 31.20 Players.


Players must have a CRM Professional or Enterprise license. If someone wants to participate in a game but is not a CRM, consider registering that person as a fan. (See “Fans,” later in this chapter.)


To create a new player, you must first create the user in Office 365 and then import the user into FantasySalesTeam by going to Commissioner > Dynamics CRM Users and setting the account type to Player. The user then shows up in the Players Portal.

In the Players Portal you can configure the following options:

Image Roles

Image Handicaps

Image Player Badges


It is a good idea to set up roles as you can assign them to game metrics.

You can create roles manually one by one, or if you have a big list of roles, you can upload an Excel file (see Figure 31.21). To do that, you first download the Role template, which has only the Role Name column.


FIGURE 31.21 Add/Edit Roles dialog.

Once you have a few roles created, you can assign them to metrics. Figure 31.22 shows a game metric configuration screen with roles assigned to the metrics.


FIGURE 31.22 Roles assigned to metrics.


Handicaps are configured by game, by player, and by metric associated to each game. You must first select a game to see the metrics, and then you can set a percentage number for each metric/player (see Figure 31.23).


FIGURE 31.23 Handicaps.

This interface allows you to adjust the player points. Entering a value of 10 reduces the points by 10%, and entering a value of 110 increases the points by 10%.

Player Badges

You can see all the badges awarded to the different players as well as manage the badges assigned. As shown in Figure 31.24, you can add, edit, or delete badges.


FIGURE 31.24 Player badges.

To manually assign a badge to a player, you must select the player and then click the Award Badge button. A dialog asks you to enter a name of the badge, a description, and a message to the player. You can also select the image of the badge here (see Figure 31.25).


FIGURE 31.25 Award badge.

If you enter a message to the player, an email is sent to the player with the message you entered here, and you receive another email saying that an email was sent to the player.

Players Portal

When a commissioner creates a player, the player receives an email about resetting his or her password, When the player goes to the Players Portal to reset the password, he or she can either upload a photo or select an avatar. Players are also asked to draft the teams for the games they are playing.

Figure 31.26 shows how the interface looks for a Fantasy Team game with the Soccer theme selected when a player must draft the team.


FIGURE 31.26 Soccer game team draft.

A player’s profile page (see Figure 31.27) where shows the badges earned and the progress players are making in games in terms of metrics.


FIGURE 31.27 Player profile page.


Fans are any non-sales employees who want to play games. The Fans Portal allows you to register fans that are not necessarily Dynamics CRM users. You can register one fan at a time by using the registration form shown in Figure 31.28.


FIGURE 31.28 Fan registration form.

To add a large number of fans, you can upload an Excel file. To do that, first download the Excel template FansExcelTemplate.xlsx, which has three columns: FirstName, LastName, and EmailAddress.

Commissioners and game admins can also be fans in the games, but they are not be displayed in the Fans Portal.


You cannot delete a fan after you register it, you can instead deactivate it and then you can activate it again if you need it in the future.

When you create a game, you are asked whether you want to let fans play in the game. If you let the game use fans, you need to add the fans to the game manually. You cannot upload an Excel file in this case.

Fans Portal

Fans don’t receive an welcome email when you first register them, but the commissioner can set passwords for fans so they can access the Fans Portal, shown in Figure 31.29.


FIGURE 31.29 Fans Portal.

The first time a fan enters the Fans portal, he or she can either upload a photo or select an avatar.


FST TV displays the rankings and positions of the players and is helpful in driving participation and competition, as shown in Figure 31.30.


FIGURE 31.30 Stream TV.

You can configure FST TV to display based on different requirements.


Commissioners can access a number of settings from the Commissioners Portal by going to Commissioner > Settings.

Company Logo

You can upload your company logo, which should be a PNG file, if possible. Figure 31.31 shows an uploaded logo.


FIGURE 31.31 Company logo.

Contact Menu

You can set a contact menu by entering either an email address or a web page URL, as shown in Figure 31.32.


FIGURE 31.32 Contact menu setup.

When you set the contact menu, it is available via Help > Contact Commissioner for players, fans and game admins, in their respective portals. Figure 31.33 shows this menu option in the Fans Portal.


FIGURE 31.33 Contact Commissioner option.

FST TV Posts

You can turn off or on the TV board posts. You can configure the time in seconds of the board post display, the count of post you want to show, and the waiting time. You can configure the same for the other fields, as shown in Figure 31.34.


FIGURE 31.34 FST TV Posts.

Player Stats

You can access player stats (see Figure 31.35) from the Commissioners Portal by selecting Player > Home > Player Stats.


FIGURE 31.35 Player stats.

You can filter the stats by game, by player, or by metric, and you can see the chart by points or a table with the points only. You can export the table to a Microsoft Excel file.

Best Practices

The recommendation is to create one game per month, selecting a Monday for the start date and a Sunday for the end date of the game.

Figure 31.36 shows the overall leaderboard interface for a game that has been setup.


FIGURE 31.36 Leaderboard.


While the goal is to drive system usage and adoption, it can be fun to put a big TV in a central area, showing the leaderboard, so employees can see the game progress and winners.

When creating a game and setting up the positions of the players, you should upload from Excel for large number of players. Otherwise, the graphical or table views are recommended.

When working with teams, try to put the most experienced people together in a single team and the most recent employees on another team.

Commissioners can download a kickoff template from the Help menu in the Commissioners Portal. This zip file contains a PowerPoint template presentation that will help you explain the game to the team and employees before launching the games in the company.


This chapter explains how gamification can drive Dynamics CRM adoption and system usage. By using FantasySalesTeam, your organization can involve the entire organization (not just the sale team). This chapter shows how to install the solution in Dynamics CRM Online and how to configure it.

Organizations can set up several different game types and account types to manage players and fans. Finally, this chapter describes a few best practices for getting maximum benefit out of FantasySalesTeam.

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