
action plans 41

Afghanistan 9

Africa 135

aids to comprehension 123

anecdotes 128

assessment centres 60

Australia 26

Austria 9, 12

balanced scorecard 47-8

behavioural change 5

behaviour(s) 90

challenging 139-40

sustaining 103-10

trainers 135-41

Belgium 7, 9, 12, 20, 49

benchmarking 57

Benelux countries 49

best practice, sharing of 106-7

Brazil 57, 60

breakout groups 113-20

dynamics 118-19

exercises 116-18

feedback from 128-9

organization 115-16

Canada 10

challenging behaviour 139-40

change, motivation for 105-6

China 10, 27


cultural diversity of 25-6

feedback to 146

requirements 143

training evaluation 26

training expectations 23-4

training materials development 26-7

coaching skills 97-8

communication 121-5

aids to comprehension 123

eye contact 122

global 3-4

simplicity 122-3

tone of voice 121-2

use of native languages 123-4

visual 121

vocabulary 122

compassion 140

competence gap analysis 57

competences, training for 61-2

conducting training 75-83

course materials 144

creating training interventions 65-73

cultural dimensions 10-15

and learning styles 20

cultural diversity 4, 7-16, 138

analysis 10-12

of clients 25-6

model 7-11

sensitivity to 21

culture benchmarking 15-16

Denmark 9, 20

energizers 138

English, use of with international managers 121-5

entertainment in training 135-6

etiquette of courses 137-8


central 21

Eastern 49, 114, 135, 136

Northern 88

Southern 77, 138

Western 135, 139

evaluating training interventions 85-94

eye contact 122

Far East 27, 49, 88, 135, 136

feedback 127-33

from breakout groups 128-9

to clients 146

from participants 87-9

France 20, 25, 135

Germany 9, 25, 45, 49, 57, 60, 80

Greece 12

Hofstede, Geert 7-8

Honey and Mumford

learning styles 17-18

training styles 19-20

Hong Kong 20

IDV see individualism

implementation dashboard 41, 100-101

enablers 104-5

India 8, 49

individualism (IDV) 8-9, 69

and power distance 10-11

international managers

benefits of group training 29-31, 32

costs of group training 31-2

interviewing 49-51

Investors in People, diagnostic reports 48

Italy 49

Japan 9, 10, 12, 20, 135

job analysis 60

key performance indicators (KPIs) 87, 95

Kirkpatrick, Donald

behaviour 90

evaluation levels 87

learning 90

reaction to training 88

results 90-91

Korea 26

KPIs see key performance indicators

languages 121-5

use of native languages 123-4

learning 90

learning evaluation reviews 41, 91-2

learning events 4-5

learning methods 68

learning objectives 67-70

learning points

reminders 99-100

summaries 98-9

learning styles 17-18

and cultural dimensions 20

issues 22

long-term orientation (LTO) 10-11

Malaysia 15

masculinity (MAS) 9

and uncertainty avoidance 10-11

mentoring skills 97-8

Middle East 9, 12, 49, 88, 118, 135, 136

motivation for change 105-6

names of participants 137

The Netherlands 12, 45, 80

observation of training requirements 60-61

Pakistan 20

participant records 41, 81, 82


action plans 80-81, 82

feedback 87-9

greeting 137

names 137

questions 129-30

PD see power distance

performance appraisals 59

Portugal 9, 49

power distance (PD) 8, 69

and individualism 10-12

pre-course work 143-4

preparation for training 76-80

psychometric questionnaires 60

questionnaires 58-9

psychometric 60


from participants 129-30

to participants 130-31

reaction to training 88

rehearsing training materials 80, 144-5

results of training 90-91

rules of courses 137-8

Scandinavia 9, 12, 48, 138

Scotland 80

session action plans 81

session preparation template 78-9

Seymour, Douglas 70-71

sharing best practice 106-7

simplicity of communication 122-3

Singapore 9

South Africa 60

South America 9, 12, 20, 104

South Korea 12

SOCMAT 41, 68-70

strengthening learning 95-101

trainer behaviours 146

SUCCESS training model 33, 39-42

application 41-2

conducting 75-83

creating 65-73

evaluation 85-94

strengthening 95-101

surveying 45-53

sustaining 103-10

understanding 55-64

summary action plans 82

surveying training issues 45-53

sustaining new behaviours 103-10

Sweden 20, 49

timekeeping 138-9

TNA see training needs analysis

tone of voice 121-2


behaviours 135-41, 146

course materials 144

as experts 127-8

greeting participants 137

opening the programme 136-7

pre-course work 143-4

preparation 79-80

questions 130-31


action plan 28

client expectations 23-4

conducting 75-83

to entertain 135-6

post-course activity 71

pre-course activity 71

preparation 76-80

reaction 88

training commitment 50

benchmarking 43-4

levels of 37-9

training context frame 41, 51

training evaluation 26, 50, 85-94

reports 92-3

reviews 41

training follow-up 97

training implementation 100-101

enablers 104-5

training materials

development of 26-7

rehearsing 80, 144-5

training methodology, evaluation grid 61-2

training needs analysis (TNA) 37-8

group 58-9

individual 59-61

organizational 55-7

training objectives 67-70

training portfolio analyser 41, 107-10

training process 35-7

training strategy 41, 62-3

training styles 19-20

issues 22

translators 124

uncertainty avoidance (UA) 9-10

and masculinity 10-11

understanding training needs 55-64

unit preparation template 78-9

UK 9, 10, 25, 27

USA 17, 20, 49, 57, 58, 63, 135, 139

virtual learning communities 98

virtual teams 4

meetings 106

visual communication 121

vocabulary, restriction of 122

voice, tone of 121-2

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