
Contents at a Glance


About the Author

About the Technical Reviewer



Who This Book Is For

How This Book Is Structured


Downloading the Code

Contacting the Author

Chapter 1: Introduction to Windows Phone and Marketplace

Why Should I Care?

Smartphone Growth and the Nokia Partnership

The Mobile Market

Current Microsoft Developers

Non-Microsoft Developers

Windows Phone Platform Overview

Phone Design Philosophy

Hardware Capabilities

Software Capabilities

Windows Phone 7.5

Consumer Features

Developer Features

Windows Phone Developer Tools

Silverlight Tools and Framework Overview

Silverlight for Windows Phone

Hello for Windows Phone

XNA Game Studio and Framework Overview

Hello XNA for Windows Phone

Implement the Game

The Windows Phone Marketplace

App Hub Registration

Submitting Applications to Marketplace

Windows Phone Marketplace Test Kit

Beta Testing Your Application

Targeted Application Distribution

Windows Phone Web Marketplace

Windows Phone Marketplace on the PC

Marketplace on the Device

Limiting Distribution of Applications


Chapter 2: User Interface Development

UX Performance Improvements

Designing for Windows Phone

Design Approach

Design Resources

Designer and Developer Mechanics

User Interface Development in Visual Studio 2010

WMAppManifest.xml File

Anatomy of a Windows Phone Application

Anatomy of a PhoneApplicationPage

Page Navigation

.NET Framework for Silverlight

XAML Overview

Key Silverlight UI Base Classes

User Interface Development with Expression Blend 4

Layout System

Layout Controls Sample and Blend Behaviors

Data Binding

Sample Data

Control Styling

Control Templates

Animation Fundamentals

Creating an Animation Storyboard

Creating Animations in Blend

Creating Animations in Code

Application Layout



Windows Phone 7.5 User Experience Enhancements

New Controls

New Controls Demonstration

Implicit Styles


Chapter 3: Handling Input on Windows Phone

The Keyboard

Physical Keyboard

Soft Input Panel (SIP) Keyboard

Programming with the Keyboard

Touch Input

Single-Point Touch

Raw Touch with Mouse Events

Multi-Point Touch


Accelerometer Simulation


Understanding How It Works

Programming with Location

Windows Phone Emulator Location Simulation

Microphone Input

Compass Sensor

Compass Background

Coding with the Compass

Dead Reckoning Navigation

Gyroscope Sensor

Gyroscope Background

Gyroscope Sample

Motion “Sensor”

Motion API Background

Motion API Benefits

Camera Sensor

Camera Sensor Background

Video Capture


Chapter 4: Windows Phone Data Persistence and Networking Programming Model

Application Data Persistence

IsoStore File IO

Object Persistence

Isolated Storage Explorer

Tool Functionality

Using the Tool

Local Database


Local Database Sample

Application Updates and Local Database

Local Database Security and Connection String Options

Web Browser Control

WebBrowser Control Sample

WebBrowser Control Scripting Sample

HTML5 Support

Asynchronous Programming

Background Threads

Connecting Windows Phone to Services and Feeds

HttpWebRequest and WebClient

Windows Communication Foundation Support

Web Services




Bing Maps Control


Programmatically Add a Pin

Data Bind to a Collection

Application Execution Model

User Experience

Event Lifecycle

Managing State

Running Under Lock Screen

Fast Application Switching


Chapter 5: Integrating with the Windows Phone Platform

Device Information

Identifying Unique Users

Device Information

System Environment Information

Network Status

Socket Network Information

DeviceInfo Code

System Tray

Marketplace Status and Trial Mode



Alarms and Reminders


The Reminder Class

Alarms and Reminder Sample Project

Contacts and Calendar

Contacts and Calendar Background

Coding with Contacts and Calendar


Chapter 6: Windows Phone Advanced UI Development

The Model-View-ViewModel Architecture

MVVM Overview

Pick an MVVM Helper SDK

GalaSoft MVVM Light Toolkit

Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit

Installation and Overview

The AutoCompleteBox Control

The ContextMenu Control

The DatePicker and TimePicker Controls

The ListPicker Control

The ToggleSwitch Control

The WrapPanel Control

The HubTile Control

The LongListSelector Control

Creating Transitions and Interactivity

Toolkit Page Transitions

Visual State Manager

The RichTextBox Control

The Microsoft Advertising SDK

Getting Started

Adding the Advertising Control


Chapter 7: Advanced MVVM, Services and App Connect

Advanced MVVM

The next section covers how to access syndicated services like RSS feeds from Windows Phone.Syndicated Services

Showing Progress

Lazy Load Images

Data Bind to Anything

Encryption Services

Secure Sockets Layer

Securely Encrypting Data

Working with Images on Windows Phone

Images Classes

The Windows Phone Media Library

Working with Video and Audio Media

Supported Codecs and Containers

Video and Audio in the Emulator

Progressive Download Video

Streaming Video


Audio Support

App Connect -Extending the picture Hub

Extending the pictures Hub

App Connect - music+videos Hub Integration

Additional Assets

Testing music+videos Hub Applications

Debugging music+videos Hub Applications

music+videos Hub Sample Application

App Connect – Bing Search Integration

Building App Connect Search Applications Overview

App Connect Search Application Code Sample

Testing an App Connect Search Application


Chapter 8: XNA Framework for Games and Applications

Xbox LIVE Gamer Services

Alien Shooter

From Demo to Game

Game Management

Screens and Menus

AlienShooter Game Structure

The Content Project

Text and Menus

AlienShooter Game Play

Sprite Animation

Game Object Class

Enemy Class

The Hero Ship Class

The Missile Class

The Game Status Board Class

Updated GameplayScreen Class

Collision Detection and Memory Management

XNA and Silverlight Composite Rendering

How Does Shared Graphics Work?

Shared Graphics Project Templates

The SharedGraphicsDeviceManager Class and Rendering

Silverlight and the Game Loop

Loading Content and Initialization

Basic Shared Graphics Demo

Shared Graphics with UIElementRenderer

Shared Graphics with Page Navigation

Background Graphics Infrastructure Classes

Silverlight Project Modifications

Create the Content Projects

Modified RichBackgroundRenderer Class


Chapter 9: Advanced XNA Framework Development

AlienShooter Enhancements

Load and Save Game State

Tombstone Support

Particle System

AlienShooter with Silverlight

3D Game Development

3D Game Concepts

Rendering 3D Primitives

The Game Class

Rendering 3D Models

3D Augmented Reality


Rendering the 3D Model in Space

Windows Phone Profiler


Chapter 10: Building Top-Rated Applications for Windows Phone

Design First

Use the Right Architecture

Code for the Best User Experience

Panorama Tombstone

Pivot Tombstone

ListBox Tombstone

Globalization and Localization



Live Tiles API

Tile Update Details

Tile Images

Multi-Tasking and Background Processing


Types of Scheduled Tasks

Constraints for All Scheduled Tasks

Periodic Task Constraints

Resource Intensive Task Constraints

Coding with Periodic Agents

Background File Transfer Service

Background Audio

Microsoft Push Notification Services

Raw Push Notification Description

Toast Push Notification Description

Tile Notification

How Microsoft Push Notifications Work

Updating Application Tile via Web URI Subscription



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