C H A P T E R  1

Configuring a Spring Development Environment

Before you can really start your journey into Spring MVC, you need to make sure you have your development environment set up right. This chapter will begin by walking you through that process. Next, it will provide some details about the sample bookstore application that ships with this book. But before going into either the details of the development environment or the sample application, this chapter will provide an overview of the prerequisites for your environment in general.

The sample application that ships with the book is used to explain the concepts of Spring MVC and MVC in general. It is not intended to be a full-blown, ready-to-use production application; nor is it to be used as a Java or full Spring Framework application. The main intent of the app is to help explain and express the Spring MVC concepts used throughout the book.


To build the sample application, you need to have a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed; and for (standalone) deployment, you need a servlet container that supports version 3.0 of the Servlet Specification (we chose to use Tomcat 7). To make development easier, you will need to use an integrated development environment (IDE); for this book, we, the authors, chose to use the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS). Table 1-1 lists the products and versions used while writing this book. Development on the selected products still continues, so it might be that there is a newer version available at the time you read this. However, there is nothing in the code that shouldn’t work on or with newer versions of the software.


Java Development Kit

The first ingredient is the Java Development Kit. JDK7 was recently released; however, it seems that JDK6 is still much more widely used, particularly in the enterprise. There are no known issues with running the sample application with JDK7, so those who want to “live on the edge” are free to do so. Those who want the smoothest ride possible should choose JDK6.

Image Note You may already have the Java Runtime Edition installed; however, you still need the Java Development Edition (JDK). The JRE is only for running Java applications, whereas the JDK is for compiling Java code.

Servlet Container

To run a Java web application, you need a web container. The sample application is using Servlet 3.0 features; and as such, you need a Servlet 3.0 capable web container. Tomcat (http://tomcat.apache.org/) is an excellent candidate and widely used in production systems. There is nothing Tomcat-specific in the sample file, so feel free to use Jetty, JBoss, Glassfish, or any other modern web container or application server.

Image Tip STS includes its own version of Tomcat called tc-server (www.vmware.com/products/vfabric-tcserver/). This is an excellent product built on top of Tomcat, and it offers value for both developer and production environments.

Integrated Development Environment

Although Spring itself doesn’t require a particular development environment (over and above the Java Development Kit), becoming familiar with a good IDE is highly recommended.

Given Spring’s ubiquity in Enterprise Java development, excellent support for it can be found in the major IDEs like Eclipse (www.eclipse.org) and IntelliJ IDEA (www.jetbrains.com/idea/). SpringSource has also invested significant effort into providing its own distribution based upon Eclipse called the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS). And while the “vanilla” version Eclipse is excellent, STS provides additional levels of polish when it comes to developing Spring-based applications.

The Sample Application

This section delves into the sample application you will build throughout the book. For example, you will learn about the build system selected and used for the sample application. Next, you will learn how to import the sample application into STS and take your first steps in deploying the first part of the application.

The main intent of the sample application is to show the features and possibilities of Spring MVC. Although Spring MVC is part of the Spring Framework, this application is not intended to provide full, in-depth coverage on all the features of the Spring Framework. If you want to read and learn more about the Spring Framework, we suggest checking out Pro Spring 3 (Apress, 2012).

A Bookstore Sample Application

The sample application that will be built and used throughout this book is a simple bookstore. You will learn how to add functionality for searching, displaying, and buying books. To buy books, the user of the app needs to have an account with the app’s associated bookstore, so there is also going to be some account registration and a login page. The sample application will remain more or less the same throughout the book. In the Spring Web Flow chapters, however, you’ll see some important differences that exist mainly to illustrate some of the Spring Web Flow functionality.

You can find the code for the sample application with the source code for this book. Go ahead and download and extract it. Note that the top-level directory contains a number of folders entitled chapterX-bookstore. As you progress through this book, you will continually be adding new functionality to the sample application. In some cases, you will be revisiting code from previous chapters. For simplicity and clarity, the authors decided to separate each chapter’s progression into a separate project; to see the relevant code for Chapter X, simply load the project in the chapterX-bookstore folder.

In addition to the directories for each chapter, you can also find two projects that are shared between all the book’s chapters (see Figure 1-1). These projects are called bookstore-shared and bookstore-web-resources, and they are shared with all projects. One project contains the shared business layer, while the other has the images, stylesheets, and other, similar files.


Figure 1-1. An overview of the bookstore components

Image Note The project in chapterX-bookstore contains the solution for Chapter X.

While this approach does have the downside of requiring you to load many projects into STS (one per chapter), it also means that you can see exactly how the application progresses—if you want to solve the problems in Chapter 7 yourself, then copy the Chapter 6 project and start working, using Chapter 7 as a reference point if you get stuck.

For convenience, the root directory of the sample application for the relevant chapter (i.e., chapter1- bookstore for this chapter) will be referred to as SAMPLE_ROOT. The SAMPLE_ROOT will obviously be different for each chapter.

The authors tried to create a realistic but simple sample application; to that end, we tried to use the technologies of today. For example, we use JPA 2.0 for the persistence layer, relying on Hibernate 4.1 for our specific implementation. For the web pages, the primary technology used is Java Server Pages (JSPs). A thorough tutorial on JSPs is outside the scope of this book; however, there are many good books on this topic available, such as Pro JSP 2 (Apress, 2005). You can also find a wealth of other resources for this technology, including Oracle’s own tutorial at http://download.oracle.com/javaee/5/tutorial/doc/bnagx.html.

Image Note The observant reader probably noticed the JEE5 bit in the tutorial URL. The JEE6 version of the tutorial covers JSF but not JSP; hence, the reference to the JEE5 tutorial.

The Build System

The topic of how to build applications has been subject to decades of arguments, fanaticism, and downright stupidity. We could have taken the easy way out and avoided this discussion by building and deploying entirely with the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), which we will discuss later in this chapter. However, the authors felt that was a disservice to you. STS is sufficient for managing a developer’s workflow, but it isn’t quite sufficient for the operational management aspects. Typically, an application is built using one mechanism (the IDE), while an entirely different mechanism is used to deploy it to production. This is often a source of frustration, and it leads to the wonderful “works on my machine” syndrome.

With this in mind, our strong opinion is that it is the developer’s responsibility to ensure that an application works in an environment as close to production as possible, including the build mechanism itself! You will see how sophisticated build tools make that possible. The build tool you are going to use in this book is Gradle (http://gradle.org). This is a fairly new but up-and-coming project-automation tool (project automation is a fancy term for build tool) that has a strong pedigree and has already established a very good reputation. A full discussion on build tools is outside the scope of this book; however, suffice it to say that Gradle combines the power of Maven’s “configuration over convention” approach with the succinctness of Groovy.

Image Note The Gradle project won the 2010 Springy Award for Most Innovative Product/Project1 and was a finalist in the 2011 JAX Innovation Awards election.


The Gradle infrastructure is driven by a build.gradle script (this is somewhat equivalent to Maven’s pom.xml) and an optional settings.gradle file; both can be found in the SAMPLE_ROOT directory.

Image Tip If you prefer to use Maven, please note that Gradle is perfectly capable of generating Maven POMs (project object models). For more information, read “Maven POM generation” at http://gradle.org/maven_plugin.html.

Dependency Management

Java’s strength is its ecosystem. The wealth of high quality libraries is the currency used to pay for the language’s verbosity and pain. However, its greatest strength is, as ever, its greatest weakness: it isn’t unusual for small-to-medium projects to have a dependency graph of more than 50 libraries. This proliferation of libraries is made worse by the correct use of modularization!

The problem with the dependencies is that the dependencies also have dependencies, which also have dependencies, which also... Well, you probably get the point. There are direct dependencies (dependencies for the project) and transitive dependencies (dependencies needed by the direct dependencies). However, that isn’t the only problem because there is also something that could be called versioning hell. If there are multiple dependencies and these dependencies have a dependency on both library x and on different versions of that library, this presents an additional challenge. But, wait, there’s more! You don’t want to sit at your computer and Google for all the missing (transitive) dependencies, download them, redeploy your application, and then notice you have still another missing dependency (or maybe the wrong version of a dependency).

Dependency management helps you out here. For example, it helps you with downloading and discovering what you need, and it tries to resolve all of the versioning conflicts. In this case, you can let the computer do the hard work for you, and you can focus at the task at hand, which is solving the business problem—selling books, in this book’s example (not searching for dependencies late into the night).

Image Note Gradle’s dependency management infrastructure is compatible with the somewhat industry-standard Maven repositories—and it has excellent support for resolving dependencies.

The Gradle Build File

Gradle is more than a dependency-management tool, as already mentioned. It is also a build tool; and, as such, it can do a lot for you. For example, if you open the build.gradle file, you’ll see the dependencies needed by all the subprojects. Gradle can also help you build (compile, test, and create a war archive) your application, and the Groovy language can be used to easily modify or influence the way you build your application. To help build the application, there is a plugin that can deploy the application to an embedded Tomcat instance. This instance can, in turn, be used to run the integration tests (see Chapter 9).

These functions are just the beginning of what Gradle can provide. If you are interested in more complex builds, try reading the Gradle reference guide2 or taking a look at the Gradle build3 as used by the Spring Framework4 (yes, even SpringSource uses Gradle).

Building the Sample Application

To build the sample, cd into the SAMPLE_ROOT directory and execute the gradlew script. Assuming you are on Unix system, this will look something like Figure 1-2.


Figure 1-2. The initial build output

You will notice the first thing that the gradlew script does is download the Gradle distribution itself! This is why there is no “install gradle” step—it is self-installing.

Image Note We recommend checking the gradlew script into source control. The Continuous Integration (CI) server and (as well as other developers) all use this script. Upgrading to a new version of Gradle is as simple as updating the gradlew script which, when executed, will silently upgrade itself.


Image Note Speaking of upgrades; at the time of writing, v1.0 hadn’t been released, so the code in this book relies on the latest milestone: milestone 9. Your output might differ slightly.

After Gradle has downloaded itself, you should build the sample application by executing ../gradlew build (see Figure 1-3).


Figure 1-3. Building ample application output

Notice how Gradle downloaded the sample dependencies and went through the lifecycle of compiling, testing, and packaging the sample application. Similar to Maven, Gradle contains a local cache of JARs (a .gradle directory in your home folder). Subsequent executions are much faster because no network access is required (see http://gradle.org/documentation for more information).

Image Tip For a list of all tasks that can be executed, type gradlew tasks.

Assuming everything went well, the output should be a chapter1-bookstore-1.0.0.war file in the build/libs directory.

Deploying the Sample Application

The next step is to deploy the application to a web container. Tomcat (http://tomcat.apache.org/) is an excellent candidate, so you could download and install that. As noted previously, there is nothing Tomcat-specific in the sample file, so feel free to use Jetty, JBoss, Glassfish, or any other modern web container.

Image Note With a view toward reducing the number of new things you must learn—if you’re more familiar with another web container, then it probably makes sense to stick with what you know for now.

Now copy the WAR file from SAMPLE_ROOT/build/libs/chapter1-bookstore-1.0.0.war to TOMCAT_ROOT/webapps. If Tomcat hasn’t started, then start it by executing TOMCAT_ROOT/bin/startup.sh run (or .bat for Windows).

Now open up your favorite web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/chapter1-bookstore-1.0.0. If everything went well, you should see the screen in Figure 1-4.


Figure 1-4. The bookstore’s home page

What! Is that the best you can do? That screen looks awful! Of course, you can do better :).

However, the point of this sample app is to start really simple and build up, so there is no extraneous fluff getting in the way of the details. Don’t worry; the application will get much better as you go.

Image Note chapter1-bookstore-1.0.0 isn’t the best name; for one, it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. The default naming strategy in Tomcat is to set the context path to be the name of the WAR file. For example, if the name of the WAR file were bookstore.war, then the context path would be /bookstore.

Congratulations! You have accomplished the critical, but often overlooked step of ensuring that your application can be built and works outside your IDE. The next step is to install STS and actually look at the sample that you have just so excellently deployed.

Before doing so, make sure to press Control-C to shutdown Tomcat.

SpringSource Tool Suite (STS)

As we explained earlier, Spring doesn’t require a specific development environment, but we do recommend that you consider a good IDE. Leading IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA are excellent choices, but the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), based on Eclipse, provides additional benefits for developing Spring-based applications. We use STS in this book.

Configuring STS for Gradle projects

To install Gradle support, click Install Extensions. The first time you do this, STS will download a list of extensions, which can take a few seconds. Eventually, the Install Extensions page will be ready (see Figure 1-5).


Figure 1-5. The Extensions tab in STS

Next, search for “gradle”; Figure 1-6 shows the results.


Figure 1-6. The “gradle” search results

Now select the check box next to Gradle Support and click Install on the bottom right. Review the prompt and click Next to open the Install dialog (see Figure 1-7).


Figure 1-7. The Install dialog

Click Next to get to the Install Details dialog and click Next again to get to the license. Finally, read the license agreements (who reads these?) and click Finish. The Gradle plugin should now start downloading and installing. Once it finishes, you will be asked to restart—click Yes. As mentioned previously, typical Java applications can have large dependency graphs. Gradle has already dealt with this, and it would be painful to have to manually resolve the dependencies in order to register them with STS. Luckily, STS actually understands Gradle projects (just as it understands Maven projects).

Importing the Sample into STS

Now that STS knows how to navigate a Gradle project, the next step is to import the project into STS. To do this, select File Image Import (i.e. choose the Import option from the File menu). This opens the Import dialog. Choose Gradle Image Gradle Project (see Figure 1-8). Finally, click Next (see Figure 1-9).


Figure 1-8. The STS Import dialog


Figure 1-9. The Import Gradle Project dialog

Now click Browse and navigate to the directory containing the sample projects. Next, click Build Model.

Image Note STS will download its own version of Gradle and, if you skipped the previous step of building the sample application via the command line, STS will also download the application’s dependencies. This may take a few minutes.

Once Gradle has built its internal representation of the structure of your project (i.e. the project and any subprojects), it will allow you to choose which projects to import (see Figure 1-10).


Figure 1-10. Gradle projects that can be imported.

You can either select the root bookstore project or click Select All to import all projects. Afterwards, click Finish to instruct STS to actually import your project. This might take a while as STS is downloading all missing dependencies and will compile all projects. However, the projects should eventually appear in STS (see Figure 1-11).


Figure 1-11. STS after importing projects

Image Tip We suggest that you close the projects you aren’t currently working on. To do this, select the projects to close, right-click, and then select the menu option, Close Project. You can reopen a project by double-clicking it.

Running the Application on the SpringSource vFabric tc Server

Before you can run the application, you must tell STS which web container to run the application on. You have two choices: use the Tomcat installation you downloaded earlier or use the prebuilt VMware vFabric tc Server.

Image Note Registering Tomcat is as simple as right-clicking the Servers section at the bottom right, choosing New Image Server, expanding the menu to Apache/Tomcat v7.0 Server, clicking Next, browsing to the installation root of Tomcat, clicking Open, and then clicking OK.

To run the application on the server, right-click the project and choose Run As Image Run on Server (see Figure 1-12).


Figure 1-12. Selecting the Run on Server menu option

Choosing Run on Server should open the Run On Server dialog (see Figure 1-13).


Figure 1-13. The Run On Server dialog

Choose the VMware vFabric tc Server Developer Edition v2.6 entry (or Tomcat, which will be shown if you decide to use that). Next, ensure that “Always use this server when running this project” is selected and click Finish. The application should then be built and deployed onto the tc Server. Once it starts, the Welcome page should load (see Figure 1-14).

Image Note You may notice that tc Server takes considerably longer to start than vanilla Tomcat as it initializes various sub-components.


Figure 1-14. The running application

Editing the Application

Congratulations on getting this far! Was it worth it? The authors think so. To demonstrate the power of STS, let’s do some editing. Don’t worry about the details at this point; they will be explained in detail later. For now, you should just focus on using STS.

Open IndexController (use Control-Shift-T and then type IndexController or use the tree to navigate to it) and navigate to Line 12 (see Figure 1-15).


Figure 1-15. The IndexController code

Now replace (or modify) the code on the IndexController tab, as shown in Listing 1-1.

Listing 1-1. The IndexController with the Model Attribute

package com.apress.prospringmvc.bookstore.web;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

public class IndexController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/index.htm")
    public ModelAndView indexPage() {
        ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("/WEB-INF/views/index.jsp");
        mav.addObject("theModelKey", "Spring says HI!");
        return mav;

Next, open up index.jsp by using Control-Shift-R to open resources and then typing index.jsp (see Figure 1-16).


Figure 1-16. The contents of index.jsp

Under the paragraph line (<p>), enter <br/><p>The model says ${theModelKey}</p>. Next, save the changes and pay attention to the fact that the new changes are reloaded automatically in the Console tab. Refresh the web page by clicking the double-arrow icon on the web page (the fourth icon in from the left) to view the changes (see Figure 1-17).


Figure 1-17. The updated web page

Excellent! No redeployments are necessary here because STS automatically deployed the changes you made.


In this chapter, you learned the prerequisites for building and running the sample bookstore application. You also learned about the supporting technologies used by the sample application (i.e., Hibernate/JPA 2.0 and JSPs).

Next, you learned about Gradle, the build system used to develop the sample application; you also learned how it will help you in your project.

To write and debug code for this book, it is best to use an IDE (integrated development environment). The authors chose to use STS (SpringSource Tool Suite), installed the Gradle plugin, and then used that plugin to import and build the sample project. The project was then deployed to the embedded tc Server instance.

You also wrote your first Java code for your MVC application, slightly modifying the basic code for this chapter and using that to explore the automatic redeploy features of the embedded server.

In the next chapter, you will improve on this application as you get a better understanding of the inner workings of Spring MVC.

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