
Image A

AccountRepository, 296, 298, 299

Acegi security. See Spring security

Action execution control

<on-end> element, 404

<on-entry> element, 404405

<on-exit> element, 405

<on-render> element, 405

<on-start> element, 404

sub-elements, 405406

Annotation-based controllers

book detail page, 136

BookDetailController, 134135

detail.jsp, 135

modified search page, 134

URL mapping, 135

book search page

BookSearchController alternate version, 133

BookSearchController with BookSearchCriteria, 131133

criteria method argument, 133

data binding, 133

form code, 130

RequestParam, 133

search results, 132

search.jsp file, 130

DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping, 110

HandlerMapping, 110

IndexController, 110

login controller

AuthenticationException, 128

handleLogin method, 128

HttpServletRequest, 128

initial LoginController, 126127

login page, 127

login.jsp, 125126

modified LoginController, 127128

RedirectAttributes, 129130

RequestParam, 128129

username and password parameters, 128

ModelAndView, 110

RequestMapping annotation, 110

AnnotationFormatterFactory, 154

Application security, 478

Application testing

amoeba effect, 274

automated front-end testing

infrastructure set up, 310

minor faults, 310

performance, render times, and usability, 309

Selenium (see Selenium)

Servlet container, 310

test harness, 310

Tomcat, 310

code coverage, 284286

environment, 277

front-end tests via Gradle, 318319

goals, 276

implementation deformation without tests, 274

importance, 276

infrastructure, 276

integration testing (see Integration tests)

mock objects (see Mock objects)

performance testing, 278

robot developer, 274, 275

Spring's test support

integration test (see Integration tests)

JpaBookRepository, 292294

stress testing, 278

system testing, 278

test harness, 275

understanding, 276

unit testing, 278279

user acceptance testing, 278

VCS, 277

assertEquals method, 283

assertTrue method, 283

Asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX)

AJAX (cont.)

Account Page PUT Ajax Form Submit, 227

graceful degradation, 227

HTML, 221222


BookSearch Controller, 222

org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody, 223

search.jsp file., 223, 224

sending and receiving, 224226

progressive enhancement., 227

PUT request, 226

template.jsp file, 220

authenticatedAccount variable, 419

Authentication process, 478, 479

AuthenticationController, 411413, 420

AuthenticationException, 128

Authorization, 479

Image B

BookId, 135

BookRepository interface, 292

Bookstore enhancement

action state, 417419


action attribute, 412

attributes and elements, 415

AuthenticationController, 411, 414415

authentication-flow, 411, 413

authenticationForm, 413, 414

eventId, 414

flowExecutionUrl, 413

implementation procedure, 410

initializeForm, 411

page, 411412

@RequestMapping, 412

Spring MVC, 412413

subflow attribute, 416

books selection and delivery options, 387388

category selection

on render, 382384

on start, 382

type conversion, 384386

type formatting, 386387

createOrders-flow, 420421

decision state, 416417

form validation

Application Controller, 391392

createOrders-flow file, 396

JSR 303 annotations, 388390

messages, 393395

OrderController, 395, 398400

OrderForm, 395, 397398

Web Flow Validator Method and Classes, 390391

javax.servlet.http.HttpSession, 408

no conversion, 381

no validation, 381

outcome events, 419420

revised flow, 409

sample flow refactoring steps, 410

security mechanism, 408

Image C

CategoryConverter configuration, 157

Certificate authority (CA), 510, 511

Child flow, 407

Cloud computing, 535, 536

Cloud foundry

debugging, 552553


Add Service button, 548

application details dialog, 546

auto-reconfiguration, 551 account configuration, 545

MicroCloud, 552

MySQL database service, 549, 550

namespace, 551, 552

new server creation, 545

overview panel, 547, 548

plug-in, 537538

spring security configuration (see Spring security,configuration)

Tomcat 6(see Tomcat 6)

URL, 546

Collection-based tags, 146

ConditionalGenericConverter API, 152

ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer, 137139

Confirmation view, 426

@ContextConfiguration, 306

Continuous integration (CI) system, 277


annotation-based controllers (see Annotation-based controllers)

configuring view controllers, 111112

data binding (see Data binding)

definition, 107

implementations, 109110

interface-based controllers, 108

internationalization (see Internationalization)

request-handling methods (see Request-handling methods)

Conversation scope, 378

ConversionService API, 152

ConverterFactory API, 151

CookieValue annotation, 123

CreateOrders-flow, 416

Image D

Data access object (DAO), 281282

Data binding, 133

BookSearchCriteria JavaBean, 136137

global customization, 137139


form tag library (see Form tag library)

on method arguments, 142143

on methods, 141142

SessionAttributes, 143144

spring tag library, 144

nested binding, 137

per controller customization, 139141

setCategory method, 137

setTitle method, 137

type conversion (see Type conversion)

validation, model attributes

AccountValidator implementation, 164165

bind errors, 163

error codes, field errors, 165

JSR-303, 167170

MessageSource configuration, 163164

registration page with error codes, 167

RegistrationController, 166

requiredFields, 165

supports method, 163

validator interface, 163

DateFormatAnnotationFormatterFactory, 154155

DateFormatter, 153154

DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver, 200



ServletContainerInitializer, 7677

The Servlet 3.0 specification, 74

web.xml, 7576

WebApplicationInitializer, 7778

web-fragment.xml configuration, 76


application context, 8083

component resolution, 8385

default configuration, 8586

properties, 7880

Spring @MVC Defaults, 8687

DummyDao class, 285286

Image E

EclEmma, 284286

EntityManager, 291

Event, 374

Execution scope, 378

ExternalRedirect attribute, 426

Image F

File uploads


Apache, 230231

exception handling, 235

request handling method (see Request handling method)

Servlet 3.0, 228230

controller modification, 228

implementations, 228

registration, 228

Flash attributes, 118

Flash scope, 376377

Flow scope, 377379

Flow variables, 401

flowExecutionUrl implicit object, 379

FlowInputMappingException, 424

Form tag library, 145

order JSP, 147

path attribute, 146

search page with category, 148

shared form tag attributes, 146

title field, 147

Formatter API, 152153

FormatterRegistry interface, 155156

Image G

GenericConverter API, 151152

Global transitions, 406

Image H

Handlelogin method, 128, 301304

HandlerExceptionResolver, 198

Handlerexecution chain

determination, 68, 69

exception handling, 71

execution, 6971

Hibernate validator JAR file, 394, 395

Home page, 500501

HTTP protocol


Account.jsp Heading, 219

AccountController Update Method, 219

BookstoreWebApplicationInitializer, 218

methods of, 216

URL points, 217

HttpPutFormContentFilter, 226, 227

Image I

Init-binder method, 141

Inline flows, 407

Integration tests, 277, 279280

annotation configuration, 289

ApplicationContext, 289, 290

architecture and reusability, 280

@Configuration classes, 288

context configuration addition, 288

@ContextConfiguration annotation, 288

@DirtiesContext annotation, 290

DMBS, 280

Gradle command, 289290

HQL/JPQL query, 280

in-memory equivalents, 279

JpaBookRepository, in src/test/java, 287

listeners, 287

"real" system resources, 279

runner addition, 287

Spring configuration, 288

SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, 287

test suite, 289

testability, 280

TestExecutionListener annotation, 287

transaction management, 290292


callbacks, 186


AccountController, 196197

configuration, 196

403 error page, 197

interface, 187

SecurityHandlerInterceptor, 195

HandlerMapping configuration, 188

interceptorregistry, 189191


CommonDataInterceptor, 192, 193

postHandle method, 193

Random Books section, 193195

welcome page, 192

WebRequestInterceptor Interface, 187

Interface-based controllers, 108



book search page in Dutch, 176

book search page in English, 175

book search page with message tag, 174175

configuration, 173

LocaleResolver, 172

message source, 170172

Inversion of Control (IoC), 29

Image J, K, 401

Java's transient, 401

javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, 379

Image L


book search page in Dutch, 176

book search page in English, 175

book search page with message tag, 174175

configuration, 173

LocalValidatorFactoryBean, 390

Login page, 498500

LoginController, 302304

LoginControllerTest, 307309

Image M

Match attribute, 508

Mock objects


@After method, 299

@Before method, 299

AuthenticationService, 298

complete test case, 299301

ContextConfiguration annotation, 298

findByUsername method, 298, 299

login method, 296

Mockito methods, 299

programming, 298

save method, 296

src/test/java, 297

testLoginFailure, 298

verification, 299

dummy, 295, 296

fake, 295

JpaBookRepository, 296

MVC logic

handleLogin method, 302304

MockHttpServletRequest, 304305

RDBMS, 296

stubs, 295, 296

test doubles, 295

verification phase, 295

MockHttpServletRequest, 304306

MockHttpServletResponse, 306

MockHttpSession, 306

Model View Controller (MVC), 51

crosscutting concerns

exception handling, 197201

SimpleMappingExceptionResolver, 201204

components, 301

DispatcherServlet (see DispatcherServlet)

FlashMapManager, 104, 105


AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter, 96

HandlerAdapter API, 94

HttpRequestHandlerAdapter, 95

implementations, 95

RequestMappingHandlerAdapter, 96

SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter, 95

SimpleServletHandlerAdapter, 96


API, 101

implementations, 102

ViewResolver, 103, 104


BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping, 9091

ControllerBeanNameHandlerMapping, 92

ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping, 9293

DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping, 9394

HandlerMapping API, 88

implementations, 89

RequestMappingHandlerMapping, 9394

SimpleUrlHandlerMapping, 9192

URL mapping, 90

JSPs, 301


AcceptHeaderLocaleResolve, 99

API, 98

CookieLocaleResolver, 99

FixedLocaleResolver, 99

implementations, 98

SessionLocaleResolver, 99


API, 9697

implementations, 97

library, 97

StandardServletMultipartResolver, 97


afterCompletion method, 72, 73

Handlerexecution chain (see Handlerexecution chain)

request processing flow, 6768

request processing summary, 7374

request processing workflow, 66

view rendering process, 7172

RequestDataValueProcessor, 212213


account page, 212

accountcontroller, 211

HandlerMethodArgumentResolver, 207

HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler, 207

Modified WebMvcContextConfiguration, 210211

SessionAttribute Annotation, 208

SessionAttributeProcessor, 209, 210

RequestMappingHandlerMapping, 205206


Add to Cart Link, 180182

annotation property, 178

CartController Bean, 180

CheckoutController, 183185

session, 178, 179

singleton scope, 178

Spring mock objects

handleLogin method, 302304

MockHttpServletRequest, 304305

Spring MVC test

@Configuration classes, 306

build.gradle, 305

configuration, 306

LoginControllerTest, 307309

MVC, Spring MVC test (cont.)

MVC infrastructure, 306

snapshot, 305

WebApplicationContext, 306


API, 100

CookieThemeResolver, 101

FixedThemeResolver, 101

implementations, 100

SessionThemeResolver, 101

ViewNameTranslator, 102103

ModelAndView, 108

ModelAttribute annotation, 120, 122, 124

form tag library, 145

order JSP, 147

path attribute, 146

search page with category, 148

shared form tag attributes, 146

title field, 147

on method arguments, 142143

on methods, 141142

request-handling methods, 122

spring tag library, 144

ModelnameValidator class, 391

Image N

NoMatchingTransitionException, 419

Image O

Object relational mapping (ORM), 291, 294

OrderController class, 392, 394

OrderFormValidator class, 391

org.springframework.validation.BindingResult attribute, 160

org.springframework.webflow.execution.RequestContext object, 402

Image P, Q

Param, 379

ParameterizableViewController, 111

Parent flow, 407

PathVariable annotation, 122

Performance testing, 278

PlaceOrder() method, 419

Post Redirect Get (PRG) idiom, 426

Image R

RedirectAttributes, 118

RegistrationController, 158160

Representational state transfer (REST)

HTTP protocol (see HTTP protocol)

PUT request, 226

resources identification, 215216

Request scope, 374376

RequestBody annotation, 121

Request-handling methods

account page, 231

attributes, 113114

coarse-grained mapping, 113

Multipart File, 232

MultipartHttpServletRequest, 233

sample file upload output, 232

sample mappings, 114115

Servlet 3.0, 234

supported method argument annotations, 119

CookieValue, 123

HandlerMethodArgumentResolver interface, 119120

ModelAttribute annotation, 120, 122

PathVariable, 122

RequestBody, 121

RequestHeader, 121

RequestParam, 120

RequestPart, 121122

supported method argument types, 115117

RedirectAttributes, 118

UriComponentsBuilder, 118

supported method return values, 123125

UploadOrderForm, 233234

RequestHeader annotation, 121

RequestParam annotation, 120

RequestParameters implicit object, 401

RequestPart annotation, 121122

ResponseStatusExceptionResolver, 200, 201

Role-based access control (RBAC)

Account, 518, 521

BookstoreUserDetailsService, 521, 522

domain model, 518

functionality, 518

GrantedAuthority, 522

information access, 518

many-to-many association with permission, 520

many-to-many association with role, 519

permission entity, 520

Image S

Secure socket layer (SSL), 510

Security process, 477

SecurityHandlerInterceptor, 302



copying to clipboard, 317

for Firefox, 314315

JSP source, 314

language selection, 317

login, 314

main window, 316

scenario recording, 316

WebDriver JUnit style, 318

RC server, 310312

test writing, 312314

WebDriver project, 310

Servlet request scope, 379, 402

SessionAttributes, 143144

<set> element, 401

Shared form tag attributes, 146


AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver, 204

configuration, 201, 202

ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver, 204

Improved Login Controller, 202203

Login page, 203

Snippet, 172

Spring development environment


integrated development environment, 2

Java Development Kit, 2

Servlet Container, 2

software versions and download sites, 1

sample application

bookstore, 34

deployment, 89

../gradlew build, 78

gradlew script, 67

STS (see SpringSource Tool Suite)

Spring expression language (Spring EL), 402

Spring framework

application contexts

configuration file, 36

default configuration options, 35

hierarchy, 38

MoneyTransferSpring class, 2930

org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext interface, 34, 35

aspect-oriented programming, 4547

component-scanning, 4041

dependency injection

annotation-based dependency injection, 33

constructor-based dependency injection, 31

contextualized lookup, 30, 31

hardcoded dependencies, 2930

IoC, 29

setter-based dependency injection, 32

enabling features, 4445

module dependency, 2628

profiles, 4144

resource loading, 3840

scopes, 41

web applications, 4750

Spring security, 477

access authorization

"add category", 528

admin user, log in, 529

authentication tag, 530531

authorize tag, navigation bar, 525

code annotations, 531532

finer-grained permission checks, 526527

information, 523

initial data setup, 524, 525

JavaScript code, 527

login and logout, 529

manage books menu option, 528

manageBooks.jsp page, 524

tag library, pages, 523

authentication and authorization schemes, 479

basic security scheme, 481, 482


access configuration, resource, 490492

addMappingForUrlPatterns, 485

application filter chain configuration, 487

authentication manager, 495

complete security configuration, 503, 504

core concept, 484

expression methods and literals, 493494

filter, 484

home page, 500501

logging out, 502503

login page, 498500

multiple filters, 485

Spring security, bookstore (cont.)

namespace element/attribute, 488, 489

namespaced filter chain configuration, 487

one-way hashed password, 495

password encoder, 496, 497

resource, 489, 490

right dependency, 482483

salted hash, 496, 497

Spring class, constants, 484

xml header, 486

configuration, 479

chain.doFilter, 542, 543

(Http)ServletRequest, 542

isSecure(), 542

spring-security.xml File, 544


getPrincipal method, 506

in-memory data store, 504

SecurityContext, 505

UserDetails object, 504, 505

declarative method, 480

flow bypass security, 481

flow security

attributes addition, 507508

request mappings, 506

SecurityFlowExecutionListener, 508509

URI, filter chain, 506

localization, 516517

message localization, 480

RBAC (see Role-based access control)

Spring MVC, 480

transport security

browser confirmation, 511

CA, 510, 511

HTTP, 510, 513, 514

HTTPS, 514

information encryption, 515, 516

keytool, 512

self signed certificate, 511

SSL connector, 510, 513

tomcat certificate, 514, 515

URI, 513

Web Flow, 480

Spring Web Flow

accessing scopes

externalContext, 402

flowRequestContext, 402

RequestContext, 403

Servlet request scopes, 402, 403

Spring EL, 402

Unified EL, 402

action execution control

<on-end> element, 404

<on-entry> element, 404405

<on-exit> element, 405

<on-render> element, 405

<on-start> element, 404

sub-elements, 405406

bookstore enhancement (see Bookstore enhancement)

end state, 425426

flow definition, 373374

flow variables, 401

global transitions, 406

implicit objects, 379381

java.util.Map, 400


conversation, 378379

flash, 376377

flow, 377378, 400, 401

Java transient, 374, 374

request, 374376

types, 374

view, 377


child flow, 407

composition, 406

inline flows, 407

input/output mapping, 421423

modularity, 407

vs. normal flow, 407

normal top-level flow, 408

order process, 423425

parent flow, 407

value attribute, 400

SpringSource tool suite (STS)

dependency management, 5

Extensions tab, 10

gradle search results, 11

index.jsp, 21

IndexController code, 19, 20

Install dialog box, 12

Model Attribute, 20, 21

sample importing, 1216

SpringSource vFabric tc Server, 1719

web page updation, 21, 22

Stress testing, 278

StringToEntityConverter, 156157

Subflow, 373

child flow, 407

composition, 406

inline flows, 407

input/output mapping, 421423

modularity, 407

vs. normal flow, 407

normal top-level flow, 408

order process, 423425

parent flow, 407

System testing, 278

Image T

@Test method, 283

TestNG, 281

Tomcat 6

AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext, 540

context.xml File, 541

ContextLoaderListener, 539

DispatcherServlet, 539

filters configuration, 541

XmlWebApplicationContext, 540

@Transactional annotation, 290

TransactionalTestExecutionListener, 290

Transport layer security (TSL). See Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

Type conversion

account registration page, 161

account registration page with error, 162


CategoryConverter configuration, 157

FormatterRegistry interface, 155156

StringToEntityConverter, 156157


ConditionalGenericConverter API, 152

ConversionService API, 152

ConverterFactory API, 151

GenericConverter API, 151152

interfaces, 150


AnnotationFormatterFactory, 154

DateFormatAnnotationFormatterFactory, 154155

Formatter API, 152153

sample DateFormatter, 153154

org.springframework.validation.BindingResult attribute, 160

property editors, 149150

register.jsp file, 158

registration page, 158

RegistrationController, 158160

String instances, 148

Image U

Unified Expression Language (Unified EL), 402

Unit tests

criteria, 278279

definition, 277


@After method, 284

annotation execution order, 284

assertTrue and assertEquals methods, 283

@Before annotation, 283

DAO, 281282

DatabaseDao, 282283

test failure, 283

test success, 283

TestNG, 281

@Test annotation, 283

@Test method, 283

UriComponentsBuilder, 118

User acceptance testing, 278

Image V

ValidateDeliverydate method, 391, 394

ValidateSelectShop, 391, 395

<var> element, 401

Version control system (VCS), 277

View resolvers

BeanNameViewResolver, 239240

ContentNegotiatingViewResolver, 246247

getContentType method, 238

hierarchy, 238, 239

implemention, 247

InternalResourceViewResolver, 245

org.springframework.web.servlet, 238

render method, 238

ResourceBundleViewResolver, 241243

UrlBasedViewResolver, 243245

view rendering process, 237

XmlViewResolver, 240241

XsltViewResolver, 245

View scope, 377

View technology


OrderExcelView, 265266

ViewConfiguration class, 267

View technology (cont.)


configuration, 257

configurer property, 256

Macros, 261, 262

template language, 259260

templateLoaderPath, 256

WEB-INF/freemarker/index.ftl, 258

hierarchy, 248


configuration, 271

multiformatview default mappings, 270

report filling, 271

Java Server Pages, 249

JavaServer Faces, 249250


configuration, ContentNegotiatingViewResolve, 264265

creation, 263264

generated PDF, 265


configuration, 250251

definitions files, 252

Index JSP, 254

template JSP, 252253

welcome page, 254


configuration, 257

configurer property, 255

dates and numbers, 262

macros, 261, 262

resourceLoaderPath, 256

templating language, 259260

WEB-INF/velocity/index.vm, 258

XML and JSON, 268269

Image W, X, Y, Z

Web application architecture

application layering, 5355

data access layer, 6163

domain layer, 5657

MVC Pattern, 5153

separation of concerns, 56

user interface layer, 5758

web layer, 5859

Web flow

AJAX support

Add button, Spring JS, 454

addDecoration method, Spring JS, 454

books selection, 448

configuration, 447

createOrders/selectBooks.jsp, 449

extra dependency via gradle on Spring JS, 445

Firebug's capture, 455457

JavaScript decoration, Spring JS, 455

JavaScript dependency, 445

JQuery, 457459

selectBooks.jsp after modification, 449451

showSelectedBooks.jsp view, 448

tiles configuration, 451453

avoidance, 332

bookstore sample application

account, 367

actual page, 359

bold type, 365

browser-rendered view, 366

Buy books link, 360

Controller Code execution, 362

Controller Method, 367

Delivery Options selection, 363

delivery options-our delivery date, 370

_eventId_<on_transition>, 360

flow steps explanation, 354

<form:select> element, 360

header.jsp, 360

Home Page creation, 355356, 368

http://localhost:8080/chapter10-bookstore/., 361

implemention, 356

<on-start> Element, 357, 358

overview, 371372

page creation, 364365

Previous View State, 362

Select Delivery Options Page, 368

selectable books, 359, 362

selectCategory View State, 358

String, 358

Tiles Configuration, 359

Tiles Definition, 364

View State, select delivery option, 367


.apress.prospringmvc.bookstore.web.config, 350

automatically scan for flow definitions, 348

dependency, 346

flow builder services, 349350

flow executor, 347

flow registry, 348

FlowHandlerAdapter and FlowHandlerMapping Beans, 351, 352

.prospringmvc.bookstore.web.interceptor, 350

src/main/resources/spring/webflow-config.xml and Web Flow configuration namespaces, 347

controlled navigation, 331

exception handling

authenticationcontroller, 439

Custom Exception Handler, 440442

On Exception Transition, 439

explicit form binding

converter package, 443

message keys, 444

per-property based binding, 443

preferred approach, 443

fine-grained scoping, 323

automatic state management, 326327

bookstore web application, 323

Context data, 324

HTTP Sessions, 325

myData, 324

usage, 323

flow concept, 322

flow execution listeners

configuration, 460

eventSignaled, 461

exceptionThrown, 463

FlowExecutionListener interface, 459

paused, 462

requestSubmitted(RequestContext context, 461

resuming, 462

sessionCreating, 461

sessionEnding, 462

sessionStarting, 461

stateEntering, 462

transitionExecuting, 461

viewRendering, 462

flow inheritance

child flow, 431

mergeable and non-mergeable elements, 430

merged flow, 432

parent attribute, 430

parent flow, 431

single view state, 431

flow managed persistence context

binding and unbinding, 466

database to view, 463465

end state, 467

JpaFlowExecutionListener,, 467

LazyInitializationException, 475

new Orders overview page, 472

OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter, 468

orderDetail.jsp, 469

registration, 466

tiles definition, 470

view link, 473

ingredients of

apress.prospringmvc.bookstore.web.controller, 337

cancel transition, 338

choice, 334

element multiplicity, 334

evaluate action, 342343

flow and flow-graph tabs, 336

flow definition, 335

flow root element, 333

namespace, 335

selectCategory, 337

state transitions, 341342

view state, 338340

XML Schema, 333334

bookstore sample application, 363

PRG, 330, 331

request synchronization

double submission, 329

duplicate key, 327

flow execution key, 328

idempotent, 327

state inheritance, 434

Web Flow 1 migration, 437439

WebApplicationContext, 306

WebDataBinder, 139140

WebMvcContext, 171

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