A permissions, 109
accomplishments, celebrating, 170 rehearsal and determining
Adobe Connect, 21, 131 experience of, 139-143
Adobe Flash, 31 responses to presenters, 107, 172
animation, use of, 24, 100, 116 role of, 43
annotation tool bar, 115 Audience Analysis Checklist, 8,
annotation tools 12-14
arrows, 117 audio, 22-24
color, setting, 116 AVI, 31
drawing, 116-117
highlighters, 116 B
improving use of, 114-119 barriers, identifying, 7-9
purpose for, 29-30, 103-104 best practices, 169
rehearsal using, 141-141 body of content, 81-83
stamps, 118 box tool, 30
text tools, 118-119 Brainshark, 31
Apple Keynote, 98 BrightTALK, 16, 72
application and desktop sharing, browser-based platforms, 20
24-26 budget holders, 42, 61
arrows, 117
attendees, 42 C
audience calendar function, 73
analysis, 8, 12-14 Camtasia, 31
barriers for, 8 charts, 102-103
compelling, 68-70 chat, 26-28
concerns, 77-79 circle tool, 30, 117
controls, 109 Cisco, WebEx, 19, 21, 28-29, 90,
encouraging, to take action, 109-110, 115, 131, 140, 166
85-86 Citrix, GoToTraining, 28, 131
interacting with, 130-132 clip art, use of, 96
closings, 158-160 E
collaboration, 11 effective presentations, making,
assumptions, checking, 61-62 10-11
benefits and reasons for, 59-61, emails
63-65 follow-up using, 163-165
feedback, soliciting, 62-63 tips for effective, 73
color, setting, 116, 97
compelling presentations. See examples and stories, use of, 84-85


compelling reasons, presenting, feedback
68-70 of rehearsals, 144-145, 147
competency self-evaluation worksheet, 172-179
conscious competence model, soliciting, 62-63, 132, 134-135
17,18 Flickr, 97
unconscious, 18 follow-up
Compfight, 97 email, use of, 163-165
computers, use of two to see what for general information
audience is seeing, 109-111 webinars, 162
conscious competence model, 17, 18 importance of, 161-162
conscious incompetency, 17 learning from others, 169
content for marketing webinars, 163
body of, 81-83 planning, 46
concerns, addressing, 77-79 for sales demos, 162
elements of, 76-77 thank-you letters, 165
encouraging audience to take sorry we missed you letters, 166,
  action, 85-86 167
examples and stories, use of, surveys, use of, 166-168
84-85 for training, 162-163
introduction general, 79-81 Free Online Surveys, 167
outline template, 87-88
planning, 45-46 G
transitions, 81, 83-84 general information webinars, xi
verbal, 123-125 customizing presentations, 9
welcome, 77-79 follow-up, 162
worksheet, 77 objectives of, 5
co-presenter, working with, 63-65 planning template, 44-49
Corbis Images, 97 platform features, 33
customizing presentations, 9-10 producer/project manager, 41
cycle slides feature, 150 Getty Images, 97
Glance, 20, 111
D Good, R., 21
delivery day, 46 GoToMeeting, 20, 90, 111, 140
desktop sharing, 24-26 GoToTraining, 28, 131
Dimdim, 19, 21, 25, 104 111, 113, GoToWebinar, 90, 112, 166
140 graphs, 102-103
distractions, 70-71, 78-79, 2, 49, 68
document sharing, 24
drawing tools, 116-117
H Live Meeting, 21, 90, 111, 140,
highlighters, 116 166
Howell, W. S., 17 PowerPoint slides, 98-103
monitoring. See rehearsals
I multitasking
iLinc, 21, 90 question-and-answer time,
implementers, 42 effective use of, 155-158
incompetency rhythm, 151, 153-154
conscious, 17 tips, 154-155
unconscious, 17
information technology department, N
60 Netbriefings, 90
introductions, general, 79-81
invitations O
calendar function, 73 objectives
components of, 69-70 feedback, soliciting, 62
emails, tips for effective, 73 of general information
feedback, soliciting, 62 webinars, 5
for marketing, 73, 74 knowing, 3-5
for sales demos, 73, 75 learning, 4
simple and effective, creating, rehearsal and, 144
72-76 of sales demos, 5
for team meetings, 75-76 of team meetings, 5
for training, 75 tips for writing good, 4-5
when to send, 56 training, 5, 97 OpenOffice Impress, 98
K barriers, identifying, 7-9
Kwik Surveys, 167 defining, 6-9
feedback, soliciting, 62
L outline template, 87-88
lag time, 121, 142
length of presentations, 70-72 P
letters payers, 42
sorry we missed you, 166, 167 permissions settings, 27, 30, 109
thank-you, 165 pictures and screen shots, use of,
Live Meeting, 21, 90, 111, 140, 166 94-96
loading slides, 111-112 planning
logistics, 45 components, 43-46
log-on, 140-141 content, 45-46
delivery day, 46
M follow-up, 46
marketing for general information
follow-up, 163 webinars, 44-49
invitation, 73, 74 logistics, 45
producer/project manager, 41-42 pre-work, 45, 21 purpose of, 39
meetings, avoiding lengthy, 3 for sales demos, 46, 49-51
Microsoft rehearsal, 46
roles and responsibilities, preparation for, 149-151, 152
assigning, 40-43 problems with, xi-xii, 2
scheduling, 56 rhythm, 151, 153-154
for team meetings, 54-55 timing of, 144
templates, 44-55 types of, xi
for training, 52-53 presentation skills
platform features annotation tools, 103-104,
annotation tools, 29-30 114-119
application and desktop sharing, audience, interacting with,
24-26 130-132
applications, 33-35 computers, use of two to see
audio, 22-24 what audience is seeing,
chat, 26-28 110-111
general information webinars, 33 feedback, soliciting, 63, 132,
polling, 28-29 134-135
PowerPoint and document loading slides, 111-112
sharing, 24 looking smooth and professional,
recordings, 30 108-111
sales demos, 34 rehearsal of, 142-144
team meetings, 34-35 sharing applications and
training, 34 documents, 104, 119-122
using for maximum impact, skipping ahead and between
32-35 slides, 112-114
webcams and video, 32 speaking, 123-125, 134-135
whiteboards, 26 transitions, 81, 83-84, 112-114
platforms voice quality and tone, 125-129,
browser-based, 20 134-135
comparison checklist, 22, 36-37 presenters
features of, 21-32 barriers for, 7-8
server-based, 20-21 boring, 2
types of, 19-21 changing, 24
polling, 28-29, 81 role of, 42
PowerPoint pre-work, 45
charts and graphs, 102-103 producer/project manager, 41-42
and document sharing, 24
loading slides, 111-112 Q
pictures and screen shots, 94-97 question-and-answer time, effective
text slides, 98-101 use of, 155-158
use of, 98-103
practicing/rehearsing. See R
rehearsals recordings, 30
preparation, 149-151, 152 rehearsals, 46
presentations audience experience,
closing, 158-160 determining, 139-143
customizing, 9-10 conducting, 138-139
effectiveness of, 10-11 delivery of presentation and use
example of a successful, xii-xiv of technology, 141-143
length of, 70-72 feedback of, 144-145, 147
other names for, ix look and sound of presentation,
outline template, 87-88 141-143
monitoring, 139-144 clunky, 2
objectives reached, 144 potential of, 15-16
reasons for, 137-138 stress caused by, 16-19
resolution, 141 Telenect, 90
roles and responsibilities telephone usage, guidelines for,
assigning, 40-43 22-23
audience, 43 templates
presenters, 42 content presentation, 87-88
producer/project manager, planning, 44-55
41-42 tests, system, 140
stakeholders, 42 text slides, 98-101
support staff, 42 text tools, 118-119
timing, 144
S training, xi
sales demos, xi customizing presentations, 9-10
customizing presentations, 9 follow-up, 162-163
follow-up, 162 invitation for, 75
invitation for, 73, 75 length of presentations, 71-72
length of presentations, 71 objectives of, 5
objectives of, 5 planning for, 52-53
planning for, 46, 49-51 platform features, 34
platform features, 34 producer/project manager, 41
producer/project manager, 41 transitions, 81, 83-84, 112-114
salespeople, 42
scheduling, 56 U
self-evaluation worksheet, 172-179 unconscious competency, 18
server-based platforms, 20-21 unconscious incompetency, 17
setup checklist, 152 user interface, standard, 25
setup tips, 149-150
sharing applications and V
documents, 104, 119-122 verbal skills, 123-125, 134-135
SlideShare, 31 VIA3, 20
speaking video, 32
content, 123-125 virtual presentations. See
voice quality and tone, 125-129 presentations
stakeholders, 42 visuals
stamps, 118 annotation tools, 103-104,
stress, technology and, 16-19 114-119
support staff, 42 charts and graphs, 102-103
SurveyMonkey, 167 elements of effective, 102-103
surveys, use of, 166-168 feedback, soliciting, 63
frequency of changing, 72
T loading slides, 111-112
team meetings, xi pictures and screen shots, 94-96
customizing presentations, 10 PowerPoint, 98-103
invitation for, 75-76 sharing applications and
objectives of, 5 documents, 104, 119-122
planning for, 54-55 text slides, 98-101
platform features, 34-35 transitions, 81, 83-84, 112-114
technology use of term, 90
webcams, 90-94 Weber, E., 73
what good visuals do, 89 WebEx, 19, 21, 28-29, 90, 100, 109,
vocal skills, 125-129, 134-135 110,115,131,140,166
Voice over Internet Protocol whiteboards, 26
(VoIP), 23 WMV, 31
voice quality and tone, 125-129, worksheets
134-135 audience analysis, 8, 12-14
platform comparison, 22, 36-37
W presentation outline template,
webcams, 32, 90 87-88
advantages of, 92 rehearsal feedback, 147
disadvantages of, 91-92 self-evaluation, 172-179
dressing for, 93 show-day, 152
tips for using, 92-94 verbal and vocal skills, 134-135
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