After more than 15 years of teaching and coaching presentation skills, I have developed a healthy skepticism about books and advice versus practical application. I always tell my classes, “Everyone knows you shouldn’t drool when you present. The real question you should be asking yourselves is, ‘Can you present without drooling?’” It’s the same with any behavior—theory only takes you so far.

On the surface, a book about virtual presentations makes as much sense as a book about skiing. The information might be accurate, but everything you’ve read flies out the window the minute you stand at the top of the hill. Looking down, you can’t remember your own name, never mind how to gently turn your skis to avoid that tree that is suddenly bigger and scarier than you remember.

Here’s the important distinction between web presenting and skiing—no one has ever been seriously injured (at least physically) by a web presentation gone wrong.

All of this is to say that, while a lot of good information is included in this book, much of it won’t make any sense to you until you actually get your hands on whichever tool you’re going to use and take it for a spin.

When I lead classes in online presenting, the one thing I hear from participants more than any other is, “I never knew all the cool stuff you can do.” That’s when I know I’ve done my job, and it’s the point of this book: to show you the possibilities and lower the stress level and panic that may prevent you from trying things that bring out the best in both the tool and you, the presenter.

By all means, read this book or at least purchase it if you’ve come this far, but put it down periodically and log on. Push the buttons, screw things up, get bumped off, and log back on again. A book can only take you so far. At some point, you need to log on and give that first presentation.

That’s what 10 Steps to Successful Virtual Presentations is all about. Copy the tools. Use the checklists. Share the tips with your teammates and employees. Have fun. Try stuff and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Then get better and don’t make that same mistake again. In no time, your presentation skills will improve, and who knows, you might even have a little fun.

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