Graph theory

The second major framework for the study of probabilistic graphical models is graph theory. Graphs are the skeleton of PGMs, and are used to compactly encode the independence conditions of a probability distribution.

Nodes and edges

The foundation of graph theory was laid by Leonhard Euler when he solved the famous Seven Bridges of Konigsberg problem. The city of Konigsberg was set on both sides by the Pregel river and included two islands that were connected and maintained by seven bridges. The problem was to find a walk to exactly cross all the bridges once in a single walk.

To visualize the problem, let's think of the graph in Fig 1.1:

Nodes and edges

Fig 1.1: The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg graph

Here, the nodes a, b, c, and d represent the land, and are known as vertices of the graph. The line segments ab, bc, cd, da, ab, and bc connecting the land parts are the bridges and are known as the edges of the graph. So, we can think of the problem of crossing all the bridges once in a single walk as tracing along all the edges of the graph without lifting our pencils.

Formally, a graph G = (V, E) is an ordered pair of finite sets. The elements of the set V are known as the nodes or the vertices of the graph, and the elements of Nodes and edges are the edges or the arcs of the graph. The number of nodes or cardinality of G, denoted by |V|, are known as the order of the graph. Similarly, the number of edges denoted by |E| are known as the size of the graph. Here, we can see that the Konigsberg city graph shown in Fig 1.1 is of order 4 and size 7.

In a graph, we say that two vertices, u, v ϵ V are adjacent if u, v ϵ E. In the City graph, all the four vertices are adjacent to each other because there is an edge for every possible combination of two vertices in the graph. Also, for a vertex v ϵ V, we define the neighbors set of v as Nodes and edges. In the City graph, we can see that b and d are neighbors of c. Similarly, a, b, and c are neighbors of d.

We define an edge to be a self loop if the start vertex and the end vertex of the edge are the same. We can put it more formally as, any edge of the form (u, u), where u ϵ V is a self loop.

Until now, we have been talking only about graphs whose edges don't have a direction associated with them, which means that the edge (u, v) is same as the edge (v, u). These types of graphs are known as undirected graphs. Similarly, we can think of a graph whose edges have a sense of direction associated with it. For these graphs, the edge set E would be a set of ordered pair of vertices. These types of graphs are known as directed graphs. In the case of a directed graph, we also define the indegree and outdegree for a vertex. For a vertex v ϵ V, we define its outdegree as the number of edges originating from the vertex v, that is, Nodes and edges. Similarly, the indegree is defined as the number of edges that end at the vertex v, that is, Nodes and edges.

Walk, paths, and trails

For a graph G = (V, E) and u,v ϵ V, we define a u - v walk as an alternating sequence of vertices and edges, starting with u and ending with v. In the City graph of Fig 1.1, we can have an example of a - d walk as Walk, paths, and trails.

If there aren't multiple edges between the same vertices, then we simply represent a walk by a sequence of vertices. As in the case of the Butterfly graph shown in Fig 1.2, we can have a walk W : a, c, d, c, e:

Walk, paths, and trails

Fig 1.2: Butterfly graph—a undirected graph

A walk with no repeated edges is known as a trail. For example, the walk Walk, paths, and trails in the City graph is a trail. Also, a walk with no repeated vertices, except possibly the first and the last, is known as a path. For example, the walk Walk, paths, and trails in the City graph is a path.

Also, a graph is known as cyclic if there are one or more paths that start and end at the same node. Such paths are known as cycles. Similarly, if there are no cycles in a graph, it is known as an acyclic graph.

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