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Here is some additional information about read replicas:

  • Read replicas are deployed in a single AZ; there is no standby read replica.
  • It's not possible to enable backups on read replicas during the time of creation. This must be configured afterward.
  • The default storage type is standard (magnetic). You can increase performance by choosing gp2 or using provisioned IOPS.
  • It's possible to add MySQL indexes directly to a read replica to further increase read performance. These indexes are not required to be present on the primary DB.
  • Using read replicas for availability purposes is more of a complementary DR strategy and shouldn't be used in place of multi-AZ RDS. A multi-AZ configuration gives you the benefit of failure detection and automatic failover.
  • It is possible to deploy a read replica in an entirely different region.
  • Unlike the replication between a primary and standby DB (which is synchronous), replication to a read replica is asynchronous. This means that a read replica can fall behind the primary. Keep this in mind when sending time-sensitive read queries to your read replicas.
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