

active listening, 69

Adamik, Jennie, 15

agendas, 75, 149

agreements, offline, 160

Allen, Tracy V., 68

ambition, independent, 39–40


baby showers, 153–155

background, video, 197–198, 199

bandwidth, 99–105

bathroom breaks, 187–192

benefits, 170–176

bereavement, 215–219

birthdays, 153–155

Blaustein, Jena, 137

blind hiring, 49

body language, 109–110

browsers, securing, 27

budget items, 158, 172, 218–219

bullying and harassment, 207–214

burnout, preventing, 99–105


calendar, sharing, 195–197

certifications, 95–96

change, openness to, 103–104

chart of team’s schedule, 14–15

chats, one-on-one, 140

chatty employees, 85

check-ins, 66–67, 126

cliques, 159–163

Coco Chanel Challenge, 134

colloquialisms, 7–8

committees, 134–135, 157


mistakes, 80–82

skills, 37–39

special situations, 84–85

standards, 78–79

weather days and, 125

computers, personal use of, 28–29

conference calls, 5–7, 72–73

confidentiality, 28, 116–117

cooking, 181–183, 185

core business/working hours, 19

coupons, digital, 172

cultural differences, 7–9, 90–91


day-to-day management, 65–70

death, 215–219

deflation, culture of, 166

dignity, 111

disciplinary meetings, 106–112

Discovery Education, 174

dismissal, 113–118

diversity, 47–53

documentation, 75, 212–213

donations, 217

doors, locking, 195

dossiers, introductory, 147–148

dress codes, 180

drinks and snacks, 171–172

drive, independent, 39–40


elections, 126–127

email, 4–5, 28, 43, 218

emojis, 204

employee handbooks, 62–63

employees. See also specific topics

attributes, desirable, 35–43

death of, 217–219

feedback, soliciting from, 101

limits of, 99–105


return of, 115–116, 218

testing, 75, 91, 149

equity, 47–53

errands, 183–185

expectations, 55–56, 101–102, 104, 126


family, hiring, 118–122

feedback, soliciting from employees, 104

field trips, 174–175

flexible schedules, 17–23

flowers, 217

follow-up, 110, 117, 150

friends, hiring, 119–123

full flexibility workplaces, 21

funerals, attending, 217


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), 30

gestures, 109

gift cards, 172

Glaros, Caliopy, 8–9

gossip, 165–166

group training, 97

guests, virtual, 146–151

gut, trusting, 45–46


happy hours, 155–156

harassment and bullying, 207–214

higher education, 96–97


attributes, desired, 35–43

blind, 49

family and friends, 119–123

interviews, 33–34, 43–45

morale and, 138–139

tips, 45–46

HMW Question Method (“How might we …?”), 176

holidays, 127

homestead humanity, culture of, 196–198

housekeeping notes, 149–150

HR department, 59–60, 108, 115, 123, 205–206


inappropriateness, unintentional, 80

inclusion, 47–53

information, wrong/unclear, 82–84

in-person interviews, 44

instant messaging (IM), 72

interruptions, 193–200

interviews, 33–34, 43–45. See also hiring

introductions, 75–76

introductory dossiers, 147–149

introverts and team building, 135


job responsibilities, 218

Johnson, Karen, 70

jokes, inside, 161


Kelly, Robert, 193, 194

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 50


language, 7–8

laundry, 181, 185

life events, 129

lights, remote-controlled, 196

limited flexibility workplaces, 19–20

listening, active, 69

loss and bereavement, 215–219

lunch, 181–183, 185


management, day-to-day, 65–70


about, 71–76

bathroom breaks and, 187–192

cliques and, 160

disciplinary, 106–112

flexible schedules and, 20

morale and, 138

staff, 139

Missing Maps Project, 173

mistakes, communication, 80–82

misunderstandings, 166–167

moderate flexibility workplaces, 20–21


about, 136–138

bad, 142–143

budgeting for, 158

good, 138–140

sinking, 140–141

tips, 143–144

multitasking, 150–151

museum field trips, 174


napping, 173

nepotism, 119–123

Never Have I Ever, 156

news, 166–167

notes, pre-event, 148–149


observing, 143–144, 210–212

office romance, 201–206

Ogilvie, Court, 13–14

onboarding, 55, 56, 60–64

online education, 95–96

online games, 172–173

orientation, 55, 56–60, 63, 64

Orose, Rachael, 185

OSHA, 190–191

outsiders, 146–151


paperwork, onboarding, 61–62

parameters for remote work, 102–103

parties, 156–157

party planning committees, 157

password protection, 25

performance measures, 87–88

performance reviews, 86–87, 88–91

phone calls, 187–192, 216–217

phone dismissals, 115

phone interviews, 43


disciplinary action meeting, 107–110

professional development, 93–94


bathroom breaks, 190–191

bereavement, 217, 219

cliques, 161

interruptions, 198–199

romance, office, 202–205, 206

Polinko, Michelle, 180

potlucks, virtual, 154

pre-hire assessments, 48–49

priorities, 99

privacy, 24–30

professional development, 92–98, 140

promotions, 88

purpose, determining, 134


questions, asking, 111–112


recording meetings, 76

relationship contracts, 203–204

research/admin projects, mass, 173

respect, 111, 216

romance, office, 201–206

rudeness, unintentional, 80

rumor mill, 112


Schecter, Matthew, 143

schedules, work, 11–16

“Science Behind Why Your Gestures Look So Awkward On Video, The” (Wellin), 109

security measures, company- required, 27–28

self-care, 117, 118

self-discipline, 40–41

self-starting and self- motivation, 42

sensitivity, 216–217

Shemla, Meir, 50

snacks and drinks, 171–172

social events, 152–158

social media platforms, 72

software, 26, 218

stereotypes, avoiding, 69

Straight Face, 156

subject matter experts, 84–85

superiors, 84–85, 115


team building, 131–135

teamwork, 84, 161


day-to-day management and, 67–68

diversity and inclusion, 49–50

knowledge about, 36–37

privacy and, 25–27

team building and, 132–134

weather days and, 126

thank you banks, 173

thanking speakers, 151

time zones, 3–10

transparency, culture of, 166

trust, 45

tuition reimbursement, 97


verbal communication, 38–39

video condolence calls, 216–217

video conferencing, 73–74, 217

video dismissals, 115

video games, 172–173

video interviews, 33–34, 44

video performance reviews, 89

virtual private networks (VPNs), 26

Virtual Scavenger Hunt, 133

viruses, 26

volunteerism, group, 173


Ward, Amy Sample, 74

watercooler, virtual, 164–169

weather days, 125–126

webinars, 95

Wellin, Jordan, 109

Whitney, Mimi, 21

Wi-Fi networks, 26–27

Wilson, Earl, 165

work commitment, 96–97

work environment, 100–101

work schedules, 11–16

written communication skills, 38

written interviews, 43

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