

active images, 5

areas, viewing, 10-11

Quick Fix shortcut, 40-48


adjustment layers, 101

artwork to images, 196-197

bevels to shapes, 131

borders to photos, 106-108

captions to photos, 82, 175

color to shapes, 132

drop shadows to text, 91

paragraph text, 85

talk bubbles, 88-89

type effects, 90

white border to prints, 32-33

Adjust Color Intensity slider, 69


brightness, 71

contrast, 71

layer opacity, 98-99

skin tones, 67

white balance, 66

adjustment layers, adding, 101

albums. See also photo books; slide shows

creating, 152, 163

online albums, creating, 176-179

Photo Collage Wizard, 172-174

sharing online, 184-185

smart albums, creating, 160-161

aligning photos, 77

antique effect, adding to photos, 204-207

applications, opening, 4-5

applying palettes, 18

artistic effects

oil painting effect, adding to photos, 118-119

posterization, 120

sketches, creating from photos, 121

artwork, adding to images, 196-197


keywords to photos, 153

map location to photos, 158

ratings to photos, 157

automatically removing objects from images, 74-75

automatically tagging photos, 156


Background Eraser tool, 138

Background layer, 92

backgrounds, removing, 116-117

balancing color cast, 66

bevels, adding to shapes, 131

black-and-white photos

creating from color photos, 72

high-contrast photos, creating, 112-113

transitioning to color, 114

blank documents, opening, 8-9

blemishes, removing from subjects, 143

blending modes, changing, 102

Blur More command, 79

blurring sharp edges, 79

blurry photos, sharpening, 78

borders, adding to photos, 32-33, 106-108


dark image areas, 65

skin tones, 67

Brightness/Contrast command, 71

Brush tool, 13, 135-136

buttons, More, 96


Calendar view (Organizer), 154

cameras, importing images from, 24-25

captions, adding to photos, 82, 175

capturing stills from video, 28-29

cataloging photos, 6-7


blending modes of layers, 102

fonts, 87

hair color on subjects, 144-145

text properties, 87

clip art, adding photo books, 192

Clipboard, opening pictures from, 30-33

Clone Stamp tool, 73, 137

closing work areas, 10

collages, creating, 208-211



to single object in photos, 115

to shapes, 132

fading out, 114

gradient fills, creating, 109

saturation, 44

saving to Swatches palette, 134

selecting from shapes, 133

tolerance, 63

white balance, adjusting, 66

color cast, adjusting skin tones, 67

color photos, converting to black and white, 72

Color Picker, 15, 134

Color Quick Fixes, 44


enhancing, 147

experimenting with, 68-69

replacing, 70

combining photos for panoramic views, 200-201


Blur More, 79

Brightness/Contrast, 71

Photomerge Faces, 75

Photomerge Group Shot, 76-77

Photomerge Scene Cleaner, 74-75

Shadows/Highlights, 65

Show Map, 158

Unsharp Mask, 78

configuring tools, 14-15

contact sheets, printing, 34-35

contextual menus, 16

contours, trimming on subjects, 148-149

contrast, adjusting, 71


blending modes, 102

layers, 97

converting color photos to black and white, 72

Cookie Cutter tool, 123

Copy Items dialog box, 25


layer styles, 103

objects to layers, 95


albums, 152, 163, 172-174

black and white photos from color photos, 72

fill layers, 98-99

gradient fills, 109

layers, 94

mosaic tiles, 198-199

panoramic views, 201

photo books, 190-191

rubber stamps, 202-203

shapes, 130

slide shows, 180-183

smart albums, 160-161

web photo galleries, 176-179

crooked photos, straightening, 50

Crop tool, 2

cropping photos, 49


photo shapes, 123

preferences, 20

tools, 14-15


dark areas, brightening, 65

darkening skin tones, 67

decorative borders, adding to photos, 106-108


backgrounds, 116-117

layers, 95

Detail Smart Brush, retouching photos, 126-127

dialog boxes

Color Picker, 15

Copy Items, 25

Refine Edge, 64

drop shadows, adding to text, 91

Dutch angles, applying to photos, 52


edit modes, 17


photos on, 165

preferences, 20

text, 86

enhancing images, 147

Quick Fix shortcut, 40, 42, 44, 48

enlarging active image areas, 10-11

Eraser tool, 138

experimenting with color variations, 68-69

Eyedropper tool, 133


fading out color, 114

files, saving, 21

fill layers, creating, 98-99

filters, Solarize, 209

finding photos

in Organizer, 154-155

in smart albums, 161

fine-tuning layer styles, 103

flipping layers, 100


changing, 87

formatting, 14


images, Quick Fix shortcut 40-48

tools, 14-15

Full Edit mode, 17

parts of images, selecting, 60-61


gradient fills, creating, 109

graphics, rasterized, 197

grouping layers, 97

grout color, changing on mosaic tiles, 199

Guided Edit mode, 17, 58-59


hair color, changing on subjects, 144-145

Healing Brush tool, 146

hiding layers, 95, 97

high-contrast black-and-white photos, creating, 112-113

Hints palette, 18



active image areas, viewing, 10-11

cameras, importing from, 24-25

cropping, 49

dark areas, brightening, 65

multiple, opening, 11

objects, removing, 73

printing, 31

resampling, 53

resizing, 31, 53

rotating on opening, 51

saving, 13, 21

scanning, 26-27

selecting part of, 60-63

straightening, 50

type, overlaying, 84

importing images from cameras, 24-25

Impressionist Brush tool, 139


JPEG files, Progressive mode, 170

keywords, assigning to photos, 153

Kodak EasyShare Gallery service, ordering prints, 186-189

Kodaliths, 112


Lasso tool, selecting part of an image, 61

layers, 92

adjustment layers, adding, 101

Background layer, 92

blending modes, changing, 102

controlling, 97

copying objects to, 95

creating, 94

fill layers, creating, 98-99

flipping, 100

grouping, 97

hiding, 95-97

opacity, adjusting, 98-99

painting on, 94

repositioning, 96

rotating, 100

styles, copying and pasting, 103

Lighting Quick Fixes, 42-43

Liquify tool, 148-149

locating photos

in Organizer, 154-155

in smart albums, 161


Magic Eraser tool, 138

Magic Extractor tool, 116-117

Magnetic Lasso, selecting part of an image, 61

map location, assigning to photos, 158

merging images

from different photos, 76-77

for panoramic views, 200-201

midtones, adjusting, 68-69

mistakes, undoing, 41, 138

modifying active image areas, 10-11

moving active image areas, 11

More button, 96

mosaic tile

creating, 198-199

grout color, changing, 199


layers, 96

shapes, 130

multiple photos, processing, 168-169

music tracks, adding to slide shows, 183



copying to layers, 95

merging from different photos, 76-77

removing from images, 73

oil painting effect, adding to photos, 118-119

online albums, creating, 176-179

opacity of layers, adjusting, 98-99


blank documents, 8-9

palettes, 10

photos from Clipboard, 30

optimizing photos for online use, 170-171

ordering prints, 186-189

Organizer, 150

albums, creating, 152

Calendar view, 154

cataloging photos, 6-7

Photo Collage Wizard, 172-174


cataloging, 6-7

locating, 154-155

stacking, 159

tagging, 156

smart albums, creating, 160-161

overlaying type on images, 84


Paint Bucket, 132

painting on layers, 94

Palette Bin, 19


applying, 18

opening, 10

storing, 19

panning, 200

panoramic view, creating, 201

paragraph text, adding, 85

part of an image, selecting

based on color, 63

with Quick Selection Brush, 62

pasting layer styles, 103

Pattern Stamp tool, 137

Pencil tool, 135

photo albums. See albums; smart albums

photo books

clip art, adding, 192

creating, 190-191

Photo Collage Wizard, 172-174

Photomerge Faces command, 75

Photomerge Group Shot command, 76-77

Photomerge Scene Cleaner command, removing objects from images, 74-75

photos. See also black-and-white photos

albums, sharing online, 184-185

aligning, 77

artistic sketch effect, 121

artwork, adding, 196-197

background, removing, 116-117

borders, adding, 106-108

captions, adding, 82, 175

cataloging, 6-7

color, converting to black and white, 72

coloring a single object in, 115

contact sheets, printing, 34-35

cropping, 49

Dutch angle, applying, 52

keywords, assigning, 153

locating in Organizer, 154-155

map location, assigning, 158

objects, merging, 76-77

oil painting effect, adding, 118-119

opening from Clipboard, 30

optimizing for online use, 170-171

panoramic views, creating, 201

portraits, adding vignettes, 110-111

posterizing, 120

rating, 157

red eye effect, removing manually, 55

resampling, 53

resizing, 53

retouching with Detail Smart Brush tool, 126-127

rotating on opening, 51

scanning, 26-27

scratches, removing, 54

shape, customizing, 123

sharing on, 162

sharpening, 78

special effects

antique, 204-207

pointillism, 122

sepiatone, 204

stacking in Organizer, 159

straightening, 50

tagging in Organizer, 156

uploading to, 164

web photo galleries, creating, 176-177, 179

white border, adding, 32-33, 162

albums, creating, 163


editing online, 165

sharing, 162, 179

uploading, 164

picking up prints from in-store locations, 188

picture packages, printing, 36-37

pictures. See photos

pixels, 63

pointillism, 122

pop art, creating, 208-211


oil painting effect, adding, 118-119

vignettes, adding, 110-111

posterizing images, 120

preferences, selecting, 20


contact sheets, 34-35

images, 31

picture packages, 36-37


ordering, 186-189

picking up from in-store locations, 188

processing multiple photos, 168-169

properties of text, changing, 87


Quick Fix mode, 17

Quick Fix shortcut, 40-48

Quick Fixes

Color Quick Fixes, 44

Lighting Quick Fixes, 42-43

Sharpening Quick Fixes, 48

Touch Ups, 46-47

Quick Selection Brush, 62

rasterized graphics, 197

rating photos, 157

red eye effect, removing manually, 55

Refine Edge dialog, 64

refining selections, 64


backgrounds, 116-117

blemishes from subjects, 143

objects from images, 73

red eye effect, 55

scratches from images, 54

wrinkles from subjects, 142

replacing colors, 70

repositioning layers, 96

resampling photos, 53


images, 31, 53

shapes, 130

resolution, 9

retouching photos

blemishes, removing, 143

color, enhancing, 147

contours, trimming, 148-149

Detail Smart Brush tool, 126-127

hair color, changing, 144-145

Healing Brush tool, 146

wrinkles, removing, 142

revisions, preferences, 20


Dutch angle, applying to photos, 52

images on opening, 51

layers, 100

rubber stamps, creating, 202-203


saturation, 44


color to Swatches palette, 134

files, 21

photos for web use, 170-171

scanning images, 26-27

Scene Cleaner, Photomerge Scene Cleaner command, 74-75

scratches, removing from image, 54


color from shapes with Eyedropper tool, 133

part of an image, 60-63

pixels of same color, 63

preferences, 20

text, 86

selections, refining, 64

semitransparent fill layers, 98

sepia effect, creating, 204

Seurat, Georges, 122

Shadows/Highlights command, 65

shape of photos, customizing, 123


bevels, adding, 131

color, selecting from with Eyedropper tool, 133

coloring, 132

creating, 130

moving, 130

resizing, 130


albums online, 184-185

photos on, 162, 179

sharp edges, softening, 79

sharpening blurry photos, 78

Sharpening Quick Fixes, 48

shortcuts, Quick Fix shortcut, 40

Show Map command, 158

sketches, creating from photos, 121

skin tones, adjusting, 67

slide shows

creating, 180-181

music tracks, adding, 183

sliders, Adjust Color Intensity, 69

smart albums, creating, 160-161

Smart Brush tool, adding special effects to photos, 124-125

Smudge Stick tool, 198-199

Smudge tool, 139

softening sharp edges, 79

Solarize filter, 209

special effects

adding with Smart Brush tool, 124-125

antique, adding to photos, 204-205, 207

mosaic tiles, 198-199

pointillism, 122

speech balloons, 88

Sponge tool, 147

Spot Healing Brush tool, 143

stacking photos in Organizer, 159

starting Photoshop, 4-5

stills, capturing from video, 28-29

storing palettes, 19

straightening crooked photos, 50

styles of layers, copying and pasting, 103

Swatches palette, 134


tagging photos

with keywords, 153

in Organizer, 156

talk bubbles, adding, 88-89


drop shadows, adding, 91

editing, 86

fonts, changing, 87

paragraph text, adding, 85

selecting, 86

tolerance, 63

toning down color, 147

toolboxes, 2, 12-13


Background Eraser, 138

Brush, 135-136

Clone Stamp, 73, 137

configuring, 14-15

Cookie Cutter, 123

Detail Smart Brush, 126-127

Eraser, 138

Eyedropper, 133

Healing Brush, 146

Impressionist Brush, 139

Liquify, 148-149

Magic Eraser, 138

Magic Extractor, 116-117

Pattern Stamp, 137

Pencil, 135

Quick Selection Brush, 62

selecting, 12-13

Smart Brush, adding special effects, 124-125

Smudge, 139

Smudge Stick, 198-199

Sponge, 147

Spot Healing Brush, 143

Zoom, 10-12

Touch Ups, 46-47

transitioning black-and-white images to color, 114

trimming contours on subjects, 148-149

type effects, adding, 90


undoing mistakes, 41, 138

Unsharp Mask command, 78

uploading images

from cameras, 24

to, 164

vector graphics, 197

video stills, capturing, 28-29

vignettes, adding to portraits, 110-111


watermarks, 169

web photo galleries, creating, 176-179

websites,, 162

editing photos online, 165

sharing photos, 162, 179

uploading photos, 164

white balance, adjusting, 66

white border, adding to prints, 32-33

wide-angle photos, creating panoramic shots, 201

work areas, 2

closing, 10

configuring, 14-15

palettes, applying, 18

starting, 4-5

toolboxes, selecting tools, 12-13

wrinkles, removing from subjects, 142


Yahoo! Maps, assigning map location to photos, 158

Zoom tool, 47

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