Acknowledgements & sources


Material and “Describing your feelings” exercise in Chapter 2 reproduced by kind permission of Dr Alan Watkins, BSc MBBS PhD, Cardiac Coherence Ltd.

“Assessing your willingness to learn” exercise in Chapter 3 reproduced by kind permission of Katrina Rose, Inspire Development Ltd.

Self-belief cycle in Chapter 3 reproduced by kind permission of Katrina Rose, Inspire Development Ltd.

CST tachograms and breathing technique in Chapter 4 reproduced by kind permission of Dr Alan Watkins, BSc MBBS PhD, Cardiac Coherence Ltd.

Material referenced in “What drives me?” exercise in Chapter 5 drawn from Human Motivation by David C. McClelland, by kind permission of Cambridge University Press.

Material in the “Listening actively” section in Chapter 6 adapted by kind permission of Lynne Copp, The Work/Life Company Ltd.

“Gaining insight into other people’s positions” activity and “Pacing and leading others” technique in Chapter 7 adapted and reproduced by kind permission of Ian McDermott, founder of International Teaching Seminars.

“The seven elements of emotional intelligence” shown in the Appendix and used as an overall framework for this book reproduced by kind permission of Professors Malcolm Higgs and Victor Dulewicz.

The Johari Window material in the Appendix reproduced by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.

Sources – books

Fiona Beddoes-Jones; Thinking Styles – Relationship Strategies that Work!; BJA Associates; Lincoln, 1999

James Borg; PersuasionThe Art of Influencing People; Pearson Education; Harlow, 2004

Jane Cranwell-Ward, Andrea Bacon & Rosie Mackie; Inspiring Leadership: Staying Afloat in Turbulent Times; Thomson; London, 2002

Daniel Goleman; Working with Emotional Intelligence; Bloomsbury Publishing; London, 1998

Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis & Annie McKee; The New Leaders: Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of Results; Little, Brown: London 2002

Malcolm Higgs & Victor Dulewicz; Making Sense of Emotional Intelligence; ASE: London, 2002

Genie Z. Laborde; Influencing with Integrity; Management Skills for Communication and Negotiation; Crown House Publishing; Carmarthen, 2003

Ian McDermott & Wendy Jago; The NLP Coach; Judy Piatkus (Publishers); London, 2001

David Maister, Charles Green & Robert Galford; The Trusted Advisor; Simon & Schuster UK; London, 2002

Michael Neill; Feel Happy Now!; Hay House; New York, 2007

Richard Nelson-Jones; Introduction to Counselling Skills; Sage Publications; London, 2006

Joseph O’Connor & John Seymour; Training with NLP; Thorsons; London, 1994

Mike Pegg; The Positive Workbook; Enhance; Leamington Spa, 1995

Candace B. Pert; Molecules of EmotionWhy you feel the way you feel; Pocket Books; London, 1999

Patsy Rodenburg; Presence: How to Use Positive Energy for Success in Every Situation; Penguin Books; London, 2007

Tim Sparrow & Amanda Knight; Applied EI; John Wiley & Sons; Chichester, 2006

Sources – articles

Stanley Bass; “Energy - how acquired and lost in the body”;

Stanley Bass; “The relation between energy and feeling and thought” – extract from >Overcoming Compulsive Habits;

BBC Science & Nature Section, Human Body & Mind, Sleep;

Bruce Charlton; review of The Feeling of What Happens: Body, Emotion and the Making of Consciousness by Antonio Damasio; 2000;

Daniel Goleman; “How emotions matter for health”;

Godfrey Golzen; “Executives with EQ (not IQ)”; HR Magazine; April 1999

Greg Landry; “Your eight hormones and weight loss”; Life Tools for Women, Section: Heath & Wellbeing;

Loughborough University, Department of Human Sciences, Clinical Sleep Research Unit, Popular Articles;

Karen Niven, Institute of Work Psychology & ESRC Centre for Organisation and Innovation, University of Sheffield; “What is emotional influence?”;

Stephanie Noble; “Emotions as honored guests”; extract from Tapping the Wisdom Within, A Guide to Joyous Living; Inside Out Books; 1994

Kacper Postawski; “How to create energy from nothing”; February 2007;

Kacper Postawski; “Powerful sleep – secrets of the inner sleep clock”; 2004;

David Reilly & Tansy Harrison; “Creative consulting: psychoneuroimmunology, the mindbody”; Student BMJ: Education, Volume 10; April 2002

The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research for the Affective Sciences; “What are affects and emotions? How do they work?”;

Paige Waehner; “How to generate energy”; December 2004;

Extracts from interviews with EQ experts, including Jack Mayer, Eric Jensen, Candace Pert, Anabel Jensen, Maurice Elias, John Steinberg and J.-P. Dupreez; “What are emotions?”; EQ Today;

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