
This book is dedicated to my wife, Erika, and our two boys, Takeshi and Kenji. Because of you, I have the motivation to do what I do.

Erika, thank you for supporting me during the production of this book. Your dedication to taking care of our two very active boys and family matters allowed me to focus on this book. I am both grateful and lucky to have you in my life. I love you!

Takeshi and Kenji, thank you for always keeping me on my toes and for those five-minute slices of time. My hope is that this little accomplishment can serve as an inspiration to you someday to achieve what it is that you set your mind to.

Many thanks to Abe Elias, Aaron Conran, Tommy Maintz, and the rest of the Ext JS development team. Having the ability to interface directly with you and your team has allowed me to get the answers I needed to make some of this material possible.

This book exists because of the people at Manning. Sebastian Stirling, my development editor, spent many hours taking the seemingly mindless ramblings of this Ext JS developer and arranging them so they were understandable. Thank you, Sebastian, for helping to make this book what it is. Also, huge thanks to the production team, including Mary Piergies, Linda Recktenwald, Katie Tennant, and Dottie Marsico. My gratitude also goes out to Mitchell Simoens, a shining star in the Ext JS community, for technically reviewing the manuscript shortly before it went to press. Finally, to Michael Stephens and Marjan Bace: thank you very much for extending to me the opportunity of becoming a book author. This was a very personal experience for me, and I’m indebted to you for your support throughout this project.

Last, but not least, many thanks to all who contributed to the manuscript along the way. To Manning’s Early Access readers and the Ext JS community for your support and unparalleled dedication to providing feedback: I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the time taken out of your busy lives to interact with me during the writing of this book. And many thanks to the following peer reviewers who read the manuscript at different stages of its development and provided invaluable insights: Robert Anderson, Robby O’Connor, Amos Bannister, Paul Holser, Anthony Topper, Orhan Alkan, Ric Peller, Dan McKinnon, Jeroen Benckhuijsen, Christopher Haupt, Patrick Dennis, Costantino Cerbo, Greg Vaughn, Nhoel Sangalang, Bernard Farrell, Chuck Hudson, George Jempty, and Rama Vavilala.

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