There are a number of great analytical tools that can be used to understand business performance, identify problems and opportunities, and help set a course toward improving performance. In this chapter, I will share a few of my favorites that I have relied on time and time again. Most of these tools are utilized throughout this text, but they are worth introducing here as general tools and techniques because they are both useful and underutilized by finance professionals.


There are several useful tools buried in that textbook from your college statistics course. Many of the most useful assist in the analysis of a population or data set such as inventory, costs, transactions, or revenue by product, by project, or by customer. To illustrate, we'll review the finished goods inventory list for Vance Corp in Table 3.1. Management has asked for an analysis of finished goods, believing that the inventory levels are high and need to be reduced. This is a relatively small population of only 40 products whereas many businesses have hundreds or even thousands of products. Yet, it will serve to demonstrate the power of these analytical tools. The raw table provides data but would require an analyst to spend considerable time to review and summarize it.

TABLE 3.1 Finished Goods Inventory – Vance Corp image

Vance Corporation
Finished Goods Inventory
Product Number Unit Sales Quantity Y/E Unit Cost Extended Cost % of Total DSI
1001 500 100 800 80,000 0.1% 73
1002 2,000 800 3,224 2,579,200 3.5% 146
1003 200 60 250 15,000 0.0% 110
1004 6,000 1,000 400 400,000 0.5% 61
1005 1,000 500 650 325,000 0.4% 183
1006 750 270 800 216,000 0.3% 131
1007 2,500 600 800 480,000 0.6% 88
1008 4,200 1,800 4,800 8,640,000 11.6% 156
1009 1,800 300 1,800 540,000 0.7% 61
1010 1,400 400 900 360,000 0.5% 104
1011 9,000 2,088 2,800 5,846,400 7.8% 85
1012 22,000 3,200 1,475 4,720,000 6.3% 53
1013 10,000 2,600 1,190 3,094,000 4.1% 95
1014 7,400 1,200 264 316,800 0.4% 59
1015 10,000 3,100 4,700 14,570,000 19.5% 113
1016 800 200 104 20,800 0.0% 91
1017 600 159 250 39,750 0.1% 97
1018 6,200 1,700 2,500 4,250,000 5.7% 100
1019 820 100 500 50,000 0.1% 45
1020 7,425 825 600 495,000 0.7% 41
1021 1,600 200 300 60,000 0.1% 46
1022 1,200 300 400 120,000 0.2% 91
1023 3,200 600 700 420,000 0.6% 68
1024 7,400 2,243 3,015 6,762,645 9.1% 111
1025 3,200 1,125 484 544,219 0.7% 128
1026 5,500 950 400 380,000 0.5% 63
1027 2,300 700 280 196,000 0.3% 111
1028 1,875 680 374 254,320 0.3% 132
1029 3,000 1,034 3,100 3,205,400 4.3% 126
1030 1,312 1,100 693 762,300 1.0% 306
1031 750 88 900 79,200 0.1% 43
1032 180 35 250 8,750 0.0% 71
1033 235 60 350 21,000 0.0% 93
1034 2,000 680 988 671,840 0.9% 124
1035 7,000 2,880 4,100 11,808,000 15.8% 150
1036 4,800 1,800 522 939,600 1.3% 137
1037 3,200 500 360 180,000 0.2% 57
1038 1,600 895 439 392,502 0.5% 204
1039 2,150 900 504 453,600 0.6% 153
1040 3,100 750 503 376,875 0.5% 88
Total 74,674,201 100.0% 107

We start by sorting or reordering the product data by a key element, in this case the extended cost, in descending order. We then will divide the population into quartiles (in this case 10 products per quarter: 40/4) in Table 3.2.

TABLE 3.2 Finished Goods Inventory – Vance Corp: Descending Order image

3/15/2018 14:51 Vance Corporation
Finished Goods Inventory 2018
Product Number 2018 Unit Sales Quantity Y/E Unit Cost Extended Cost % of Total DSI
1015 10,000 3,100 4,700 14,570,000 19.5% 113
1035 7,000 2,880 4,100 11,808,000 15.8% 150
1008 4,200 1,800 4,800 8,640,000 11.6% 156
1024 7,400 2,243 3,015 6,762,645 9.1% 111
1011 9,000 2,088 2,800 5,846,400 7.8% 85
1012 22,000 3,200 1,475 4,720,000 6.3% 53
1018 6,200 1,700 2,500 4,250,000 5.7% 100
1029 3,000 1,034 3,100 3,205,400 4.3% 126
1013 10,000 2,600 1,190 3,094,000 4.1% 95
1002 2,000 800 3,224 2,579,200 3.5% 146
    1st Quartile 65,475,645 87.7% 109
1036 4,800 1,800 522 939,600 1.3% 137
1030 1,312 1,100 693 762,300 1.0% 306
1034 2,000 680 988 671,840 0.9% 124
1025 3,200 1,125 484 544,219 0.7% 128
1009 1,800 300 1,800 540,000 0.7% 61
1020 7,425 825 600 495,000 0.7% 41
1007 2,500 600 800 480,000 0.6% 88
1039 2,150 900 504 453,600 0.6% 153
1023 3,200 600 700 420,000 0.6% 68
1004 6,000 1,000 400 400,000 0.5% 61
    2nd Quartile 5,706,559 7.6% 93
1038 1,600 895 439 392,502 0.5% 204
1026 5,500 950 400 380,000 0.5% 63
1040 3,100 750 503 376,875 0.5% 88
1010 1,400 400 900 360,000 0.5% 104
1005 1,000 500 650 325,000 0.4% 183
1014 7,400 1,200 264 316,800 0.4% 59
1028 1,875 680 374 254,320 0.3% 132
1006 750 270 800 216,000 0.3% 131
1027 2,300 700 280 196,000 0.3% 111
1037 3,200 500 360 180,000 0.2% 57
    3rd Quartile 2,997,497 4.0% 96
1022 1,200 300 400 120,000 0.2% 91
1001 500 100 800 80,000 0.1% 73
1031 750 88 900 79,200 0.1% 43
1021 1,600 200 300 60,000 0.1% 46
1019 820 100 500 50,000 0.1% 45
1017 600 159 250 39,750 0.1% 97
1033 235 60 350 21,000 0.0% 93
1016 800 200 104 20,800 0.0% 91
1003 200 60 250 15,000 0.0% 110
1032 180 35 250 8,750 0.0% 71
    4th Quartile 494,500 0.7% 63
Total 74,674,201 100.0% 107

Sorting the population based on revenue, cost, or inventory value begins to transform the raw data into meaningful information, facilitating analysis and insights. If you are going to “move the needle,” you must focus on the larger items in any population. In this example, we have a product line that has excessive inventory as measured by inventory turns or days of inventory. Tackling the detail listing of part numbers is intimidating and inefficient. By sorting the inventory on extended cost in descending order, a mind‐numbing list of products takes on meaning. The entire population can be easily characterized, and our attention can be focused on addressing the significant items first.

Even a focus on the top 10 or 20 items in a large population can be useful. As a CFO, I would routinely want to review our top 10 products, customers, and inventory items.

By adding some simple statistical measures to this analysis, we can characterize the revenue in much more meaningful ways, as summarized in Table 3.3.

TABLE 3.3 Analysis of Finished Goods Inventory image

Recap Line Items Value % Total
Total Finished Goods 40 74,674,201 100%
Top Quartile 10 65,475,645 88%
Pareto (80/20)  8 59,802,445 80%
Mean (Average) 1,866,855
Median 396,251
Standard Deviation 3,352,101

Quartile Analysis. Dividing a population into fourths provides a useful start. In the case of inventory or sale values, the top quartile will general contain a disproportionate percentage of the total population. As a result, it presents an opportunity to identify the most significant line items in a large population. Management can focus on these large values, and addressing the top quartile will lead to improvements that will “move the needle.”

Pareto Analysis. Pareto analysis is similar to quartile analysis just described. For analysis purposes, the Pareto or 80/20 law essentially says that 80% of a population's value will be represented by 20% of the items. This has many applications in financial analysis: 80% of sales will generally result from sales to 20% of customers, and 80% of total inventory value will generally be made up of 20% of individual products or components.

Mean. As we know from our basic algebra class, the mean is the arithmetic average of all values in a set of numbers. In this case, the total value of finished goods ($74,674,201) is divided by the number of products (40), resulting in an average or mean value of inventory in finished goods of $1,866,855. While useful, the mean can be distorted by the presence of even a few outliers in the data set.

Median. The median is the middle value in a set of numbers. There will be an equal number of items above and below the median value. The median is particularly insightful when the mean is distorted due to outliers in the population.

Standard Deviation. Identifying the mean (average) or the median is helpful, but it is important to understand the dispersion of the population around the mean or average. One standard deviation indicates that 66% of the population is contained within that value. A normal distribution (bell curve) indicates that the data are equally dispersed above and below the mean. Most statistical software programs (and even Microsoft's Excel) have functions to compute the standard deviation. In this example, the standard deviation is very large, due to the number of very large values in the finished goods inventory. This indicates that there is a wide variation in finished goods inventory values.

The combination of these statistical tools can provide significant insight into any data set and help draw our attention to the most significant components in the set.

Sensitivity Analysis

This technique determines the sensitivity of an outcome (e.g. profit projection, value of a project, or valuation) to changes in key assumptions used in a base or primary case. Any projection or estimated value must be viewed as an estimate based on a number of inherent assumptions. Performing a sensitivity analysis is very useful to understand the dynamics of a particular projection or decision and to highlight the importance of testing assumptions. For example, in Table 3.4, we estimate the sensitivity of the stock price of Roberts Manufacturing Company to changes in key assumptions: the rate of sales growth and the level of profitability.

TABLE 3.4 Stock Price Sensitivity Analysis image

DCF Value Sensitivity Analysis
Stock Price
Roberts Manufacturing Company Sales Growth Rate
Operating Income % 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%
20.0% $12.11 $13.49 $15.04 $16.80 $18.77
17.5% 10.52 11.68 13.00 14.49 16.17
15.0% 8.92 9.88   10.96 12.18 13.56
12.5% 7.33 8.08 8.92 9.87 10.95
10.0% 5.74 6.27 6.88 7.57 8.34

Sensitivity analysis will be used throughout this book. For the specific application of this sensitivity analysis, see Chapter 22, Business Valuation and Value Drivers.

Scenario Analysis

A projection or forecast version is based on a specific set of conditions and assumptions (e.g. economic recovery). Since projected performance will vary under different assumptions or scenarios, significant projections should be recast under different conditions, events, or scenarios. A scenario is an imagined sequence of future actions or events. Whereas sensitivity analysis provides insight into the impact of “flexing” or changing one or more assumptions, scenario analysis will examine the projection if a different course of action or chain of events occurs. For example, if the primary or base case of a projection assumes economic recovery, what would the results be if the recession continues? This requires the analyst to examine and revise all variables under a specific scenario. Scenario analysis requires substantial consideration to identify and change assumptions that are impacted under a different scenario. For example, a recession scenario could affect unit sales volumes, average selling prices, interest rates, inflation, labor costs, and commodity prices. One of the most important aspects of scenario planning is to identify the management actions that can be taken to mitigate unfavorable changes or to capitalize on potential upsides.

A simplistic form of scenario analysis is to develop best‐case and worst‐case scenarios. This will develop a range of potential outcomes that can be useful in evaluating a projection.

Probability and Expected Value

In developing financial projections and evaluating investment projects, probability analysis can be helpful. In the example in Table 3.5, executives had developed estimates of sales under five discrete scenarios. In addition to the base plan, two upside and two downside scenarios were identified. Managers had estimated the probability of each scenario. The simple illustration provides an expected value (EV), or outcome, based on the probabilities assigned to each of the scenarios.

TABLE 3.5 Expected Value of Sales Plan image

Sales Plan Expected Value
Plan Scenario Sales Plan Probability Weighted Estimate
Upside Scenario 1 140,000  5% 7,000
Upside Scenario 2 125,000 10% 12,500
Base 120,000 50% 60,000
Downside Scenario 1 110,000 20% 22,000
Downside Scenario 2 108,000 15% 16,200
Expected Value 100% 117,700

Of course, the most critical part of this analysis would be to identify the scenarios, estimate sales, and also estimate the probability of each scenario. In some cases, prior experience may provide a basis. Industry trends and data can be useful, for example the probability of product development success. Even where the probabilities can't be developed scientifically, use of reasonable estimates can prove helpful. In this case, the base projection of $120,000 appears aggressive when compared to the EV of $117,700. There is more downside exposure than upside to the base plan, and, pending additional information, the base forecast should be revised down to $117,700. Probability and expected value are utilized in Part Three (Business Projections and Plans), in Chapter 15 (Revenue and Gross Margins), and also in Part Five (Valuation and Capital Investment Decisions).

Decision and Event Trees

Decision and event trees are useful to visualize, evaluate, and communicate various scenarios, especially future projects or other decisions where the outcomes are uncertain. For example, a firm may face a decision to replace an existing product with a new one or continue to sell the existing product. This is unlikely to be a single decision or event. How successful will the new product be? What will happen to the sales of the existing product if not replaced? What subsequent options will management have in optimizing the result?

The simple illustration in Figure 3.1 is a very effective way to lay out various management decisions and to describe potential outcomes resulting from each alternative choice. Each of the six potential outcomes will have probability of occurrence and an estimated value (e.g. NPV, sales, earnings per share). Each of these six outcomes will also involve a second level of management options or decisions.

Decision tree diagram of replacing existing product, with a box labeled Launch New Product branching to boxes labeled Launch New Product and Continue Existing Product. Each branch branches to possible outcomes.

FIGURE 3.1 Decision Tree: Replace Existing Product image

A more comprehensive review of decision trees and examples with values and probabilities is included in Chapter 21, Capital Investment Decisions: Advanced Topics.

Performance Trees

While we are on the subject of trees, another useful way to analyze and present financial data is through the use of tree analysis. Essentially, the analyst will create a visual model to drill down to almost any element of financial performance. These can be used to model/illustrate return on capital or equity, value drivers, or drivers of accounts receivable DSO. An early application is the so‐called Dupont formula used to analyze or decompose return on equity (ROE). In Table 3.6, we have modeled out the three major drivers of ROE: profitability, asset turnover, and financial leverage. The model allows us to change any estimate of financial performance (e.g. improving margins) to compute the effect on ROE. In addition to the useful aspects of this model, it is an outstanding way to communicate the drivers of ROE.

TABLE 3.6 Return on Equity Analysis image


Predictive Models

Predictive models are utilized frequently, especially on the planning side of FP&A. They can range from a simple projection of project costs in Excel to complex models used to predict the weather, volume of calls or retail traffic, or ultimately revenue levels. All predictive models build on the experience of the past to project future events, trends, or activity. Specific examples of predictive modeling are included in Chapters 13 (Budgets, Operating Plans, and Forecasts), 14 (Long‐Term Projections), and 15 (Revenue and Gross Margins).

Performance Improvement and Diagnostic Tools

In Chapter 1, we suggested that the objectives of financial analysis are not simply to report on events, outcomes, and future projections. Analysts should be prepared to identify the root causes of variances, shortfalls, and overruns, and be prepared to recommend possible corrective actions. Even better, analysts should identify improvement opportunities and recommend actions to realize these opportunities. This type of analysis requires an understanding of business processes, process improvement, and diagnostic techniques. In many cases, these skills will not be resident within the traditional FP&A department. Many of these skills are developed in consulting firms or in quality or continuous improvement organizations within the enterprise. In Chapter 5, Building Analytical Capability, we review ideas for evaluating, developing, or acquiring talent with these skills (or teaming with resources outside FP&A).

Figure 3.2 illustrates a simple but effective summary of an analysis of unfavorable accounts receivable trends and identification of the root causes of higher past‐due accounts. Accounts receivable balances reflect the overall effectiveness of the revenue process, including order entry, billing, shipping, quality, and customer service. The charts identify and summarize the specific reasons or root causes for a large number of receivables going unpaid owing to product quality problems. Armed with this data, the analyst can recommend specific corrective actions and measure progress toward implementing better practices.

Vertical bar graphs of receivables and DSO (top left) and past due receivables (bottom left), waterfall chart of DSO Drivers (top right), and horizontal bar graph of past due by root cause (bottom right).

FIGURE 3.2 Revenue Process and Accounts Receivable Analysis image

For a more detailed explanation of the revenue process and accounts receivable, refer to Chapter 17, Capital Management and Cash Flow: Working Capital. These performance improvement tools can be applied across a large number of business processes, including planning and forecasting, supply chain management and inventory, cost of quality, manufacturing variances, and project cost overruns.

Activity‐Based Measures

In many types of analysis, including product, customer, and business unit profitability, many general costs and expenses must be assigned or allocated. The easiest and most common method is to allocate expenses on the basis of sales dollars. This may be acceptable if the amounts allocated are not significant, or if sales dollars are representative of the activities and drivers of that expense. For example, order processing, invoicing, and service activities may support all product lines within an enterprise. In preparing product line P&Ls, these costs are allocated on the basis of sales dollars. However, in most organizations, sales dollars are not reflective of the level of activity and time attributable to each product line. For example, the cost of processing and invoicing an order may be the same for a small‐dollar repair order as it is for a $100,000 system. Service costs will be driven by the level of product failures and returns, not sales dollars. Inevitably, certain product lines will consume a disproportionate share or these activities.

Table 3.7 presents a comparison of these activities and measures and an allocation of total costs on the basis of sales dollars.

TABLE 3.7 Order Processing Costs Allocated by Sales Dollars image

Activity‐Based Cost Analysis
Order Processing and Customer Service
Order Processing and Billing (OPB) 1,200,100
Customer Service 750,000
Total 1,950,100
Sales % Total Allocation on Sales $ # Invoices % Total Average Transaction Returns % Total Return Rate
Product Line 1  1,500,100 3% 56,519   862 11%  1,740 20 2%  2.3%
Product Line 2  2,105,000 4% 79,310   410 5%  5,134 61 6% 14.9%
Product Line 3  1,200,600 2% 45,235   600 8%  2,001 41 4%  6.8%
Product Line 4  8,001,000 15% 301,455  1600 20%  5,001 15 1%  0.9%
Product Line 5  4,200,500 8% 158,263  2300 29%  1,826 40 4%  1.7%
Product Line 6 12,400,500 24% 467,215   260 3% 47,694 12 1%  4.6%
Product Line 7  6,000,000 12% 226,063   525 7% 11,429 28 3%  5.3%
Product Line 8 14,750,000 28% 555,738   300 4% 49,167 1 0%  0.3%
Parts  1,600,486 3% 60,302  1000 13%  1,600 800 79% 80.0%
Total 51,758,186 100% 1,950,100 7,857 100%  6,588 1,018 100% 13.0%

Note that the activity measures selected as representative of the drivers of time and cost for the department, namely number of invoices generated and returns, vary significantly from the percentage of sales dollars for each product line.

Table 3.8 assigns the cost for order processing and billing (OPB) on the basis of the number of transactions (invoices), and assigns the customer service costs on the basis of product returns. The table also compares the costs allocated by sales dollars to the costs assigned by activity measures, highlighting a significantly different assignment of costs. The analysis also identifies some other notable concerns that should be pursued, for example the large number of returns for parts. What are the root causes of returns and possible corrective actions? The company should also look at the profitability for parts, to ensure that pricing covers the relatively high transaction costs.

TABLE 3.8 Costs Assigned Based on Activity image

Costs Assigned Based on Activity Measures
% Invoices OPB Cost Assignment % Returns Service Assignment Total Assigned Allocated Sales $ Change
Product Line 1 11.0% 131,664  2.0%  14,735 146,399  56,519 89,880
Product Line 2  5.2%  62,625  6.0%  44,941 107,566  79,310 28,255
Product Line 3  7.6%  91,646  4.0%  30,206 121,852  45,235 76,617
Product Line 4 20.4% 244,388  1.5%  11,051 255,440 301,455 (46,015)
Product Line 5 29.3% 351,308  3.9%  29,470 380,778 158,263 222,515
Product Line 6  3.3%  39,713  1.2%   8,841  48,554 467,215 (418,661)
Product Line 7  6.7%  80,190  2.8%  20,629 100,819 226,063 (125,244)
Product Line 8  3.8%  45,823  0.1%     737  46,560 555,738 (509,178)
Parts 12.7% 152,743 78.6% 589,391 742,134  60,302 681,832
Total 100.0% 1,200,100  100.0% 750,000 1,950,100 1,950,100

Benchmarking and External View

Most traditional efforts by FP&A professionals are directed at the internal aspects of the enterprise. However, these professionals can extend and expand the value they add by looking outside the enterprise. FP&A can utilize benchmark and external information to add value in the following ways:

  • Analysis of markets, customers, and competition.
  • Using external information to benchmark and evaluate performance.
  • Utilizing benchmark information to set enterprise goals for performance and value creation.

Benchmarking is more fully explored in Chapter 11, The External View: Benchmarking Performance and Competitive Analysis.


Managers often describe the actual and targeted financial performance of their company as a “business model” or “financial model.” The business model represents the quantification of a company's strategy and business practices. The business model concept provides a useful framework for a number of business decisions ranging from product/service pricing to setting investment and expense levels. However, managers may lock into a single business model concept, limiting their ability to effectively compete or grow into other markets.

The common view of a business model represents a target profit and loss (P&L) model. The manager thinks of the business in terms of the P&L captions and the relationship of each line item as a percentage of sales, as illustrated in Table 3.9.

TABLE 3.9 Business Model Illustration: Traditional View image

Roberts Manufacturing Co. 2006 % of Sales
Sales $ 100,000 100.0%
Cost of Sales 45,000 45.0%
Gross Margin 55,000 55.0%
SG&A 32,000 32.0%
R&D 8,000 8.0%
Total Expenses 40,000 40.0%
Operating Income 15,000 15.0%
Other Income (Expense) 605 0.6%
Taxes 4,894 4.9%
Net Income 9,501 9.5%

Using this conceptual framework, managers will set prices, establish business plans, evaluate business proposals, set expense levels, and make other critical business decisions. For example, a company that is developing a product with a cost of $450 may set a target selling price of $1,000 to maintain the 55% margin. In establishing the R&D budget, the company may target spending at 8% of projected sales.

Comprehensive Business Model Framework

The traditional P&L business model framework, while useful, provides an incomplete view of a company's economic performance since it does not reflect other critical aspects of business performance. Most important, it does not consider sales growth rates, capital requirements, cash flow, and returns. The two critical determiners in building long‐term, sustainable value are growth and return on invested capital (ROIC). Therefore, any comprehensive business model framework must incorporate at least these elements to be a useful decision support tool.

A broader, more comprehensive view of the business model is illustrated in Table 3.10. By including the additional measures reflecting growth and invested capital, we present a more complete picture of the company's performance. For example, managers or investors should not reach a conclusion on the reasonableness of R&D spending levels without considering the potential sales growth rates.

TABLE 3.10 Business Model Illustration: Comprehensive View image

Roberts Manufacturing Co. 2017 % of Sales
Sales Growth Rate: 8.0%
Profitability Model
Sales $ 100,000 100.0%
Cost of Sales 45,000 45.0%
Gross Margin 55,000 55.0%
SG&A 32,000 32.0%
R&D 8,000 8.0%
Total Expenses 40,000 40.0%
Operating Income 15,000 15.0%
Other Income (Expense) 605 0.6%
Taxes 4,894 4.9%
Net Income 9,501 9.5%
Asset Utilization
Days Sales Outstanding 73.0
Days Sales Inventory 146.0
Operating Capital Turnover 3.4
Fixed Asset Turnover 5.0
Intangible Turnover 9.1
Total Asset Turnover 1.3
Leverage 1.4
Debt to Total Capital 15.3%
ROE 17.2%
ROIC 15.2%

In addition, the profitability measures alone are incomplete for evaluating the performance of the organization. Only when we include the capital levels employed in a business can we fully assess the financial performance of that business. The inclusion of a balance sheet and key metrics will allow us to determine the ROIC. Many companies and entire industries generate significant returns despite relatively low profit margins as a result of low capital requirements or high asset turnover. The grocery industry is a prime example. This industry tends to operate with thin margins, but requires lower invested capital by turning assets, primarily inventory, faster than other industries. Many mass merchandisers have a similar low‐margin, high‐turnover model. Walmart's profitability (net income % sales) is relatively low, but the combination of asset turnover and leverage boosts the company's ROE to over 20%.

Conversely, other industries such as equipment manufacturers must post higher profitability to compensate for high capital requirements.

Review of Business Models

Table 3.11 provides a summary of various business models for some well‐known companies. The table presents selected financial information for a number of companies that most of us are familiar with at some level. Take a moment to compare key performance measures across the companies, including growth, profitability, asset turnover, and financial leverage. The companies' performance on each of these variables can be related to the key ROE and valuation measures over a five‐year period.

TABLE 3.11 Business Model Benchmark Summary Based on Company Reports and SEC Filings image

Business Models, Returns, and Valuation Metrics
Accenture IBM Amazon Apple Target Southwest
Revenue and Growth
Revenue 34,798 79,919 135,987 215,639 70,000 20,425
Rev. Growth (3 Year Hist CAGR) 4.6% −7.2% 22.2% 8.1% −0.8% 4.9%
Gross Margin % 30.0% 47.9% 35.0% 39.0% 30.0% 18.0%
R&D % 7.2% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0%
SG&A % 16.0% 24.3% 32.0% 7.0% 23.0% 0.0%
Operating Margin 4,811 13,105 4,186 60,024 5,000 3,760
Operating Margin % 13.8% 16.4% 3.1% 27.8% 7.1% 18.4%
EBITDA 5,540 17,486 12,302 70,529 7,000 4,981
% 15.9% 21.9% 9.0% 32.7% 10.0% 24.4%
Operating Profit after Tax 3,734 12,581 2,657 43,979 3,300 2,379
% 10.7% 15.7% 2.0% 20.4% 4.7% 11.6%
Asset Turnover and Returns
DSO 65.3 134.0 22.4 26.7 0 9.8
DSI 0 13.6 47.4 5.9 61.9 7.4
Net Asset (IC) Turnover 4.23 1.32 5.04 1.00 2.92 1.73
ROIC 45.4% 20.8% 9.8% 20.4% 13.8% 20.1%
Valuation Enterprise Value 71,800 196,000 452,500 834,000 32,040 38,590
Enterprise Value/Revenue 2.1 2.5 3.3 3.9 0.5 1.9
Enterprise Value/EBITDA 13.0 11.2 36.8 11.8 4.6 7.7

While this summary is used to illustrate the business model concept, the format is also a terrific way of benchmarking performance across value drivers. We will build on this concept of benchmarking business models in Chapter 11, The External View: Benchmarking Performance and Competitive Analysis.

Varying Business Models within a Company

Most companies have two or more distinct business units under one corporate roof. When this situation exists, it is important that managers understand the differences in the various businesses and don't attempt to force fit the model from one business to another without due consideration. This is especially important when a company has one dominant business, with smaller but different business units in the portfolio. Managers have a tendency to apply a single business model, expecting similar ratios and performance across the businesses, which can result in dysfunctional decisions and missed opportunities.

This is a frequent problem when managers consider a related but different business opportunity. For example, there may be an opportunity to build a business based on the current product line, but requiring lower pricing and therefore lower costs. Managers may pass on this opportunity because of lower expected gross margins. However, it is possible that this product line may require lower levels of SG&A and inventory. This may result in returns approximating or even exceeding the levels achieved by the high‐end business.

This phenomenon is striking at companies with diversified portfolios such as General Electric (GE), Textron, and United Technologies. These companies each contain business units with very different business characteristics. In GE's case, they range from jet engines to medical systems to power systems. Each of these businesses will be shaped by different market and competitive forces. The businesses will have different growth rates, gross margins, operating expense levels, and asset requirements. An illustration of a diversified portfolio is presented in Table 3.12. This portfolio has five businesses, each with very different characteristics. These businesses record gross margins that range from 65% to as low as single digits. Some have very large levels of invested capital; other businesses require essentially no capital. Some of these businesses are growing and require capital to fund the growth; others are mature and are generating substantial cash flow. This diverse set of businesses could not have a one‐size‐fits‐all business model. If the managers of this firm insisted on a single business model, the results would likely be disastrous. For example, if managers evaluated each of these businesses on operating profitability alone, they could significantly misjudge the economic performance of each. To evaluate overall business performance, managers and investors need to consider expected growth rates and ROIC. Note in this example that the services business has the lowest operating margin, but, owing to low investment requirements, it posts one of the highest ROICs.

TABLE 3.12 Varying Business Models under the Same Roof image

Equipment Components
Mature High Growth Mature High Growth Services
Estimated Sales Growth 5% 15–20% 5% 15–20% 3%
Gross Margin 65% 60% 45% 40% 15%
R&D 9% 12% 5% 3% 1%
SG&A 40% 35% 30% 18% 5%
Operating Margins 16% 13% 10% 19% 9%
Net Income 10% 8% 7% 12% 6%
DSO 60 60 50 45 75
DSI 120 90 70 50 0
Other Capital Requirements L M M H L
Asset Turnover 3.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 8.0
ROIC 31% 34% 33% 49% 47%

TABLE 3.13 Business Models in a Homogeneous Company image

Base Business New
End Use 1 End Use 2 End Use 3 Service Parts Market Combined
Estimated Sales Growth −2% 10–15% 20% 5% 6% 60% 12%
Gross Margin 60% 40% 54% 35% 30% 50% 53%
R&D 3% 8% 10% 0% 0% 15% 7%
SG&A 28% 20% 35% 7% 7% 20% 25%
Operating Margins 29% 12% 9% 28% 23% 15% 21%
Net Income 19% 8% 6% 18% 15% 10% 14%
DSO 60 60 100 45 45 90 70
DSI 90 115 200 100 160 150 118
Other Capital Requirements L M H L L H M
Asset Turnover 5.0 4.0 2.5 5.0 5.0 2.7 3.5
ROIC 94% 31% 15% 91% 75% 26% 48%

Even in companies with a more homogeneous set of businesses, there is likely to be significant variation in the performance characteristics of business segments. Businesses tend to have different product lines or end‐use markets with different business models. Geographic markets, ancillary products, and services also contribute differently to financial performance. Managers must understand and evaluate the individual business models and the contribution that each makes to total corporate performance. Table 3.13 presents different business models that may exist in what appears to be a homogeneous business.

Operating Leverage: The Business Model and Variability

Another important dimension to the business model is the dynamics of the model in terms of fixed and variable costs. This analysis for Roberts Manufacturing Company is presented in Table 3.14. The analysis starts with the basic P&L model. Then costs can be classified into one of two groups: fixed costs and those that vary with changes in sales levels. The schedule also estimates the variable contribution margin representing the additional margin realized on each additional sales dollar.

TABLE 3.14 Cost and Breakeven Analysis image

Roberts Manufacturing Co Fixed Variable 2018 Variable % Sales Total % of Sales
Sales 100,000 100.0%
Cost of Sales
Material 20,000 20.0% 20,000  20.0%
Direct Labor 12,000 1,000 1.0% 13,000  13.0%
Overhead 11,000 1,000 1.0% 12,000  12.0%
Total Cost of Sales 23,000 22,000 22.0% 45,000  45.0%
Operating Expenses
R&D 8,000 8,000   8.0%
Selling Expense 20,000 20,000  20.0%
Commission Expense 3,000 3.0% 3,000   3.0%
Marketing Expense 4,000 4,000   4.0%
G&A 5,000 5,000   5.0%
Goodwill Amortization   0.0%
Total Operating Expenses 37,000 3,000 3.0% 40,000  40.0%
Total Costs 60,000 25,000 25.0% 85,000 85.0%
Operating Profit 15,000 15.0%
Variable Contribution Margin 75.0%
Breakeven Point Sales per Year $ 80,000 80.0%
Breakeven Point Sales per Week 1,538
Note: Fixed costs are defined as costs fixed for the short term (i.e., 90–180 days).

With these estimates of fixed and variable components of the cost structure, managers can significantly improve their understanding of the business model and the relationship of costs and profitability to sales volume. Given this information, they can estimate the breakeven point in sales and project profit levels at various sales levels.

The breakeven level in sales can be estimated as follows:


At $80,000, the operating income of Roberts Manufacturing Company (RMC) would be $0.00, or at breakeven. For every dollar of sales above this level, operating income will increase by 75 cents. Similarly, for every dollar below $80,000, RMC will lose 75 cents. A summary of this analysis is presented in Table 3.15.

TABLE 3.15 Operating Leverage Illustration: Current Situation image

Current −60% −40% −20% Base 20% +40% +60%
Sales 40,000  60,000  80,000 100,000 120,000  140,000  160,000 
Fixed Costs 60,000 (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) (60,000)
Variable Costs 25.0% (10,000) (15,000) (20,000) (25,000) (30,000) (35,000) (40,000)
Operating Profit (30,000) (15,000)  15,000 30,000  45,000  60,000 
% −75.0% −25.0% 0.0%  15.0% 25.0% 32.1% 37.5%
Breakeven Sales Level 80,000

Companies in cyclical industries often attempt to reduce the fixed component of the cost structures in favor of variable costs. If RMC is in a cyclical market with significant variation in sales levels, management may wish to lower the breakeven point or “variabilize” more of the costs. As illustrated in Table 3.16, managers could consider reducing the fixed component of the cost model from $60,000 to $40,000, converting these costs to variable. Management may accomplish this in a number of ways, for example by outsourcing manufacturing or by using outside distributors rather than internal sales employees. Note that the profits and profitability are unchanged at the base sales plan from the levels projected under the current situation in Table 3.15.

TABLE 3.16 Operating Leverage Illustration: Revised Cost Structure image

Reduce Breakeven −60% −40% −20% Base +20% +40% +60%
Sales 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000
Fixed Costs 40,000 −40,000 −40,000 −40,000 −40,000 −40,000 −40,000 −40,000
Variable Costs 45.0% −18,000 −27,000 −36,000 −45,000 −54,000 −63,000 −72,000
Operating Profit −18,000 −7,000 4,000   15,000 26,000 37,000 48,000
% −45.0% −11.7% 5.0%   15.0% 21.7% 26.4% 30.0%
Breakeven Sales Level 72,727

The revision to the company's cost structure has several benefits. RMC will achieve profitability at a lower sales level ($72,727) compared to $80,000 in the current situation. Operating losses will be reduced from the current situation under any sales shortfall scenarios. This will also reduce risk, since the firm is more likely to avoid operating losses and resultant liquidity and cash flow problems. It is important to note that converting fixed costs to variable costs is not without downsides. One downside visible from this analysis is that profits will be reduced at the higher end of the sales range under the revised model. Other downsides may include reduced control over key business processes, such as outsourcing manufacturing, potentially resulting in reduced information flow or longer cycle times.

Limitations of the Business Model Concept

The use of the business model concept has limitations and can be misused. Blind adherence to the concept may discourage managers from considering sound business opportunities simply because they don't fit the prescribed model for the company. They may indeed be acceptable businesses, but with a variant business model.

Other companies fail to challenge their business models and may be vulnerable to potential competitors that approach the business from a dramatically different direction. Some very successful companies have done just that. For example, Dell redefined the business model for the personal computer market with a new distribution and supply chain strategy. This reduced costs and increased competitiveness as well as reducing inventory requirements and possible obsolescence risk. Similarly, Southwest Airlines attacked the traditional model for commercial airlines, and Walmart and subsequently Amazon, that of the retail industry.


The analyst has a broad range of tools that can be utilized to add value in evaluating, planning, monitoring, and improving performance. Many of these tools are outside the traditional analytical toolbox. These tools will be incorporated in analysis throughout this book.

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