One of the greatest tools in the business analyst's bag is the ability to create a model of future business results. Models are typically used to evaluate business decisions, analyze alternatives, or predict future business results. In this chapter, we will define models, highlight typical applications, review best practices, discuss best ways to present the results of a model, and explain how to establish a portfolio of models.


A model is essentially a mathematical representation of a transaction, event, or business, and typically involves the use of assumptions and relationships of various factors to predict an outcome.

A financial model allows us to project and test the dynamics of a business, project, or program. Developing an effective model of a business or significant project requires a sophisticated understanding of the business or opportunity at hand. The analyst will almost always need input from other business disciplines such as sales and marketing, operations, and research and development.

Several challenges arise in developing effective models. The first challenge is to create a model that will satisfy its objective. Second, almost all models include or develop projections of future performance, and therefore they incorporate assumptions about future performance, which introduces uncertainty and risk. Finally, the analyst must develop a method for creating output or presentation summaries to effectively communicate the results of the model to managers. We will discuss best practices to address these challenges in the remainder of this chapter. An illustration of a model to project revenues and product margins is included at the end of this chapter.

Applications for Financial Models

Under our broad definition, models are used in a wide range of applications. We will review a few of the most common applications of models, but the potential application of models is nearly unlimited.

Operating Plans and Budgets

Nearly all organizations develop operating plans and budgets. These plans include a set of projections about future performance based on a set of assumptions. While the emphasis will vary based on the nature of the organization, the operating plan should include projections of sales, margins, expenses, profits, balance sheet accounts, and cash flow. We will discuss operating plans and budgets in detail in Chapter 13.

Forecasts/Business Outlooks

Most organizations prepare forecasts or “business outlooks,” which are essentially updates to the annual operating plans and budgets. These are an increasingly important part of business projections owing to the dynamic times in which we live and operate. Assumptions made in the annual operating plan will often have to be revised throughout the year. We will discuss forecasts and business outlooks in detail in Chapter 13.

Revenue Projections

Revenue projections are typically the most important and difficult‐to‐predict variables in developing a forecast or plan for an enterprise. Projections must reflect assumptions in the company's market and overall business environment as well as pricing, cost, and product introduction and life cycle. The illustrative model at the end of this chapter presents a simple case to project revenues over a multiyear horizon. Additional models and analysis addressing revenue are included in Chapter 15.

Cash Flow and Liquidity Projections

Most treasurers and CFOs must pay very close attention to cash flow, capital requirements, and liquidity. Often, the traditional financial statement approach is not the best method for short‐term (even weekly or daily) projections. Cash flow models focus on specific drivers of short‐term cash flow. We will explore these models in Chapter 17, Capital Management and Cash Flow: Working Capital.

Strategic Plans and Long‐Range Forecasts

A strategic plan should include a set of financial projections. These projections are a financial representation of the estimated results of executing the strategic plan. The projections are typically done at a higher level than annual plans or forecasts. Owing to the difficulty in projecting financial results over an extended period of time (typically three to seven years), a number of scenarios are often included in the plan. We will explore these models in Chapter 14, Long‐Term Projections.

Capital Investment Decisions

Capital investment decisions include any expenditure with a long‐term horizon such as purchases of capital equipment, new product development, and acquisitions of businesses or companies. These decisions often require a series of projections of both investment outlays and future cash inflows. We will explore these models in Chapters 20 and 21, on capital investment decisions.

Compensation and Incentive Plans

As part of the process to design and test compensation systems, it is essential to model potential outcomes. These models illustrate incentives earned under different scenarios and help to prevent inclusion of unintended consequences. You can rest assured that executives and managers will spend a great deal of time modeling potential payouts and scenarios for their personal compensation plans!

Valuing a Business

Most sound methodologies for developing an estimated value for a business require projecting future performance and cash flows. The best valuation models will include key performance drivers, projected income statements, and balance sheet and cash flow projections. We will explore these models in Chapter 22, Business Valuation and Value Drivers.

Mergers and Acquisitions

The ability to project the results and evaluate the investment characteristics of a merger or an acquisition is simply a combination and refinement of the business valuation model and the capital investment model. Additional metrics are included to focus on critical success factors and other unique aspects of these investment decisions. We will explore these models in Chapter 23, Analysis of Mergers and Acquisitions.

Best Practices in Developing Models

The best practices reviewed next can be applied to almost any predictive or analytical model. Models will be illustrated and used throughout this book. We will use a simple model to develop long‐term revenue projections to illustrate these best practices.

Define Objective

As a first step, analysts should step back and define the objective of a large modeling project. In many cases, the model is in response to a request from the CEO, CFO, or another operating executive. Taking a few minutes of time to define the objective and review with the internal client can save a great deal of time and rework later in the process. Defining the objective will also assist in designing the model and should address the following questions:

  • Who is the client or user of the model?
  • What answers (output) are we seeking?
  • What are the key variables that will impact the analysis?
  • What is the time horizon?
  • How frequently will the model be used, and by whom?

Develop Architecture of Model

Many financial models are developed without a well‐thought‐out architecture. Pressed for time, the analyst sets up a spreadsheet or other tools without developing an overall framework for the model.

Preferably, the analyst, building on the stated objective, lays out the flow of the model, including required inputs, processing worksheets, and output summaries.

The architecture should include:

  • Objective: What is the purpose of the model?
  • Client: Who is the primary client/user of the report?
  • Frequency: How often will the model be updated?
  • Flow: In complex models, it is helpful to illustrate the flow of information in a model.
  • Key assumptions: Identify, up front, the major assumptions and inputs required to use the model.
  • Output and presentation: Based on the objective and identification of the client, develop the output summary.

Figure 4.1 is an example of the planning architecture for a long‐term revenue projection model. This can be included as the first worksheet in an Excel model.

Financial model architecture with arrows from Collections Forecast & Assumptions, Sales Forecast, and Production Forecast to Receivable Collections, Manufacturing Labor, etc., leading to Cash Flow Presentation.

FIGURE 4.1 Financial Model Architecture image


One of the most common problems with financial models is that they tend to have little, if any, documentation. This presents a problem if another analyst attempts to use the model. In fact, for models that are used infrequently, even the developer of the model may waste a lot of time refreshing his or her memory (I am speaking from personal experience here!). Taking the additional time to properly document the model will save both the developer and other users substantial time in using and modifying the model in the future.

The documentation can include key inputs required and the steps required to update the model.

Identify Input Areas

For many models, it is very helpful to identify or even segregate input fields from processing or output fields. If input areas are not identified, the user must hunt and peck around the model looking for input fields. In large models, the input values may be several steps away from the final summary. A simple but effective technique is to simply shade all input areas in the model. This allows any user to quickly identify cells that can (and those that should not) be changed. Alternatively, some model developers prefer to have all key inputs and assumptions in one section of the model.

Identify Key Assumptions and Drivers

Models typically require making many estimates and assumptions. Not all inputs to a model have equal importance. Key assumptions and drivers in the model should be identified and highlighted. These critical inputs should be identified, documented, tested, reviewed, and varied in sensitivity and scenario analysis.

Incorporate Historical/Actual Results

In most cases, it is essential to incorporate actual results into the model. This serves two purposes. First, the historical information validates the model by replicating the actual results. Second, the historical information provides a baseline to compare and evaluate the projections used in the model.

For models that project annual results, three to four years of history should be included. For quarterly analysis, eight quarters generally provide sufficient historical perspective. Monthly or weekly analysis should generally include at least the same periods from the previous year.

Protect Formulas

For models that will be used by several people, it is important to protect the cells with formulas to prevent inadvertent changes. For the record, I have often wished I had protected some of my own models from myself – from inadvertently keying over a formula.

Ownership and Buy‐In

Most models should not be viewed as a finance exercise or product of finance. While it is okay for finance to be the developer/facilitator, the inputs and major assumptions must be understood and agreed to by the appropriate managers. Generally, it is preferable to obtain key inputs from the operating manager responsible for achieving the projected results. For example, the sales forecast should be provided by the senior sales and marketing executive. If finance develops the major assumptions and inputs without buy‐in of the cognizant manager, finance often owns the projected results and reduces the accountability of the responsible manager.

Robust and Flexible

The model must be flexible so that changes to key assumptions can easily be made and reflected throughout the model. For example, changing interest rates, currency rates, or sales projections in one input field should ripple throughout the model, resulting in revised outcomes. Too often, models are fragmented and require multiple manual entries to effect a single change.

In addition, contrary to the wildest dreams of the analyst, most models are not one and done. Typically, the client will want to change assumptions or run additional scenarios.

Review for Accuracy and Reasonableness

There is no quicker way to destroy personal credibility than to produce reports and analysis that contain errors. The analyst and FP&A team should implement measures to identify and correct any errors. The following review techniques can reduce errors and improve the overall quality of the analysis:

  • Independent Review. It can be very difficult to effectively review an analysis that we have personally prepared. Where possible, the analysis should be reviewed by an analyst or a manager who was not directly involved in the process.
  • Review of Key Inputs, Assumptions, and Flow of Analysis. The reviewer should perform a mini‐audit of the model, to “tick and tie” key numbers to ensure they flow through the analysis, from detail worksheets to summaries.
  • Big Picture/Client Perspective. Review the analysis through the lens of the client. Does it address the objective and issue at hand? Is the presentation clear? Are the results of the analysis/model sensible? In too many cases, the answer (output) is nonsensical because of some minor error in the model; this could easily be detected (and most assuredly will be discovered by the client!). What additional questions does the analysis raise? What actions should be taken or recommended?

Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis

The model should also facilitate making changes to critical assumptions to create various scenarios and perform sensitivity analysis. The initial output of the model may be described as the “base” projection. Other versions of the model should be summarized and presented to the client since they add tremendous value in understanding the impact of assumptions and the overall dynamics of the situation or decision.

A sensitivity analysis will flex one or more sensitive assumptions. For example, what is the impact on total revenues if unit volumes are 10% under the base forecast? What is the result if unit volumes are 10% above?

A scenario analysis will attempt to address what‐ifs. For example, what if a new competitor successfully introduces a product that competes directly with one of our key products? This scenario will likely result in reduced average sales prices and unit sales for this product. A model could easily accommodate estimating and presenting this and other scenarios. For additional examples of scenario analysis, refer to Chapter 21, Capital Investment Decisions: Advanced Topics.

Output and Presentation Summary

Nearly all analysis, spreadsheets, and models make poor presentation documents. Completing the analysis or model is just half of the job. Developing an effective way to summarize and present the results of the model is as important as the model itself.

For complex models, it is best to incorporate an output or presentation summary. By integrating the presentation summary into the model, it is updated any time the model is run or changed. I prefer a one‐page summary highlighting key assumptions, a graphic presentation of results, and a sensitivity and scenario analysis. This summary should be the lead presentation summary, with most spreadsheets and tables as supporting schedules. The model, or even one output from the model, represents a small part of the potential value of a model. The real value is in increasing the understanding of the dynamics of a particular investment, projection, or decision and communicating this to the pertinent managers. We cover this topic in greater detail in Chapter 6, Communicating and Presenting Financial Information.

Establish a Portfolio of Models

In most organizations, the models are often stored by the individual who developed or uses the model. Many organizations have found it useful to develop an index of models and store them in a shared drive or cloud. This will serve to eliminate duplication of similar models. It will also encourage the sharing of best practices and techniques across the organization. A partial list of the models included in this book (Table 4.1) highlights the usefulness of this practice. More on building the analytical capability of the organization is presented in Chapter 5.

TABLE 4.1 Portfolio of Financial Models

Portfolio of Models and Analytical Tools
Subject Area Title Description Developer Last Used
FS Analysis Historical Performance Analysis Ratio Analysis Financial Performance of Company Level JFA 5/26/18
Revenue/Margins Revenue and margin projections Multi year, product through Company summary SVA 1/02/17
Valuation DCF Sensitivity Analysis Displays the sensitvity of share price to changes in assumptions MTV 6/26/18
Projections Expected Value/Probability Probability weighted forecast RJA 3/06/18
FS Analysis ROE Analysis (Dupont) Drill down analysis ‐components of Return on Equity GO 10/14/18
Working Capital Revenue Process/Receivable Analysis Dashboard of Receivable levels, Measures and Drivers KRV 5/26/18
Assessment Activity Based Analysis Allocate/Assign Costs based on activity and drivers BVD 1/02/17
FS Analysis Business Model‐Comprehensive View Presents Comprehensive Performance Analysis TJA 6/26/18
Assessment Benchmarking Financial Performance Compares company performance to peers and admired JJC 3/06/18
FS Analysis Operating Leverage Analysis Fixed and variable costs, breakeven, variable cont. margin JFA 10/14/18
Assessment FP&A Assessment Assess FP&A performance and Identify improvement steps SVA 9/17/17
Assessment Report/Analysis Assessment Review and Survey Users on Report Effectiveness MTV 5/06/18
Assessment FP&A Survey Surveys clients of FP&A RJA 5/26/18
Presentation Dual Access Graphs Presents 2 variables in single graph, e.g. Receivables/DSO GO 1/02/17
Presentation Reconciliation Graph (aka waterfall chart) KRV 6/26/18
Valuation Valuation Summary Value a project or Business using Discounted Cash Flow BVD 3/06/18
Assessment Benchmarking Performance Graph Compares company performance to peers and admired TJA 10/14/18
Performance Measurement KPI Development Worksheet Develop KPI, objective, unintended consequences, etc. JJC 5/26/18
Performance Measurement Quarterly Corporate Dashboard Displays key Corporate Trends JFA 1/02/17
Performance Measurement Weekly Dashboard Tracks KPI weekly basis JFA 6/26/18
Performance Measurement Product Development Dashboard Presents KPI for NPD function SVA 3/06/18
Performance Measurement Dashboard Specialty retailer Overall Performance for specialty retailer MTV 10/14/18
Performance Measurement Dashboard Ski Resort Overall Performance for Ski Resort RJA 10/14/18
Performance Measurement Dashboard Hospital Overall Performance for Medical Center GO 9/17/17
Performance Measurement Assessing Environment for Innovation Present KPI for Innovation KRV 5/06/18
Performance Measurement Agility Dashboard Present KPI for Agility BVD 5/26/18
Cost Driver Analysis Cost of a New Hire Computes the 5 year cost of a new hire TJA 1/02/17
Performance Measurement Human Capital Dashboard Present KPI for Human Capital JJC 6/26/18
Performance Measurement Human Capital Portfolio Analysis Visual Recap of Key Measures of Human Capital JFA 3/06/18
Cost Driver Analysis Headcount Trend Visual Presentation of Headcount Levels and Trends BVD 10/14/18
Projections Rolling Forecast‐Business Outlook Projects future financial performance, with 12‐month horizon TJA 5/26/18


Financial models are a critical part of the analyst's tool kit. Models are used to predict future results and to analyze actual performance. By employing best practices, the FP&A team can develop more effective models, save time, and present the results more effectively. Analysts should devote time at the beginning of a project to define the objective, identify their clients, determine key inputs and assumptions, design the architecture work flow of the model, and design how the results of the model will be presented. The model itself actually represents a small part of the potential value of a model. The real value is in increasing the understanding of the dynamics of a particular process or decision and communicating this to the pertinent managers.


Our model to project revenues utilizes two separate spreadsheets, one for sales of existing products and another for sales of new products. The model was developed to reflect critical drivers and assumptions for this specific situation. Key variables and assumptions will vary for each specific company and situation. Other companies may need to modify the model to reflect other key drivers such as foreign currency rates, distribution channels, geographies, and other variables. It is also important to develop the model so that it is consistent with the way the company runs the business. For example, in some organizations, product managers may be responsible for sales performance, whereas others may place primary responsibility with the sales organization.

TABLE 4.2 Product Revenue and Margin Documentation image

This model will facilitate the development of long‐term projections of revenues.
The working elements of the model are in two parts:
  1. Existing Products
  2. New Products

Key variables and assumptions are entered on these two working spreadsheets to project revenues and margins for each product or product group.
Major assumptions:
  1. ‐ Pricing
  2. ‐ List price and discounts
  3. ‐ Unit volumes
  4. ‐ Product costs
  5. ‐ Introduction of new products

Input fileds are highlighted in green.
Summary Page
The summary page includes a table and a series of graphs to present the results of the projections. The tables and graphs are updated with any change to the underlying assumptions. Narrative comments must be manually updated to reflect changes in the model.

TABLE 4.3 Revenue Plan Model – Existing Products image

Existing Products 2016 2017 2018 Future 2019 2020 2021 2022
Product 1200
Unit Cost 400 416 433 4.0% 450 468 487 507
List Price 1000 1040 1080 4.0% 1123 1168 1215 1263
Average Discount 2.0% 2% 3% 4% 5% 5% 6%
Average Selling Price (ASP) 980 1019.2 1047.6 1078.272 1109.722 1154.11 1187.64
Unit Sales 245 270 300 320 275 260 240
Unit Sales Y/T Growth 10% 11% 7% −14% −5% −8%
Revenue 240,100 275,184 314,280 345,047 305,173 300,069 285,034
Product Cost 98,000 112,320 129,900 144,102 128,792 126,637 121,572
Product Margin 142,100 162,864 184,380 200,945 176,382 173,432 163,462
% 59.2% 59.2% 58.7% 58.2% 57.8% 57.8% 57.3%
Product 1300
Unit Cost 300 312 4.0% 324 337 351 365
List Price 799 820 4.0% 853 887 922 959
Average Discount 0% 1% 2% 2% 3% 5%
Average Selling Price (ASP) 0 799 811.8 840.008 873.6083 894.7168 911.3198
Unit Sales 86 199 320 275 260 240
Unit Sales Y/Y Growth 131% 61% −14% −5% −8%
Revenue 68,714 161,548 268,803 240,242 232,626 218,717
Product Cost 25,800 62,088 103,834 92,801 91,249 87,599
Product Margin 42,914 99,460 164,969 147,441 141,377 131,118
% 62.5% 61.6% 61.4% 61.4% 60.8% 59.9%
Product 960
Unit Cost 700 732 650 4.0% 676 703 731 760
List Price 1200 1200 1100 4.0% 1144 1190 1237 1287
Average Discount 10.0% 12% 5% 8% 15% 17% 20%
Average Selling Price (ASP) 1080 1056 1045 1052.48 1011.296 1027.001 1029.476
Unit Sales 600 570 500 475 400 300 200
Unit Sales Y/Y Growth −5% −12% −5% −16% −25% −33%
Revenue 648,000 601,920 522,500 499,928 404,518 308,100 205,895
Product Cost 420,000 417,240 325,000 321,100 281,216 219,348 152,082
Product Margin 228,000 184,680 197,500 178,828 123,302 88,752 53,813
% 35.2% 30.7% 37.8% 35.8% 30.5% 28.8% 26.1%
Total Existing Products
Revenue 888,100 945,818 998,328 1,113,778 949,934 840,795 709,646
Product Cost 518,000 555,360 516,988 569,036 502,809 437,235 361,252
Product Margin 370,100 390,458 481,340 544,742 447,125 403,561 348,393
% 41.7% 41.3% 48.2% 48.9% 47.1% 48.0% 49.1%
Year/Year Growth Rate 6% 6% 12% −15% −11% −16%

TABLE 4.4 Revenue Plan Model – New Products image

New Products 2016 2017 2018 Future 2019 2020 2021 2022
Product 2000
Unit Cost 275 4.0% 286 297 309 322
List Price 600 4.0% 624 649 675 702
Average Discount 0% 2% 2% 3% 4%
Average Selling Price (ASP) 0 0 600 612 636 655 674
Unit Sales 75 140 225 325 425
Unit Sales Y/Y Growth 87% 61% 44% 31%
Revenue 45,000 85,613 143,096 212,768 286,381
Product Cost 20,625 40,040 66,924 100,535 136,727
Product Margin 24,375 45,573 76,172 112,233 149,654
% 54.2% 53.2% 53.2% 52.7% 52.3%
Product 3000
Unit Cost 125 4.0% 130 135 141 146
List Price 300 4.0% 312 324 337 351
Average Discount 0% 2% 2% 3% 5%
Average Selling Price (ASP) 0 0 300 307 320 327 333
Unit Sales 100 200 300 450
Unit Sales Y/Y Growth 100% 50% 50%
Revenue 30,732 63,923 98,201 150,034
Product Cost 13,000 27,040 42,182 65,805
Product Margin 17,732 36,883 56,018 84,230
% 57.7% 57.7% 57.0% 56.1%
Product 4000
Unit Cost 4.0% 250 260 270 281
List Price 4.0% 600 624 649 675
Average Discount 8% 15% 17% 20%
Average Selling Price (ASP) 0 0 0 552 530 539 540
Unit Sales 40 125 250 300
Unit Sales Y/Y Growth 213% 100% 20%
Revenue 22,080 66,300 134,659 161,980
Product Cost 10,000 32,500 67,600 84,365
Product Margin 12,080 33,800 67,059 77,616
% 54.7% 51.0% 49.8% 47.9%
Total New Products
Revenue 45,000 138,425 273,318 445,628 598,396
Product Cost 20,625 63,040 126,464 210,317 286,897
Product Margin 24,375 75,385 146,854 235,311 311,500
% 54.2% 54.5% 53.7% 52.8% 52.1%
Year/Year Revenue Growth 208% 97% 63% 34%
4 Graph for sales, existing vs. new product with bars from 2014 to 2020 (top left), sales by product with 6 curves (top right), and revenue and growth and product margin with 7 bars and a curve each (left–right, bottom).

FIGURE 4.2 Model Summary image

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