sales and marketing management, element prefix, Navigate through the AOT
Sales Order form, designing, Transaction details formsEnterprise Portal web client user experience, Transaction details forms, Enterprise Portal web client user experience
Sales, element prefix, Navigate through the AOT
Sarbanes-Oxley, segregation of duties, Duties
Save button, autogeneration, Create a details page
saveData, Add a new class of activity
SaveDataPerPartition, Development experience
scheduled batch mode, SysOperations, The SysOperation framework
scheduling, batch framework, Batch processing in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
schema, Configure analytic content, Add KPIs and calculations, Invoke custom services asynchronouslyAIF Send API, AIF Send API, AIF Send API
prebuilt cubes, analytic data, Configure analytic content
reusing tables and fields, creating cubes, Add KPIs and calculations
XML schema definitions for message envelopes, Invoke custom services asynchronouslyAIF Send API, AIF Send API, AIF Send API
Script icon, X++ Code Editor, Editor scripts
scripts, Shortcut keys, Editor scripts
running, shortcut keys X++ code editor, Shortcut keys
X++ Code Editor, overview, Editor scripts
search, Shortcut keys, Navigation layer forms, Enterprise SearchThemes, Enterprise Search, Enterprise Search, Themes
incremental, shortcut key, Shortcut keys
search bar, navigation layer forms, Navigation layer forms
Search Configuration Wizard, Enterprise SearchThemes, Enterprise Search, Enterprise Search, Themes
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Enterprise Portal, SecuritySharePoint integration, Security, Record context and encryption, SharePoint integration
security, License and configuration element typesLicense and configuration element types, License and configuration element types, License and configuration element types, License and configuration element types, Use strong-named assemblies, Disable the rendering extensions, Security framework overview, Data securityCreate privileges, Set permissions for a form, Set permissions for a form, Set permissions for server methods, Set permissions for controls, Set permissions for controls, Create privileges, Assign privileges and duties to security rolesUse valid time state tables, Use valid time state tables, Validate security artifactsCreate extensible data security policies, Assign users to roles, Create extensible data security policies, Best practice rulesSecurity debugging, Best practice rules, Security debuggingDebug security roles, Security debugging, Debug security roles, Security considerations, The RunBase technique, The insert_recordset operator
assembly names, Use strong-named assemblies
best practices, overview, Best practice rulesSecurity debugging, Best practice rules, Security debugging
configuration key element types, License and configuration element typesLicense and configuration element types, License and configuration element types, License and configuration element types
debugging, Security debuggingDebug security roles, Debug security roles
hiding report columns, Disable the rendering extensions
insert_recordset operator, The insert_recordset operator
license code element types, License and configuration element types
permissions, controls, Set permissions for server methods
permissions, forms, Data securityCreate privileges, Set permissions for a form, Set permissions for a form, Set permissions for controls, Create privileges
permissions, server methods, Set permissions for controls
privileges, assigning to security roles, Assign privileges and duties to security rolesUse valid time state tables, Use valid time state tables
RunBase, The RunBase technique
security framework overview, Security framework overview
service operations, overview, Security considerations
validate security artifacts, Validate security artifactsCreate extensible data security policies, Assign users to roles, Create extensible data security policies
security policy element type, Role-based security element types
security roles, Security debuggingDebug security roles, Debug security roles, Customization and licensing
customization and licensing, Customization and licensing
debugging security, Security debuggingDebug security roles, Debug security roles
segregation of duties, Duties
select, Data-aware statements
select query, sample code, Data-aware statements
select forUpdate, Data-aware statements
SelectedIndexChanged, AxGridView
selection, shortcut keys, Shortcut keys
selectionChanged, SysListPageInteractionBase, Define a list page interaction class
semicolon, use in X++, Variable declarations
Send API, Implementing a trigger for transmissionConsume external web services from Microsoft Dynamics AX, Configure transmission mechanisms, Consume external web services from Microsoft Dynamics AX
Sequence, exception handling, Exception handling
serialization, pack and unpack methods, Serialization with the pack and unpack methodsFind and exists methods, Serialization with the pack and unpack methods, Find and exists methods
Server Configuration Utility, hot-swapping assemblies, ProxiesHot swap assemblies on the server, Hot swap assemblies on the server, Hot swap assemblies on the server
server license, Licensing and configurationChanging security artifacts associated with a role, Licensing and configuration, Configuration hierarchy, Configuration keys, Types of CALs, Types of CALs, Changing security artifacts associated with a role, Changing security artifacts associated with a role
server methods, permissions for, Set permissions for server methods
Server Process ID (SPID), Use the SQL Server connection context to find the SPID or user behind a client session
server, method modifier, Methods
service contracts, creating, Service contracts, Service contracts, Document services, Document service artifacts
service group element type, Services element types
service implementation class, Custom service artifactsRegister a custom service, Service implementation class, Service contracts, X++ collections as data contracts, Register a custom service
service management, element prefix, Navigate through the AOT
Service References, Introduction
service-oriented architecture, Introduction
services element types, Services element types
session caching, Enterprise Portal, Session disposal and caching
session disposal, Enterprise Portal, Session disposal and caching
set-based data operators, The update_recordset operatorThe delete_from operator, The update_recordset operator, The update_recordset operator, The delete_from operatorThe delete_from operator, The delete_from operator, The delete_from operator, The delete_from operator, Tips for transferring code into set-based operationsRestartable jobs and optimistic concurrency, Tips for transferring code into set-based operations, Tips for transferring code into set-based operations, Restartable jobs and optimistic concurrency, Restartable jobs and optimistic concurrency, Using InMemory temporary tables
delete_from operator, The delete_from operatorThe delete_from operator, The delete_from operator
InMemory temporary tables, Using InMemory temporary tables
tranferring code into, tips for, Tips for transferring code into set-based operationsRestartable jobs and optimistic concurrency, Tips for transferring code into set-based operations, Tips for transferring code into set-based operations, Restartable jobs and optimistic concurrency, Restartable jobs and optimistic concurrency
update_recordset operator, The update_recordset operatorThe delete_from operator, The update_recordset operator, The update_recordset operator, The delete_from operator, The delete_from operator
SetAsChanged, AxFilter, AxFilter
setButtonEnabled, SysListPageInteractionBase, Define a list page interaction class
setButtonVisibility, SysListPageInteractionBase, Define a list page interaction class
SetFieldValue, AxPopupField, AxPopup controlsBoundField controls, BoundField controls
setGridFieldVisibility, SysListPageInteractionBase, Define a list page interaction class
SetMenuItemProperties, AxToolbar, AxToolbar
setter method, The CreateNavigationPropertyMethods property
setTmp, run-time temporary tables, Run time
setTmpData, Using InMemory temporary tablesTempDB temporary tables, TempDB temporary tables
Setup, Area Page design, Area pages
Shared Projects, overview of, Create a project
SharePoint, The report server cannot be validated, Add a KPI to the KPI List web partAdd a custom time period filter, Add a KPI to the KPI List web part, Add a custom time period filter, Add a custom time period filter
KPIs, adding to KPI List web part, Add a KPI to the KPI List web partAdd a custom time period filter, Add a KPI to the KPI List web part, Add a custom time period filter, Add a custom time period filter
reporting, troubleshooting, The report server cannot be validated
SharePoint Server, Enterprise Portal architectureEnterprise Portal architecture, Enterprise Portal architecture, Enterprise Portal architecture, Enterprise Portal components, SQL Server Power View reportsAllow users to edit a Power View report, Expose a Power View report in a Role Center, Expose a Power View report in a Role Center, Expose a Power View report in a Role Center, Allow users to edit a Power View report
Enterprise Portal architecture and, Enterprise Portal architectureEnterprise Portal architecture, Enterprise Portal architecture, Enterprise Portal architecture, Enterprise Portal components
Power View reports, displaying, SQL Server Power View reportsAllow users to edit a Power View report, Expose a Power View report in a Role Center, Expose a Power View report in a Role Center, Expose a Power View report in a Role Center, Allow users to edit a Power View report
SharePoint Services server, SQL Server Power View reportsExcel, Excel, Excel
SharePoint web client applications, development of, Microsoft Dynamics AX application platform architectureMicrosoft Dynamics AX application meta-model architecture, Data tier of the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform, Middle tier of the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform, Microsoft Dynamics AX application meta-model architecture
shift operators, X++ expressions, Expressions
shop floor controls, element prefix, Navigate through the AOT
shortcut keys, X++ code editor
X++ code editor, X++ code editor
ShowContextMenu, AxGridView, AxGridView
ShowExpansion, AxGridView, AxGridView
ShowFilter, AxGridView, AxGridView
ShowLink, Site navigation
SimpleList template, Form patterns
SimpleListDetails template, Form patterns
site definitions, Enterprise Portal and SharePoint integration, Site definitions, page templates, and web partsImport and deploy a web part page, Site definitions, page templates, and web parts, Site definitions, page templates, and web parts, Import and deploy a web part page
skipAosValidation, The insert_recordset operator
SkipAOSValidationPermission, Code access securityCode access security, Code access security
skipDatabaseLog, The insert_recordset operator
skipDataMethods, The insert_recordset operator
skipDeleteMethod, The delete_from operator
skipEvents, The insert_recordset operator
SMA, element prefix, Navigate through the AOT
source code files, Introduction
Source Code, Titlecase Update tool, Syntax
source document framework, When to use the source document framework, MorphX model element prefixes for the source document framework
MorphX model element prefixes, MorphX model element prefixes for the source document framework
when to use, When to use the source document framework
specialized base enumerations, value types, Value types
specialized primitive types, value types, Value types
SPID (Server Process ID), Use the SQL Server connection context to find the SPID or user behind a client session
SPLinkButton, AxToolbar
SQL Administration form, performance and, SQL Administration form
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Implementing the prebuilt BI solutionCustomizing the prebuilt BI solution, Implementing the prebuilt BI solution, Implement the prerequisites, Customizing the prebuilt BI solution, Customizing the prebuilt BI solution, Confirm your changesCreating cubes, Extend cubes, Dimensions, measures, and measure groups, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX analytic components with external data sources, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX analytic components with external data sources, Creating cubes
prebuilt BI solutions, implementing, Implementing the prebuilt BI solutionCustomizing the prebuilt BI solution, Implement the prerequisites, Customizing the prebuilt BI solution, Customizing the prebuilt BI solution
prebuilt projects, modifying, Confirm your changesCreating cubes, Extend cubes, Dimensions, measures, and measure groups, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX analytic components with external data sources, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX analytic components with external data sources, Creating cubes
SSAS server, configuring, Implementing the prebuilt BI solution
SQL Server Analysis Services Project Wizard, Implementing the prebuilt BI solution, Deploy cubes, Process cubes, Provide access to the OLAP database
cubes, generating and deploying, Deploy cubes, Process cubes, Provide access to the OLAP database
deploying projects, Implementing the prebuilt BI solution
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Architectural OverviewPresentation tier of the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform, Introduction, Microsoft Dynamics AX five-layer solution architecture, Microsoft Dynamics AX application platform architecture, Presentation tier of the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform, AxReportViewer, Reporting in Microsoft Dynamics AXClient-side reporting solutions, Introduction, Client-side reporting solutionsServer-side reporting solutions, Client-side reporting solutions, Server-side reporting solutionsServer-side reporting solutions, Server-side reporting solutions, Server-side reporting solutions, Server-side reporting solutionsReporting and users, Server-side reporting solutions, Report execution sequence, Report execution sequenceCreate production reports, Reporting and users, Reporting and users, Roles in report development, Create production reports, Model elements for reportsSSRS extensions, SSRS extensions, SSRS extensions, Microsoft Dynamics AX extensionsReport execution sequence with Microsoft Dynamics AX custom extensions, Data processing extensions, Report execution sequence with Microsoft Dynamics AX custom extensions, Override the default chart formatA chart cannot be debugged because of SharePoint sandbox issues, The report server cannot be validated, A chart cannot be debugged because of SharePoint sandbox issues
architecture, Architectural OverviewPresentation tier of the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform, Introduction, Microsoft Dynamics AX five-layer solution architecture, Microsoft Dynamics AX application platform architecture, Presentation tier of the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform
AxReportViewer, AxReportViewer
client-side reporting solutions, Client-side reporting solutionsServer-side reporting solutions, Server-side reporting solutions
data processing extensions, Data processing extensions
Microsoft Dynamics AX extensions, Microsoft Dynamics AX extensionsReport execution sequence with Microsoft Dynamics AX custom extensions, Report execution sequence with Microsoft Dynamics AX custom extensions
model elements for reports, Model elements for reportsSSRS extensions, SSRS extensions
report execution sequence, overview, Server-side reporting solutionsReporting and users, Report execution sequence, Reporting and users
report solutions, planning for, Report execution sequenceCreate production reports, Reporting and users, Roles in report development, Create production reports
reporting, overview, Reporting in Microsoft Dynamics AXClient-side reporting solutions, Introduction, Client-side reporting solutions
server-side reporting solutions, Server-side reporting solutionsServer-side reporting solutions, Server-side reporting solutions, Server-side reporting solutions
SSRS extensions, creating, SSRS extensions
troubleshooting, reporting framework, Override the default chart formatA chart cannot be debugged because of SharePoint sandbox issues, The report server cannot be validated, A chart cannot be debugged because of SharePoint sandbox issues
SqlDataDictionaryPermission, Code access security
SqlStatementExecutePermission, Code access security
SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services), Extend cubesCreating cubes, Extend cubes, KPIs and calculations, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX analytic components with external data sources, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX analytic components with external data sources, Creating cubes
prebuilt BI solutions, modifying, Extend cubesCreating cubes, Extend cubes, KPIs and calculations, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX analytic components with external data sources, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX analytic components with external data sources, Creating cubes
SSRS report element type, MorphX, MorphX user interface control element types
Standard, TabPage controls, TabPageField-bound controls, TabPage, Field-bound controls
Standard, window type, Design node properties
startOperation, SysOperation framework classes
Startup Element, debugging managed code, Debug managed codeProxies, Proxies
state model, workflows, Create workflow artifacts, dependent artifacts, and business logicState management, State management, State management
StateManager, State management
static CLR elements, invoking, CLR interoperability
static file element type, Web client element types
Static Files, Enterprise Portal and SharePoint integration, Site definitions, page templates, and web parts
static RDL reports, Disable the rendering extensions
Static Report Design, Disable the rendering extensions
static, method modifier, Methods
status bar, navigation layer forms, Navigation layer forms
Storage Dimension Group, Storage and tracking dimensions
strategic persona, Choose a presentation tool based on a persona
strFmt, Reference labels from X++Code compiler, Reference labels from X++, Code compiler
string concatentation, X++ expressions, Expressions
style sheet themes, Enterprise Portal and SharePoint integration, Themes
Subledger Journal, The accounting frameworkAccounting framework process states, When to use the accounting framework, Accounting framework process states
SubMenu, AxToolbar, AxToolbar
SubmitToWorkflow, action menu items, Activate the workflow
SubmitToWorkflow, workflow artifacts, Create workflow artifacts, dependent artifacts, and business logic
subworkflows, workflow elements, Workflow elements
sum, X++ select statements, Data-aware statements
summary page, Help system, Summary pageCreate content, Create content, Create content
SupportInheritance, Create the root table
surrogate foreign keys, Surrogate foreign keys, Surrogate keys, Surrogate keys, EDT relations and table relations, The CreateNavigationPropertyMethods property
CreateNavigationPropertyMethods, The CreateNavigationPropertyMethods property
performance and, Surrogate foreign keys, Surrogate keys, Surrogate keys
table relations, EDT relations and table relations
surrogate keys, overview of, Surrogate keys, Surrogate keys, Surrogate keys
SvcConfigUtil, publishing services, Publish Microsoft Dynamics AX services
switch statement, X++ syntax, Statements
synchronization, ProxiesHot swap assemblies on the server, Proxies, Hot swap assemblies on the server, AxFilter, Design time
AxFilter, AxFilter
proxies, ProxiesHot swap assemblies on the server, Proxies, Hot swap assemblies on the server
temporary tables, Design time
synchronization log, viewing, View the synchronization log
Sys, element prefix, Navigate through the AOT
SysAnyType, The anytype type
SysBPCheck, Add custom rulesEnable debugging, Enable debugging
SysBPCheckMemberFunction, Add custom rulesEnable debugging, Enable debugging
SysClientAccessLog, The client access log
SysDatabaseLogPermission, Code access security
SysEntryPointAttribute, Set permissions for server methods, Security considerations
SysGlobalCache, performance and, SysGlobalObjectCache and SysGlobalCache
SysGlobalObjectCache, performance and, SysGlobalObjectCache and SysGlobalCache
SysListPageInteractionBase, Define a list page interaction classCreate a details page, Create a details page
SysModel, reflection table, Table data API
SysModelElement, reflection table, Table data API
SysModelElementData, reflection table, Table data API
SysModelElementLabel, reflection table, Table data API
SysModelElementSource, reflection table, Table data API
SysModelElementType, reflection table, Table data API
SysModelLayer, reflection table, Table data API
SysModelManifest, reflection table, Table data API
SysModelManifestCategory, reflection table, Table data API
SysOperation, The SysOperation framework, SysOperation framework attributes, Comparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworksInheritance in the RunBase framework, Comparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworks, SysOperation example: SysOpSampleBasicController, SysOperation example: SysOpSampleBasicController, SysOperation example: SysOpSampleBasicController, SysOperation example: SysOpSampleBasicController, The RunBase framework, Inheritance in the RunBase framework, Create a batch-executable classpack and unpack methods, pack and unpack methods
attributes, SysOperation framework attributes
classes, The SysOperation framework
creating batch-executable class, Create a batch-executable classpack and unpack methods, pack and unpack methods
RunBase comparision, Comparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworksInheritance in the RunBase framework, Comparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworks, SysOperation example: SysOpSampleBasicController, SysOperation example: SysOpSampleBasicController, SysOperation example: SysOpSampleBasicController, SysOperation example: SysOpSampleBasicController, The RunBase framework, Inheritance in the RunBase framework
SysOperationAutomaticUIBuilder, SysOperation framework classes
SysOperationContractProcessingAttribute, SysOperation framework attributes
SysOperationController, Comparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworksComparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworks, Comparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworks
SysOperationDisplayOrderAttribute, SysOperation framework attributes
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute, SysOperation framework attributes
SysOperationLabelAttribute, SysOperation framework attributes
SysOperations, Top pickingPatterns for checking to see whether a record exists, Patterns for checking to see whether a record exists
performance, Top pickingPatterns for checking to see whether a record exists, Patterns for checking to see whether a record exists
SysOperationUIBuilder, SysOperation framework classes
SysPackable interface, Comparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworksComparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworks, Comparing the SysOperation and RunBase frameworks
SysQueryForm, timeout settings, Server Configuration form
SysTableBrowser, Table Browser toolFind tool, Find tool
system documentation element type, Documentation and resource element types
system function statement, X++ syntax, Statements
system workflows, defined, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 workflow infrastructure, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 workflow infrastructure, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 workflow infrastructure, Windows Workflow Foundation
SystemAdministratorHelpOnTheWeb, Document files
SystemFatal, exception handling, Error handling
SystemFilter, AxFilter
SystemManaged, form permissions, Set permissions for a form
SystemTable, Development experience
SysVersionControlFileBasedBackEnd interface, Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX with other version control systems
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