Locating Commands

The shell uses your search path ($PATH) to define the list of directories to search whenever you type a command. See Chapter 3, “Solaris Shells and Variables,” for a description of the $PATH variable. If the command is not found in the search path, you will receive an error similar to this one:

ksh: lpsched:  not found 

In this case, I typed the lpsched command, and the system responded by telling me the command was not found. I know the command exists; I just don’t have the path defined in my PATH variable. To find the path to a command, use one of the following commands:

Command Description
whereis <command> Locates the binary, source, and manual page files for a command.
which <command> Locates a command and displays its pathname or alias.
whence whence is used to show the absolute pathname of a command. whence is a shell built-in and is only available in the Korn shell.


The whereis command is actually an old BSD command and is located in the /usr/ucb/ directory with all of the other old BSD commands. If the root user does not have /usr/ucb in its search path, you might get the whereis: not found message when running this command as root.

Example 1:

To find the location of the lpsched command, I’ll use the whereis command as follows:

whereis lpsched <cr> 

The system displays the following information about the lpsched command:

lpsched: /usr/lib/lpsched 

Example 2:

The which command will only search the directories specified in my search path to locate the file. In this example, I’m logged in as a regular nonroot user. I’ll use the which command to look for the command named lpsched in my current search path:

which lpsched <cr> 

The system displays the following information about the lpsched command:

no lpsched in /usr/bin /usr/ucb /etc . 

Example 3:

The whence command displays the absolute pathname of a command. When used with the –v option, I can display information about any command or reserved word that is used in the Korn shell, as follows:

whence if <cr> 

The system displays the following information:

if is a reserved shell keyword 

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