A Sample JumpStart Installation

The following example shows how you would set up a custom JumpStart installation for a fictitious site. The network consists of an Enterprise 3000 server and two ultra1 workstations.

Setting Up the Install Server

The first step is to set up the install server. You’ll choose the enterprise server. This is where the contents of the Solaris CD are located. The contents of the CD-ROM can be made available by either loading the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive or copying the CD-ROM to the server’s local hard drive. For this example, you will copy the files to the local hard drive. Use the setup_install_server command to copy the contents of the Solaris CD-ROM to the server’s local disk. Files are copied to the /export/install directory.

Exercise 7.6 Setting Up the Install Server

Follow these steps to create the install server:

Insert the Solaris Installation CD-ROM into the server’s CD-ROM drive.

Type the following:

cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Tools 
./setup_install_server /export/install 

The system responds with this:

Verifying target directory... 
Calculating space required for the installation boot image 
Copying Solaris_9 Tools hierarchy... 
Install Server setup complete 

Eject the Solaris 9 Installation CD-ROM and put in the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD-ROM. Let vold automatically mount the CD-ROM.

Change to the Tools directory on the CD-ROM, as follows:

cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/Tools 

Execute the add_to_install_server script as follows to copy the images from the CD-ROM to the /export/install directory:

./add_to_install_server /export/install 

Repeat the procedure with the CD-ROM labeled Solaris 9 Software 2 of 2.

Creating the JumpStart Directory

After you install the install server, you need to set up a JumpStart configuration directory on the server. This directory holds the files necessary for a custom JumpStart installation of the Solaris software. You set up this directory by copying the sample directory from one of the Solaris CD-ROM images that has been put in /export/install. Do this by typing the following:

mkdir /jumpstart 
cp -r /export/install/Solaris_9/Misc/jumpstart_sample /jumpstart 

Any directory name can be used. You’ll use /jumpstart for this example.

Setting Up a Configuration Server

The following exercise outlines the process of setting up the configuration server.

Exercise 7.7 Setting Up a Configuration Server

The next step is to set up a configuration server. Follow these steps:

Log in as root on the server where you want the JumpStart configuration directory to reside.

Edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file. Add the following entry:

share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /jumpstart 


It might be necessary to run the /etc/init.d/nfs.server startup script if the NFS server daemons are not running. See Chapter 22 for more information.

Type shareall and press Enter. This makes the contents of the /jumpstart directory accessible to systems on the network.

Working with the sample class file and rules files that were copied into the JumpStart directory earlier, use them to create configuration files that represent your network. For this example, I create a class file named engrg_prof. It looks like this:

#Specifies that the installation will be treated as an initial 
#installation, as opposed to an upgrade. 
install_type initial_install 
#Specifies that the engineering systems are standalone systems. 
system_type standalone 
#Specifies that the JumpStart software uses default disk 
#partitioning for installing Solaris software on the engineering 
partitioning default 
#Specifies that the developer's software group will be 
Cluster     SUNWCprog 
#Specifies that each system in the engineering group will have 50 
#Mbytes of swap space. 
filesys any 50 swap 

The rules file contains the following rule:

network - engrg_prof – 

This rules file states that systems on the network are installed using the engrg_prof class file.

Validate the rules and class files, as follows:

cd /jumpstart 
/usr/sbin/install.d/pfinstall –c /export/install engrg_prof 

If check doesn’t find any errors, it creates the rules.ok file. Look for the following message, which indicates that the pfinstall test was successful:

Installation complete 
Test run complete. Exit status 0. 

You are finished creating the configuration server.

Setting Up Clients

Now, on the install server, set up each client as follows:

cd /export/install/Solaris_9/Tools 
./add_install_client -s  sparcserver:/export/install -c sparcserver:/jumpstart -p  
sparcserver:/jumpstart -e 8:0:20:21:49:25 -i sun1 sun4u 

./add_install_client -s sparcserver:/export/install -c sparcserver:/jumpstart -p  
sparcserver:/jumpstart -e 8:0:20:21:49:24 -i sun2 sun4u 

This example sets up two engineering workstations, sun1 and sun2, so that they can be installed over the network from the install server named sparcserver.

Starting Up the Clients

After the setup is complete, you can start up the engineering systems by using the following startup command at the OK (PROM) prompt of each system:

boot net  -  install 

Booting from an HTTP Server

New in Solaris 9 is the capability to boot from an HTTP server. You must first compress the custom JumpStart configuration files into one file. The compressed configuration file can be one of the following types: tar, compressed tar, zip, or bzip tar. The compressed configuration file cannot contain relative paths. The custom JumpStart configuration files must be in the same directory as the compressed file.

Next save the compressed configuration file on an NFS server, on an HTTP server, or on media that the system can access locally. When you boot the system to initiate the custom JumpStart installation, specify the location of the compressed file. For example, if your JumpStart files are located on a NFS server, type the following:

boot nfs://<servername>:<IP_address>/<jumpstartpath>/

If your JumpStart files are located on a HTTP server, type the following:

boot http://<servername>:<IP_address>/<jumpstartpath>/

If your JumpStart files are located on a local hard disk, type the following:

boot file://<jumpstart_dir_path>/<compressed_config_file> 

You’ll see the following displayed on the screen:

Rebooting with command: net – install 
Boot device: /iommu/sbus/ledma@f,400010/le@f,c00000  File and args: - install 
SunOS Release 5.9 Version Generic_32-bit 
Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
whoami: no domain name 
Configuring /dev and /devices 
Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. 
Configured interface le0 
Using sysid configuration file 
The system is coming up.  Please wait. 
Starting remote procedure call (RPC) services: sysidns done. 
Starting Solaris installation program... 
Searching for JumpStart directory... 
Using rules.ok from 
Checking rules.ok file... 
Using profile: engrg_prof 
Executing JumpStart preinstall phase... 
Searching for SolStart directory... 
Checking rules.ok file... 
Using begin script: install_begin 
Using finish script: patch_finish 
Executing SolStart preinstall phase... 
Executing begin script "install_begin"... 
Begin script install_begin execution completed. 
Processing default locales 
        - Specifying default locale (en_US) 
Processing profile 
        - Selecting cluster (SUNWCprog)  
WARNING: Unknown cluster ignored (SUNWCxgl) 
        - Selecting package (SUNWaudmo) 
        - Selecting locale (en_US) 
Installing 32 Bit Solaris Packages 
- Selecting all disks 
- Configuring boot device 
- Configuring swap (any) 
- Configuring /opt (any) 
- Automatically configuring disks for Solaris operating environment 
Verifying disk configuration 
Verifying space allocation 
        - Total software size:  401.60 Mbytes 
Preparing system for Solaris install 
Configuring disk (c0t3d0) 
        - Creating Solaris disk label (VTOC) 
Creating and checking UFS file systems 
- Creating / (c0t3d0s0) 
- Creating /opt (c0t3d0s5) 

Beginning Solaris software installation 
Starting software installation 
SUNWxwrtl...done.  401.55 Mbytes remaining. 
SUNWulcf....done.  397.28 Mbytes remaining. 
SUNWuium....done.  397.25 Mbytes remaining. 
SUNWuiu8....done.  390.46 Mbytes remaining. 
  <output truncated> 
Completed software installation 
Solaris 9 software installation succeeded 
Customizing system files 
        - Mount points table (/etc/vfstab) 
        - Network host addresses (/etc/hosts) 
Customizing system devices 
        - Physical devices (/devices) 
        - Logical devices (/dev) 
Installing boot information 
        - Installing boot blocks (c0t3d0s0) 
Installation log location 
        - /a/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log (before reboot) 
        - /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log (after reboot) 
Installation complete 
Executing SolStart postinstall phase... 
Executing finish script "patch_finish"... 
Finish script patch_finish execution completed. 
Executing JumpStart postinstall phase... 
The begin script log 'begin.log' 
is located in /var/sadm/system/logs after reboot. 
The finish script log 'finish.log' 
is located in /var/sadm/system/logs after reboot. 
syncing file systems... done 

The client reads the sysidcfg file, then the class file, and then the rules.ok files on the server. If any system identification information is missing in the sysidcfg file, the client will display the appropriate dialog requesting identification information. The system then automatically installs the Solaris operating environment. This completes the JumpStart configuration.

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